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Everything posted by Doomberg

  1. I would say you're fine, considering your explanation. Thanks for remaining calm and civil. We'll see what Farcry has to say. Improvement-wise? One does not generally expect a loyalty-implanted captain to lie to his head of security about this sort of thing, so I don't think you really did anything wrong.
  2. Alright. Since we're all intent on doing... this, I'll be locking this thread for 12-24 hours. I'm hoping we can actually have a normal, civil discussion after that. @Mods/admins: Feel free to unlock this yourselves once the minimum amount of hours has passed, if I haven't gotten to it already. Thank you.
  3. Alright, let's make this clear: A loyalty implant does not permit you to violate regulations to this extent, under any circumstances. It being "good RP" does not excuse anything whatsoever. I'll be handing this off to the staff members responsible for whitelist applications, considering it very much concerns them.
  4. I'll look into the general IC in OOC dogpiling. (As for the goggles, you get that message when you join as a job that can't spawn with the item in question)
  5. Could you give us some details regarding your reasoning for starting the fire in the first place?
  6. If you believe a member of staff is wrongly enforcing a rule, you are expected to request clarification via adminhelp, not insist on arguing with them in OOC despite being told to stop. That is, indeed, grounds for a mute. Whether or not being muted for the entire round was excessive is debatable. "Stop it", while not the most diplomatic way of putting it, is not disrespectful. The comment that was seen as IC in OOC is in a bit of a gray area - I would not personally enforce the IC in OOC rule in this case, but I see no reason to reprimand a member of staff for doing so, either (albeit it was entirely pointless).
  7. Denied due to failure to reply to staff and general user inactivity. Feel free to appeal again once you're ready to answer any questions that might arise.
  8. Ban should be lifted by now. Hopefully you've taken the time to read our rules.
  9. Nah mate. I've said multiple times on multiple forums. The official goal of the group, is to remove the person you're using to feed you logs. Which is fairly hypocritical, considering you bitched at the group for exploiting the privacy of the players who ERP'd. The only problem most of the group has, Doom, is with you, and your insidious staffing methods. As well I'm sure we'd all really like some sources as to these attempts to where they'd publicly slander/humiliate a member of staff, excluding you of course. Edit* I shouldn't say staffing methods, I haven't really cared to watch you. What I meant to say, is your insidious behaviour during this incident. "It's okay because you're the only target" doesn't justify a single action, sorry. As for where? Here, Reddit. Edit: Please don't interpret this as me attempting to start another back-and-forth. Everything to be said between us has already been said to death, there's not much point anymore, and this thread was not made for that.
  10. Due to an incident in which only our players/community members were involved, on a server that piggybacked on ours for obtaining the majority of its playerbase. The semi-public mockery of our players is what bothers me, not the fact that it was ERP. Less serious? I probably misspoke(typed?) if you believe this is what I meant. "Much easier to root out and deal with" was the intended claim. No such fuss would have been made in that case. Ban reason? No. Major contributing factor? Yes, at least in my own view. Couple of examples to refer to: http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=2882&p=28737#p28737 http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=2882&p=28727#p28727 http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=2882&p=28716#p28716 http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1556 http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1266&p=11603#p11603 Yes, some of these are, at least partly, in a gray area. I picked them for the sake of illustrating the entire "revolutionary" mindset I've seen constantly manifest in someone who hardly played on the server. Making this public was dumb, yes. No one is being policed in their free time, that is hyperbole. No one is being banned for disagreeing with staff in any sense, and that is quite easily proven by the fact that the people who are vehemently doing so are still able to post and play to their heart's content. Moving on: I would urge those among you who are still interested in this issue for whatever reason to take a step back and glance at the various posts that were created regarding it in the past two or so weeks. This once, look past the perceived meaning of these messages and examine, instead, their tone and intent. More reference material for your viewing pleasure: Whether you agree with the initial measure and its execution or not, I find it extremely hard to believe that you can still fault the staff after taking in consideration all that's happened, the announced intent of certain members of the group in question to do as much damage to Aurora as possible, to attempt to publicly slander/humiliate various members of staff, etcetera - especially when most of their actions have been in line with said intent.
  11. I have a very annoying tendency of being viciously jealous about even the smallest of things. (Viciously, but silently.)
  12. Where the hell am I and how did I get here
  13. Alright. Since you have nothing further to say in your defense apart from a vague attempt at humor, I'll be locking this and addressing the complaint later.
  14. http://i.imgur.com/OmTohsY.png This was the post you made after I asked Ryfer to relay that you should probably delete your previous post, which was in a similar vein. As for the warning being mislabeled: That is purely my fault, I have explained the issue, the reason will be adjusted, etcetera.
  15. Apparently I'm late. Tl;dr: You were not warned for talking about genitals. You were warned because that was your third troll post in about 24 hours despite being discreetly told not to make posts like these, to which you responded by making more posts like these. The debate of what falls under PG-13 and what doesn't is ultimately irrelevant and for another place. No, I wasn't clear when I asked Tish to warn you - you're free to blame me for that, I apologize, it was a lapse of judgement. Any further questions?
  16. We can do this and face accusations of trying to make a spectacle of her ban, or we can take the alternative and face accusations of covertly dismissing undesirables. There is no winning.
  17. Well, banning her for it is just catering to the most recent vocal masses (are they masses, though?) of the server. And ignoring the prior mission/mindset of the server. But, different schools of thought, I guess. Times change. Sometimes this can't be helped. But see, for example: so many people wanted Sue gone because she was confrontational, or rude, or whatever. I tried treating her like a normal user nevertheless while I was headmin (ignoring whatever requests people were making as long as they were too ridiculous - talking to her in instances where she did step over the line), and save for a few people accusing me of favoritism (which I dismiss to this day), the world didn't end. Sue's still here, the server is working fine, and in all honesty, the people finding "offense" with whatever she might say and invoking tone policing tend to be a greater annoyance than any of her own posts could've been. Sue lost her dev position because of the way she acts. Sue has been smacked over the head for the way she acts. Sue, however, did not do any of the other things mentioned, hence she is not permanently banned. And no, this is not a result of us listening to the "masses", so to speak.
  18. It's not about political correctness, it's about people being dicks and causing infinite drama. You may interpret her posts as lighthearted banter, but I don't think a whole lot of us see it that way.
  19. Okay. You cite a server that permits its staff to publicly shit-talk other servers. You're, uh, free to go there, if that's your cup of tea.
  20. Let me quote you a fun little snippet of our rules. The first thing you're greeted by once you open them, actually. To an extent, leniency is permitted on the forums. To an extent. Do remember that the ban is not in place solely because of her "tone", or because of the clique/extremely open group that shares ERP logs/whatever the hell. It's a result of all of these issues combined, culminating in the semi-private mocking of our players. Regarding evidence of genuinely being a dick, barring the skype fiasco and the ERP mockery and whatnot? As said before, most of her posts are in the vein of this one.
  21. I'm not certain how you can claim our behaviour is in any way comparable. I've already addressed the claim of staff members allegedly spreading ERP logs amongst their friends in the other thread. As for belligerence? Yeah, there are a couple of belligerent people on staff. Some have been reprimanded for it, others not - what they have in common, and a trait you do not seem to possess, is knowing there's a limit to the amount of shit one can reasonably dish. And yes, Johnny, I am tired, but I'd rather not go to sleep knowing we have yet another shitstorm brewing. You're free to sleep in my stead.
  22. Insult me to your heart's content, I don't quite care and you're not exactly helping your case. The train of thought of "Oh, I tried asking nicely and they didn't give me what I want, so let's shit on their carpet" is flawed for fairly obvious reasons. Carry on, though, by all means. Watch. It makes no difference to me, as long as you are no longer doing what you've done thus far.
  23. You seem to have a bad sort of Messiah complex. Let me tell you something, girl - you are not the solution to our problems. You are not the champion of the oppressed. You are someone typing angry words on an internet forum with the misguided idea that it will make people change. It will not. The only thing you've achieved? Adding yourself onto our apparently growing list of problems. That's not how you make any sort of beneficial change. Stand down, there is no point in doing things this way. There never was and there sure as hell won't ever be.
  24. You can't take what Cass says with a grain of salt? I fail to see what's so insulting in her post. The entire "let's shit on the playerbase" attitude that seems prominent here and in many other posts. Maybe it's just me here, but I'd like to think I'm not the only one who sees it.
  25. And this. This is the exact sort of behaviour I was talking about. If you think this happened because I don't like you or because Skull doesn't like you or because, god forbid, you disagreed with staff, okay, I'm not going to try to justify it for the millionth time tonight. But I will just say this: There are ways of expressing your opinion without being belligerent and insulting. And until you've mastered said ways of conveying what you think, you are a problem. As for the ERP fiasco, I've already discussed it to death in the other thread. Won't repeat that here.
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