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An alternative to Medical Sensors : Tracking Implants.


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I'm going to be blunt here : Medical Sensors are absolutely horrible at driving roleplay and actively hinders it.

Both for Antags AND Medical.

Here's my suggestion : Remove the tracking beacon setting for suit sensors.

It literally just boils down to "park your ass infront of the medical sensors for the entire round." If you try to do anything else you get yelled at for not doing your job. And then called back to medical, basically forcing every medical player to AFK in reception until something pops up.

Antags suffer as well. You literally can't stealth effectively with some fuckwit Sec officer running around in maint like a goddamn neanderthal and then yelling "HELP MAINT" and getting your location and cover blown immediately.

It also enables bad behaviour where players can run into fights and dangerous situations like lemmings without self preservation because Medical is tracking them at all times and they little to no repercussions when they can get patched and fixed in a matter of minutes after their unga bunga.

So, here's my suggestion : Tracking implants. There'll be a box in medical and unless you're implanted, you can't be tracked. They'll usually be reserved by high priority crew like Heads of Staff and they'll be in limited supply so not every power hungry officer will get an implant.

This will make jobs like EMTs and Paramedics more dynamic - they are going to HAVE to be outside of medical to respond to incidents, and actually do something other than jerking off in the EMT room.

(and medical doctors will have room to breathe in reception)

Players will actually value their lives and try not to rush autistically into antag fire because they might not get rescued by Medical.

Anyway, that's my suggestion. I'd like to actually walk out of medical reception to roleplay for once. Thanks for reading.

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This is a -1 from me. It's largely unneeded. The largest problem with people running into conflicts has always been the knowledge that you can always be cloned. With cloning locked behind a ribbon job (essentially taking it out of play completely), people rushing into conflicts are likely doing so because of other factors besides a guy halfway across the station can see if they get damage.

Plus, you picked medical. No roleplay for you, desk-boy. Get back to watching those sensors.

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This is a -1 from me. It's largely unneeded. The largest problem with people running into conflicts has always been the knowledge that you can always be cloned. With cloning locked behind a ribbon job (essentially taking it out of play completely), people rushing into conflicts are likely doing so because of other factors besides a guy halfway across the station can see if they get damage.


Oh wow, what a useful suggestion.

Honestly, do you even have any good reason for keeping suit sensor tracking beacon in the first place? If you had one, i'd be happy to hear it. Anyway, you can't clone without a corpse and half of medical (especially specialist jobs like psychologist and chemistry)


Plus, you picked medical. No roleplay for you, desk-boy. Get back to watching those sensors.


Yeah, thanks. I come to my heavy roleplay server to NOT roleplay.

How about you play some LRP server where you can enjoy not roleplaying and doing nothing but your job? Would be much more than this server.


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A couple things.

First, there are tracking implants available in security and they are intended as a punishment for medium to high level crimes. I know it may differ from player to player, but for the most part implantation is usually seen as a bad thing.

Second, I think what you're suggesting can be accomplished with fewer changes. The suit sensors already rely on telecomms to work properly. I'm not certain if this is already a mechanic but adding the ability for the radio jammer to also jam suit sensors would effectively allow the kind of stealth you're talking about.

For antagonstis without an uplink, there are other means available. Changelings have a silence sting, vampires have dominate, cult can use emp to disable comms. I don't know if emp also disables suit sensors but that would be worth a look as well.

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Manning the medbay entrance is probably the most RP job there is on the station because it's 1 hour of sitting on your arse before everything comes crashing down like a Juggernaut through security. There's nothing else to do than to talk to people as you watch that monitor so I have no idea how it stifles RP.

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