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Renaming Jackboots


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Security standard issue footwear- The jackboot. I wasn't around when whoever made up that name, probably a good while ago, it's my opinion that it helps with the 'tyrant security' thing, and could easily be fixed with a small change to the code. While some may be into it the whole 'boot stamping on a human face forever' deal, it really doesn't seem like it'd help with PR, even a few hundred years in the future, and jackboots don't appear like they'd be the best boots for security duty on a space station, besides intimidation - I've never worn any, so I can't say, but they don't seem like they'd be all too comfortable, either. Maybe have parade boots/dress shoes as alternative?

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I agree with this in the sense that jackboots are pretty impractical in real life.


As you can see, they have no laces and sit way too high on the shin. While this is good for riding a horse in the 1930's-1940's, aboard a station, it's just gaudy and uncomfortable.

If we renamed it to combat boots, it would make more sense.


As seen here, these boots actually have laces and make sense that a security team would wear.

Considering that the klacking noise is already removed, we can assume that the security team is no longer goosestepping when they walk.

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Guest Marlon Phoenix

"Jackboots" seems fine to me. It just adds a bit of impeccable fashion sense to security - say what you want about authoritarian regimes, they have great taste in uniforms. This isn't changing anything of that, just what we call them - and words have as much power as you decide to give them.

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I kinda agree with renaming them, just due to the fact that they don't actually look anything like Jackboots in the sprites we have.

I would be happy to have renamed to "Work boots" or "Leather Boots" or "Patrol Boots" or something, or something as simple as "Black Boots".

Because to be fair they look nothing like Jackboots (Like I said) they look more like these for example:





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Combat boots is probably a no-go, considering an item in the code named Combat boots already exist, though, I'm not sure how often they're used.


IIRC combat boots give a little bit of tolerance versus certain forms of damage, as well as those SWAT gloves.

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IIRC combat boots give a little bit of tolerance versus certain forms of damage, as well as those SWAT gloves.


Half-right. Combat boots give you ludicrous armor exceeding that of the armored vests (except only on your feet, of course.) SWAT and Combat gloves, despite being two different items, confer no armor bonus.

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I believe Skull said the combat gloves (or at least the ones with the combat glove sprite) act as insulated gloves.

ON-TOPIC, however. Yes, please rename jackboots. Security's image should not be "authoritarian fascist mallcops."

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