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MelodicVoids Dionaea Whitelist Application

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BYOND Key: MelodicVoid


Character Names: Mae Aiiko, Riluxin Xrimqu-Tup, Kara Vecario, Rilumim Feiire and Bill Mull (I have over 20 characters, but those are the ones I have played most recently.)


Species you are applying to play: Dionaea


What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt):  Exempt


Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:  Indeed



Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question


Why do you wish to play this specific race: Dionaea are radically different then any other race. I find them overly intriguing and think they would be a lot of fun to play, Being slow and mainly pacifist but also extremely curious and not driven by emotion means that one would have to adapt a different style of roleplay from both the Skrell and Humans I play now. they should prove a new challenge and a new aspect of fun for me as a player. There characters and characteristics I find to be more interesting due to the aspect of mystery compared to other species. 



Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:  The mechanics of a Dionaea are drastically different then any other race, they are slow but strong. Curious but not driven by emotion. They speak in third person as they are a consensus of many. They heal from radiation and require light to live. Atmosphere and lack of pressure has no impact. They are significantly more analytical. And curiosity is a main, if not the main driving factor of a Dionaea. They also view death differently, and consumption is a important part to the deceased’s ascension.


Character Name:  Walker of Dark Skies


 Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs:

It started on a uncolonized planet in what is now known as the Frontier. Deep within a forest where many nymphs dwelled. They ventured around within the forest, some become a Gestalt while others roamed the forest. One day a group of three Nymphs hanging around a large tree near a opening curiously watching the sky as they felt a immense amount of radiation energizing them, to the distance the noticed a flying object land in the nearby opening. They went off to investigate. While investigating the area a strange being exited a now seen opening on the object, followed by another both making strange sounds. The nymphs entered the shuttle and explored a short way in until they found a small metal object blocking a small path. One of them opened the object and slid inside. The other two followed suit. Exploring this small area led to a large open, Farley lit area that was filled with odd decaying objects. The nymphs happy to leave that dark tunnel and to find this new area with light and things to explore began eating and exploring every object in the room.

They object suddenly shifted as it took off to the skys, the Nymphs curious by this movement went to investigate . They found themselves in different areas, One found itself in a large room with two objects and many colorful lights. Basking in the glow the Nymph noticed the two creatures from before sitting on the objects. The nymph moved forward examining the leg of one of them. The creatures focused on the lights did not notice the Nymph until it bit one of them. Gaining some knowledge. The creatures quickly reacted negatively and caught and caged the nymph who bit one of them. They spoke into a strange object on there heads and quickly the other two where round up and put in the cage with the one who bit the creature.  

The creatures took the Nymphs to a exploration and science focused ship, in which a scientist was tasked with the education and exploration of the Nymphs. The scientist was already a fan of Nymphs and had 4 of them he had roaming around his lab. The Nymphs quickly explored and shared information with each other. The Scientist was named Jamal Wundi. One day Jamal woke up and went to his lab to find that nymphs had become a Gestalt, while one nymph remained separate from the Gestalt. Jamal spent many hours teaching and explaining things to the Gestalt. Like how the first three where found a garbage freighter that worked for the company he worked for. The freighter was taking refuge during a solar storm and due to the unique characteristics of the atmosphere on the planet there were from it provided a natural shield for them. After quite some time of assisting and learning from Jamal the Gestalt who called itself Walker of Dark Skies left to continue their path of curiosity. They quelled their curiosity in school, gaining a education in science. They stayed there for many years, learning a vast amount of information. They learned of a station called Aurora which was said to be the forefront of discovery in Tau ceti and applied to work in the science division to explore more then what the schools could offer.

Now hired by NanoTrasen they make their way to the station to begin there fulfilling career of quelling curiosity.   



 What do you like about this character?

Personally I believe that this is a good character to start with, Science is a excellent fit for a Dionaea. They are curious and are focused on learning everything they can, in a new environment. They will prove both fun and challenging to roleplay as I get use to the way a Dionaea is supposed to act and react to situations. There lack of attachment and views on death should lead to some fun situations.



How would you rate your role-playing ability?

No one is perfect, by any means and there is always room for improvement. I would rate a 7/10



Notes:  Please provide any and all feedback, negative especially. I prefer to know where I can improve from what I am doing well. Apologies for the longer backstory 

thank you for taking the time to read my application - Void


Definitely a solid RPer, though your activity has been somewhat spotty. Not that that really matters for a species whitelist. Would like to see Melodic around more, and I vouch for their RP abilities. +1 from me. 

Posted (edited)

Hello, @MelodicVoid! Sorry if I was a little late, it was a bit of a busy week. But with this aside, first I want to say something:


G A R B A G E  B O Y S


Okay, I'm good now. With that out of the way, I'd like to say that these guys have a delightfully humble beginning which is probably my favorite thing. My biggest question is this, however. Does the atmosphere of the planet have a very strong anti-radiation shielding? Please note that mechanically they do feed off of light, yes, but lore-wise they actually feed off of electromagnetic radiation. Some lights emit ultra-violet radiation and there are specialty bulbs out there for both plants and animals alike that emit UVB. The station's outfitted with fluorescent light bulbs which cater to their needs in a sorely minimal way by releasing a safe amount of UVB. Our planet still allows quite a bit of UV rays through it's atmosphere- both UVB and UVB- is this frontier planet more or less similar in that aspect?

Edited by Neinbox
Posted (edited)

I do see how that complicates the situation. The planet is a frontier planet with a very unique atmosphere, as all planets would be unique. The atmosphere has a very minimal protection layer, similar to a ozone layer. This layer allows alot of UV light though, so much so that the planet is not hospitable to humans. The ship was protected due to the ozone layer acting much like water, when the massive EMP hit the planet from the solar flare it hit a wall, that dispersed it over a section of the planet before the layer let it through. Allowing for the ships shielding to absorb the remainder of the EMP harmlessly. 

(When it comes to a EMP from a solar flare not even our atmosphere protects us, it'll short every electronic it touches, so I had to make a new one) 

Thanks for the reply, I can edit the actual application to include this if you wish. 

Edited by MelodicVoid
Posted (edited)

After a little review of the application and your account and delayed by a technical difficulty, I'd say that this character seems as solid as your application, which although vague has left a positive impression on me. Gotta say, the Ckey fits well with the species too lol

Sorry for keeping you waiting- Enjoy!



Application Accepted.

Edited by Neinbox
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