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Animal Self-Defense/Escape


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Monkeys and many "passive animals" would, logically, attack someone who has cornered and is hurting them. Imagine if someone walked up to Pun-Pun and kicked him a couple of times, and during this, he's just biting their hand. For nasty payback(maybe a fractured hand if pun-pun gets lucky). Chauncey or Ian could fall into this category. They will remember their assailants and maintain distance from them(attack if attacked again, don't run. maybe threatening emotes.). There could be a 50/50 chance of either the animal attacking or running away, remembering you.

Not every animal or creature has to fight back. Some of those animals could just run with an increased speed away from their attacker for a few seconds, before stopping. If that animal or creature sees who attacked them again, they will move to maintain distance from them if possible. Some of these animals or creatures could bolt very fast if they survive the first hit. Chickens and other farm animals may act this way.

Oh, and make mice do the above behavior without even having been attacked in the first place.

Edited by Fortport
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Love the idea. Monkeys should also try to resist grabs, and animals shouldn't be able to be picked up on help intent if you have attacked them before. It'd add just a little more edge weight and danger to unethical animal testing.

It'd be nice to have a gun modulator or a chemical to pacify these animals, as well. Perhaps paxazide could work?

Edited by VTCobaltblood
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The only thing in this I'm into is mice running away.  I'm not keen on animals randomly turning rabid because I accidentally click intented them the wrong way.

Though some kind of chemical that DOES make them go crazy hostile would be neat, like drop a bunch of monkey cubes in the bar and set of a grenade filled with water and this chem and a pack of angry monkeys starts mauling people.

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16 hours ago, Kaed said:

The only thing in this I'm into is mice running away.  I'm not keen on animals randomly turning rabid because I accidentally click intented them the wrong way.

It doesn't have to be guaranteed, but it should happen sometimes. If you walk up to a dog or a monkey and piss it off, it could either get scared and run away or attack you. And yeah, something that makes ANY animal hostile would be awesome.

Edited by Fortport
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Having 'smart' monkeys that fight back would be hilarious, having seen it in other codebases, yet would be absolutely garbage for xenobiologists in particular unless they suddenly got an infinite supply of sleep toxin. If an animal ended up permanently aggro'd on someone you'd generally see Security needing to kill said animal, defeating the purpose of preventing 'animal cruelty' in the first place.

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23 hours ago, Carver said:

If an animal ended up permanently aggro'd on someone you'd generally see Security needing to kill said animal, defeating the purpose of preventing 'animal cruelty' in the first place.


Could make it temporary, you know. What if they keep the reflexive behavior until the perpetrator runs out of range for a little while?

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