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TheNewOrleans - SecBan Appeal

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BYOND Key: TheNewOrleans

Total Ban Length: Permanent Security JobBan

Banning staff member's Key: Drwago @DRagO

Reason of Ban: 'Validhunting and powergaming with a ninja suit, using it to hunt an antag'

Reason for Appeal:

Well, first I would like to say that the reason I'm opening this, when I said I would wait a week or a couple to take a break from Sec is that I'm so mad at one fact.

Azka @IAmCrystalClear was wearing the suit too and she got jobbaned from Sec, however, she was UNBANNED 45 minutes after the ban happened d79921dca31cfa9f7c7d6c8ab304d02f.png

when I was told she was punished just as I was.


So, I was banned for using a ninja suit to do my work in a more effective way, after the antag explained to me how it worked willingly (he started explaining it without being asked to), and when I heard that my security mates were dying, I decided to use the knowledge the antag just gave me to take him down, as the Warden I was. Why this is not powergame nor validhunt?:

- If someone knows how to use the ninja suit, it's the owner, who explained to Nick how it works.

-If someone is able to learn quite fast how a new rigsuit works is someone with a lot of experience with EVA suits, Nick.

-If someone is able to learn quite fast about experimental and research things is a Volvalaad, per LORE, this makes sense.

-If someone would use all this knowledge to put on a suit and fight the guy killing people, that's someone from Security, in this case the Warden.

I used the ninja suit bad on purpose multiple times, jumping to where I didn't want to and getting shot multiple times for it. I tried to roleplay just like someone who was just quickly instructed, without any experience.


I'm so mad right now knowing that Azka was unbanned 45 minutes after her ban and I wasn't when I had even more reasons and more roleplay behind using it.

Edited by TheOrleans
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The issue and difference in the bans is, while Crystel did take the suit from robotics and attempted to chase antags with it, they had not gone fully through with it and were admitting of there wrong doing. A punishment is to hope the player learns what they did wrong so its not repeated and the behavior is noted. Crystel admitted they were wrong and showed they learned there lessen so I felt that lifting the ban was appropriate and changing it to a warning, and if they do it again they will receive a perm sec ban again.

The difference here is the Ninja claimed you asked them for instructions on the suit and they gave vauge instructions on the modules, which you took a experimental hardsuit from a intruder that was stored in the armory, as the warden mind you, then used a energy blade to attack a antag in hand to hand combat. This is a clear example of powergaming and validhunting, my question is, can you or do you understand what you did wrong here and how can we ensure you dont repeat this happening?

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3 hours ago, DRagO said:

The issue and difference in the bans is, while Crystel did take the suit from robotics and attempted to chase antags with it, they had not gone fully through with it and were admitting of there wrong doing. A punishment is to hope the player learns what they did wrong so its not repeated and the behavior is noted. Crystel admitted they were wrong and showed they learned there lessen so I felt that lifting the ban was appropriate and changing it to a warning, and if they do it again they will receive a perm sec ban again.

The difference here is the Ninja claimed you asked them for instructions on the suit and they gave vauge instructions on the modules, which you took a experimental hardsuit from a intruder that was stored in the armory, as the warden mind you, then used a energy blade to attack a antag in hand to hand combat. This is a clear example of powergaming and validhunting, my question is, can you or do you understand what you did wrong here and how can we ensure you dont repeat this happening?

The Ninja, I repeat, started giving instructions without being asked to, and my character took advantage of it to take down the one who was killing his security mates.

This is so stupid in my opinion. If I say: yeah I won't do it again I was wrong I will get the ban lifted, which is what Crystal did, and get it changed to a warning.

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No, as thats not how it works. You actually need to show me you have improved and understand before I would consider lifting this. You cant just say it without meaning as that tells me you will do the same thing again.

Im going to be denying this until you can show there has been actual progress and understanding of what you have done wrong in this situation

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