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[2 Dismissals] Improve Staff Ticket System - Cross-Round Tickets


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I don't know whether this is feasible due to possible BYOND limitations, however it would be very nice if the ticket system supported new rounds.

What I mean by this is that when staff are handling a ticket at the end of the round, the round has to be delayed to handle the ticket because (and this is conjecture, as I don't actually know as I am not staff), round restarts cause active tickets to vanish - which is why the server auto-delays if a ticket is open.

If the system could be modified so that open tickets transfer into the next round, it would mean we don't have to delay new rounds for sometimes 10-15 minutes while staff investigate issues - something that causes a lot of boredom for players, and has a noticeable affect on server population (people get bored and leave before the next round comes).

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5 hours ago, Azande said:

I don't know whether this is feasible due to possible BYOND limitations, however it would be very nice if the ticket system supported new rounds.

What I mean by this is that when staff are handling a ticket at the end of the round, the round has to be delayed to handle the ticket because (and this is conjecture, as I don't actually know as I am not staff), round restarts cause active tickets to vanish - which is why the server auto-delays if a ticket is open.

If the system could be modified so that open tickets transfer into the next round, it would mean we don't have to delay new rounds for sometimes 10-15 minutes while staff investigate issues - something that causes a lot of boredom for players, and has a noticeable affect on server population (people get bored and leave before the next round comes).

Its really close to impossible for a number of reasons, mostly given the server restarts itself and does not save that ticket data I believe, that and not everybody is around for cross ticket stuff, and with that Im voting for dismissal

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