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Wigglesworth Bites the Tajaran Bullet

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BYOND Key: Wigglesworth Jones
Character Names: Going to stick with my most recent characters: Sinclair Khaing, Omari Etienam, Geneva Lerato, Valeska Caladius, Vincent Gallardi
Species you are applying to play: Tajara
What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Taupe (72, 60, 50)
Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this specific race: Tajaran lore is really quite developed, and has a lot of chances for interesting or unique characters. I also had a character concept for a Tajaran, so I decided to apply.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:
Tajarans have multiple subspecies due to selective breeding, and as a result there is a racial caste system in play, most obvious with discrimination against the Zhan. Tajarans are technologically underdeveloped compared to humanity, and have a retrofuturistic kind of 'aesthetic' - using bolt action rifles along with laser guns. This culture and technology clash are an interesting part of Tajaran lore. Tajarans also are discriminated against (beingly mainly used for labor in the case of Zhan,) and are mostly confined to gang-filled slums outside of Adhomai. And, of course, the civil war on Adhomai itself is an important part of Tajarans.

Character Name: Yevgeniy Koshelev
Please provide a short backstory for this character
Yevgeniy Koshelev was born in the capital city of Nal'tor to a family of devout Hadiists, and was raised to be one as well. Although sheltered from many of the horrors of the civil war, Yevegeniy, wanting to serve his country, instead decided to use his talents in the field of observation to act as an informant for the People's Strategic Intelligence Service. He routinely reported suspicious behavior or actions deemed counter-revolutionary to the secret police, using his job as a barback to listen in on conversations. 

Later being asked to work in the field of "Defense with enemy-connections and for the immediate processing of persons suspected of counter-revolutionary actions," he traveled outside of PRA territory to Biesel, in order to attend an university. After applying for a job with NanoTrasen (as they were one of the better-paying companies that hired Tajarans,) he planned to continue his work as a loyal patriot to the People's Republic, and get a degree while he's at it.
What do you like about this character?
He's a proper PRA goon, and loyal to his home country. I fully expect conflicts with other Tajarans,  because he's an informant and also a bastard.
How would you rate your role-playing ability?
8/10. I think I'm okay at roleplaying, but have room to improve as usual.
Notes: He serrrves the People's Rrrrrepublic.

Edited by Wigglesworth Jones
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As I've noted in previous applications of his: he's an adept writer who creates varied and interesting characters/stories. Not only that, but he's improved upon my previous criticisms commented in his Command whitelist application.

Creative, accepts criticism, always pleasant to play with. +1

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You know I love you Wiggle, but this is pretty minimal. At least to me. It's your choice to take that criticism in or not, but, I have questions regardless.

What are Yevgeniy's(also fix his name in the 'character name' line) views on religion? Raskariim, specifically?

W-what is he? M'sai? Hharar? 

All in all, this isn't a bad app, it just lacks a lot of detail and it genuinely tells me nothing about Yevgeniy nor anything much about Adhomai.

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Fair criticisms. I often have issues with backstory when making these applications, and it was very barebones.

He's of the Hharar breed, for one. Probably should've specified that in the app. 

Yevgeniy is a devout S'rand'marr worshipper, and is superstitious enough to stay inside during Shi-rra Arr’Kahata. He has reported Raskariim groups to the authorities on multiple occasions (most commonly "Door and Key" cults,) and holds a distrust if not fear of Raskariim born from a mixture of their anti-establishment beliefs and the Parivara's hatred for them. Although it was difficult for him to visit after the start of the war, Yevgeniy has made a pilgrimage to Sana Sahira before, and hopes to do so in the future.

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While the backstory is kinda short, I believe it display enough knowledge about the lore. But I have some questions.

How old is this character?

What job are they working on station?

What degree are they after in human space?

How does he sees the war and the other two tajaran faction?

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Yevgeniy is 24 years old, and will be working as a bartender on the station. He's after a degree in Culinary Arts to assist with his field, though a degree isn't exactly necessary to be a bartender. He sees the war is "righteous," so to speak, and seeing as he's a patriot, he believes that the other two factions are a bunch of radical terrorists who commit war crimes on the daily and counter-revolutionaries who seek to undo the revolution that broke the chains of Tajarans. He believes that with an Adhomai unified under PRA rule, the Tajaran peoples will be ultimately better off.

Sorry for the short reply, I'll add more tomorrow if need be.

Edited by Wigglesworth Jones
Altered the age.
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