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[ACCEPTED] TheSenate's Command Whitelist

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BYOND key: VVilliams

Character names:

Stephen Webb (Surgeon)

Brock Johnson (Cargo Technician/Cook)

Nickolas Pershing (Research Assistant) 

How long have you been playing on Aurora?: I want to say it's been almost a year? At the very least, 6-8 months.

Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I'm ready to take on additional responsibility and become a Chief Medical Officer.

Why did you come to Aurora?: It was the first heavy roleplay server my friends and I saw listed on BYOND for SS13, so we joined in and stuck with it.

Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: Yes, I have.

Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? None that I am aware of.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay is acting without an explicit script. We have some basic rules to guide us, a synopsis of our roles, but the exact actions and lines are left up to the individual player. Roleplay is intended to be a form of multiplayer entertainment, so naturally the goal is to facilitate an environment that is enjoyable for all the participants. Everyone will have a different idea of what their character is, or should be, and sometimes those ideas are not compatible with the environment facilitated by the community at-large. However, by keeping in mind that the ultimate goal here is to make the roleplay enjoyable for everyone involved, not just ourselves, lest we make the environment incompatible and unsustainable, we maintain a community where everyone gathers at least some satisfaction from every event possible, even those which are inherently negative (IE: Death).

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: I think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is to be an example. Just like supervisors in the real-world, we expect our supervisors in-game to set the example and provide us with the standard that all members are expected to meet. Setting the example is not limited soley to a high standard of roleplay, although that is an important aspect, a staff head must also seek to foster a culture which subordinate players find to be inclusive and conducive to their learning requirements. Space Station 13 is not a simple, or easy game, it takes time to learn the roles and staff heads are in the perfect position to help new players learn those roles, while also maintaining a high standard of performance amongst known players who are more experienced in their roles.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: A whitelisted player, is a trusted player. Just like I said above, I believe the role of those put in such a privileged position is to uphold standards, provide a solid example, and facilitate an inclusive learning environment for those less experienced. I would strive to meet that expectation by organizing my department in a way that provides all players subordinate to myself with the tools necessary to learn whatever it is they need to learn, and uphold existing standards of roleplay across the board. It's also important to remember that everything starts with the individual, and that means I will need to personally maintain a high standard of professionalism and roleplay.

Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career? (I guess I shouldn't have ignored all those "incoming reports" from Tau Ceti Daily) 

Jokes aside, I know there have been some changes concerning the rights of varuca staff members, now being allowed to promote into command. While Stephen has only personally dealt with it on one occasion, I can tell you that he was not a huge fan of those arrangement as was not trusting of his insect supervisor. Generally speaking however, Stephen places professionalism over his own personal concerns and is willing to set aside those feelings if that is what it takes to keep things functioning. Stephen tries to focus on his own career, and does his best to leave outside forces (IE: Politics) out of it, hence why I'm filing this application, to allow him to promote into a new role, as is natural progression.

What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? Chief Medical Officer

Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.: Stephen Webb (Surgeon --> Chief Medical Officer)

How would you rate your own roleplaying?: 9, there is always room for improvement, and I don't think it's a good idea for someone to rate themselves a "10" in any category.

Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? I do.

Have you familiarize yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? I have.

Extra notes: I know medical recently underwent a major update (in my opinion for the better), and funny enough it actually made the whole thing easier for me. Without disclosing personal information, I do possess real-life medical knowledge and experience (at a professional level), so the fact that the new system brought us (a little) closer to the real world, gave me a pretty big boost in morale. With those big changes, I'm more ready than ever to assume the role of CMO and help get people up to speed.


I'll be handling this application and will decide on a trial or denial on Saturday.

Please try to advertise your application every round. The current feedback is very lacking.


I don't mean to come across as insulting, but I've never seen any of your characters before. I consider myself fairly active. I can't, in good conscience, support an application for someone I have never seen before. Similarly, you only have two posts. Your second one was your Command whitelist application. You may wish to become more involved in the Forums as a regularly seen name before making such an application.


I shall not + or - this application, I have the same concerns as Brutish. I play almost every single day, and the only character I've seen of yours is Webb. However I rarely see them and maybe I'll see them once or twice a week if lucky. You also do need to become more active within the community. Being a command member is a big role, I don't have experience in it, but I have been interim plenty of times before, and I know how stressful and demanding because a head can be.


+1 I see them often. they have good interaction, RP, and I think they will do well as a head of staff.  In my opinion they are active and a member of the community. I also think it is unfair to criticize someone's application because you personally do not recognize them. 

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Dark1Star said:

I shall not + or - this application, I have the same concerns as Brutish. I play almost every single day, and the only character I've seen of yours is Webb. However I rarely see them and maybe I'll see them once or twice a week if lucky. You also do need to become more active within the community. Being a command member is a big role, I don't have experience in it, but I have been interim plenty of times before, and I know how stressful and demanding because a head can be.

While I completely understand not having an opinion on someone you never really see, I think that it's invalid to argue that I should not be whitelisted -because- I don't play enough. The whole point of a whitelist is it's a list of people who are trustworthy enough (which I believe I've proven myself to be, having been at least semi-active for most of the last year, w/o a single rule violation or complaint), this list can be however extensive or exclusive as the community managers desire it to be. It is to my understanding however, that there is no numerical limitation on the number of whitelisted individuals, therefor, I would refute the point that I should be excluded based soley on my inability to play daily. I play as often as I can, I go to school for and work in the medical field, all of that naturally takes priority. By filing this application, I am asking for permission to assume a command role -when I am available-, which I am absolutely capable of doing. 


Edited by TheSenate
13 hours ago, TheSenate said:

I think that it's invalid to argue that I should not be whitelisted -because- I don't play enough

Agreed. I have my whitelist, yet I am very inactive at the moment. Does this mean I should have mine revoked, despite showing I'm capable of having it? Absolutely not.

I've seen Webb a few times. (I haven't been around as much as I'd like), and I honestly like your application.

I'd like to see a trial for you. +1


I agree with this app. Stephen Webb is a guy who is knowledgeable, and I've seen this guy take on patients in emergency situations to provide surgery on the go with great precision and accuracy in what they were doing to prove they understand how the role they should be playing is meant to be played, and that they take it rather seriously when it comes down to it. Complete endorsement on my end. 

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