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Mirk's Custom Item

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Key:Mirkoloio

Character name:Fabian Goellstein

Item name:Conversion Kit - NT APF Armor, Worn Security Beret.

Why is your character carrying said items to work?He's working for the APF, since the Nt Navy doesn't exist anymore. This is a CHANGE app. Not for a new item

Item function(s):The conversion kit would simply turn a Wardens jacket OR a Security armor suit into Mr Goellsteins NT APF Armor, with armor.

Item description:

For the Beret:

This is a NT Asset Protection Force Beret. It has the NT APF insignia on it as well as the Name "Goellstein" inside.

The Jacket after it was converted

NT APF Armor

This is a NT Asset Protection Force Armor. It is fashioned as a very badass jacket in NT Security Colors. The nameplate carries the Name 'Goellstein'. It Looks very sturdy.

Item appearance:. A blue NT Security Jacket with some red trims and livery, designating them as APF Officer. The beret just a blue Beret with red insignia. The jacket should fit with the uniform, please.

Additional comments: Thanks a ton? :mrgreen:

The Beret shall be:

NT APF Beret.

The Jacket will be:

Don't Forget to add the armor. AFterall, It'd be a conversion kit for a Piece of security armor.

Edited by Guest

I think this is just a lotta trouble for one or two items. I think we could simply do this if you had a custom coat sprite that spawned with you. That's the easier way to handle tbh. +1


A better solution to this would be to just have a single custom item that is a jacket with armor underneath?

Doesn't need to be flashy like the HoS', enough to stand out without deviating from uniform too much.

I don't see how a conversion kit could turn into two different jackets? Or modify an existing jacket. Doesn't make any sense...at all.


Toolio is right there. I mean, how would you feel if I spawned in as assistant with a HoS grade armored coat and would somehow be selected as traitor and then go on killing all the people? ((I wouldn't do that))

You'd have a hard time taking me out then. Wich would be an unfair advantage over people.


I guess we could trust you not to play assistant with this coat? Just limiting yourself to security is the best option. If you play a diverse amount of roles with this character I guess we could trust you to simply dispose of it, not use it or, ask an admin to remove it.


The Item itself is already ingame and spawns on me. This is merely a request for it to be changed. Because atm it is a "NT Navy Coat" and a "Navy beret". But NT Navy was a thing in our old lore. It's non existent anymore. I'd like it to be changed as stated above in my first post.


Except that you didn't say that in any part of this thread, lol. Now, I'm willing to have it edited to NT Security, but I would have the coat locked to Head of Security while the beret is unlocked for use on any job. Small items like a badge or a cap representing an on-station job are passable because it shows your history and/or support to said department, and can help you in interactions with a head of personnel if you wish reassignment, but a jacket is more of a thing that people actually in the department would wear. Not to mention that a head of security jacket being worn by someone like an assistant would be too confusing because Head of Security is a head of staff job on-station. It's the same reason I wouldn't allow a Captain to have a captain jacket custom item outside of captain. Heads of staff have to be identifiable as said head of staff. As such, I don't want to allow a custom item on a non-head of staff that will allow them to identify as a head of staff.

TL;DR: Willing to edit coat and beret, but only make the coat available as head of security, and the beret can be available to any job. How does that sound?


Sounds perrrrfect. Please make sure to add armor to the jacket. Because a HoS jacket without armor it no HoS Jacket.

Thanks a ton,



Excellent. Consider your application approved. I will now lock the thread, and set the prefix to Processing. Make sure to check back every now and then because once the prefix is changed to Complete, then it means the item is present in the code, and ready for your use.

  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...

BUMP. Last posst was months ago. Updates to the Custom item Happening. I want this done. It was posted in march.

The Beret shall be:

NT APF Beret.

This is a NT Asset Protection Force Beret. It has the NT APF insignia on it as well as the Name "Goellstein" inside.

The Jacket will be:

NT APF Armor

This is a NT Asset Protection Force Armor. It is fashioned as a very trendy jacked in NT Security Colors. The nameplate carries the Name 'Goellstein'. It Looks very sturdy.

Don't Forget to add the armor. AFterall, It'd be a conversion kit for a Piece of security armor.

I want this done. It was posted in march.


You do not boss me or the developers or SoundScopes and have no room to make demands. It will be finished when it's finished and that is that.


Oi, Hang on there. it wasn't meant to Boss you or anyone around. The Item was delayed because I lost my head whitelist. It was supposed to be for my HoS. But now, I'd like it picked up again and done for officer.

  • 6 months later...
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