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[Accepted]Hocka's Diona Application

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BYOND Key: Hocka

Character Names:

  • Jeremiah Echard
  • Arbalest
  • Ajax
  • Za'Akaix'Vex Zo'ra
  • Edward Beckett
  • Aleister
  • Sqrlesh Wuib-Xrl
  • Esslo Ioraks
  • Kyle Harrison
  • Ryan Tatran
  • Khanh Hoang

Species you are applying to play: Dionae

What color do you plan on making your first alien character: N/A

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.


Why do you wish to play this specific race:

I've always thought Dionae biology and mechanics were interesting and I have wanted to apply for a whitelist for somewhere upward of a year now after experiencing/witnessing certain interactions with Dionae characters - I took so long to actually get around to it because I struggled to make up a background and character I fould both satisfactory and would also make for a good and fun character on-station. I finally got the motivation to apply because of an idea that popped into my head during a conversation, which I really wanted to see carried out and roleplayed, and now I am here.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

One of the most glaring differences I find at very first glance between Huma and Dionae is the fact that Diona as we most commonly see them on-station are gestalts - which are not precisely one singular entity, and are a collective of a number of individual nymphs, but are able to act, speak, think and be treated as their own singular entity through the bond the nymphs in the gestalt form. The next huge facet of Diona for me is that not only does radiation not hurt them, it's a source of health and growth to them and is something to be sought after, as opposed to something that - as a Human - would be a source of long-term harm. Light and darkness is also another subject entirely to Diona - for Humans it is a matter of not being able to see, whereas for Dionae it becomes a life-threatening situation. There are also facets of roleplay to be explored with the fact that cyclopes gestalts can split and reform, and aren't confined to a singular being like Humans are.


Character Name: That Which Unites Screws with Flesh

Please provide a short backstory for this character (Aproxomately two paragraphs)

That Which Unites Screws with Flesh was originally formed some decades ago on a relatively small planet in the Frontier. More specifically, a metal salvaging and scrapping facility, where many forms of metal are sold and dumped to await disassembly/smelting. Living conditions for Dionae on the planet are not ideal, and nearly border on being downright impossible to survive. However, the company that owns and runs the facility (or what semblance of a company there is) imposes very loose restrictions on what is parked and stored in the facility providing rare yet frequent enough sources of radiation for Dionae to live off of, causing the Facility to be a type of oasis for the small, struggling Dionae community that are planet-side. These conditions are what laid the foundations for That Which Unites Screws and Flesh - a small gestalt - a cerberus that was bordering a cyclops gestalt finds itself - as ever - on the quest for growth. The conditions that the gestalt finds itself in means it cannot afford to be picky in the nymphs it recruits to it's union and because of this, contains a small number of stunted nymphs. While these nymphs can provide very little in the grand scheme, the gestalt made an effort to utilise the unique environment it found itself in - an act from which it gained it's current name. It began utilising old pieces of irreversibly damaged IPC frames in order to make up for the stunted nymphs, henceforth becoming That Which Unites Screws with Flesh.

Through it's various journeys winding through the masses and heaps of scrap metal, the gestalt happened upon information of a system that would be far better grounds for the gestalt to reside - a system occupied by a nation dubbed the Republic of Biesel. A nation where many people and beings of varying species and background are supposedly able to coincide with the malleable melting-pot culture - and surely, a change of living conditions alone would be enough motivation for the gestalt to make it's decision on transitioning. The Gestalt did, however, have to secure funds and citizenship - citizenship was easily attained from the Coalition of Colonies once the Gestalt went through the official channels, but securing funds had to take much longer. While the Gestalt had no wishes to stay in the scrap-heap of it's origins, it provided an easy opening for a low-wage job in the form of menial, generic labour.- ranging from carrying things, to cleaning, etcetera - and it at least granted them easier access to the core needs of a Diona. After approximately ten years in the incredibly low-credit work, the Gestalt had finally managed to secure enough funds to get itself enough chipped nymphs and transportation to Tau Ceti.

Eventually finding itself in the Republic of Biesel, the Gestalt was, what one could say, excited. Able to gain more experiences, and much more new knowledge to be acquired. On it's introductory to the Republic, it found itself irresistibly drawn to the comparatively booming population of Dionae on Biesel - it had already had a very brief induction to Biesllite-Dionae culture when it arrived in system, able to very faintly pick up the Biesellian Song as it drew closer and closer to the source. That Which Unites Screws with Flesh found it could sympathise greatly with the Biesellian Choir - perhaps that it's existance as a gestalt utilising stunted nymphs could be defended, in a community which refuses to sell off their stunted young. It started to integrate itself with the ideals of the Eternal - finding itself wanting to assist in the efforts of the cluster, leading it to seek employment once more utilising the same skillset it had developed on the frontier planet it originated from - carrying out simple labour to provide what little it could - at least now with it's new environs, the Gestalt no longer had to competitively hunt down radiation and light, as it did in the Frontier, allowing it to take on a positive attitude about what some could consider degrading or potentially discriminatory work and wages.


What do you like about this character? I'm really excited about the partially-metallic nature of Screws and being able to RP out unique interactions with things using this facet of the character, which I feel can help make my character stand out and have neat little interactions with other characters.

 How would you rate your role-playing ability? I would like to think I am a decent roleplayer and if I had to rate myself on a scale of 1-10 I'd throw myself in at a 7, maybe an 8 on a particularly good day. 

Notes: N/A


I actually really like the app. It explores the life of a frontier dionae and also touches upon life in Biesel in a hopeful sense which is kind of what the Biesel Choir is all about. Couple of questions:

- What sort of crew role are you thinking of having with this character?

- How did the character get a job with NT?

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Zundy said:

What sort of crew role are you thinking of having with this character?

I was leaning towards them being a janitor. This is namely because Screws is largely unskilled and wouldn't have the funds to "buy" a new skillset from Blood Buddies, having only saved up the money to get itself to Tau Ceti, but already has experience with basic labour (such as cleaning and moving things) from the job they had to take in the Frontier.


1 hour ago, Zundy said:

How did the character get a job with NT?

Screws, after finding itself amongst the Choir in Biesel, would try to apply to as many open positions as it bealieved it could feasibly fulfill so it could feel like it's doing it's part to provide back to the community it feels defends it - Screws' expectations of payment are very low, both because it wsan't paid very much during it's Frontier job and also because it would be willing to work for a low wage as it's simply greatful to be provided with the base needs, which wasn't so much the case on the planet it originated. This lead to making Screws a very cheap source of labour, so I'd think that NT would take the opportunity to employ some extra-cheap, easy-to-satisfy labour.

Edited by Hocka

Hi! Thanks for applying, and I've given your application a couple of read-throughs. Forgive me if these questions seem lame, but I'm studying for my math and economic exams tomorrow!


How does your Dionae view IPC? 


How has your Dionae's hunting tendencies manifested? They used to hunt for light and radiation - how would this affect them now? 


There are no wrong answers!

7 minutes ago, Caelphon said:

How does your Dionae view IPC? 

I feel like Screws would have a mild interest in IPCs, given the fact that they can walk and talk like other living species, but comprised almost entirely of metal or other synthetic materials. I don't think their opinion would harshly swing one way or the other, however, until firsthand interactions have them begin to form an overall opinion of IPCs in general. While they were saved (or at the very least assisted) by IPC parts, it was never a fully-functioning IPC that came to their aid. They may be more keen to take a positive approach to them and potentially even finding kinship with the right interactions, however.


27 minutes ago, Caelphon said:

How has your Dionae's hunting tendencies manifested? They used to hunt for light and radiation - how would this affect them now? 

I think Screws would be more precautionary about a lack of the two, given their growth in the Frontier, though maybe with time they could become lax and perhaps what some could consider lazy as from their point of view they are essentially being lavished after arriving in Tau Ceti as compared to how they had to live in earlier years in the Frontier. They also had to adapt to the idea of private property and possessions when they integated themselves into a working 'employee' of the scrapping company - not everything it saw was something it could simply take for it's own growth. Theft was to be avoided to as to not anger the hand that (almost literally?) feeds them.

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