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(ACCEPTED)Rushodan tries to play an alien! (Skrell Whitelist Application)

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BYOND Key: Rushodan

Character Names:  


Species you are applying to play: Skrell

What color do you plan on making your first alien character: A yellowy-blue

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes I have


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this specific race: Recently I wanted to expand both my OOC understanding and my options when it came to the other races as currently I have only humans and IPCs at my disposal. I do have ideas for a Unathi character and a Tajara, but what interests me most is the potential within the Skrell race itself. I love their place in the universe, being race that has been allied to humanity the longest and also being the most technologically advanced. This is somewhat due to their desire to learn and fully explore topics instead of being content at degree level and also due to their cyclical brain expansion; reaching mental 'growth spurts' where their potential suddenly grows. They are able to think about projects on a much longer-term scale than humans would ever be capable of due to an increase in memory from the expansion, as well as processing capacity. I also very much enjoy the information provided on the wake and the dream; the implied thought field on which all skrell connect is just super exciting. Ultimately it all fuels my excitement to create a Skrell scientist-type that works in general research on the Aurora.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

Firsty, lets cover social interaction. When interacting with other races the Skrell can come across as cold, emotionless and heartless - which isn't the case. The reason for this is many of the tones a Skrell can use are outside what is perceivable by any race that isn't Skrell. They would never respond to petty insults directly in public as doing so is seen as improper and showing that you are of low intelligence. A human in-contrast could start a screaming match over a colleague disliking their hair. Skrell humour is also vastly different, taking on the most basic form with reacting to unexpected situations with a fuzzy feeling in the mind. Similarly fear hits them in a similar way that humour does, provoking the similar reaction of a chirrup. 

The most important difference is lifespan however, with Skrell being able to live up to 500 years of age with current medical technology. This allows them to show little care or worry for consequences that last less time than a decade, such as a small insult or a personal rejection. While humans may get stressed and worried over these  small things Skrell are typically resiliant to the stresses of everyday life, however this comes with the caveat of stress being harder to release for Skrell as well. They are also more vulnerable to events that happen over longer periods.

Character Name: Ziyy Qyu-Nioh

Please provide a short backstory for this character:

Ziyy was born on Aliose in 2383 with one twin sibling and no complications. They had a fairly normal and standard upbringing where they were able to stay close and learn from their caretakers, resulting in a perfectly normal and happy child with well developed communication skills. They went through Kindergarden and began to show an affinity for scientific research, not doing so well in other subjects like galactic history. Upon going through their first college studying combined Chemistry and Physics Ziyy was able to go on a field trip to Biesel space, allowing them to witness the difference races in the galaxy for the first time ever.

This meeting fostered a desire to learn and know more about the other races in the galaxy, leading the young Skrell to know that they would want to work outside of the Federation when they had finished with formal education. The next few years involved Ziyy getting schooling credits in Chemistry and Physics, Advanced Physics with Chemistry and finally specialising into Interstellar Travel, which included extensive research into Bluespace Travel and Phoron. They worked in some Federation institutions to gain experience, but finally the call of the different races left Ziyy with wanderlust. They were snapped up by NanoTrasen's Research department and assigned to the NSS Aurora as a Researcher in 2464.

What do you like about this character? 

Ziyy Qyu-Nioh I think will be interesting due to how they will at first interact with the different races and species of the Aurora, as well as them being plenty young in comparison to Skrell ages. They will be comparatively happy and outgoing compared to your everyday Skrell and I believe will hopefully be interesting for the other crew to interact with. They will have difficulty communicating their enthusiasm to other races though, due to what was explained in the differences section earlier.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

Give me a 6/10 due to how easily I get distracted!


no buli


Hi! Thanks for applying!




1) What of Ziyy's Quya? Do they have any left? How did they feel about their departure to human space? Do they have any other profound relationships (https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Skrell_Relationships) that have impacted them greatly? Perhaps a Lu'Poxii at school? 

2) Aliose is known for their tightly packed cities far beneath its surface. Does this have an affect your Skrell's personality? Do they have issues adapting to the massive cities on Biesel? 

3) You mention that Ziyy specialised in Interstellar Travel. Do they have any expierence on spacecraft? If they do which one, and how has it affected them today? (https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Federation_Spacefaring)

4) What species does Ziyy like the most? Which do they relate with the most, besides other Skrell? Is Ziyy have a hobby for studying their culture and history to better befriend them?

5) What does Ziyy think about the Jargon Federation? Are they loyal to them, or do they harbour sympathies for the rebellious factions under the Resistance? (https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Skrell_Factions)

6) Ziyy worked at institutions in the Federation. Which ones? Did they enjoy their brief period whilst there? (https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Skrell_Factions)




Hi @Caelphon, those are some really great questions and definitely provoke some more thought into my character. Allow me to answer them one by one in a quoted format below:

2 hours ago, Caelphon said:

1) What of Ziyy's Quya? Do they have any left? How did they feel about their departure to human space? Do they have any other profound relationships:
To answer this, I will bring up the obvious one which would be the Qu'Draa of their twin. They would have spent a lot of time together growing up, only really splitting after their aspirations took them in different directions. Their twin would have likely validated that it is okay to be fairly antisocial when it comes to other Skrell as Ziyy is a bright shining star of potential when it came to their research instead.

During college a Lu'Poxii would form between themselves and someone working in their same field. They would hit it off to start with, becoming quite close and having the potential to develop into a Qu'Poxxi, that is until after the field trip that sparked Ziyys great interest into alien life. The previous adored friend couldn't understand their interest and constantly made points that Ziyy felt encouraged to disprove and dispute. This debate raged back and forth until Ziyy finally left their studies and entered the workplace, determined that she would integrate with alien life some day and prove their partner wrong. 

2) Aliose is known for their tightly packed cities far beneath its surface. Does this have an affect your Skrell's personality? Do they have issues adapting to the massive cities on Biesel?
Good question. I would like to add a slight paleness to Ziyy if this is appropriate and potentially write in an affinity for darker spaces instead of bright, sunlit ones. They will probably prefer an Odin apartment to base their research from and avoid the bigger cities when possible. Artificial light is of course, preferable to natural light as it hurts their eyes less.

3) You mention that Ziyy specialised in Interstellar Travel. Do they have any experience on spacecraft? If they do which one, and how has it affected them today?
Ziyy would have gotten a chance to work upon and do their studies from a Jarqo-Class ship to better understand and learn from the low-tier warp drives onboard. Sadly their adventure did not take them planet side to meet any alien life in their natural habitats but Ziyy did get to board a few stations to stock up on supplies.

They would of had a chance to meet a few humans from the station around Silversun during one longer adventure and thankfully they were pretty nice to Ziyy, only getting slightly annoyed from the countless questions they asked. This would of added fuel to their biggest interest.

4) What species does Ziyy like the most? Which do they relate with the most, besides other Skrell? Is Ziyy have a hobby for studying their culture and history to better befriend them?
I would say that the species Ziyy likes the most are Humans, but this is just because they have the most experience with them. Their field trip would have taken them to New Hai Phong the first time and the second time would have taken them to Silversun (at least its orbit). Just seeing the sheer difference in human culture from two human planets would spark great interest for Ziyy. How many different 'kinds' of humans were there, what dreams and aspirations did they have...etc. Ziyy would love to have some alien friends and believes their research can help this, having friends would also feedback into their research! Everyone wins!

The question of who Ziyy relates most with is hard, as Ziyy wouldn't have much experience with alien races outside of humans and even their human knowledge would be limited. This is a question that some time on the station would hopefully answer as it is a bit too early for me to say just yet.

5) What does Ziyy think about the Jargon Federation? Are they loyal to them, or do they harbour sympathies for the rebellious factions under the Resistance?
In all honesty Ziyy wouldn't of had to think about this too much. Their caretaker would have looked after them and kept them focused on their studies before kindergarten and once enrolled in kindergarten and finally college the would be so focused on developing their understanding of alien races, physics and chemistry that precious little time or desire would be left for thinking about the Federation. They are content with how things are and believe that the Grand Council are to thank for this.

Perhaps this could be something that develops on the Aurora? If Ziyy ends up working alongside other Skrell perhaps they may attempt to open their eyes to the forceful control the Federation imposes and instead encourage them to look at the 'good' that the Plurqh'Quq are doing (or other groups).

6) Ziyy worked at institutions in the Federation. Which ones? Did they enjoy their brief period whilst there?
The enterprise Ziyy worked for after finishing their education would have been Xomor, with the focus on looking into how military vessels could more efficiently travel across the stars and the trials of different fuels engine systems could use. Phoron did remain vastly superior to many other fuels available to the Federation, at least in Ziyy's studies. They did manage a minor breakthrough on the bluespace drives used on military classes of ships, correcting a rounding error in the math to allow for a 0.00034% fuel efficiency gain. 

Ziyy did enjoy their work while they were there, but ultimately their hobby nagged away as they toiled each day. They wanted to be surrounded by aliens, not surrounded by fellow Skrell. After signing a few books worth of NDAs on the military designs they had worked on they would finally get a shot at their dream - hopefully it would be all it's cracked up to be.

If I made any mistakes or you have any other questions let me know!!


the double paragraph story left a bit to be desired, but the follow-up questions the character out nicely

i think shodan can play a skrell well, because they're british, and british are aliens

if they're bad at it, stripping a whitelist is easy

+1 i consider our relationship to be friendly


As mentioned before, double paragraph is kinda eh. But, I also think the answers to the follow-up questions more than filled the holes. 

I've played with you a few times on Sophie, and I've never had a serious complaint, so I think you'll do fine as a Frog! ?

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