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Remove drone speech comprehension


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Drones are lawed not to interact with humanoids or synthetic beings yet can understand all languages similar to cyborgs, why would this be a programmed thing?
This suggestion is to remove maintenance drones having language comprehension of any kind (except for their own language, matrix weave and drone speak)

This would mean that you cant suddenly be forced to stop or start doing something if a humanoid tells you not to or to do something in order not to interact with them by doing the opposite (Aka, somebody asks you to repair a window and thus you cannot repair the window as that would be following their orders, thus interacting with humanoid beings).

This would mean that maintenance drones cannot listen to peoples instructions and have an excuse for following or not following their instructions and there is a greater incentive on ordering drones via the maintenance drone control console in the drone fabrication area, this might make emagged drones less valuable as they wouldn't be able to understand their subverter but I think it would be better that way as they are very very good already.
The only downside to this is that maintenance drones would not know of blob locations, or be able to know when somebody doesn't or does like what they are doing and may result in an increase in humanoid on drone violence. As a result, I believe that the matriarch drone should be unaffected by this change as they would reasonably be allowed to comprehend languages for repair coordination 


I think people complaining over comms is one of the more important things for a drone to know of, because not everything sets off alarms. I.E. broken lights, doors, or windows. Perhaps if drones could be pinged by crew instead of only at the fabricator, this could work. Request consoles could have this function added perhaps.

2 minutes ago, CoffeeToffee said:

Request consoles could have this function added perhaps.

This is an amazing suggestion, as the drone fabricator area is a very niche and not often used area to the station. Thank you


I found this old ass defunct wiki page on maintenance drones some time ago while I was working on the Matriarch Drone, https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Maintenance_Drone

Please note that the Law 3 interpretation is debatable in terms of specific scenarios and circumstances. However, the following clarifications have been made:

- You cannot help with a task that the crew are handling, except in cases wherein your help will have no chance of negatively interfering, such as in a breach repair. If in doubt, AHelp.
- You are allowed to undertake significant tasks provided no crew are handling it and it does not violate Laws 1 or 2, such as setting up the engine (it is possible as a drone).
- You are able to understand the crew and use information you gain from them.
- You do not take direct commands from the crew, but you are still allowed to do the task you are ordered to do so long as you would have done it without being told to.


Essentially, my thoughts on it as the Official Maintenance Drone Man (not really) is that the AI onboard the drone is good enough to be able to process and interpret crew commands. The drones aren't stupid, they're just not as good as androids/cyborgs, and they are lawed against humanoid interaction. In my opinion, this is especially true for the Matriarch drone, who would have a bit of a smarter brain, but nothing's set in stone for that yet.

So, you're can speak to drones and tell them "fix that light" or "fix that airlock", and they would be smart enough to go, 'shit, that's a good idea bro'.


stupid ass poopy shitty fuckin dingus website forum application hoster api idiot



i wanna add that i'm not the authority on this (yet), staff, especially @Pratepresidenten (who i usually ask about laws im confused about), can chime in if i'm wrong

12 hours ago, geeves said:

You are able to understand the crew and use information you gain from them.

This is essentially the best reason why they should be able to understand languages. Passive intel from various sources.

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