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Gamemode: Horror


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Add a new gamemode, called Horror, that revolves around a 2 man Antagonist Team playing a monster and an AI-like narrator. The Antagonists' goal is to drive up the fear of the crew through whatever means they decided, and it is the crew's objective to both survive and defeat the monster.

At the start of the round, the pair of antagonists are chosen and presented with a menu. They will decide which one of them becomes the Monster and which becomes the Narrator. This list is not exhaustive, but I'm not super willing to write up a full ability list for each entity unless a dev expresses interest in taking on the project.

The Monster: This team member's job is to be the physical manifestation of the crew's problems. It could be anything from a supernatural humanoid to a SCP-like Bluespace Entity hellbent on revenge. To that end, I'd imagine some pre-made monstrous icons would be made accessible, so the Monster has some options to better represent its team's gimmick. The Monster is allotted a certain amount of points, then provided a list of abilities, both active and passive in nature. As the sole physical antagonist of the round, the Monster will need to be physically durable and powerful. To counter act this, the Monster will be required to accept some kind of weakness that the Narrator will enforce throughout the round. 

The Narrator: This team member's job is to be the embodiment of misfortune and paranormal activity. It would play similar to the AI, given an invisible body to watch the round unfold in. It's job is ultimately to set the mode, assist in terrifying the crew, and augment the Monster's storytelling abilities. With no body to fight, the Narrator perishes alongside the Monster, making the two tied together. Similar to the Monster, the Narrator is given a list of abilities at round start to purchase with its own pool of points. While the Monsters' exist to create a powerful opponent, the Narrator's abilities would largely be things affecting the environment, including station systems, lighting, vents, doors, psionic whispers, and other phenomena.  

The Narrator must also monitor the Monster, and ensure that it is reacting appropriately if its weakness is being exploited. I imagine the Narrator has some way to deal direct damage to the monster, if needed. Alternatively, to prevent the duo from coming up with some horseshit the crew can never figure out, a pre-generated list of weakness could be created in the event the freeform idea is rejected.


Whole this sounds interesting (and different from many other antag types), I really advise against leaving the Monster's weakness either up to the players or pre-selected. With the first, even good antag players are prone to mistakes and might come up with something horribly contrived and hard - while the second limits the ways in which a gimmick may be created, which you never want to do. I think it's perfectly fine to leave the Monster fairly strong if it's the only physical antag on the station, and also has some kind of limitations on whatever abilities/strenghts it has.

Overall though, I like this a lot. When I think back to my earliest, most favourite SS13 moments, it's always some kind of stressful or fearful part of a round. Seems much more refreshing compared to being gunned down or mechanically forced to obey someone's commands.

Posted (edited)

I massively approve. I occasionally chatted about the Shadowling from Paradise in dchat and how it could be tweaked (read nerfed) massively to work as some sort of monster that feeds and thrives in the dark and potentially spook crewmembers to quasi-literal death. The best SS13 rounds to me are those where either chaos or crazy IC fear rules rampant.

This reminds me of that idea, just...much better executed.

Yes. Si. Please. Add it.
A thousand of +1

Edited by OffRoad99

Coming back to it, I just thought about something... What should be the population required for the game mode to start?

With just two antags (and one being mostly passive), I don't think this should require a lot people around to play it, right? A handful or readied players at least? 5 or so? (Just something I'm interested in since I mostly play on deadhours).

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