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Diggey Mineson Consul- Command Application (round 2)

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BYOND key: DiggeyMineson
Discord Username: DeGurkin#5455

Character names:

Supsantangwongse Kantawong - Orion Express Mobile Base Captain

Zacharias Sneed - Independant Freighter Captain
Hezk'ata Kuhwinla - Unathi Apprentice Atmospheric Technician (Phoron Siphoner and ardent Tesla Summoner)

Ka'Akaix'Theth K'lax - Passionate Hangar Tech and Productive Miner

Han Song - Former Janitor, Current Xenobotanist

Layana Oumarou-Bouba - Personal Assistant

Ka'Viax'Pe Zo'ra - Elevator Attendant

There is more like Bob Roberts or X-avier or Frida Mofette or Otenell or my Hazel but it is unlikely you have seen them around because I either play them on lowpop or do not play them much


How long have you been playing on Aurora?:

first in 2016-2017, then again in 2022, been playing actively for the last 9 months with a hiatus in july

Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they?:
back in 2017 I have been warned for not making it obvious enough I was a Changeling when I linged someone.
I got a warning in 2022 for logging out while in a ticket, for a short context that entire interaction was flawed and resulted in the deletion of my character, I got a little emotional. This is by far the most serious warning i got and I still feel bad about that entire thing.

I got another warning 3 months later for using a PG13 Curseword  in LOOC.

None of these warnings are Active anymore of course.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:
OOCly the purpose of Heads of Staff is to facilitate roleplay and give a round a driving push.

What's Vital here is that they are tools for other players, not the main character gods forsake it!

Heads of Staff are targets, they are solutions, they are contact points for lower down players to be able to make changes and finally they are the ones sitting at the longer lever making department affecting executive decisions.

They are also a vehicle to feel good about your character, if you get a Head of Staff to sign off on your -whatever- it feels like a major accomplishment and I just love the idea of beeing able to fascilitate that.

Heads of Staff are there for other people to have an enjoyable time.

Heads of Staff also have an OOC obligation to interact with Moderation staff to drive a round with a weird gimmick into a universally enjoyable direction. Maybe the guy in the horsemask gunning people down at random isn't fun... But a good HoS can really pull a crew together.

Not to mention Ghostrole interactions here, as they are kind of needed to fascilitate interaction, with the ship, in general, to allow things like docking or calling in help from the TCFL.

Also of note is that a Head of Staff isn't supreme emperor badass. Even if you are a good player, leaving an opening to be overpowered or taken hostage drives roleplay.

The Antag is also a player and we are here to tell a fun story, not to instantly headshot them as soon as they enter your line of sight.


What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:
The Player themselves should be somewhat competent. Other players look to Head roles for guidance when they do not know what is up.

It is important here to treat your tiny little insignificant underlings with respect. Always. Just because the player doesn't quite know how to bake a cake doesn't mean their chef character is inept. Treat everyone like they went through their relevant education and know what they are doing ICly even if they need help OOCly

This is a workplace.

In related terms this IS a workplace, and you are a department head, sure the OM can go into the warehouse and sort some crates, but in the end it is not the OMs obligation to repair mechanical limbs or go mining. Delegate. Give people a driving push in the round to get their job done.

Rounds are always enhanced by having an idea of what to do, even if you decide to do something else.

Of course there is points where you need to step up.

If the Hangar Tech is using Phoron Crystals to make a Shorstwords scold them - You know what you did Russel (you shoulda asked first my guy).

As I said earlier the Whitelisted player also has an obligation to go along with things

This is a roleplay server and nothing and I mean NOTHING hurts as much as having a fun gimmick and someone just replying "no" (within reason of course)

The Scientist is making a really dumb request you KNOW is not gonna work? Humor them

The Chef is REALLY suspicious? Yeah sure I will see what's up with the freezer (within reason)

People have gimmicks and we employ the school of "Yes and..." only rarely do we pull out the "No but..." Someone with a whitelist should only in the gravest of circumstances employ the dreaded "No"


The Head of Staff has more information than the rest of the crew curtesy of beeing, ya know, a Head of Staff.

You are the first person people go to for answers and you need to make sure no one is panicking when people are flooding into your department asking for help

You need to make it clear what is happening and how your department can help/how your department needs to secure themselves.

We do not want EMT running into an active firefight unless they know there is an active firefight.

We do not want the Scientists to get caught in the ongoing hostage negotiation in EVA.


Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career?

Phoron crisis, FSF Carvaccio threatening to fire on the SCCV Horizon, The Vaurca have developed Wivenet in Flagsdale to get out of using Hivenet, there is riots, the price of phoron goods has risen in Elyra to stay competetive, even though it should still be cheap internally - so on so forth

What Affects my character personally? Hephaestus is finally opening a full branch office on Moghes officially marking Moghes as a Megacorporate Home name.

Uhaket Sarpei is the son of a minor noble in Jezht, a village in the outskirts of Janivir.

Janivir is not a very technologically advanced city, some building beeing constructed of wood and Stone, but despite this still boasts one of the largest population centres in Moghes (due to the fact it was not seen as a priority target in the contact war), a fact that Hephaestus Industries (here Hephaestus Guild) is keenly aware of.

As the different corporations have been vying for control of the newly contacted civilisation it has become clear that most megacorporations have attracted the ire of the Unathi people due to cultural incompatibilities. The only company able to gain the trust of the people effectively beeing Hephaestus, the only Megacorporation to have had a official Guild opened on the planet and with Recent events has taken the opportunity as having, essentially, a near monopoly on the Unathi people as a labour pool to open a full Branch Office on Moghes proper, this means the Moghes Guild will be able to start their own subsidiaries on Moghean soil.

One such push into Moghes is the modernisation of Janivir.

This is where we come back to Uhaket

Even as a hatchling the little guy was trained of course in Combat and Stewardship, a thing he naturally excels at.

From a young age he was sent to supervise little day quarries owned by his father in the outskirts of Janivir to provide the stone for construction of walls and housing. When he was a little older he liked to join in on the work, seeing it as dishonest to demand a quota without knowing what it takes to fill that quota, both physically and mentally. With his official Clan education and work experience he was contacted by Hephaestus Guild due to the discovery of a large gemstone mine in the area - This, unbeknown to him, was an active initiative pushed by Hephaestus in preparation for setting up a branch office on the planet, seeing Janivir as a problem area due to their isolation as a result of their harsher climate.

Beeing of a minor noble house, even if not a noble himself, plastering his face all over pamphlets for Hephaestus Guild would surely garner the admiration of clan Sarpei and open the area up for a Hephaestus Guild subsidiary.

The Problem with this plan became apparent almost immediatly. The man was using a Pickaxe and Chisel.

Years of education and corporate sponsorships later Uhaket was first allowed to oversee a small number of mining sites in the Moghes heartlands , beeing educated about what modern tools are used and how to most effectively employ them. It took them a little but the man wasn't stupid and after some Off-world training, This is where he first garnered his lifelong passion for Mechsuits, he was finally ready to be used as their local mascot.

At first he was put in charge of small mining bases on Asteroids, then, larger installations, finally, upon personal request, a Large Factory station producing mining Rigs. Things were going well for him.

This is when, during the recent robbery on the Horizon, in combination with the official grand opening of the branch office proper (a project years in the making) He was finally put on the Horizon itself!

Why? As a grand PR move of course! (not that he isn't qualified)

Hephaestus trusts a Unathi with keeping their ship running and supplied and they can print about his promotion in the Jezht Guild office just as the Moghes Branch Office is announced.

This is sure to get every man woman and child to sign up for the first major push into Janivir proper. With such a dedicated local workforce it would be trivial to start major construction projects in the larger metropolitan area and establish Guild Houses and a commercial presence with factories and excavation sites.


What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted?
On trial, Operations Manager. After acceptance, I will mainly play as Corporate Representative and Consular as this is my sole goal in this. I have no ambition to play as a Head of Staff, I personally do not enjoy the role. I want to facilitate roleplay and Character growth for other players and a Corporate Representative is a great narrative tool for that. One I barely see played.

Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles?
Yes. The main Command page is STILL incomplete and faulty at parts.

Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.:
Uhaket Sarpei - Operations Manager

Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?
Oh I insist. If I do a terrible job I would very much like to have it striken from me. Again I have no aspirations to XO it up, order a crate of guns and solo adventure through the Gremorian horde while letting every single one of my crewmates die through neglect. If I can't do it I can't.

Have you linked your byond account to the forums?

Extra notes:

Uhaket is reaching his 40s, having worked for Hephaestus for nearly 15 years

He is married, though his wife and children are home in Jezth

He is fairly wealthy and has since purchased some of the land his father owns

Uhaket is by FAR not the only Unathi in the grand opening strategem, he is one of hundreds of Unathi who are local heroes but are otherwise completely unknown, intentionally so. This is a drive to set up branch offices, not to win over the population at large and other Unathi are in positions of medium import.

To Moghes and the Unathi at large Uhaket is just another OM - to Jezht he is living the Hephaestus dream of hard work paying off.


I am moving to a different state so please pardon if I can only pay once or twice a day.

I think I have shown that I have an iron constitution when it comes to sitting in an office for 47 minutes without anything happening and still beeing an active participant in roleplay and still high energy enough to make it a worthwhile interaction.


elevator assistant is the sole protector of my sanity 

Jokes aside, Diggey has been extremely engaging to RP with, for me as OM at least. The array of characters is also pretty vast, ranging from serious FSF lieutenants to seedy independent traders and everything in between, so I'm confident in his abilities of RPing as Command/Consul. 

All in all, a good RPer who knows the department he is going to command for his trial. +1 from me.


Same as last time I guess, I am still supporting Diggey. I do enjoy their characters, both off (Supsa, Zach) and on ship (Theth, Hezk'ata), and I think they're fit for low-stress roles like operations manager (at the very least).

I support this app +1


Interacted with Han as a few characters and I, personally, think Diggey's a good fit. They engage with RP surrounding Han's experiments in, IMO, exactly the ideal ways for a research player. +1


Han Song being promoted from a janitor, which is a menial cleaning job, to xenobotanist, which is a job that requires a literal PhD in that topic, is unrealistic. I also believe that it is not allowed by our rules.

Secondly, one of your characters is literally named Sneed, which is a reference to a meme. Simply googling the word Sneed yields the very first result as a know-your-meme page.

Moving on forward...

Your response to the section of recieving administrative actions is strangely worded. You deliberately call your last warning "using a PG13 curseword in LOOC", this is distorting what happened.

Something that I find very odd, is the fact that many comments depositing +1s are literally making their first post on the forums ever, with two of them using the same exact wording format. I find that several new accounts solely dropping feedback on you is strange.

Finalizing, the concerns held since your previous command application still remain. I have had negative experiences with Han Song, but this was many months ago. I have never seen you play a lot recently, and neither have I seen you in any roles that make you suitable for command. Playing a mindless Viax that presses buttons on an elevator isn't really a good display of your roleplaying skills, and doesn't show to the whitelist team that you have the RPing and command skills necessary.

My question to you, what changed from your previous application to this one, except that more time has passed?


Agree with the above Re: the warning. Here's a link to what was actually said and done 


Gonna go ahead and -1 as every interaction I've had with you, IC and attitude-wise OOC, has been extremely negative. From downplaying admin issues, to seemingly demanding everyone plays exactly to your expectations, to your characters making strange choices.


I've not seen you play a non-consular command round yet, but the few I've seen as a consular often have you trying to throw yourself into any and every situation. Including and not limited to - and please correct me if I'm wrong and this was someone else - trying to broker peace talks in the middle of an armed protested you really had no business getting involved in?  Wrong dude, sorry!

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Peppermint said:

but the few I've seen as a consular often have you trying to throw yourself into any and every situation. Including and not limited to - and please correct me if I'm wrong and this was someone else - trying to broker peace talks in the middle of an armed protested you really had no business getting involved in?

You got the very wrong guy i have been playing Urhaket Sarpei and nothing but urhaket Sarpei

I do not have ANY consular characters

I am also in a probation/testing period so I would not dare make a Consular character.

If I do make one I would create them in conjuction with the lorewriters like I have done with Urhaket.


2 hours ago, Flpfs said:

Han Song being promoted from a janitor, which is a menial cleaning job, to xenobotanist, which is a job that requires a literal PhD in that topic, is unrealistic. I also believe that it is not allowed by our rules.

This change was done in cooperation with the Administrative team and multiple other command level characters as part of a storyline about 5 years in the making

Long Story short he was a Xenobotanist, was "no longer trusted" during the Winters arc, was given a mop and a pushcart (as Janitorial did not used to have any requirements) and later, after getting his work Visa renewed had a Talk with his Nanotrasen Corporate representative, and, together with the Captain and the Research Director



gave him a test period to prove he still got it, which he did, at which point we threw a huge party


This was also the away party for Claudia Arcavius

Nangeren, the Consular was there I swear!!


This was also done with Administrative permission, with the caveat that I may not change my job again like that.

This character is very old and very dear to me.


2 hours ago, Flpfs said:

My question to you, what changed from your previous application to this one, except that more time has passed?

I play a lot of Ghostroles, namely captains in Ghostroles.

I think that we have a lot of great fun adventures and I do not think that my growth is completely unnoticable.

On the Notion of Sneed specifically, I chose the name as a joke, this is true. But he is a 100% serious character and it is his last, not first name. The character is based on my Step father and on my oldest DnD character Zacharias, who became a lich. That character, Captain Zacharias, is a compassionate, stern, but understanding man who gives dregs and lowlifes a second chance at life on his cargo freighter. He is not a HEEHOO FUNNIE character. I usually put 100% into everything I do, including the Elevator guy, the elevator guy is admittedly 100% a joke submission.

Edited by Diggey
I remembered her face
12 hours ago, Flpfs said:

Something that I find very odd, is the fact that many comments depositing +1s are literally making their first post on the forums ever, with two of them using the same exact wording format. I find that several new accounts solely dropping feedback on you is strange.

No one asked me, but i guess would be good to answer on this, seen no real use of  forum besides reading applications, and then i found Diggey application so thought it would be good idea to plus rep him, counting his rp skills, so this one plus is legit


Diggey is one of players - whether they're playing an antagonist, ghostrole, Horizon character, whatever - that I know will deliver great roleplay. Their characters are often well thought out, interact widely and have a lot of presence. Many of them aren't flashy characters, relying on a wow-factor to be considered interesting, instead Diggey's attention to small details in the most mundane elements of lore brings up their characters. They turn what may have been a fairly plain character into one that can genuinely be interesting. I don't think anyone can fault their ability to come up with believable and engaging characters, besides maybe Sneed's name and not much more.

Being someone who plays captain a lot, I can speak on Diggey's command abilities as OM lately. Again, I think they're good at it. Diggey comes up with interesting ideas for slow rounds - rubbish collection, 5cr (or whatever it was) for every piece of rubbish brought to the Ops Desk - which just provide another thing to do, they have a lot of presence over the Command channel during code blue/red, actively contributing ideas as to what Command can do to resolve an issue, instead of slinking off and going forgotten, and they engage with the members of their department instead of being an absent or reactive head of staff. I enjoy having them around when I play captain, so I would say they're doing a good job of their trial so far.

As for the claims above regarding behaviour, I haven't noticed any off behaviour in the past 5 months since they were warned/lost a command application to it. It was a concern of mine last time they applied, but I don't think it's relevant anymore as they seem to have improved.

I'm personally glad to see you applying again, good luck. +1


I was sternly against the last application but I have to agree with kermit, that in the past months things have gotten better. I interacted with the Unathi of him the most recently and they are pretty good and interesting to talk to. Due to the nature of jobs I play I dont really interact with off-ship ghost roles that much but I dont think they "count" in my opnion anyway. 

His characters are better, and even the "joke" ones like the elevator attendant are not played like memes. It's actually a quite creative way to play assistant(?) + viax. Even if it doesnt show any command qualities per se. All in all I am neutral on this application but I already saw his OM plays are pretty good and I actually think Consular will be the perfect thing for him.


Honestly, roleplaying with their Unathi OM has been a blast, they're fun, know how to properly run Operations, and their character is interesting to roleplay with. They have earned my +1 quite easily.


As always, a very pleasant person to talk to, who has interesting and engaging characters. Can't go wrong with a +1 on this. I'm sure Diggey will influence others for the better.


It was nice, character tried to organize a photoshoot during a low-pop, engine-less round to make it all more fun and interesting. May it have worked or not, I salute the idea and effort!

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