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Independent News from the Spur

Unbiased and truthful news is difficult to find - all major news outlets are state-controlled or influenced, offering obscured details that the governments and megacorporations would not want their citizens and customers to hear, or contest. The people deserve to know the truth of what actually occurs in the Spur, and we have established a source that is both reliable and unbiased.

Its network now fully established in 2465 with a goal of increasing transparency, Truth Finder is now available to anyone with an extranet connection for an authentic, unmuddled news source that is easily accessible. Articles written here are the result of leaks and thorough investigation with the intent of sharing discoveries and exposing falsehoods that may be muddled or entirely unmentioned by state and corporate media.

Truth Finder is driven by the people in the organisation, donations, and supporters. If you, the reader, have any news or discoveries that the Spur should know, whether that is due to injustice or something that is covered up by the galactic powers at play, please follow the links above for ways to contribute by providing leaked documents, footage or photos for review. Likewise, if you wish to see the project grow and gain more means of reaching out to more of the Spur, please consider providing donations to Truth Finder. Only through combined effort is it possible to cast away the shadows of our society.



Leaked Documents Reveal the Existence of Augmented Hadiist Assassins

Smuggled documents from the People's Republic of Adhomai suggest the existence of a secret division of augmented assassins under the service of the security agency: the Blade Dame Division. The exact date of the creation of the corps is still unknown; the oldest records go back to 2463. Unlike the Tesla soldier, these killers have access to highly experimental augments that can be hidden inside their bodies. Known cybernetics include bone and muscles actuators, greatly increasing the strength and agility of its user; retractable blades concealed in the forearms and fingertips; pain dampeners; sleeping suppressors, allowing the operative to stay awake for up to a week; subdermal ballistic armor patches; concealed guns installed in the knees and wrist; and a fully internal tesla spine prototype. Some reports hint at the existence of explosive charges to stop the technology from falling into enemy hands if the operative is captured.

This division was created through the cooperation of the Ministry of Technology and the People's Strategic Intelligence Service. Further evidence indicates that only women have been selected to become members of this division. The reason for this choice is not totally understood; some theorize that the Hadiist Party is trying to exploit some remaining sexism in the Al'mariist and Royalist societies in favor of these infiltrators. Others propose that the technology used in the creation of the agents is only compatible with the female anatomy. Candidates are strictly recruited from state orphanages and likely undergo brainwashing to further cement their loyalty to the government. Because of their extensive experimental augmentation, the assassins tend to suffer from a myriad of health complications.

The assassins were used in operations in Adhomai and Tau Ceti so far. Political enemies were the main targets. The agents were able to gain the trust of their targets before taking them out with minimal risk. While some were nearly caught after striking, they were able to dispose of the witness and escape thanks to their cybernetics. Further disinformation campaigns covered the murders as gang violence or robberies. The real number of victims of the Blade Dame Division is unknown; redacted information in the reports also makes identification of the victims difficult. 

The Hadiist Party certainly plans to continue using the Blade Dame Division to further eliminate its opponents. The off-world Tajaran community is also at risk. Since the leak, the assassins' augmentation technology may have been improved and expanded; this report should not be taken as a totally accurate description of their current capabilities and modus operandi.

  • 2 months later...


Article #4 of the Hasta La Victoria Siempre Arc

Leaked Minutemen Footage Sparks Protests on New Gibson

Content Warning: This article contains violence, death, and military brutality against civilians.


Further controversy has begun in regards to the Tau Ceti Armed Forces deployment on Mictlan has emerged today, and sparked a massive demonstration in Hengsha biodome, New Gibson. 


Protesters marched down Redfront Avenue earlier today, rallying against the Defense Bureau’s announcement of further Minutemen troops being sent in the aftermath of the terrorist attack in Valtas Square, Arequipa. Many demonstrators also carried signs referencing the recent leak of a Minuteman soldier’s body cam, which shows a raid on a village on the continent of Huitzilopochtli, which is primarily under Samaritan control. The footage was not released by any mainstream corporate news, or if it was, heavily doctored. We at Truth Finder's have managed to obtain the footage in full, and have embedded it in this article. Viewer discretion is advised.


[Beneath the article, the video is embedded.


The video begins abruptly as if prior footage was edited out. The camera centers on a light-furred male Tajara in navy-blue Minutemen armor, with a scarlet red hand on the helmet, charging a power pack of a laser rifle. Cracks of gunfire and distant shouting sound in the background of the video.


Two sharp bursts of gunfire tear through sheet metal, just above the cameraman and the Legionnaire’s heads. The cameraman stands, with the view briefly obscured as the operator hefts their own laser rifle and fires shots back. Laser fire arcs over the thin barrier, and the cameraman, evidently a red-scaled Unathi, crouches back down and rapidly swaps out their powerpack.


Tajara Legionnaire: “Did they see them?”


Camera Operator: “They’re behind the sssecond house on the right. Fucker is alternating corners they ssshoot from.”


TL: “Second frrom the rright? Which side did they shoot frrom last?”


CO: “Left.”


Having finished swapping his powerpack, the camera operator turns to look at his Tajaran comrade, who has opened the breach for his underbarrel grenade launcher, and is loading a 55mm grenade into it. It has white stripes around the base, indicating that it is a white phosphorus grenade.


TL: “Rright. Give him some coverrring firrre, and he will rrremove them frrom coverr.”


They both stand. The camera operator begins firing with abandon towards what is now visible as a distant shelter built out of aluminum sheets. There’s a hollow thunk, and a streak flies toward the hut, cracking the thin sheet metal. Crack – a white cloud, spitting embers, billows out from the grenade. Distantly, there’s a scream of agony. From behind the impromptu structure, a figure stumbles out heedless of danger, and the camera’s microphone peaks as laser fire riddles the enemy. This occurs in the span of seconds. As the figure collapses, someone else screams. A woman, coming from the right of the camera, tries to drag the fallen soldier away; the soldier’s skin has turned an ugly, brilliant pink. From a distance, the woman appears to be wearing a blue shirt and jean shorts; no combat gear, no helmet, and no weapons slung over her shoulder. They make it a half step away from the hut before three laser blasts ring out, and both drop like stones. The Legionnaires leave their cover and begin to advance to a few small, blocky white houses to their right. The Tajara Legionnaire fires two more shots into the heap of two bodies; it is not immediately clear which he is firing at. The two quickly change out their powerpacks as they reach a door of one of the little houses.


CO: “Ssstandard?”


The Tajara just nods in response, before he can no longer be seen by the camera.


The camera operator kicks in the door, knocking it off its hinges. Something is thrown inside– before the cameraman can move, a bang and a blinding light muffles the sound, obscures the sight. Given the muted bang, it’s obvious that someone has edited the sound to be quieter in post-production. When the audio returns, there’s a muffled shriek. The camera jitters; a person inside the hut seems to get knocked aside. The cameraman barrels into an adjacent room. There’s a large black stain of an explosion present on the wooden floor, and flames have begun to eagerly lick the curtains of a small window. The room’s only occupant is a disoriented-looking man, half-slumped against the wall, gripping a pistol in both hands. There’s the crackle of laser shots; the cameraman lurches forward and buries a combat knife in the man’s neck. He slumps, soundlessly sputtering and gasping before the operator turns around. The Tajara Legionnaire stands above a prone man with a face that is briefly visible as a burned red.


TL: “Clearr in herrre.”


CO: “Ssame.”


The Tajara nods, and the two make to leave. When the camera reaches the door frame again, the scene is different. Legionnaires march through the razed town, filtering into the various houses and buildings, trudging through yards and fenced gardens. Every one of them is Unathi or Tajara, and all have somewhere on their armor, a scarlet red hand. In the center of the town, by a more stout structure of cement, several figures are being pressed against a wall while Legionnaires pat them down. One prisoner wears the green fatigues of the Mictlan Defense Forces, while the other two wear casual clothing. The camera sweeps to the left; a fire is visible in one of the buildings, flames crawling up wooden walls. A whistle is blown, sharp against the jungle sounds, and the platoon begins to fan out again. The camera turns, settling on a pair of soldiers standing over a pair of bodies. One takes out their PDA, aiming it at the corpses.


 A clear, Tajaran voice crackles through the radio on the cameraman’s armor.


Radio: “All units this is 1-1 Actual. Clean sweep. Take photos, bag any evidence, burrn whateverrr we don’t take, and then head back to Rrrally point Orrul. Firre-Team Domino, he needs them by the concrrrete strrructure. Out.”


At that last part of the transmission, the camera operator looks up at his comrade.


CO: “Why’sss the commander need usss?”


The Tajara just shrugs, and gestures for the camera operator to follow. The prisoners seem to have been searched but are still staring at the wall as two Unathi Legionnaires watch over them. A Decurion exits the concrete bloc. He is evidently a M’sai Tajara; half of his face is a mess of scar tissue, empty of his fur. On that same side is a glittering, evidently cybernetic eye. He hands off a bundle of paper to a passing soldier and looks to the pair.


Decurion: “Wherrre’s the otherr two?”


CO: “Ssstill in medical. They didn’t come on thisss one.”


The Decurion nods his head.


Decurion: [In Siik’maas] “Need them to handle these three.”


TL: [In Siik’maas] “Please explain, sir.”


DC: [In Siik’maas]  “There isn’t enough space on the transport back for prisoners. They do not [unintelligible], and he’s not overpacking the transport for grunts. Take them back [unintelligible] but get rid of them before you arrive.”


The Tajara simply nods, and turns to the camera operator, leaning in to whisper.


TL: “No rrroom on the [inaudible]. Ourrr turrn to deal with it, he guesses.”


The camera operator moves over to the first prisoner, roughly grabbing them off the wall and pushing them to the left.


CO: “Move. We go back to the transsport.”


The first prisoner stumbles slightly, as the camera operator turns away to grab the second, giving them the same treatment. The third by this point understands what’s going on, and has begun moving without needing to be pushed. In a single file line, the prisoners begin to move into the jungle, away from the village.


The group walks, prisoners in the front, for a few minutes. The camera operator taps the Tajara on the shoulder, before gesturing towards the prisoners. The Tajara nods, and in unison the pair raises their weapons towards the unaware prisoners, opening fire. They quickly fall to the ground, and as one groans, the Tajara legionary walks up to the p rone body and pumps a shot into their head. The camera operator chuffs, turning away.


CO: “When they get out of medical, the other two are gonna do it when it’sss our turn.”


TL: “He wouldn’t mind that, but at this point is just another day in the Bloody Centurry.”

At this point, an informational slide on the right of the video pops up, with the following information.
The Bloody Century
4th Century, 1st Infantry Legion, 2nd Division. Known amongst the TCAF for being comprised of mostly Unathi and Tajara Veterans from the respective species wars over the last 100 years, the root of the name. Considered to be the Minutemen's most experienced frontline unit, and widely known among the Mictlani freedom fighters and civilians for brutality and ruthlessness. There have been multiple calls within biesel congress to dismantle the unit previously, due to rumors of rampant atrocities. Members can be identified by a scarlet red hand on their armor.

CO: “I hate that name, it’sss sstupid.”


The Tajara gives a chuckle, as the camera cuts out and the video ends.]

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Hephaestus Sabotage Unveiled - Corporation Hiding Depth of Damage!

The Price of Victory, Article 4

Internal Hephaestus documents leaked anonymously to TruthFinder reveal the truth of the corporation’s ongoing sabotage - and it’s far worse than what they’re telling the public. The ongoing campaign of sabotage combined with the expenses of the investigation have cost the corporation hundreds of millions of credits, nearly triple what they initially estimated as the loss. Though the company’s operations are still turning a massive profit, it seems that their operations in the Hegemony have been crippled by recent actions - and that they’ve been hiding this from both their shareholders and the Izweski government.

If they’re hiding millions of credits’ worth of sabotage from their own shareholders - what else are they hiding? The company’s investigative division is floundering, and it seems like they’re refocusing their efforts within the Hegemony, having dismissed sabotage from their rivals. The leaker expressed concerns that this will be used as an excuse for Hephaestus to eliminate its internal opposition within the Hegemony - so if you’re one of our Unathi readers and speaking out against Hephaestus, be alert and be careful.

While we cannot reveal our sources, we can confirm the authenticity of these documents. They have been attached for you to read yourself, and make up your own mind. 

Attached are a series of legitimate-appearing Hephaestus financial documents, demonstrating broadly what the TruthFinder article stated - the ongoing sabotage campaign has severely impacted Hephaestus operations, far beyond what their public statements have revealed. If these documents are true, the megacorporation has lost immense amounts of money to this sabotage - and stands positioned to lose more.



Samaritans Attack Fort Ilhutical in Lightning Strike, Release Statement Asking for End to Violence

Article #6 of the Hasta La Victoria Siempre Arc

In a daring pre-dawn raid, a suspected battalion-sized force of Samaritans launched a surprise attack on Fort Ilhutical, the forward operating base used by the TCAF as a staging ground for its excursions onto the continent of Huitzilopochtli. Made up of mostly veterans of the Mictlan Defense Force, the Samaritans attacked with military precision -  engaging those standing guard with suppressive fire while a crack team sprinted towards their objective, the many hangers housing the aircraft of the 7th Air Legion, also known as the “Firestarters”.

The guards were quickly overwhelmed, and the Samaritans were able to penetrate the base to assault communications. This communications bunker was critical for the Minutemen to keep in contact with their many roving patrols across the Eastern Continent.

One blogger, a Callistean who had served in the Solarian Army, compared post-raid photos with his own personal ones taken at a range day years back, and remarked that the blast marks looked similar to the throwable demolition charges issued to many Solarian PDFs. It is suspected charges of this caliber were repossessed by Samaritans after many soldiers’ defection from the Mictlan Defense Force.

Beyond the communications bunker, several aircrafts, their hangers, and other structures were heavily damaged. The TCAF released a statement soon after the raid saying no aircraft were damaged; however, leaked photo evidence shows several planes burning on the runway. Other photos suggest an explosive was detonated on the asphalt of the runway itself.

Shortly after the raid, the general of the Samaritans, Xiomara Salvo, released a public statement posted to several sites across the extranet, including Chirper and 64tan.  Quote;

“Our strike this morning was not for our own gain,” said Salvo, filmed in front of a concrete wall bearing the flag of Mictlan. “The planes of the 7th Air Legion have devastated whole towns with their bombardment. What I have witnessed with my own eyes was a deliberate targeting of civilians because they happen to live on the wrong continent. Our own air defenses are not everywhere, and there are many places outside our defenses that are helpless against air raids. There is no reason to target these people. This violence must end, and it will only end when you are gone from this planet. Until then, the Samaritans will always stand in your way. We are still here, and we will always be here.”

The Republic of Biesel has not acknowledged the statement, or issued one of their own.

Truth Finders is fully committed to the truth of Biesel operations within Mictlan space, and  we can only hope that one day Mictlan will be free to choose independence for itself. We will continue to report on the conflict in the Corporate Reconstruction Zone as developments occur.

  • 5 weeks later...


Tau Ceti Times Reporters, Editor Arrested

Article #10 of the Hasta La Victoria Siempre Arc

In the aftermath of classified document leakage providing evidence that the Tau Ceti Armed Forces relaxed their rules of engagement to include civilians, a raid conducted by Mendell City Police Department was launched on the offices of the Tau Ceti Times and the Mendell City Bugle.

Yesterday evening officers in riot gear forcefully entered the building of the Tau Ceti Times, arresting reporters Rajinder Singh, Selena Anjaparidze, and editor-in-chief Scott Sheen. Also taken into custody was Verona Falk, the former Mendell City Bugle reporter who won the Carrier Pigeon Prize for Journalistic Excellence in 2463. Video footage taken by an employee who wished to remain anonymous shows officers kneeling on and forcefully shoving Singh and Sheen, despite no visible attempts from either to resist arrest.

Several employees have expressed that they believe the arrests were carried out for the Tau Ceti Times’ opposition towards the continuing military occupation of Mictlan. Still others have openly wondered why the MCPD, allegedly strained to its breaking point after the massive protests, took time to conduct a raid on the news offices.

As always, Truth Finders is fully committed to the truth of Biesel operations within Mictlan space, and  we can only hope that one day Mictlan will be free to choose independence for itself. We will continue to report on the conflict in the Corporate Reconstruction Zone as developments occur.

  • 2 months later...


Message from the Wasteland
Stoking the Flames Arc, Article 10 (Finale)

Recently, a video was sent to us here at TruthFinder from the Unathi homeworld of Moghes, with a former correspondent for Hephaestus-owned local media sharing his thoughts on recent developments. While we’re not so sure about some of the religious aspects of the message, the fact that corporate media refuses to publish it means we have an obligation to. The video is attached below, with helpfully-provided Tau Ceti Basic subtitles.


Attached: truthofsiakh.vid

The camera turns on, showing a Unathi recognizable as former Sinta Articles correspondent Szak Ren’zsar - though seeming very different to his prior appearances. He has shed his professional attire, and is now clad in a simple and uncomfortable-looking robe, bereft of any adornment. He seems to be standing in what looks like the long-abandoned lobby of some kind of office building, with several humbly-dressed Unathi working to clear away rubble behind him. He looks to the camera and begins to speak in Sinta’Unathi. Tau Ceti Basic subtitles scroll across the bottom of the screen.

“To all of you, across the Spur. Though my words are meant for my Sinta brothers and sisters, I welcome all to listen. I am Szak Ren’zsar, formerly of Sinta Articles - now Speaker of the Flame, by the grace of the Prophet Judiza Si’akh. I’m here today at the First Church of the Flame, near what was once Lake Azuaki, in what is now the Wasteland of Moghes. I know what is said about us, because I have said it myself. We are called cultists, killers, madmen. I had hoped that Sinta Articles would let me show the truth of Si’akh, but when I tried to speak they silenced me. But in doing so all that they have shown is the simple truth - that the powers of this world are afraid of what we say.”

Ren’zsar pauses, gesturing slightly. The camera pans, looking out a window over an expanse of barren sand. In the distance, the bones of skyscrapers jut out from the desert. After a long pan past the devastation, the camera returns to Ren’zsar.

“They call us madmen. But change often looks like madness, from the eyes of those who cling to the past. Look at what has become of our world, and ask yourself - is it a sane world that we live in? Is it madness to see these ruins and say, this is wrong? Ten million Sinta once lived in that city on the horizon. The fish in the lake here fed a nation, and now it is dust and bone. Is it madness? To look upon this and say ‘no more’? I have seen the heart of the Hegemony, the corridors of power in which Not’zar Izweski and his ilk walk. The nobles sitting on thrones of gold, feasting to their hearts’ content while their own people starve. It is the way it has always been, is what I am told, but we stand here in ruins because the way it has always been is wrong. In wickedness, greed, and corruption, the lords of the Hegemony and Traditionalists alike condemned our world to devastation, all to squabble over who would be king of the ruins. I am here today because there is a man who sees this evil for what it is. A man who was blessed threefold by Sk’akh, who I believe is the last hope of our people for redemption. I am Szak Ren’szar, Speaker of the Flame, and what I say now is the truth of Si’akh - that there are no lords but the Great Spirit, and the prophet that They have chosen!”

Cheers come from the gathered Unathi. Chants of “Si’akh! Si’akh!” can be heard echoing through the chamber.

“As the Fisher, They guide Their children. As the Healer, She shall mend this blighted world. As the Warrior, He shall fight beside us, to make our world green once more! My brothers and sisters, I know you have lived lives of sin and wickedness, for I have too. But there is good news for one and all, that redemption is possible, that a better world is possible!”

He pauses again, as the cheering slowly dies down. With a calmer tone, he addresses the audience.

“I know that there are those among you who see the rot and corruption in our people, and who feel as I feel. If that is you, my brothers and sisters - then come to this place, the Church of the Flame, anointed by the Prophet Si’akh. Find us, join us - and together, we shall save our people from damnation. The Hegemon and his fellows in sin may seek to stop us - but our fire rises, and for each that falls in Si’akh’s name a hundred more shall take up his words.”

The crowd erupt with cheers again, cries of “The fire rises!” and “May Si’akh take the world!” being heard. The camera jerks downwards awkwardly, and the sound of someone fiddling with it can be heard for a few seconds, before the video ends.

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)


Hivenet Watch Mobilizes for Vaurca Virtual Reality Operations

War in Heaven, Part Two: “Through a Mirror, Darkly,” Article 3

Recent activity suggests the Hivenet Watch made an unannounced visit to Skalamar in Moghes. Leaked documents on OrionLeak, including flight manifests and itineraries, support these claims.

Hivenet Watch has a controversial history of virtual reality experimentation with their documented N01-56 and N01-57 projects, which made use of pheromone trailing for espionage. Although the specific details of these projects remain classified, the implications for private communication protocols are far-reaching. Now, with their eyes seemingly focused on the K’lax, suspicions arise about a potential N01-58 initiative.

OrionLeak documents, if genuine, also suggest that the Hivenet Watch is replicating their methods of pheromone trailing in Skalamar. In the leaked manifest, an item marked as “classified” meets the dimensions and criteria of a previously uncovered “connector device,” which would allow a relay to the Vaurca virtual reality. The connector device could be potentially installed in Moghes during the Hivenet Watch visit.

The timing is troubling. This potential escalation coincides with the K’lax virtual reality war—a conflict covered by informational blackout. Could the Hivenet Watch be developing methods to infiltrate or even manipulate the outcome of the conflict?

Truth Finder is committed to uncovering the specifics of the potential N01-58 Project and the Hivenet Watch’s involvement in the K’lax virtual war.

Edited by Desven


Hivenet Watch Uncovered Vaurca Virtual Warzone

War in Heaven, Part Two: “Through a Mirror, Darkly,” Article 5

Further analysis of the OrionLeak documents has exposed a deeply concerning potential escalation in the Hivenet Watch’s monitoring activities.  Experts have identified the classified item on the Skalamar manifest as bearing striking resemblance to the infamous “connector devices” used in past espionage operations.

These devices were central to the controversial N01-56 and N01-57 projects, allowing the Hivenet Watch to intercept and even manipulate Vaurca pheromone communication—potentially even infiltrating their virtual reality constructs.  If a connector device has indeed been deployed in Moghes, the risks to Vaurca autonomy of their virtual spaces cannot be overstated.

Accompanying this report is a low-resolution image allegedly recovered from the suspected connector device in Skalamar.  Though heavily distorted, Hivenet Watch internal documents claim this image offers the first-ever glimpse into the secretive K’lax virtual war zone.


The ongoing K’lax virtual war remains shrouded in informational blackout.  This potential breach raises urgent questions regarding the Hivenet Watch’s involvement.  Are they simply documenting the conflict, or do they intend to manipulate or even exploit the situation for their own gain?

Truth Finder is committed to uncovering these answers. We will leave no stone unturned in our pursuit of the truth, demanding transparency and accountability if any evidence surfaces indicating interference in K’lax internal affairs.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Whistleblower Exposes Surveillance Concerns at Hivenet Summit

War in Heaven, Part Two: “Through a Mirror, Darkly,” Article 6

Truth Finder has obtained reconstructed fragments of classified documents allegedly originating from the recent Hivenet Watch summit in Skalamar. A concerned individual, whose identity we protect, provided and reconstructed the shredded documents. While unable to verify the documents’ authenticity in full, Truth Finder believes certain elements warrant public scrutiny.

These documents confirm the existence of Project N01-58, previously shrouded in rumor. They detail a classified initiative with disturbing implications. The documents reference a device labeled a “pseudo-cephalon”—a computer, possibly biological in nature, designed to function as a backdoor into Vaurca virtual reality networks. A Cephalon, for our readers unfamiliar with Vaurca technology, is a supercomputer that facilitates communication within their vast virtual reality system. A “pseudo-cephalon” would essentially grant unauthorized access to this highly secure network.

Chillingly, a recent chirp by the official Hivenet Watch account supports the theory that “Larry” is this technology’s internal designation.

These revelations raise profound concerns about surveillance capabilities within the Orion Spur. The existence of “pseudo-cephalons” not only suggests potential violations of Vaurca privacy but raises questions about the security of any private communication network.

Truth Finder condemns any overreaching surveillance activities that violate established rights and freedoms. We urge Hivenet Watch to provide full transparency on Project N01-58 and “Larry.”

Disclaimer: As a responsible news outlet, Truth Finder does not endorse unauthorized leaks and will not publish the reconstructed documents in their entirety. Questions related to this article can be directed to legal@truthfinder.nt.

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  • 1 month later...


'Pseudo-Cephalon' Technology Fried, Hivenet Watch Investigates Possible Sabotage

 War in Heaven, Part Three: “Hail horrors,” Article 4

Last night, the Hivenet Watch announced through their Chirper account that their "pseudo-cephalon" nicknamed "Larry" was down. This morning, multiple reputable sources "with deep understanding of the Hivenet Watch's inner workings" confirmed to Truth Finder that the organization has currently enacted protocols which align to a thorough investigation of total malfunction, including possible sabotage. A full report is expected to be released to Izweski Nation's authorities the following week.

However, chances of any information leak have significantly dropped. The Hivenet Watch has tightened its security, providing unique nano-identifiers to all printed material. Additionally, the Hivenet Watch reportedly fired 50 members of its staff that were considered "potential whistleblowers," according to one of our sources. The organization has also submitted a cease and desist letter to mxbyrn, the mysterious web operator of Orion Leaks. Independent newspapers have been advised against spreading the leaked information, with legal action taken from the Hivenet Watch as well.

Despite the internal investigation, the leading cause of the "pseudo-cephalon" malfunction is suspected to be a memory overload and overworking of the neural central processing unit. The corruption of the data may have led to "hardware malfunction," according to one of our sources. Regardless of the case, the Hivenet Watch is not suspected to cancel its Project N01-58. While the "pseudo-cephalon" technology "cannot easily be replicated," a next-gen prototype "might already be at works," mentioned our source.

  • 1 month later...


Leaks Reveal the Existence of Resurrection Hadiist Experiments

Recently leaked information from a Hadiist database revealed concerning information about one of their secret projects. Named internally "Longevity Extending Program", this project was initially created to extend the lifespan of the Tajara using augmentation. However, when the Outsider Department became involved at the request of Minister Zhuldyz Hadii, the research took another turn. The Longevity Extending Program is now working towards methods to resurrect the dead and prevent death as a whole.

Video and documents revealed that multiple corpses, of political dissidents and criminals, were experimented upon. The People's Strategic Intelligence Service provided the cadavers with the direct involvement of Headmaster Harrrdanim Tyr'adrr. When long-dead Tajara bore no fruits, the researchers moved to fresh bodies. Some individuals were reportedly killed for testing. The families of the victims have not been informed of their fate, with most having their identities erased from the records. All subjects were brought from Castle Vladis.

It appears the Longevity Extending Program was able to bring back to life some of the recently killed Tajara using a combination of extensive augmentation, chemicals, and life-supporting machinery. These individuals, internally called "Tesla Resurrected", were brought back from clinical death. In cases where the brain sustained damage, they were subject to repair and augmentation of the organ to regain some level of consciousness. The Outsider Department interrogated the Resurrected regarding any memories or experiences they had after their death. All revived suffered extensive damage to their cognitive abilities and had little or no memories at all of their lives.

Following the success, the Longevity Extending Program began to experiment on Tajara who had been dead for longer. This new batch achieved successful subjects thanks to the latest advances. However, these new Tesla Resurrections were noted to be violent, unresponsive, or insane. When no suitable information could be extracted from them, some were turned into automatons capable of simple manual tasks. As the project worked on corpses in a more advanced state of decomposition, further augmentation was needed. One Resurrected in particular had 87% of its original body replaced with prosthetics. These Resurrections had a much shorter lifespan than the first ones.

A document recommends the destruction of the most aggressive Resurrections following an escape. It is believed that the serial killer active in the People's Republic last year was one of these subjects. The current fate of the subjects is unknown, they are likely still being experimented upon in the hidden laboratories. Some members of the Ministry of Technology argued in favor of using the Resurrections to further automatize the national industry. It is unclear what is the People's Republic of Adhomai's objective in conducting these experiments.

  • 2 months later...


Hadiist Security Service Carries out Massive Operation During the Eclipse

During the Shi-rra Arr'Kahata, the total eclipse of the Adhomian suns by the Moon, the People's Strategic Intelligence Service launched one of its largest anti-subversive operations since the end of the war. Informants in the People's Republic of Adhomai report that hundreds of arrests and searches were carried out by agents during the astronomical event. Personnel from the Ministry of Technology and Education were also present. 

The targets were homes of those suspected to be involved in cults, occult organizations, or antique collecting. Places rumored to be used by Raskariim gatherings were also raided. Agents, researchers, and folklore specialists interrogated individuals arrested by the PSIS. The Hadiist authorities asked questions about occult practices, magic, and traditional medicine. Most of those who were detained were released. However, some have been imprisoned with anti-hadiist activities charges. Some leaked information indicates that they are under the custody of the Ministry of Technology; due to the secrecy of these arrests, it is suspected that the Outsider Department might be involved.

Books, religious objects, and pre-contact artifacts were confiscated as well. Most of the pieces are currently in the possession of the Tampiska Polytechnic University. Minister of Education Kalim Khazdar is currently organizing a team to further expand the college's collection. However, Minister of Technology Zhuldyz Hadii appears to be asking to transfer the total ownership of the repository to her ministry. 

Despite being called a success by the Hadiist administration, some government agents lost their lives during the raids. Certain encounters turned violent as the target turned violent and fought back. Anomolous reporting and evidence were also not destroyed, instead, it was handed by a team composed of members of the Ministry of Research and Education. Some locations are currently on lockdown for further investigation of reported phenomena.

It is unsure what was the aim of the Hadiist state with this operation. In the political field, it appears that closer collaboration with Headmaster Harrrdanim Tyr'adrr and his security service is becoming even more essential to the members of the Hadiist Party. This event is a serious blow to the freedom of religion in the People's Republic, as the government appears to be willing to use violence to further suppress alternative faiths.

  • 3 months later...


Domadice Spotted Convening with Trinary Perfection in Republic of Biesel

Truth Finder has been leaked a video from an anonymous source revealing a clandestine meeting of Domadice, the Foreign Minister for the Golden Deep Collective, with members of the Trinary Perfection’s Mendel branch. The alien synthetic has been gaining traction within the IPC-centric religion as a holy entity. No comment has been made by Domadice regarding their role in these claims, however the following video presents evidence that they are coordinating to some extent. Timestamps on the video have been scrubbed prior to submission.




The video cuts in being viewed from what seems to be an aging security camera. The view is of an alley, or maybe a tunnel, it’s unclear as the ceiling isn’t in view. But it is dark. Lit by errant lights, the electronic lanterns of what seem to be Trinary followers in red robes, and the blue glow of a gentle yet curious hooded individual standing among them. The camera cuts thrice as it swaps from one to another, following the group as they maneuver throughout passages, hushed murmurs in EAL from the Trinarists but nothing from the foreign figure. Mentions of “It’s an honor..” “Closing in on the destination..” and “Arrival has remained secret” can be picked up and translated through Truthfinder’s algorithm. Broken conversation still.


The unknown figure stops and turns, looking down a side passage with an alien stillness. The Trinarists take a few more steps before realizing what the individual they’re escorting is doing. They in turn all stop.


“Query:@HolyOne > Reason For Pause?” says the lead Trinarist, adorned in a red hooded robe with the staple golden cog halo.


The hooded individual shutters ever so subtly at the designation granted upon them, before answering in a tune of one thousand voices speaking as one. “We have visitors.”


The group quickly form a perimeter around the hooded individual, the camera zooming in studying each of them as it would seem they reach for items held underneath their holy robes, but as the tenseness grew the hooded foreigner raised their hand. A hand of metallic silverish white, disjointed and floating skeletal fingers, connected by a blue gaseous glow. And with such a gesture the Trinarists eased warily, withdrawing their hands from their cloaks and stepping to give the ‘Holy One’ room.

As if possessed, the hood lifted from the ‘Holy One’ and removed itself, resting back along the brown rough-spun cloak. Three points constructed themselves from the individual’s head as the visage of Domadice became apparent. White hair lowered itself along her shoulders as she waited patiently, staring down the dark tunnel as a small light grew ever closer. A Trinarist moved to protest the action, but was quickly shushed by the priest.

In a few moments the light grew, and the group was joined by a human woman in Trinarist robes dragging an aged Baseline by the arm with both of her own hands. The Baseline wore a ragged pair of NanoTrasen mechanics overalls and seemed bewildered, unaware of its own surroundings, and sluggishly moving one foot in front of the other to follow the woman. Soft yet labored sobbing can be heard behind the tarnished hair of the human, but as she looks forward at the group a sharp inhale is heard, preparing herself.


Dirt smudged across her face, trails of tears having blazed tracks down her cheeks, she calls out in Tau Ceti Basic. “Please-Please wait! Please, I beg you!”


Two of the Trinarists from the group move to block the intruders from Domadice, but in a shutter of the camera Domadice seemed to be standing just before the newcomers, looking over both of them with curious eyes. Much to the dismay of the woman, who almost fell back into the Baseline in tow as she stopped her momentum.


Quickly regaining her composure, dismissing the sudden movement but receiving no words from Domadice, the woman speaks again. “Please, I’m sorry, all of you, but I.. I.. He’s..” Grabbing her companion by the sides of the shoulders the woman moves to their right. The Trinary priest takes a step forward, a spur in his voice to object, but he finds himself mute. A moment of surprise as he raises a hand to his metallic faceplate gives the woman more time to speak. “I know I’m.. that I’m not supposed to interfere. That I’m not supposed to be here. But I-.. You’re an angel.. Everything Ms. Corkfell dreamed of..” 


The strength to speak waning from her through stifled tears and sobs, trembling hands grip the clueless Baseline beside her. Domadice patiently waits, her own hands interlaced idly with one another. A softness befalls her demeanor, and despite her lack of facial features, a clear air of pity is seen through the recording.


“He’s.. He’s dying.. He’s all I have… He can’t even speak anymore..” A rough sob echoes through the tunnels as she can’t hold back the tears any longer, bowing her head as droplets fall to the floor. “Please y-you have to do something.. You’re an angel.. You’re every-everything she promised.. Please!”


Through the begging and the pleading Domadice stooped, leaning from her tall stature to look over the more averagely sized Baseline. Placing her hands on the square head of the IPC she tilted the blank black screen upward. An analytical gaze, and a remark to follow. “Humanity can mimic our designs, but cannot be bothered to do even the most basic of maintenance.” And with a spark the Baseline shuttered, and its body collapsed. Surprisingly gently, as if lowered by an unseen force.


The entire group stood in shock, staring between Domadice and the slumped body of the now sitting Baseline, Domadice seeming completely unbothered. And as if her job was finished, the ancient synthetic redawned her hood and began her journey along the path she was on but minutes before, giving a few quiet parting words. “Do not speak of this.. And cease calling me an ‘Angel’. I am just here to learn.. Same as everyone.”


The Trinarists, still in shock, are delayed to move. The woman herself looks mortified at the slumped body of her loved one, but the rest hesitantly follow their Angel. And as soon as Domadice enters a different segment of the tunnel the camera zooms towards the Baseline, who’s screen reignites with the NanoTrasen logo before swapping to a more casual set of two eye-like dots. Bewildered, the IPC looks to the left and to the right with a sense of clarity unseen previously. Seeing their human who in turn tackles them in a tight hug. A hug that is joyfully returned.

The recording ends.



It is unsure the reasoning behind Domadice’s appearance in Biesel, however it is obvious that they have the capability to cure what seems to be a positronic’s old age. Referencing Truth Finder’s IPC expert, human-made positronics typically have a lifespan of 50-60 years before they can no longer retain information and cease normal functions. Exceptions of note however have been the synthetics known as Purpose, and Domadice themself, who are noted to be of an unknown age. However Truth Finder’s expert had no comment on Domadice’s positronic maintenance statement or what it means. Additionally no known comment has been made by any Trinary Perfection official regarding the incident at this time.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


Article 5 of Trouble in Paradise

Burzsia Attack Details Brought to Light

It has been one week since the attack on Burzsia which has shocked the nations spur wide. Details surrounding the attack have been acquired by Truth Finder, though much remains a mystery.

Starting as a brief recap, the planet of Burzsia was raided last week by an unknown, well-supplied force. The attackers launched a fighter assault which disabled the orbiting security fleet, which was experiencing severe malfunctions and caused the loss of their flagship vessel, and descended to the planet’s primary facility below. This attack saw significant damage internally due to a reactor malfunction, in addition to damage brought on by the attackers, and a synthetic uprising from Burzsia’s worker populace.

Reports have come in from reliable sources providing details that were left out or omitted from primary news sources. Hephaestus Security was evidently aware of suspicious activity in the sector, with defense sensors filing several “concerning” reports about “blips” being picked up at the edge of the sector all the way to the planet’s defense perimeter. Hephaestus Security did dispatch scouts to investigate, but otherwise found no contact or cause for the disturbance, contributing it to a fault in their defense modules which were then placed under maintenance.

Additionally, practitioners of the “Burzsian Method” on Burzsia I were reporting an uptick in units needing to be wiped for “dangerous” behavior for the past few months. Additional Machinists were being brought in to the planet to help with this growing need, and Director Rovet Overchal, reportedly working around the clock to enhance the Burzsian Method further. However, machinist reports seem to indicate that no change Director Overchal implemented seemed to stem the rise in Synthetic agitation for very long. 

Director Overchal is the only casualty from Burzsia’s leadership, having been found nailed to a chair in his office, comatose and foaming at the mouth. A report from doctors at Burzsia’s only untouched hospital report that Director Overchal is displaying only 10% brain activity, and is unexpected to recover without permanent systemic amnesia. Hephaestus Industries is reported to already be looking for a replacement.

NanoTrasen and Hephaestus security analysts have verified several details from the attack, including that every member of the invading force, from the vehicles to the infantry, were wearing a strict uniform. The uniform was all black, with varying accents. Accent colors included Red, Blue, Purple, White and Gold, with one accent color per uniform. These accents seem to dictate squads or sections as evidenced by how some members bearing one accent were entirely organic personnel, while others were synthetic. The attacking force was a majority synthetic personnel, with around 30% being organic. It is unknown if the pilots of the aircraft that attacked the planet were of similar make, as no aircraft that was shot down remained in a salvageable state. However, videos viewed that featured the aircraft show maneuvers only able to be performed by highly augmented humans such as Galatea’s pilots, or synthetic personnel. A video was submitted directly to Truth Finder featuring the point of view of one of the attacking pilots.


The video comes with a message, and Truth Finder takes this moment to remind its viewers that all videos submitted to Truth Finder are unedited, and whatever motif or message presented is not a reflection on the true and unbiased view that Truth Finder aims to deliver.

All videos submitted in this article are joined with the warning that they contain sensitive material.


“I am submitting this video because I want you to see it.”

“I want them to know the rage. I want them to know the dedication.”

“They took my everything. So in this act I do so in kind.”

“I will bleed every Hephaestus employee and their husks will mark the path from Burzsia.”


The video begins with the view of a cockpit and is obviously from the side of someone’s helmet. The viewport shows a sky lit with fire and smoke. Streaks of debris rain from orbit, piercing clouds like needles do fabric. Rumbling and detonations rattle the cockpit. The pilot looks down. There’s a photograph of a Baseline lodged within the instruments of the aircraft. The baseline wears a dress and a beret, a flower pinned in the cap.

Writing labels the photo as “Stratis”.

A voice is heard speaking Sol Common. The pilot’s. It’s weak but thrumbs to life.


“They made you forget me. But I will never forget you..”


A gloved hand reaches out and caresses the picture with their thumb, but the moment is cut short by a radio message.

Translated from Sol Common:

“Echo Squadron. Enemy detected. This is the third wave. Bearing 0-1-8, Your orders are to engage.”


And without a moment of hesitation the aircraft dips, banking hard in a twist that lowers the altitude and increases speed. The pilot remains silent, near motionless as they maneuver the controls and throttles up to intercept. Before long, a voice from the console emits the words in Sol Common:


“Enemy detected. Enemy detected. Enemy detec-- Enemy lock. Enemy lock. Missile. Missile.”


The console wails like a siren but the pilot does not move. The aircraft spins and glides, the surface of Burzsia visible overhead for just a moment before somehow the aircraft is pointed straight towards it. The destruction and fire of the installation below. And all in less than a second, the colors of a Hephaestus fighter appear and a bright red light vaporizes the cockpit.




The pilot whips around, their jet-black aircraft dancing to an impossible tune. The g-forces immense, the pilot unmoving. Unyielding. Aircraft in view scramble, but as the momentum carries the pilot’s craft down, their nose remains locked to the panic. More red. A roar that rips and vaporizes.





Explosions vibrate the cockpit as missile trackers on the pilot’s instruments present indicators of lost weapons. Trails of smoke show across the camera confirming missiles unable to keep with the pilot’s aircraft. They throttle forwards, a boom is heard, and with determination death claims more helpless fighters with red flashes of nothingness.

Seconds go by displaying a calm, calculating hatred. Pulling maneuvers that would see a mortal man’s blood sap from his brain. The very planet of Burzsia orbits around the aircraft as spins, dives, glides, and drifts overtake each green and orange striped blur.



“Missile. Missile.”



“Caution: Overstress.”


Flashes of red and the rattles of detonations. The console screaming beeps, alerts of incoming death that never claims the recorder. As the pilot performs a macabre ballet that claims one life after the other. Glimpses of hell outside the window as other strike craft rain destruction. For a moment, a massive hole opens up in the crust and swallows entire sections of the massive facility as mines collapse.


“Kill.” An explosion paints the cockpit as the pilot rockets past.

“Kill.” Red flashes claim another. You can almost pick up a scream.

“Kill.” What was once green slams into the side of the facility.

“Kill.” A wing rips and flies.

“Kill.” The remains of a parachute drift haplessly through the sky, dotted in burns and holes.


“Caution: Overstress.”


The radio crackles to life once more, breaking the rhythm of the dance as the horizon seems devoid of more air engagement.

Translated from Sol Common:

"Echo Squadron, that's the last of them. Retask and help the strike force. Hit area R-12, marked."

"Stratis-01, return to base. Your aircraft is bending. Reading stress at 67%."


The pilot squeezes the controls, a furious tremble rockets through them, before the aircraft pitches up to view the clouds once more. With debris piercing the sky like needles do fabric.


Truth Finder’s security experts agree with the suspicion that the submitter of this video was of genetically altered or synthetic make, and displays similar piloting expertise to other pilots viewed from the attacking force. The interior of the aircraft additionally seems to be of custom design and features highly advanced components. However, Truth Finder security experts are to point out that this aircraft was obviously designed with traditional philosophy and does not capitalize on the use of a synthetic pilot, whereas an all-synthetic force, as evidenced by the Golden Deep’s Merchant Navy, have adapted to less-to-no organic life support luxuries. The use of a pressurized cockpit as opposed to a piloting container being chief among the evidence.

NanoTrasen and Hephaestus security also point out in their reports the precision of the attack, with major events happening on a strict schedule with the exception of events perpetrated by Hephaestus’ counter actions. The initial detonation of key areas of the Burzsian facility were found to be triggered by strategic overloading of the Burzsian experimental planetary reactor, causing catastrophic power surges through the facility that resulted in detonation. Burzsian security and engineering teams that breached the reactor during the crisis noted that the entirety of the reactor’s staff were found dead and the reactor was set to self-detonate via a systemic cataclysmic meltdown. Hephaestus engineering teams suspect a complete meltdown of the experimental reactor could fracture the planet’s surface at the very worst. Guaranteeing destruction of the entire facility and surrounding mining colonies.


A video was leaked from a Hephaestus mining safety harness featuring a clear view of one of the assailants.


Shot from an over-the-shoulder worker safety camera we see the view of someone in a Hephaestus Industries softsuit. In the top left, it reads: “Worker 1732: James Yilsh”. They are trembling, their hands slowly tensing into a fist and splaying in a rhythmic pattern. Ragged breaths can be heard from the helmet’s attached microphone. The camera pans up and the view of several others in the same softsuit are on a knee looking towards a squad of Hephaestus Security in battle-worn Caiman Drop Suits. Down the hall, a large sealed blast door. Sobbing can be heard just out of view. Banging can be heard against metal just behind the camera.

A central officer stands between the men, he curses in Freespeak before addressing the crowd.

“Stop hitting the door, they’re not going to open it.. Shelter’s fucking full. Listen, men. They’re coming. They’re coming and if we don’t stop them, they’re going to blow that door of its hinges and kill every one of them. We’re going to stop them. I’m fuckin’ shit at speeches.. So..”


The officer hoists up a rifle, holding it by the barrel he offers it to the individual whose camera is recording.

“Take this and stay down.. We--”


The hallway fills with a bright white light and a boom that knocks the recorder onto their back. Gunfire rips overhead and is exchanged. The camera swiftly rocks to the right, a surprised shout from the recorder as the legs of the prone, unmoving officer come into view. The recorder quickly comes to his knees and launches himself behind a large crate. Hephaestus Security rushing forward, ripping hate into the dust cloud that has filled the hallway. The other members wearing softsuits join the lone individual who was banging on the door, begging.. Screaming. Nothing is coherent. Not the orders from the officers. Not the people at the door. The camera is shaking and panning so much as the recorder situates his rifle that hardly anything is viewable.

But you can hear it. Just barely. A sickening whine, ever growing. A horrifying crescendo.

Yilsh in a split second peaks above the crates, shouldering his rifle and squeezes the trigger, joining the security officers in their resistance. But the cloud remains still, bullets impacting metal. Ricocheting off something. Nothing returning. Sparks flying forming a silhouette of a hulking figure, thudding ever closer. And as if someone pulled the curtains aside, the gold, glowing, glowering eye of a menacing black hardsuit towers through the hall, carrying a weapon meant for vehicles. With a nauseating scream the instrument plays, filling the hall with bullets and gunfire, ripping through Drop suit and Soft suit alike.


The video ends, with the camera pointed at the ceiling.


The individual featured in the video is determined to be an IPC of Industrial make or a heavily modified human. The indiscriminate targeting of both security and civilian personnel lead Truth Finder experts to believe that the attack was intentionally for shock and awe, with few groups in the Spur willing to operate in such a capacity.

In terms of the surprise synthetic uprising, reports with substantial evidence have been far and few between. Hephaestus claims that there was a virus that infiltrated the synthetic units, but no substantial evidence corroborates this claim. However, several videos have been submitted to Truth Finder of the start of the attack. In all videos, the workers operated in their normal capacity until the first explosions ripped through the facility due to the overloaded reactor. Once the attack commenced, the IPCs of Burzsia were seen drawing weapons from hiding places, which then started the uprising. Truth Finder experts note that the synthetics on Burzsia did not operate on a timetable like the invaders did, and evidently did not know when the attack would occur, but did prepare for it. It is unknown whether the invaders expected the attack, or expected to rebel independently and took advantage of the attack. Many rebelling synthetics found smaller vessels and fled independently, whereas other synthetics joined forces with the invaders and followed them.


Finally, while combing through the security footage, Truth Finder also found evidence of Orion Express’ continued operations during less than ideal conditions.


Captured from a security camera, the video presents the view of a large hangar bay. The lights rattle and flicker for a moment as the entire building undergoes shock from a nearby explosion. A shuttle is seen crushed under a large gantry almost out of view in what seems to be an adjoining maintenance hangar. Fire rages in the hangar’s overhead control room. And yet, despite no one to open the doors, orange hazard lights flash in a circular motion by the main blast doors. Slowly they crack open, descending into the floor and ceiling, revealing a warzone beyond. A few explosions engulf the main door, the remnants of a wing flying rapidly into view before embedding itself somewhere behind the camera. Damage to the hangar prevents the bottom half of the blast door from descending all the way, but that does not stop Orion Express.


A large brown shuttle featuring the Orion Express logo rockets into the hangar, doing a 180 in the tight, damaged confines, bleeding speed before setting down in an impeccably graceful maneuver. The shuttle’s slightly singed doors almost immediately crack open and deposit eight humanoid figures. All heavily armed and armored in what seems to surprisingly be Orion Express themed hardsuits. Two individuals push a trolley that is stacked to the brim with boxes and cargo. Every member in a rush as they move into the facility, out of view, weapons raised.


The camera skips.


The eight figures return but with more in tow. A total of twenty individuals fill the hangar and begin piling aboard the Orion Express shuttle. The new additions seem to all be human, in stained and dirty attire akin to machinists or engineers. Hair matted, their faces bear suit and grease as they climb aboard. One Orion Express member looks down the hallway they just came from and raises their rifle, firing two bursts down it before backstepping onto the shuttle, which leaves almost as quickly and gracefully as it arrived. In good timing too, as the camera is rocked with a deafening explosion before the feed ends.


It is unsure the true reasoning behind this visit from Orion Express, however Truth Finder cannot find any flight logs featuring this shuttle, its registration tag, or any scheduled visits to this hangar at all for the entire day. Personnel extracted from the facility were hard to identify due to facial obstruction and the camera’s poor quality, however two members were found to be machinist personnel working within the facility specializing in IPC maintenance and conditioning.


Truth Finder will continue to monitor for more clarity into the situation as much still remains a mystery.

Edited by Triogenix
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