GlamourChariot Posted April 25, 2015 Posted April 25, 2015 Nothing. I am literally perfect at roleplaying. As for those things others do that earn my ire whether reasonable or not, well... Quote
Jakers457 Posted April 25, 2015 Posted April 25, 2015 - Roleplaying females. I mean, I have two female characters but I worry about how I present that character. Not mention I dislike them being hit on. But eh. Quote
Johnny Mnemonic Posted April 26, 2015 Posted April 26, 2015 -not subtly insane characters Only ever played one normal character. All my currents have mental issues. Stuff like lack of empathy, severe social anxiety, a voice inside their head, avoidant personality disorder, obsessions with human experimenting, trust issues, personality issues due to cloning, feelings of needing redemptions or pain to cleanse from their sins,various relationship and sexual related issues. Money preoccupations/loving, PTSD, regrets, frustrations born from loneliness,self image problems...etc. usually the characters deal with them in a destructive manner, commonly alcohol, or succumbing to thei r needs -Family I've played young girls,50 year old heavily religious men, weak willed girly dude miners, had many injury RP, self inserts, direct psych convos that lasted almost entire rounds, neon hairs, shitty fokkin' accents, ya taffers, only emote rounds, tragic snowflakes, intentional fuck ups, gay, straight, bisexual nd asexuals. But none of my characters have families. I find people that talk to their parents or brothers/sisters strange. Perfect sitcom families are downright the most disturbing thing ever to me. I've tried to have families IC'ly. It never panned out in the end. Retconned everything before i had a chance to even talk about them. The prospect if having kids alone is horrifying to me, due to some personal issues. Not that families are such a big, or having children being very i'll most likely never ever have a family -being a 100% douche I play the friendliest nuke ops I once scammed someone out of 2500 credits by claiming i had bluespace cancer. I gave 2000 back because i OOC felt bad.I KNOW!, I'M THE WORST ROLEPLAYER! 75% evil maximum Quote
Casperf1 Posted April 26, 2015 Posted April 26, 2015 pretending to have a period. If you like the IC romance, it can be as fun as an actual one. If you hate it or aren't invested in it, though, commitment can become an issue pretty quick. Play it off as your character not being committed! I suppose it's just like real life in that regards. Finding the right person and all that. Buuuut, thanks for giving people feedback/info Franc Quote
Frances Posted April 26, 2015 Posted April 26, 2015 I suppose it's just like real life in that regards. Finding the right person and all that. Buuuut, thanks for giving people feedback/info Franc Frankly, it depends. Some people are put off from roleplaying romances for reasons which are equivalent to RL-ones (such as what you mentioned in your example, I believe), but there are some who are weirded out because it's playing pretend. The former can be treated the same way you would treat it irl, the latter, well, just means pretend-dating isn't your cup of tea. And you're welcome! V vV Quote
Tainavaa Posted April 26, 2015 Posted April 26, 2015 I think it only feels strange to me because it felt strange for others that Tina tried to be romantic with. I can FEEL how uncomfortable they are. If someone else is comfortable, I'm comfortable. It's weird. Quote
Ryfer Posted April 27, 2015 Posted April 27, 2015 Whenever I play my one character with colored hair, I feel everyone judging the character because of it immediately. Even though they probably aren't. I can start conversations just fine IC, though I've noticed a lot of people seem to have issues with upholding them. I was always curious if that was a character's flaw, or the person just couldn't do it OOCly. I have trouble with conversations out of character, but it doesn't effect me IC. Quote
Carver Posted April 27, 2015 Posted April 27, 2015 Wall of text/blog post inc. Emotes: Semi-tolerable descriptive writing is something I struggle with, descriptive writing on the fly? Well you can just throw that out the door. My emotes typically end up being either blunt and to the point, or non-existent if I can't find the adequate terminology for what I'm visually picturing in my head. I just tend to repeat myself in the end, as well. Playing as Girls/Non-Hoomans/Exotic Cultures: Having to put myself into a train of thought is one thing, doing so for a train of thought I have little to no experience or idea of how it, well, ideally works? It just doesn't work out. I'd likely end up either stereotyping or playing to much like my typical 'Male, White, Human' characters. Age isn't much a problem since I just up the notch in how serious the character takes things, and distance myself emotionally from the character to better convey 'distance' ICly. Socialization: This falls under a similar vein to emotes, but for a different reason. I'm not the best at portraying a 'charismatic' or outgoing character, I tend to be very blunt, and that more often than not leads to rude or quick-talking characters that don't fiddle about with the details. Another note being that the more 'intimate' I attempt to portray a character's speech/feelings, the more awkward and stilted it is as I have issues connecting to the character. Or the inverse being, I connect and end up 'forcing' a certain personality/emotion too much, leading to more awkward, stilted, and rather repetitive roleplay as I struggle to get out of it. Backgrounds: Falling even closer to the 'emote' issue than 'socialization' had, descriptive writing again! I have such an issue with working out a proper background that I tend to be as vague as possible, retconning details almost every other week as I try to improve and improve upon the work I've made. In the end I'm never satisfied, but I always try to keep a pinch of the 'ideals' of the old work. I strive to keep up and improve neat character developments like injuries, past relationships, friendships, and such, but I'm never satisfied with the 'background' beyond that itself. Everything can pretty much fall under me either being somewhat inexperienced with writing as a whole, or my perfectionism getting in the way of anything being remotely consistent. And even when things are put into practice, I still somewhat feel anxieties over "Does this look snowflakey, where did I fuck up here, what do I need to cut to make this better" and I ultimately feel stress over the thought of people being judgemental over my failures in creative writing. Quote
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