Vittorio Giurifiglio Posted April 26, 2015 Posted April 26, 2015 Type (e.g. Planet, Faction, System): Faction/State of the Sol Union whatever the Pope is counted as Founding/Settlement Date (if applicable): 33 anno domini/786 AUC Region of Space: Controlled by (if not a faction): Other Snapshot information: Name in Common: Kingdom of God/New Rome/Papal State of Peter Name in Latin: Regnum Dei/Nova Roma/Patrimonium Petri Motto:In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen Flag: Anthem: Under the authority of: The Sol Union as a Fully Autonomous state in the Alliance. Long Description: WILL PASTE IT'S 2:40
Dea Tacita Posted April 26, 2015 Posted April 26, 2015 I honestly highly doubt the Pope would ever leave the Eternal City.
canon35 Posted April 26, 2015 Posted April 26, 2015 The space pope is an unathi lizardman, the actual pope is on earth.
Vittorio Giurifiglio Posted April 26, 2015 Author Posted April 26, 2015 I honestly highly doubt the Pope would ever leave the Eternal City. He hasn't Il Vaticano is still the Ceremonial Capital of the state, It has just grown too big of an Organization to be bound on Earth so they franchised.
Conservatron Posted April 27, 2015 Posted April 27, 2015 I feel like they wouldn't need to franchise out due to the current feudal nature of the archdiocese system if anything they'd just add an additional layer or two into the hierarchy with some new titles.
Rusty Shackleford Posted April 27, 2015 Posted April 27, 2015 I really don't think this is necessary. Catholics in universe would probably stick to tradition, methinks. Maybe some progressive actions, but not too much.
Vittorio Giurifiglio Posted April 27, 2015 Author Posted April 27, 2015 I really don't think this is necessary. Catholics in universe would probably stick to tradition, methinks. Maybe some progressive actions, but not too much. Hardly, We Catholics at this point are at a Majourly reform or die situation.
Guest Marlon Phoenix Posted April 28, 2015 Posted April 28, 2015 Add at least a paragraph of info to it in the necessary place and I'll accept it (unless you do something outlandish with it for some reason)
Conservatron Posted April 28, 2015 Posted April 28, 2015 i'd be much more amenable to the idea if the 'space pope' functioned as a sort of anti-pope rather than a co-pope at least then there would be some added conflict as to what branch of catholicism you follow, whether you are a traditionalist earth supremacist and follow the pope in Rome or follow the more secular space pope in space station 'Avignon'
Johnny Mnemonic Posted April 28, 2015 Posted April 28, 2015 Why would the roman pope be a traditionalist earth supremacist though? wouldn't that just make a bunch of heavily religiously brought up christian characters either do some character rewriting to not be affiliated with the church or become earth supremacists? On the other hand i really really dig the idea of there being more then just 2 popes. With the profit in mind 2457 christianity becomes an almost corporate mindset branch with intrigue,backstabbing, and corporate threatchery. A multitude popes competing for affiliation, the pure hearted and those under a guise mix and mingle gathering and catering to their own demographic, from a pure hearted pope to a near Godfather. Bah, i just like going off on writing tangents But yea i digress, why would he be a supremacist? ALSO i was under the impression earth is condensed into a multitude of megacities, would this make the Vatican underwater/mostly abandoned ? Edit:found old thread with a map, nevermind
Rusty Shackleford Posted April 28, 2015 Posted April 28, 2015 As far as space catholicism is concerned, it would be easier to just have different sects. No racist popes, no rise of Space Roma. I actually "created" a sect based off of Orson Scott Card's Speaker for the Dead, which I called "Las Hijas de la Mente de Cristo." You know, because who's gonna stop me?
Conservatron Posted April 28, 2015 Posted April 28, 2015 why a sitting pope in rome would be an earth supremacist is simple politics. The more power thats consolidated in Sol and Earth, the greater the power, authority, and legitimacy the pope has. 'Franchising' so to speak means there is more than one vicar of christ, more than one head of the religion, and if thats the case why even have a head at all. Its venturing dangerously close to Orthodoxy and a pentarchy type system where the church is led by peers and not a hierarchical system as exists in the catholic church. additionally, just because your religious leaders hold views doesn't mean you have to be forced to hold them too. Catholics aren't clones of the pope I agree with Rusty, it'd be much more sensible to have either full blown sects or splinter heresies than have the church leadership split into two 'equal' parts
Dea Tacita Posted April 28, 2015 Posted April 28, 2015 I'm with Rusty due to the issues raised above.
Vittorio Giurifiglio Posted April 28, 2015 Author Posted April 28, 2015 Why would the roman pope be a traditionalist earth supremacist though? wouldn't that just make a bunch of heavily religiously brought up christian characters either do some character rewriting to not be affiliated with the church or become earth supremacists? On the other hand i really really dig the idea of there being more then just 2 popes. With the profit in mind 2457 christianity becomes an almost corporate mindset branch with intrigue,backstabbing, and corporate threatchery. A multitude popes competing for affiliation, the pure hearted and those under a guise mix and mingle gathering and catering to their own demographic, from a pure hearted pope to a near Godfather.Bah, i just like going off on writing tangents But yea i digress, why would he be a supremacist? ALSO i was under the impression earth is condensed into a multitude of megacities, would this make the Vatican underwater/mostly abandoned ? Edit:found old thread with a map, nevermind  Thats....not how Apostolic Succession nor Papal Primacy works, There has always been 1 pope since the days of Avignon, who is elected from his peers in a pretty stringent way, Like if no one agrees with it, they have to do it until someone has a clear majourity, It's simply ridiculous to bring back the Anti-Pope system, or even dissolving into almost Orthodox level of Patriarchs of the church.
Vittorio Giurifiglio Posted April 28, 2015 Author Posted April 28, 2015 I'm with Rusty due to the issues raised above. Except said sects would not be considered Roman Catholic, The thing about Catholicism is uniformity, before Vatican II we all prayed in Latin despite what was logical. The last majour time sects broke off was the Protestant reformation.
Dea Tacita Posted April 28, 2015 Posted April 28, 2015 The last major break wasn't Protestantism there's been a number Local Catholic churches, like the Eastern Catholics, Polish National Catholics, Old Catholic Church, Traditionalist Catholics and a significant number of Catholics not in communion with Rome.
Vittorio Giurifiglio Posted April 28, 2015 Author Posted April 28, 2015 The last major break wasn't Protestantism there's been a number Local Catholic churches, like the Eastern Catholics, Polish National Catholics, Old Catholic Church, Traditionalist Catholics and a significant number of Catholics not in communion with Rome. Eastern Church are subservient to most Roman Rituals, Traditionalists Catholics are a Hate Group as declared by SPLC, Poles are included in the Old Catholic thing and are not nearly as major as the Prostant reformation, as well as noting they are not really Catholics in the sense of Roman Catholcism, due to not being in communion with Rome,
Johnny Mnemonic Posted April 28, 2015 Posted April 28, 2015 I know but dem corporate spirituality~ Such a cool concept in my mind , even if it makes absolutely no sense. Also there's a lot of assumptions going around regarding supremacy and racism. OP technically hasn't stated any values the pope has, past the standard bible adoring. But that's so vague because everyone bends the bible however they desire. The current pope going on wildly different stances then the former, but what holy man is the right between the two? Not that i see how it would improve RP either, as it would boil down to "yea,he exists i guess". I suppose i can get behind earth pope still sticking around because of dem tradition, not like my religious characters can't just claimn the pope is actually the tool of satan. And everyone else considering religion is funny like that Having 2 popes helps out too, as you're not bound to one religious leader if you like playing Christianity
Guest Posted May 6, 2015 Posted May 6, 2015 Notice: Please add at least a paragraph within the next 24 hours, or I'll be inclined to deny this application for inactivity/WIP /
Guest Posted May 7, 2015 Posted May 7, 2015 Application denied. Author has failed to revise the application within the given time period, you are invited to reapply. Locking and archiving.
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