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[Denied] Sue - CCIA Application

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CCIA Staff Application

Basic Information

Byond key: SueTheCake

Character names: Ana Roh'hi'tin

Age: 29

Timezone: Central

What times are you most available?: Midday-late evening.


How long have you played SS13?: Since 2012.

How long have you played on Aurora?: Since it began as a server - December 2015, thereabouts.

How active on the forums, discord and/or server are you?: Uh, decently.

Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: No.

Have you ever volunteered as moderation staff for any other servers, SS13 or otherwise?: I have served as moderation staff on an SL Sci-Fi roleplaying community.

Do you have any other experience that you believe would be relevant to a position in the CCIA?: I've previously been on the Aurora staff team, in both Lore and Development. I've also spent at least two years as a member of the Internal Affairs Bureau for said SL Sci-Fi roleplaying community's police department, responsible for oversight and discipline of officers.


Why do you want to join the CCIA?: I enjoy investigative work, bureaucracy, and the angle CCIA has to deal with IC issues and disagreements; I believe these canon incidents are the lifeblood of good RP.

What do you think are the most important qualities for a CCIA Agent to possess?: Critical thinking, the ability to communicate well, and neutrality.

What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is in an ongoing round?: To serve as a reminder of mechanisms and bureaucracy that exist beyond the bubble of the Horizon. This can take many forms, beyond the simple CCIA investigative apparatus - it also serves in the purpose and role of faxing, and even point inspections of crew. It solidifies the existence of the SCC and corporate beyond simple lore writing, and it adds a layer of believability and interactivity.

What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is outside of the server?: Most importantly, communication. A vast majority - at least, to my current understanding - of CCIA reports are dealt with in-round. Agents must be coherent and capable of interacting with and messaging involved parties, setting up times and dates for interviews, collating the information of their investigations, and carefully thread the needle that exists between the IC/OOC divide. Being able to effectively communicate with involved parties is the biggest responsibility CCIA has, I believe.

How do you handle stress?: I feel like I handle it decently. I play security, after all, and have done so for twelve years.

How well do you work autonomously?: Quite well, I think. A lot of my sprite work and other contributions to Tajara on the server have just been borne of a self-driven desire to... do work. Even the photo and video editing I do to create horrible Aurora memes are born of the same self-drive. 

Edited by Bear
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I believe you would make a fine CCIA member. My impression of you over the years has generally been of someone who emphasizes procedure, regulations and of course the rules as written. These are all great qualities to have as a member of CCIA. I also like you as a person and think you're a valued member of this community. 

Easy +1.

  • Thanks 1

Sue has been in the community long enough that anyone who even kind of knows her would know she'd be a perfect fit for CCIA. Like Garn said, it's a position that fits her to a tee.


  • Thanks 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Another applicant was selected, reasons explained, and applicant thanked for their application and time. Sue may always re-apply in the future.

  • Bear changed the title to [Denied] Sue - CCIA Application
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