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Right, many players have noted the serious lack of actual game mechanics the Skrell have associated to them.

My suggestion here might seem a little crazy and ambitious but I really think it could add a new unique factor to the Skrell without ruining too much.

First part of the Sugestion is the Skrell link

Basically the idea is that Skrell could receive access to what is essentially their own version of the ling channel, I know what you're thinking that sounds rediculously OP. But is it? If a Skrell is knocked out, or sleeping then they won't have access to this 'link' we could even add some other nerfs to it like if a Skrell is wearing a hardsuit the waves can't penetrate and such.

The second part is the lesser link, which would basically just see the removal of the Skrell language and replace it with a language that ignores muzzles and is pretty much invisible to Non-Skrell.

I know this is crazy, but I think it's high time we had some appreciation for the Skrell and it's about time they got some lovin'.

What's crazy is I even got Vittorio behind this... Fucking Vittorio, the most prolific xenophobe on our server, I got him to like an idea for an Alien race, Whaaaat.

Guest Menown

Why not one for diona then? Remove rootspeak and have the communication as a "pheromone" type deal or something.

Posted (edited)

I get this is kind of hypocritical by me posting this, but.


In case you haven't guessed: I CARE ABOUT SKRELL AND KINDA THINK I HAVE GOOD IDEAS ABOUT THEM. Please help me help you! Like, look, I came up with this thing! Please don't ignore it like you did before like 'hey I'm responsible for ALL the stuff on the wiki rn, look at all this OTHER stuff I'm gonna add'; no. The stuff you've brought up could be brilliant, it could be crappy, but all I know is that it is entirely irrelevant in debating whether or not my ideas are good or should be implemented.


You did it. You did it again. You ignored my ideas and made a separate thread to push your own. I'm so ready to just pack up and stop creating things all together, roleplay on this server included. What's even the point? I don't care how pathetic it is to say this - consider my feelings and desire to make a difference to the server majorly wounded.

Edit: I get emotional about Skrell and ignorance. Sorry.

Edited by Guest

I'd be infinitely more interested in playing Skrell if they were differentiated from humans more. Just, at this point? It doesn't make sense to bother. Why fill out a whitelist for a character with an extra language?

I'd love to play a Skrell scientist. They seem interesting, but... It's just not worth it at this point.

Why not one for diona then? Remove rootspeak and have the communication as a "pheromone" type deal or something.


I'd be all for that, the reason I suggested Skrell was mostly because the Skrell are basically blue humans who can't wear real hardsuit helmets. Whereas the Dionae are absolute damage tanks that don't need to eat or breathe or wear space suits or anything really.m

I get this is kind of hypocritical by me posting this, but.


In case you haven't guessed: I CARE ABOUT SKRELL AND KINDA THINK I HAVE GOOD IDEAS ABOUT THEM. Please help me help you! Like, look, I came up with this thing! Please don't ignore it like you did before like 'hey I'm responsible for ALL the stuff on the wiki rn, look at all this OTHER stuff I'm gonna add'; no. The stuff you've brought up could be brilliant, it could be crappy, but all I know is that it is entirely irrelevant in debating whether or not my ideas are good or should be implemented.


You did it. You did it again. You ignored my ideas and made a separate thread to push your own. I'm so ready to just pack up and stop creating things all together, roleplay on this server included. What's even the point? I don't care how pathetic it is to say this - consider my feelings and desire to make a difference to the server majorly wounded.


Woah Cresc, first off never meant to hurt anyone's feelings. Your ideas WERE discussed amongst the lore team, you weren't ignored you actually caused meaningful debate and your idea to get rid of the slur is what spurred this. While the synthetic voices were a great idea we wanted something a little more strange, hence why I have SUGGESTED, not made CANON, telepathy.

And I'd really appreciate an explanation on what you mean by I did it again?

TLDR, didn't mean to hurt feelings, just to push for progress on the race I care most about.


I love the idea for Skrell links. It makes sense the race would have a "language" that most other races are unable to comprehend. After all, their minds and emotions are on a level totally separate from humans.

This promises to be the change that leads more quality RPers to give Skrell the chance it deserves. With an optional accent, a slight mechanic change, and no nonsensical age-cutting disease, I see the Skrell getting a fair bit of attention and good RP coming in all across the board.

Skrell already have a bit of lore that makes them worth trying. This change would prove to make them even more interesting. I look forward to warbling internally in the near future.


Even if you want to make it a mechanical thing, the telepathy between skrell/whatever would work, via a specific transmission band, etc. Could be basically a species-wide form of binary.


I believe we should add the nutriment system from bay, so skrells can have at least some gameplay difference in game, and we can expand it to unathi, so they would need to rely only on meat.

Basically the idea is that Skrell could receive access to what is essentially their own version of the ling channel, I know what you're thinking that sounds rediculously OP. But is it? If a Skrell is knocked out, or sleeping then they won't have access to this 'link' we could even add some other nerfs to it like if a Skrell is wearing a hardsuit the waves can't penetrate and such.

I like this quite a lot, and the hardsuit-related nerf is highly appropriate. An advantage of this would be most likely increasing peoples' desire to play Skrell, because of this cool and potentially OP mechanic (though I personally don't mind the potential OP-ness at all as it's high time the race had a facet like that, just like Tool said about Dionae being damage tanks that don't need into anything). Think about it. It would become even more OP/effective the more Skrell there are. So if this gets implemented - y'all better start playing Skrell.


The second part is the lesser link, which would basically just see the removal of the Skrell language and replace it with a language that ignores muzzles and is pretty much invisible to Non-Skrell.

I find this a little more questionable. If this were to be implemented you would need to think carefully about the race-wide implications and acknowledge them on the wiki. Among their own, there would be very little culture related to the spoken (out loud) word. Also, if their equivalent of vocal chords is so specialised and fancy that they can speak like that, would it still allow for them to attempt to articulate sounds in a human-like way for the language of humans?


I believe we should add the nutriment system from bay, so skrells can have at least some gameplay difference in game, and we can expand it to unathi, so they would need to rely only on meat.

I'm not familiar with this system, but if it's something that can benefit both Skrell and Unathi, then I approve very much. A mechanisation of differences in diet. Very nice. However, I would personally put it fairly low priority relative to other unique Skrell mechanic ideas, as we've gotten by fine with arpee until this point.

One issue, as Frances kind of sort of pointed out in my thread before I asked for it to be locked, is that Skrell are innately not attractive. As a playable race, their appearance... hence I'd like to quote my suggestion from that other thread. It both adds a slight advantageous gameplay mechanic for Skrell, and makes them look a bit more magical/mystical/otherworldly/pretty. Look up bioluminescence on google images if you disagree.


I, among others, think bioluminescence looks fucking cool. What about them being slightly bioluminescent? Always emanating a PDA-style or slightly higher light beam? Maybe even the light would depend on what colour they are?

I want to oppose this idea, and bring up the controversy that arose when suggesting allowing IPC's to speak binary. Not even to have them have access to the binary channel, just to speak it in general.


This sounds like a good idea to me. It may even draw more people into play the skrell. I'm all for it. But the lore for the skrell, an entire specie, I think at least, should take Presidence among all other things. I don't mean to come off as hostile or patronizing, it's just something that I think is important.

The second part is the lesser link, which would basically just see the removal of the Skrell language and replace it with a language that ignores muzzles and is pretty much invisible to Non-Skrell.


While I like the psychic-language thingy. I do thing we should still keep the normal verbal language they have.

I want to oppose this idea, and bring up the controversy that arose when suggesting allowing IPC's to speak binary. Not even to have them have access to the binary channel, just to speak it in general.

Hm, I haven't heard about this. What was the discussion?


It was regarding whether or not IPCs should be able to keep in contact with station-bound synthetics.

It wasn't received well.

It was regarding whether or not IPCs should be able to keep in contact with station-bound synthetics.

It wasn't received well.


Yeah, because it was deemed overpowered and unfair during rounds with malf and traitor Borgs

Guest Marlon Phoenix

Skrell having their own language that doesn't allow them to tap into other languages is different from giving IPCs the power to eavesdrop and communicate with borgs and AI, who can only coordinate through binary when traitor or MALF.


Cool, we have any controversy relating to IPCs out of the way.


Also, if their equivalent of vocal chords is so specialised and fancy that they can speak like that, would it still allow for them to attempt to articulate sounds in a human-like way for the language of humans?


One issue, as Frances kind of sort of pointed out in my thread before I asked for it to be locked, is that Skrell are innately not attractive. As a playable race, their appearance... hence I'd like to quote my suggestion from that other thread. It both adds a slight advantageous gameplay mechanic for Skrell, and makes them look a bit more magical/mystical/otherworldly/pretty. Look up bioluminescence on google images if you disagree.


I, among others, think bioluminescence looks fucking cool. What about them being slightly bioluminescent? Always emanating a PDA-style or slightly higher light beam? Maybe even the light would depend on what colour they are?

Here's my suggestion on some mechanics which could make the Skrell stand out a bit, compared to humans. They dont all have to be implemented at the same time, but having at least one of them would certainly make the species more attractive.


Bring back the Skrell fear fluid, but in a less stupid lore breaking way.

By which I mean, remove the bits where it makes Unathi batshit crazy and poisons everyone else, keep it as a biological advantage, tho.

It'd essentially work as an automatic long cooldown (Maybe only once a round?) synaptizine/ninja fluid injection when the Skrell hits pain crit/hits the supplied "inject fear fluid" button. The Skrell gets a speed boost and complete pain immunity for a short time, supposedly so they can run away or save themselves from the situation they've landed in.


Have water remove tox damage for them, like Dylovene. They're already said to do a lot of crazy stuff with their pores, why not play it off as them sweating out all of their toxins using the extra water they're consuming?


I, among others, think bioluminescence looks fucking cool. What about them being slightly bioluminescent? Always emanating a PDA-style or slightly higher light beam? Maybe even the light would depend on what colour they are?

A friend just gave an idea that isn't shit. Why not give them fucking poisonous ink they can spray at people, and do toxins damage or some shit.

Give them fucking TK. Or give them an ability to split their heads off and become tiny squids.

Fuck it, give them Nar'sie speak. I don't know.

Just give them something.


Okay. So I had a chat with the lore folk about anything, really. And we got onto organ code, and then I had an idea.

The issue with the Skrell-link is that. It's meta as shit. Even with the restrictions proposed, it's horribly powerful and has the capacity to ruin things. Plus, it's not that. Interesting. So, we were tossing the idea ball, and here is what I was thinking. Instead of transmitting an outright, literal message, you transmit feelings. Associated with colours, in our case. The way it would work is this:

  • There are lists of words associated with colours in the code. So, var/redwords, var/greenwords, etcetera.
  • Let's say you type, "I am feeling fine today, everyone is being friendly and welcoming!"
  • A text parser in code goes over your message, reduces it down to the order of colours that your message activated, and sends only those colours to everyone who can listen in. Only the original writer sees the actual message that was sent, everyone else just gets the chain of colours that the code recognized (in our case, green-green-gold).


Now, why is this better? First off: you remove the threat of people using it to metagame/powergame. Even if the message transmitted reflects danger and threat, you can't really pick out who, where, or any other details. You just know that something is amiss. It would put your Skrell on heightened alert, without necessarily screwing over the antagonist or whoever is hurting the other Skrell. I also think that it is a lot more neat than just another form of direct speech. From a roleplay perspective, it would be interesting (as a Skrell player, saying that).

Butt wait! There is more!

We also want to tie it to an organ, of some form. This would enable three more possibilities:

  • Skrell who don't have it (from the spawn menu) could be subject to discrimination -- roleplay possibility
  • You can yank it out, and deprive a Skrell of its effects -- possibility for antagonists, chiefly
  • You can transplant it into other species, after dealing with cross-species rejection (possibly with chemicals) -- possibility for the Biologist


We are currently reviewing three possibilities on the nature of the organ:

  • Just. An organ. Blargh, it's gooey and shit. Hardest to explain transplantation with, due to DNA mismatch, but can be made to be underdeveloped/undeveloped due to genetic defect (for segregation, reference point one of previous list).
  • A cybernetic enhancement. Easiest to explain transplantation with, and can be used to segregate poor Skrell from the not-so-poor Skrell (reference point one of previous list).
  • A symbiotic organism. The most interesting, probably. Moderately difficult to explain transplantation with.


So, thoughts?

Oh! Oh! There's more! Even more!

Another possibility discussed was giving the Skrell with the organ a chance to transmit said feelings to another person, if they concentrated enough. Basically, you can make someone completely random who's standing in defined range of you see/feel the colours you're feeling. Basically: like the Asari with their "Embrace eternity!" crud. Maybe make this run a percentual chance based on the Skrell's age: the higher the age, the more proficient they are at their language usage, the more control they have over it and thus, the higher the success rate.


Also, deathgoop and biolumihoweverthehellthiswordgoes.

Both can be made into a thing easily enough. Biolum is something I'm potentially interested in, but it may get to sit a bit, until Baystation finishes violating the lighting code (coloured light sources is a thing there, whereas they're lacking on ours).

As for deathgoop, one option is to have it as an adrenaline burst. Another would be to have it as a minor-league toxin -- causes irritation at low levels, but starts becoming organ-damaging at higher doses. Which one is more preferable?


Uh, well, some things.

I think the textparser thing is an interesting idea. Would like to see it in practice first, and I'll be the first to admit I don't rightly understand it entirely. It sounds like it's something you need to see put into practice firsthand before getting an idea of what's it's really all about, so, there's that.

Regarding butts, and organs. One, why don't we have butts as an organ? But, two. I like the idea of the 3 possibilities there. Discrimination between Skrells would be more or less interesting. Yoinking it out would cause the Skrell to be numbed in more ways than one, I imagine? Somewhat less... themselves. /me nids. And that transplantation idea, that's. Really interesting. Just to transplant the effects of that into another organism just for funsies, yeah? Is that the basic idea? If so, that'd be interesting. With obvious consequences, of course. And that includes the whole Biotechnician thing we were chatting about in another thread before this, so, now we have more to work with. Also, will it be possible to grow these Skrell organs for mass implantation, or are they going to be Skrell transplant-exclusive?

Regarding the nature of the organ. It just being a gooey goopy organ thingy would possibly be more simple for the time being. Cybernetic enhancements... ehhhhh. Don't know. Kind of averted to that being forced on all Skrell. Hey, there's an idea. What if we had biological goopy forms of said organ, as well as cybernetic mock-ups? I imagine in terms of a class or caste system, those with legit bio-goop-organs would be considered pretty swank Skrell and all that jazz. Those with the mock-ups, less so. Those without, even less.

When you brought up symbiote, that's possibly another thing that could be considered, in my mind? It's very Venom-ish, but, hey, it's cool. What if it's an organism that simply manifests itself into newborn Skrell, and given a period of time, it either lives or dies dependent on body-type/compatibility with said Skrell? Not every one of those little slugs will grow into benign organs, ya dig?


Dude, I love. Love the idea, of emotion transmissions. This would be pretty neat if they were able to concentrate it enough to kind of... eh, transmit a squishy feeling. Well, not really, but they'd have a profound psychological effect on surrounding crew members. Sort of like uh... subliminal suggestions. It would basically... make Skrell seem a bit more present among the crew than they already are. This could either be good or bad depending on what the Skrell dood's up to. It'd be interesting, anyway. Age-wise, that'd be pretty neat.

Also, I would prefer death/bloodgoop be weighed by chance whether or not it's super toxic. RNGesus is a major driving force in-game anyway, so why not keep to that thematic?

Anyway, I'm onboard with a few of these ideas, if not merely just deciding on "PUT THEM ALL IN, BUT WITH ADJUSTMENTS BECAUSE THESE ARE ALL SO COOL TO THINK ABOUT IN PRACTICE."


Overall, while the emotion transferral idea is pretty original, like Delta said, seeing it in practice would make me understand it/be more enthusiastic about it. I have two problems with it.

First, the Classic Meh-Skrell Dilemma. That idea, to me at least, seems intrinsically less sparkly/attractive/advantageous than being able to break out of cuffs quick or resistance to brute or something (not that I am suggesting such for Skrell, just pointing out what other species have). Even though it technically is a mechanic, it doesn't feel like one because it is arpee-based due to the interpretation and uncertainty of it all. While I completely understand why the original Skrell Link isn't possible (because it's too OP), one of its main attractions was how advantageous it was.

Second, it retcons the whole 'emotionless-seeming Skrell thing', if they're able to express emotions like that. Suddenly the constraints of Basic not having the tones of their language are gone, and they can pass on general moods to whoever. Easy peasy to express themselves now, in a basic way. While that in itself isn't a bad thing, one of their most defining characteristics - how they appear to other races - is gone. Their feel of alienation, gone. Do people mind this? Is this what we want?

Thanks for acknowledging biolum stuff! I understand about having to wait. The fact that you will look into seriously implementing it makes me super happy.

About the mucus. I would prefer it if it was an adrenaline boost, or an equivalent thereof. If it were toxic, wow, okay, so I use a cup on myself and collect the goop then throw it at somebody? Seems a bit clumsy to me. Whereas a little temporary hyperzine, just what someone suggested, would be more easy to feel as a mechanic. You get redtexted? You can get out of there quick. Lorewise, maybe it'd be something retained from their less sapient ages, being able to swim/move faster underwater if threatened. The only problem I could see is like... hitting yourself regularly to exploit it. So how else could it be implemented smoothly...?

Sorry for the hard to read stream of consciousness. I really can't word today. Hopefully it's clear enough not to be ignored/misunderstood.

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