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Remove the like button.


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With how discussions go in this community. I feel the 'like' button is an awful addition that only adds to the whole mean girls mentality. You know what I mean, the Queen Bee makes a sick burn and her bitches peer over her shoulder to say 'Yeeaaaah suck it bitch!'

We already have some threads devolve into senseless bickering with no real productive discussions going on, we don't need things like:


Snarky McUrist

[insert some sort of lengthy post that is pretty much hostile to it's recipient with insults laced under the passive aggressive sentences}

Keck O'Snap likes this dank burn



Perhaps I'm being unreasonable, but it's kind of the... vibe I get from it when I stupidly enter heated threads to see why they've been so active.


It has literally JUST been added.... and... wow... Okay.

I personally want to keep it, I don't see a need to get rid of it and I think you are simply taking it in the wrong way.

Nothing personal against you, but typical. People keep asking for something. As soon as we get it? "Hurr, no, get rid of it."


Just to clarify things, you're afraid the button could encourage people to write burns/disses for the sake of getting likes, and that it thus encourages this type of post, yes?


While I generally dislike the button from my highschool days, I think this is a good way to reduce forum clutter, as a like is enough to give a support to an idea. You don't have to write a post to say that you agree with something. Maybe, if it starts turning into a popularity contest, just remove the Likes/Liked in from under the avatar picture. This could potentially discourage it.


I dislike it because it's not constructive and doesn't benefit if the topic turns sour, perhaps it also doesn't... Add to the problem either but I felt like I would express my current disdain with it even if it is an incredibly unpopular opinion.

But to me, it may validate someone's argument or opinion but it doesn't explain why, which to me is lack luster and can, at times, be used in pettiness. But like I said, thought I'd make my stance on it.


I think it's far, far too early to compare us to funnyjunk/reddit. We just added this like, 2 days ago.

I suggest we wait and see how this goes.

I dislike it because it's not constructive and doesn't benefit if the topic turns sour, perhaps it also doesn't... Add to the problem either but I felt like I would express my current disdain with it even if it is an incredibly unpopular opinion.

But to me, it may validate someone's argument or opinion but it doesn't explain why, which to me is lack luster and can, at times, be used in pettiness. But like I said, thought I'd make my stance on it.

It's to be used(at least in my mind) when the person that made a claim/argument said everything you wished to say and there's nothing more to elaborate on, instead of just making a seperate post saying "i agree" or "+1"

And currently there has been no attempts to justify something being more right or wrong based on likes, seems as if that was the case people would agree that it isn't constructive.

I think it's far, far too early to compare us to funnyjunk/reddit. We just added this like, 2 days ago.

I suggest we wait and see how this goes.


I suppose I am being a bit too hasty. I'll see how my opinions on it change.


Something to keep in mind.

The like button can be toggled for specific boards, user groups, etcetera. That is to say: I have full control over who and where people use it (as far as being able to actually ban individuals from using it, if we ever wanted to). So, if required, it can be disabled from certain subboards (like complaints), while keeping it on others. There are probably different fun things that can be done with it as well, as Erik illustrated on another board, buuuut. Unless you gents dig me a HTML/PHP coder with the actual willingness of looking into PHPBB3, that's off the table.

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