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Remove alcohol from bar

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As of recently, there have been alot of players whose characters regularly end up in the Medbay with liver damage from intentionally drinking too much, sometimes to the point of falling unconscious. The stations minimum age to work there is 17, and the drinking age (As said by Jackboot somewhere in the Lore Questions subforum) is 19. The Bartender does not, and is unable to, check for peoples ages. A couple times before, Ive seen people die or nearly die because of extreme alcohol poisoning, not to mention the times people go disposals diving or attack other people while inebriated. My character (Samir) has even been threatened with death if Alcohol were to be removed for the shift. For the shift. This also slightly ties in with some of the issues in Rev, but people seem to be entirely incapable of going without alcohol for a few hours, going so far as murder to get it.

Basically, remove alcohol from the bar, and make it abundantly clear that drinking yourself unconcious is bad and abusing the health insurance provided by Nanotrasen to continually do that is also, bad.

Meowy said something about drinking yourself unconcious should waive treatment rights. It sounds like a good idea to me, honestly.

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Maybe make it mandatory for lower doses of alcohol, define what bartender is allowed and is not allowed to do. It might complicate things, but it should help.

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Step 1: Make is not so god damn easy to get drunk. One beer shouldn't put you on your ass and one shot of a drink, even the strongest drink in the bar, shouldn't have you slurring and stumbling like an idiot.

Step 2: If it doesn't already, make ID's provide the age of the employee they belong to when examined so Bartender can card people and actually enforce the drinking age, if you decline then the bartender doesn't have to serve you alcohol.

Step 3: Bartenders need to limit the amount of alcohol they give people. They need to be held responsible for that because otherwise they're letting these people get wasted on their shift.

Step 4: People get fired if they spend the whole shift getting wasted in the bar instead of working, kinda self explanatory, if you get drunk instead of working you get fired, time for that little dose of reality.

Step 5: Whitelist bartender are a special RP job. Really, put bartender on a separate whitelist because it's shown that it's a job that needs responsible players who know how to RP to do it. I mean they're given a shotgun too, but yeah, reserve the job for players who are well-known, strong RPers.

Step 6: Drink and Serve more non-alcoholic beverages in the bar, because yes, the bar actually does have more drinks than just alcoholic ones, kinda like a real bar, so all is not lost if you can't drink booze. This is a heavy RP server, the bar should not even need alcohol to exist, but it's fine to have alcohol if not abused.

Step 7: Give the bar a jukebox with several preloaded midis, that are perhaps voted on in the forums so nobody bitches about someone playing shitty music on the piano or violin, with a one or two credit cost to play a song. Yeah this one is a tad random, but I think it would be good for atmosphere. My suggestion for the first song on it would be the Cantina Theme

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People who drink themselves into a coma get brigged, demoted, and fired.

This isn't really an issue we need to curb more than we already do, imo. I don't like the idea of taking away people's tools just because some of them could be idiots with them - there's a good set of IC and OOC consequences already in place to deal with these situations.

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People who drink themselves into a coma get brigged, demoted, and fired.

This isn't really an issue we need to curb more than we already do, imo. I don't like the idea of taking away people's tools just because some of them could be idiots with them - there's a good set of IC and OOC consequences already in place to deal with these situations.


Pretty much this.

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As an amendment to then, Step 5: Just job ban any chuckle fuck who shows more than once that they do not have the necessary maturity and ability to RP for the job. Especially hand these out for anyone who abuses the position somehow, so yeah bartenders who give themselves alcohol poisoning.

Also not all the steps were for the Devs to tackle. Infact, steps 3, 4, and 6 are more so for the community in general to address and be aware of, because it seems evident enough that a reminder may be necessary. Especially when someone is insisting that an alcohol ban would render the bar absolutely useless and pointless as a gathering place when people do go there just to meet up instead drinking. I mean really, this is a Heavy RP server, the bar should exist for more than just alcohol. I'd expect it to only be for getting booze on a low-rp server.

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this is a Heavy RP server, the bar should exist for more than just alcohol. I'd expect it to only be for getting booze on a low-rp server.

Can you elaborate on that? It'd be easier to understand where you're coming from if you could give us a good idea of how you'd like to see the bar being used.

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Hm well. As a bartender regular who plays on peak hour, I've got this to say.

You will occasionally get the player who comes into the bar and asks from something strong - my bartender sometimes teases them and dares them to down 10 units of absinthe before telling them to shoo off because they're obviously an alcoholic with an foil lined throat (shotting absinthe raw without a reaction is often terrible RP) and won't give them enough, which ends with my bartend occasionally getting beat up as s/he rushes for their gun.

Then you get the people who RP suicide depressives who run to the bar on shift start asking again the most generic question a SS13 bartender can hear, for the strongest beverage you have. A bit eye rolly but again, not a big deal.

But yes, you do get the deliberate liver breakers a handful of bartenders do entertain it, they're weird and it is bad RP but it doesn't happen that often tbh. But please don't remove alcohol. I've seen people do excellent drunk RP before, I'd miss that.

Edited by Guest
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People who drink themselves into a coma get brigged, demoted, and fired.

This isn't really an issue we need to curb more than we already do, imo. I don't like the idea of taking away people's tools just because some of them could be idiots with them - there's a good set of IC and OOC consequences already in place to deal with these situations.


Pretty much this.


Medical shouldn't be refusing treatment to anybody, but likewise the station is supposed to be a work environment. I get having a bar for breaks, and I get people sometimes like to spend their whole shift there chatting. That's fine, it's RP, enjoy yourselves. But intentionally getting yourself so drunk that you need liver surgery should be considered Neglect of Duty, not only because you were literally neglecting your onboard duties to drink yourself into a lethal coma, but that caused you to waste the time and resources of the medical staff as well. Maybe once could be forgiven, maybe it should earn someone a sit in with the psychologist, but the kind of character who continually attempts to do this after every attempt by medical to fix him should probably face a criminal charge and be barred from further service at the bar.

If it happens accidentally because either your drink was stronger than you suspected, because the barman slipped in something stronger, or because you were literally forced to drink past your limits in another consequence with possible criminal charges to lay at someone else and not the drunk guy.

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Alchoholics used to be the bane of my existence since you'd get 5 every few minutes and you'd have to do surgery on each one.

Then, I found out if they have 5/Less liver damage you can use dylovene/antitox to cure it, making my job extremely easy.

Still a bit of a hassle, and I can't really tell how having characters report to medbay after every drink contributes that much to RP from my experience of dealing with drunkards.

I agree with what Draycros and Frances suggest, Up the OD limit on alchohol and make it cause halloss.

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I usually give the 'strongest you have customers' one of the cocktails that knocks them out for a very long time. But removing alcohol could be described as using TNT to kill an ant. You have a minor... somewhat irritable problem that probably gives Surgeons something to do, with a proposal that essentially guts an element to a job.

Being a regular bartender, I have had awesome roleplay thanks to the booze. I have many regulars who come to my bar and I know what the usual they have. Leo likes an Old Fashioned, Sammy likes a good Gin mix, Stamos enjoys a Giblet, Hakra likes his Drambuie straight and Essel likes a milkshake. Because of the 'usual' drinks these people have, they have some sort of relationship with my bartender and someone to chat to. Sure you get the usual obtuse individuals who will ask for the strongest stuff, and to reiterate I give them the knock out substances. With the ones who ask me to fill their flask with a particular spirit, I just fill it with lime juice and chuckle away. Best way to deal with those kind of people. I once also hosted a Sbiten challenge, where some of the patrons had to down an incredibly fiery drink and last the longest without having to cool down. I like to think those who were involved enjoyed it to some extent and it allows... people to mingle.

To me, it's an IC issue that should be dealt with in an ICly manner that either gets the drunk fired or the bartender for being negligent, there are more beneficial ways about it than an OOC Nuke to remove a feature because the vocal minority have caused you irritation with their shitty livers.

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To get rid of the bar for RP reasons doesn't exactly make sense, same as for alcohol. Some of my most meaningful RP experiences has been from the bar, that and on many shifts has been my source of entertainment for constant drunks. Removing it will also remove one more thing that makes the game fun for me, which is actually doing fun things rather than mindless boring jobs, though I'm probably in the wrong place for that since I know people like that.

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Look, just about EVERYONE roleplays at the bar and it's fun to roleplay having a nice drink at the bar. Getting rid of it would destroy a lot of the roleplay that goes on there and if you actually think people will want to roleplay drinking at a boring Coffee shop, your just wrong. If you want to change the bar for your own reasons, be the bartender, hand out coffee - then enjoy nobody showing up at your bar.

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We are not doing this, I'm not even sure why it is suggested other than, 'I am fed up of X doing Y, Remove it'

This is another I don't like it, remove it threads. I mean really, look at what you are asking.

Locking and binning.

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