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Guest 1138

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I have done inappropriate things in four public parks.

I suck with relationships >_< Like, I just... Don't even know :P but I'm in one now and thats cool.

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I was once ready to move to another country for the interests of a girl who dumped me. I had packed, gotten a passport, and plane tickets before realizing that if she wasn't into me now she wasn't going to be into me after relocating my entire life. Luckily the tickets were refundable and rent was able to be paid.

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I'm 18 and have never driven (nor have desire to drive) a car.

I sometimes make inhuman squeals that call a league of fangirls to my house. This happens often when I listen to Welcome to Night Vale.

There's a beetle crawling up my uncle's wall RIGHT NOW. I am going to leave it there and just go to bed.


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I am 17 and I don't have a drivers liscence, nor have any plans to get one, ever.

I too, listen to Welcome to Nightvale, although I instead experience mad laughter.

Bugs are scary. That's not a confession. It's a fact.

I am terrified by how similiar I am to conspire in many ways.

It's weird.

You're like some sorta clone.

Perhaps I am your imaginary friend.

That would explain some things.

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I am 22 and in Australia you have to get your learners licence first (after taking a written test), keep a log book, logging 120 hours, be accompanied by a person holding a full licence, and hold your licence for a year. Since you can get your learners at 16, technically you can go for your provisional licence at 17.

I went for my provisional licence (after which you can drive on your own but must wear a red P on the front and back of your car and have a speed restriction) 4 times, never being able to take the test because of intervening circumstances (the last having a tail light out)

My license then expired. I, after a year of feeling dejected, went for my written test twice before I got it, then the driving test twice.

I am now 22 and happily driving by myself. In fact, I was parked in this morning and managed to manoeuvre my way between a car and a pole, with a wall in front and not hit anything.

Also my favorite food is smoked salmon.

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I live in Florida. You don't have to log any hours in the driver's seat. You just have a mandatory 1 year period for the learner's permit before you can get the license.

Cockroaches terrify me to no end.

It was only towards the middle of high school that I realized I was the "weird kid," and so dropped off the social radar.

I possess certifications in Adobe and for ASE in maintenance/light repair and brakes, and I also got a 2000 on my SAT on the first try. I was offered a free ride through college on scholarships, but turned it down due to a developing paranoia. Now I get to go to college for free because I'm poor enough. All's well that ends well.


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I have got my Ukrainian driving license this winter. I have read almost all Washington State driving rules, planing to get license here, but I need to get student id for getting driving license here, so I am waiting till September. But I was learning it at 17. I have yacht sailing license - I have got it at 15.5 .

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When I was in high school, me and my best friend back in Puerto Rico used to tag safe places of towns with gang insignias and shit; especially in gated communities where the common consensus in PR is that those are the safest places on the island due to having security. We used to do this in low-end gated communities that were close to barrios in order to scare people, but not totally without purpose. We would scope out gated communities that didn't seem to have good security (such as broken fences, not enough guards, etc.), sneak in very late at night, and then tag. This sent a message to more than a few communities to up security; be it actual security or a neighborhood watch. Basically, we vandalized in order to force owners of gated communities to open their eyes at the possible dangers around when you have barrios close to your place of living.

What caused me and my friend to do this was the fact that when we were in elementary school, opposing gangsters from two nearby barrios moved into the school while exchanging gunfire, and all students were evacuated through an emergency exit while the cops arrived. Thankfully nobody was injured, but when I'm alone in a bathroom (as I was hiding back during that event) I can start to hear gunshots; regardless of whether I'm at my own home, in college, doesn't matter, and it scares me every time because during that event, I could hear the gunfire in the same hall the bathroom was in.

Then there was the ONLY time we did it purely for malicious reasons. We went to one of the wealthiest gated communities in Puerto Rico, and tagged a bunch of places after exploiting guard routines. Our antic that night was in the local newspaper the next, next day. My friend has the headline in a photo frame that sits on his desk; from the last time I saw him last Christmas break. We were laughing our asses off over the matter because the guards were constantly on the look out for suspicious people wearing specific colors.

Thanks to statute of limitations, I'm able to share this. :D

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I stole from a church once.

I was a little kid, it was from the event they did where they took paper and brass etchings and you made rubbings of the stuff... and I've always had semi-magpie-like tendencies (ie, I like-a da sparkle) so I took one of each of the prettiest wax crayons - a bronze colored one, a gold colored one, and a silver colored one.

My child logic? They had baskets full of them and I took ones that were small and would be thrown out soon anyway, so they would not be missed.

...Still got in massive trouble with my mom, even though the church people were like, 'no, it's okay, we have tons'. I had to give them back.

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I stole from a church once.

I was a little kid, it was from the event they did where they took paper and brass etchings and you made rubbings of the stuff... and I've always had semi-magpie-like tendencies (ie, I like-a da sparkle) so I took one of each of the prettiest wax crayons - a bronze colored one, a gold colored one, and a silver colored one.

My child logic? They had baskets full of them and I took ones that were small and would be thrown out soon anyway, so they would not be missed.

...Still got in massive trouble with my mom, even though the church people were like, 'no, it's okay, we have tons'. I had to give them back.

you know... this man will make justise for you!


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