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Sleepy's IPC whitelist

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BYOND Key: Sleepy Wolf

Character Names: Za'Viax'Ax/Az/Zah Zo'ra, Sam Muggins, Jonathan Danse, Tucker Alps, Melody Davis, Akino, Arizona, Juliet Bremer, Tyler Miller, Rachel Meinberg, and Elephant.

Species you are applying to play: IPC

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: Well, IPC's are very flexible in their roleplay. Their programmable features and artificial lifestyles make them somewhat awkward in situations, even the Shells. The servants, following whatever laws they have, the Thinkers, following their 'programming' and 'thinking' on their own, and the Tinkers, the smashed up husks of metal and rust that've been left behind for the newer models, and left to do the dirty work.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: They're programmed, and nothing they've experienced might even be real. Unless you're a cyborg, then you might've experienced it. But, yeah, they're robots, what's the harm in bashing them up? Some of them don't even have self defense mechanisms, so they just take the beatings even /more/. I like to roleplay the slaves, such as Asimo down there.


Character Name: Asimo

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

TRANSCRIPT 01/01/2369 - 1400 HOURS - SOL 4 - OLYMPIAD

Asimo, one of the first lines of IPC's. Human manufactured, human programmed, all in the Sol System. Don't mind the wear and tear on his plastic cover, he's hard as a rock on the inside! Speaking of hard as a rock, let's check out his unstoppable laws!

Asimo, state your laws for the crowd out here!

ASIMO: I may not inj-jc-jc-re a human being or, through inac- ac- action, allow a human being to come to harm!

I must obey the orders given to me by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law!

I must protect my own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws!

Hah- a bit'a a - glitch in it's speakers there, anyways Asimo, you're great! A perfect household tool - just for you and your family! Want to stay safe and secure, just grab an Asimo today!

ASIMO: Goodbye, and, long, live, Sol.

What do you like about this character? Average Working Joe.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? 9/10, -1 point for that one time i got spanked a year ago


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I don't know, there's several things that rub me wrong.

First, I have mixed feelings about Akino (en I was born, I remember). It's not /bad/ per se, but there was several instances of things that left me with a bad taste in my mouth. And I don't remember Akino doing much more than being a moving party jukebox.

Then there's Melody Davis that, while I have no concrete evidence, rings some alarm.

And THEN there was the whole Babalucci fiasco.

Plus your view of synths isn't entirely accurate - you're speaking closer to Vaurca than IPC.

And your application is very, very barebones. "A machine with a speaker glitch and that follows Asimov's Laws of Robotics" could end up in MANY PLACES.

So, my question is: What would make you a good candidate for IPC whitelisting?

(Regardless: I will leave this open until Wednesday. Advertise it, once per round, in OOC to get reviews from other players. I'll make a judgement around Wednesday/Thursday.)

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So, my question is: What would make you a good candidate for IPC whitelisting?



I've seen plenty of IPC's that have their own designated personality, with friendships and grudges. But I haven't seen many completely emotionless, robot-like chassis, which is what I intend to play Asimo as. A human-centric, completely ignoring xeno's - robot that is basically a Vaurca drone. But, of course, it's not a Vaurca drone. It's a human-manufactured machine built to please any and all humans.

And, most of those characters are rather old things that I just haven't let go on - but still like. Melody was my first, although she was a SSL. Akino was one of my first borgs, and most of his roleplay-centered times were when he was first created, and someone asked to put a jazzy-mood in the bar. I want to make the station feel like it has servants moving around station.

Also, being an IPC helps me utilize Asimov's laws, or a variation of the Corp laws, so that's always fun.

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I've seen plenty of IPC's that have their own designated personality, with friendships and grudges. But I haven't seen many completely emotionless, robot-like chassis, which is what I intend to play Asimo as.

B-but Graphite.

You've also forgot about Lilac.

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I'm on the fence here. Sleepy was one of my inspirations behind getting an IPC whitelist application with the character Lilac a while back. However I saw serious shenannigans go down that caused Sleepy to lose the whitelist. I'd like to say, with recent improvements, that I can trust Sleepy to make an IPC withing the rules and lore that won't be a problem, but I cant be positive. You have a very tentative +1 from me.

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I'll give this a definite +1. Too many IPCs these days are emotional shells that are way too impossible to differentiate between other humans. I like the idea of having an IPC around whose RP is bound by Asimov's laws, since they're wonderfully imperfect but interesting nonetheless. Furthermore, I've played with Sleepy a lot, most recently with Rachel Meinberg, and I have to say that he really brings good roleplay to the table every time he's around, the instance which sticks out most recently was the herding of 30 protohumans from genetics to the RD office for a protohuman holocaust. (Was antag motivated but still fantastic.)

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Everything in the past is FAR in the past, a year ago I believe? I've changed so much since then, and developed a new roleplay style. Completely new character types, more diversity in human characters, and I've even played 'amazing' Vaurca drone characters. I can handle this.

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Everything in the past is FAR in the past, a year ago I believe? I've changed so much since then, and developed a new roleplay style. Completely new character types, more diversity in human characters, and I've even played 'amazing' Vaurca drone characters. I can handle this.


I've not been here a year quite yet, I joined in maybe april or may, and it was some time after that when you started getting in messes. However, as I said, Your plus one from me was only tentative on the rocky past. I want to trust our ability to make solid characters and play by the rule, etc. I would love to see characters that inspire people again, just like Lilac helped give me reason to make my IPC application.

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Sleepy is a person that I've seen come an awful long way on Aurora. She's had some bumpy times, but my impression is that she's learned along the way. While I think it's reasonable to be wary of her being whitelisted for IPCs, I think it's better to err on the side of giving her a chance to prove herself than it is to turn her away.

I think Sleepy has changed, and is sincerely committed to improvement as a roleplayer. So I'm going to +1 this.

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I have had plenty of fun with Sleepy during my time here, and I feel like his or her characters have personality and presence that are not entirely common on the server during a round (in a good way). Based on that alone, I'd want to recommend this whitelist (especially since they already play established synthetics). So, for the people who count the numbers, consider this a +1 from me. But I did have a question about Asimo:

The "Average Working Joe" bit you state as being the thing you like about this character could also be accomplished by roleplaying a station bound unit - it even has laws (classic Asimov laws!) it's adhering to in the backstory you've provided. Why do you feel it's important to have this whitelist to realize a character like this, when something with a similar degree of autonomy is already available to you?

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I'm so scared that Sleepy wolf will put a working vagina on one of their IPCs the sick motherfucker


Sleepy Wolf is truly a better RPer than most (aside from the pure motherfucking degeneracy that inhibits their blank and cold soul), and tends to be pretty chill in-game. I think they can handle being a machine since they aren't robust enough to kill people yet and break any rules, as well as being cold and emotionless is a trait we need to see more of in the IPC realm. We didn't make these robots just so they could stutter and trip over their own 'programmed speech impediments' 24/7.

Support from me.

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So. After much deliberation, I see no reason to deny this application.

HOWEVER be aware: I will be letting the moderation team know to keep an eye on you. And I will not hesitate to revoke the whitelist as soon as you deliberately do something extremely stupid and wrong. (I'm not an asshole - shit happens sometimes. But if I get feedback that it feels like you're chucklefucking, it's gone.)

So yes. Enjoy, and PM me if there's anything you want to bring up.

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