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Whitelist Request for Hivefleetchicken - Head

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BYOND key: Hivefleetchicken

Character names: Analiese Kleinheinz, Shayla Roberts, Jessica Parks, Kaelea Moberly, Monique Beringer, Summer Floyd, Thi'recknos Ke'ick'chev, Oriwaiquan Shai'aknatheras, Ab'dela'rah Mog'addham, Nas'rallah Roh'hi'tin.

How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Since around February, I think. Maybe March.

Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: The main reason I wish to have a head whitelist is because I would like a bit more freedom with the jobs I can play. A good amount of my characters are actually head material,

Why did you come to Aurora?: I didn't join Aurora for any big reason; I happened to stumble across it when looking for a server to play on, and when I joined Aurora I instantly liked it.

Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Yes, and I have played head roles many times in the past on other servers.

Please provide well articulated and argumented answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay, to me, is a form of freedom in which I can be anyone I like, and behave as anyone I can even imagine. I can act completely unlike my real self, and really be-or at least perform as-the kind of person who I don't usually have the real-life opportunity to be. I also know many people and players who use roleplaying as a form of escape from their real life, which is another way to describe it. There are many ways to describe roleplay, each person having their own special way they feel about it, but in my mind, roleplay will always be an option of me being someone I am not.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: I believe the main purpose of a head in any department is to have someone who can make orders that are both legitimate and enforced. Most of the time, many players will try and become a leading player in their department, with no one actually caring. However, with an actual certified head, the players in a department are forced to uphold their orders and responsibilities with the fear of getting in trouble or losing their job if their performance is unsatisfactory. Plus, the heads of a department have all-access, which puts them in control of everything and all activity inside of the department.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: I believe the main responsibility of whitelisted players are to set the bar for both balanced roleplaying and skill, in-game. Many players tend to have too much or too little of one or another, and can mess the flow of things up pretty bad in their department. With a head whitelist, many players set an example of what to do in a department, and can still have enough experience to roleplay while doing it.

Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions.

Character name: Jessica Parks

Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs):

Born in 2423, Jessica was raised in a particularly wealthy family in Lowell City, allowing her to afford any education she desired. She quickly excelled in most of her classes in her advanced placement, finally testing out at 16 and leaving her early education for a more reputable university where she was finally challenged with her studies. Jessica acted as a leader amongst her peers, and a strict one. She yelled at many of her classmates and verbally harassed them for not being as academically talented as her, as she easily rose past most of them, before finally aspiring to pursue the career of a doctor- more specifically a neurological surgeon, also excelling in her chemistry classes, which allowed her to learn more and more about the sciences of her medical interests.

Jessica shortly became exceptionally trained in medicinal studies, influenced mainly by the economical benefits of the job. Money and power were mainly her two biggest goals in life. Her interest was finally curved, however by the further benefits of working in a more powerful position, and she finally graduated with a master's degree in medicine, with other experience in business and leadership. She was never gifted a PhD, as she had no creativity in her mind. Only profitability. With her background of high grades and superior intellect, well-known control over her pees, and persuasive skills, she was easily hired into Nanotrasen's workforce, learning the ropes of the job's business. She quickly surpassed her peers, as many of them were psychotic assholes, and was easily promoted to the title of Chief Medical Officer, with little surprise. She was not grateful, as her ego had led her to consider herself immeasurably superior to all of her coworkers, considering them her subordinates since her first day. As Jessica continues to work, she only grows more and more egotistical about her abilities, with no clear stop in view.

What do you like about this character?: I like Jessica due to the fact that she's unique from all of my other characters in the way that she doesn't see any flaws with herself yet. She has always thought of herself as a strict leader, with all of her coworkers and subordinates being psychotic idiots with no clear idea of what they're doing, and she treats them that way as well. This only prompts her to have some interesting RP interactions with some more of the~rebellious members~ of the station, ultimately leading with either her stomping them out of their jobs, or her having a mental breakdown when she realizes she's no longer in control of everyone. Either way, it usually ends with Nasir getting pissed off at her. ;)

What do you dislike about this character?: What I like about this character is something that I also dislike. I can sometimes tend to make her so powerful it's just unfair to other people(Not strength-powerful, but powerful in her position as a leader), or I just can make her downright insensitive, which isn't really fun to anyone. However, as a Head of Staff, I can probably have a little power over the coworkers that can hopefully lead to a more sensible form of chaos in the medical bay, instead of her just her bossing everyone around as an assistant.

Do you think this character is fit to be a Head of Staff? (Please note that Head characters must be over 30, unless given special clearance): Yes, very much so.

Why?: In my opinion, she's fit to be a head because she's so confident over he co workers. She's incredibly bossy, even when she isn't in a position of power, and usually has a hard time kneeling to others. On the other hand, she expects everyone else to kneel to her. She also has some basic knowledge in around half of the medical bay's fields.

Please provide well articulated and augmented answers to the following questions.

How would you rate your own roleplaying?: I'm pretty comfortable with the way I roleplay. I try my best to react to situations in the ways that my characters would, and I like to create interesting RP situations while still following the behaviors of my characters. I am prone to making spelling errors and such, but I usually tend to focus on other's experiences instead of mine, pushing them(hopefully over the edge) as I tend to try and tempt them to activate their opinions and choices more when dealing with my characters, for good or for bad.


+1, only because I know that everyone is going to talk shit about their new boss, especially Jenifer.

And because Hive's been a member of this community for so so long and at this point it's given that he should have the options of heads of staff available...

...But mostly so I can talk shit about him.

+1, only because I know that everyone is going to talk shit about their new boss, especially Jenifer.

And because Hive's been a member of this community for so so long and at this point it's given that he should have the options of heads of staff available...

...But mostly so I can talk shit about him.


+1, only because I know that everyone is going to talk shit about their new boss, especially Jenifer.

And because Hive's been a member of this community for so so long and at this point it's given that he should have the options of heads of staff available...

...But mostly so I can talk shit about him.


+1 for the reasons stated by Blue above :D I'd be happy to have Hive working in command!



Hive is one of the best rpers on the station, and more than deserves the head whitelist. Him working command would be both amazing and a nightmare. Probably at the same time.


Since I see a lot of votes without any constructive criticism here, I'd like to remind all that we're no longer counting those, as per our whitelist rules revisions. This includes Blue's vote (a member should get whitelist simply because they're a regular with no other reason stated), and subsequent votes agreeing with him.

Seriously, you guys should know this by now u_u

Since I see a lot of votes without any constructive criticism here, I'd like to remind all that we're no longer counting those, as per our whitelist rules revisions. This includes Blue's vote (a member should get whitelist simply because they're a regular with no other reason stated), and subsequent votes agreeing with him.

Seriously, you guys should know this by now u_u





Applicant has included answers of sufficient length and show he has a clear knowledge both of what the OOC purposes of a head of staff/whitelisted players are and the IC purposes. Heads of staff aren't there to be a super-doctor, or anything of the sort. They're there to coordinate and to keep control of their staff. Furthermore, I'd like to see how this character interacts with other...more..rebellious characters, I'd like to say? Lastly, I'd like to give this the Incognito BADASS!™ Seal of Approval.


TL;DR +1


+1 because I've never had a round with Hive that wasn't good, he roleplays at an excellent level, and is moderately friendly OOC :P

Since I see a lot of votes without any constructive criticism here, I'd like to remind all that we're no longer counting those, as per our whitelist rules revisions. This includes Blue's vote (a member should get whitelist simply because they're a regular with no other reason stated), and subsequent votes agreeing with him.

Seriously, you guys should know this by now u_u


France confirmed killjoy :c

Hive has proven himself to be a competent player, both in terms of a game and in terms of role play. Hive is able to simulate realistic characters with believable backgrounds with drives and motives that make sense. He has also displayed how well versed he is in SoP as an officer, so I have no problems with giving him a full whitelist. I will +1 him for the ability to roleplay as his subordinate in a stressful environment with a bitchy boss, leading to all kinds of different possibilities.

Since I see a lot of votes without any constructive criticism here, I'd like to remind all that we're no longer counting those, as per our whitelist rules revisions. This includes Blue's vote (a member should get whitelist simply because they're a regular with no other reason stated), and subsequent votes agreeing with him.

Seriously, you guys should know this by now u_u


France confirmed killjoy :c

Hive has proven himself to be a competent player, both in terms of a game and in terms of role play. Hive is able to simulate realistic characters with believable backgrounds with drives and motives that make sense. He has also displayed how well versed he is in SoP as an officer, so I have no problems with giving him a full whitelist. I will +1 him for the ability to roleplay as his subordinate in a stressful environment with a bitchy boss, leading to all kinds of different possibilities.


And a bitchy boss you will have.




Okay, aggression. And coming from that, being abrasive. I noted that as something you do, on TS and ingame (Shayla). Now, characters are what they are, so I'm willing to sideline that (albeit she appears to be overly aggressive and over the top with no real good reason?), but on TS you came off as a rather aggressive individual. Okay, out of game communication should not factor in, except. If this is how you act, and will revert to when pressure is placed onto you, it'll become an issue.

Catch my idea? Thoughts on this.

Okay, aggression. And coming from that, being abrasive. I noted that as something you do, on TS and ingame (Shayla). Now, characters are what they are, so I'm willing to sideline that (albeit she appears to be overly aggressive and over the top with no real good reason?), but on TS you came off as a rather aggressive individual. Okay, out of game communication should not factor in, except. If this is how you act, and will revert to when pressure is placed onto you, it'll become an issue.

Catch my idea? Thoughts on this.



I thought it was apparent I was just playing around, on TS. If not, my bad. I'll make sure and fix it, no questions asked. Whatsoever.

On the other hand, Shayla is just an aggressive character, and I've been told by many people that they like her because of it, OOCly. While I do tend to go over the top with her, though she tends to have some sort of reason when it happens. Most commonly the product of off-station RP with another player. She is aggressive and abrasive, and I am aware of the risks of taking things too far with her, and I have been playing on her much more than usual, as a lot of situations on the station involve her. This causes her to have many more risky/aggressive moments with other players, and with that, the times I may take things too far, or get into an uncomfortable spot for both another player and me is brought up to proportion as well.


While this is the first note of this I have received, I will still take this greatly into my consideration as a player and a member of this community, and I appreciate the notice. You will see a definite improvement of my behavior on Teamspeak(?) and I will work on improving the way Shayla's aggressive personality intertwines with other players without them feeling attacked or whatever may have caused this.


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