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[ACCEPTED] House_Of_Synth's Server Moderator Application

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Server Moderator Application


Basic Information

Byond Account: House_Of_Synth

Character Name(s): Harry Wells, Remus Avardy, Sirius Rayner, Alister McLaggen, Ikrad Yam'hir.

AI Name(s): T.R.A.V.I.S (used to be A.R.C.H.I.V.E)

Preferred means of contact: Steam, Byond, TeamSpeak, Skype, Forum PMs and server PMs

Age: 14

Timezone: GMT+0

When are you on Aurora?: Pretty much every day after school, although I will never be on on Mondays due to a hobby of mine.

Experience To be honest I have not had much experiance with moderating.

How long have you played SS13?: 3 months (in 9 days) 81 days overall

How long have you played on Aurora: The same amount, 81 days.

How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: I know most of the mechanics, although there are still many I am yet to gain knowledge of.

Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: No, other than trying my best to help if someone asks.

Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Nope, I have a clean record.

Personality I tend to be happy most of the time, I love the idea of making the server better and easier to play on by helping others in need.

Why do you play SS13?: Because I am a nerd who likes space (I may be lacking friends because of this). Jokes aside SS13 is so incredibly indepth it reeled me in instantly, I love games that are realistic and SS13 does it extremely well.

Why do you play on Aurora?: I have not played on any other servers mainly because Aurora fits my idea of a good server pretty much perfectly. It has amazing staff and a great community, as well as the fact people don't run around with a steel kitchen knife shanking everyone and telling them that trump should be president. And the fact that they are dealt with in a reasonable and swift way.

What do moderators do?: They help keep the server running smoothly, for example Aurora is a HRP server, meaning its quite strict on the rules considering RP and breaking character. If someone breaks the rules in a way that can ruin other people's experiance they should be dealt with, often by admins or moderators.. Basically what I'm putting across is that moderators help keep the server "clean" of people who just want to grief and ruin other peoples fun.

What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: It is a place of authority and power which should be respected, mainly by the person who has the power. It should not be abused in any way, and you should be fair about your actions. Bias should never influence a decision. You are (should at least) be expected to perform a role of being Ambiguous and to set an example of what a moderator and a player should act like. For example if I saw that the moderators were awful I (not me personally) could take advantage and break rules and they would not care.

Why do you want to be a moderator?: I want to be a moderator to be useful and helpful to the server and players playing. The community on the server is great and I would like to add to the positive attitude by being there for those in need. I love the idea of helping people enjoy the game by stopping those ruining it and answering their questions they asked through Ahelp. Coming from experiance, its quite annoying not getting your Ahelp answered, so I would love to make this happen less to players by being there as much as I can to help answer their questions about the game or mechanics.

What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I'm Ambiguous and love the idea of helping someone/people out. I'm happy most of the time and keep as calm as I can in certain, sometimes stressful, situations

How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: If someone were to insult me and I could see they are angry and stressed I would simply ask them to calm down a little and allow me to help. I would not retaliate with any force unless absolutely necessary, I know my boundries and lines and if someone were to cross them I would simply ask for a little bit of help from other staff in Msay instead of, again, retaliating.

Anything Else You Want to Add:

Nope, I think I have covered everything.

Edited by Guest
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Moderator interview, posted at applicant's permission. To be noted, due to this interview having extended over several days due to unusual circumstances on my part due to real life, it has been editted slightly, leaving only interview-related questions. Off-topic messages have been omitted.


  • 3 weeks later...

Is it allowed to comment on mod apps as a non-staff? Either way, I want to say that House_of_synth has been doing a great job as a server moderator.


I'd also like to add that Synth appears to be conducting the role of Moderator pretty well, I've been contacted by him regarding an issue and he never jumped the gun, with the issue resolving in satisfactory terms.


i was actually leaning towards no before his trial started, but synth proved himself very worthwhile. we use ask him to deal with chaz, delta, and other saltmines with every classical ahelp a mod should answer, and he doesn't disappoint. i support keeping him as a trial forever so he can continue doing all the work for us being a great trial moderator!


House of synth is probably my favorite mod (JK its Berry).

On a more serious note, Synth's a good Mods that can easily fix shit up between players, and even when he's aware of the current gamemode (because modslog,) You can still manage to kill him via AI core depressurization surprise him.

  • 2 weeks later...

From my experience dealing with Synth as a moderator he's been helpful and fairly proactive in any issues I've ahelped. Adding on to what everyone else has already said about his moderating ability, he make an effort to message me back afterwards as a courtesy, informing me that the issue has been resolved, which I like. I haven't seen any issues with him as mod from my limited perspective and I'd like to see him move on to full moderator.

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