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[Inactive]Staff Complaint - TishinaStalker

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: Chaznoodles.

Staff BYOND Key: TishinaStalker.

Game ID: byAJSf

Reason for complaint: Overstepping bounds, issuing ultimatums, pushing on others how characters should be played. Removing the entirety of a head whitelist for one offence.

Evidence/logs/etc: Log unrecoverable, due to accidentally overwriting it. Details can be found in the round in question.

Additional remarks:

I'd spent the entire round roleplaying properly in-character as Chubs. People who were observing were laughing away at him, having a good time. People I directly interacted with had a good roleplay experience in which we could bounce back and forth, especially being chased around the tables by Samara with a whitebeet whilst people looked on. When I organised the task of making a meal, it had people working and roleplaying together to do it, creating more fun for others. Everything about this character was designed to be fun for everyone around, and to break the "ex-military Security Officer" mold which every single Captain fits into.

In the first place, I'm unsure why issues were a problem. When first contacted, they provided a list of situations from the round which they then asked me to explain: One of which didn't happen at all, another that was hugely misconstrued, and the other two which were explained in a manner which showed the roleplay that came from them.

I feel that the admin in question overstepped their bounds, issuing ultimatums, overstepping their bounds, and pushing on me how character should be played. This is not in the spirit of roleplay. Roleplay is about creating fun for everyone involved, and I can say with confidence that everyone I was involved with throughout the round will come away with fun memories of the experience.

If this is deemed to be a suitable complaint, I'd like the staff member in question dealt with in an appropriate manner, and the whitelist reinstated. If you require further details, I'm available here or on Discord.

Edited by Guest
Posted (edited)

I'm ambiguous on the topic. I don't think I'll need to many words to say this, so here I go:

OOCly, Chubs was great. The character amused me and most definitely was a change from the usual Captain I see.

ICly, Chubs wasn't so great. While they made for great RP (I got to be the engineer who built the table on the bridge, made a point of telling at least one person that I did and that I had to go sanitize the hardsuit I was wearing at the time), they were disgusting and not the sort of person that NT would ever hire as Captain.

My opinion: Angry admin PMs telling Chaz not to do it again would have sufficed. They definitely overstepped their bounds, but not in any truly harmful way.

Edited by Guest
You can't rub out the chub.

Please only post information contributing to the incident named in the complaint. Any off-handed or irrelevant posts will be removed. Thanks.


I hated and loved this captain at the same time. I would hate to see him more than once a week, or month even, but as a one off I don't think it's bad. The situation is odd because you don't want to encourage this sort of behaviour, but it was wrong behaviour done right.


The original idea behind Chubs, drawing from the fact he had a heart attack at his birthday because a meal wasn't sent to him, was to be a bumbling fool. This kept well IC, and had people entertained. The reason for playing him as Captain was to cement him in people's minds as the sort of person you could have some shady underhand dealings with, ID upgrades in exchange for food, and suchlike, which was accomplished. I was planning to then bump him down to HoP and rein in the behaviour, seeing as he had made his mark on other characters and wouldn't be forgotten, making allies and enemies.

I was never given the opportunity to explain this to the staff member in question, as they were too intent on having me answer a yes/no question, to which yes would place me entirely in their power and I'd be at fault if I played characters the way I wanted, and to which no meant me having my whitelist stripped because 'I wasn't listening to staff'.

'You can't rub out the chub' is relevant, he was one of the players who was in that round, and enjoyed the Chubs.


I honestly really feel he should keep his white list, I do think it was really aggressive to remove it after this round. I ghosted at the start of the round around when chubs came on the station and loved every minute of the role playing I was seeing. Very rarely you see funny shit (Like the captains floor fetish, Trumpif getting crushed from a shuttle, Nar'Salt, ETC) I also agree that a admin should just say "Never do that again" and let him off a warning instead of remove his white list. RP should be about fun and enjoyment, he had a solid block of ghosts above him so people where obviously enjoying the RP situation.


I think I have a place to talk here as I was in the round, the father of Gus Chubs, and Ive been in a similar situation before.

So, in the round, Gus Chubs gave the AI laws to make sure people gave him food, and as Chaz said, exchanged promotions and ID alterations for food. Which, this probably isn't something a loyalty implanted head of staff should do. However, I will agree with everyone here that this WAS fun and interesting.

However, fun and interesting or funny doesn't seem to count for much anymore, because I can think of two situations where people have tried to go behind people's backs and go right to staff members trying to get me outright banned and my whitelist removed, and one case where I did get my whitelist removed for doing something interesting and out of the norm.

I, of course, am talking about the thunderdome incident that got my head of staff whitelist stripped. In my second whitelistingening, Tish said this as to why the whitelist was stripped, and I think it'll apply here as well.


Head of staff whitelists are accepted on the basis that they're easy to get and easy to lose as its trade-off. This is a well-known fact that's been stated multiple times int he past.


So, really, this is me speaking, just wait a week or more and re-apply to get it back.


Going to let everyone know that the CCIAs had drawn a conclusion that the with hire this particular Head of Personnel, henceforth the CCIAs were with the administration's side. We had decided that the NanoTrasen wouldn't hire this particular head of personnel. Sure, they were laughing, having fun, I do personally encourage that path to strive for fun. In this case, that isn't the issue. What we did notice is that you faxing the Central Command, "aibiibibibibi" something along the line, you infuriated the Administrators AND us. You started a manhunt. You just pissed the Security, Command Personnel, and Administrators off. I don't what to say, I mean. Seriously?

You were the Captain, you follow every single order the NanoTrasen gives you due to loyalty implants. You broke it, we all know where that went. Oh, you were a Head of Staff. You're expected to a higher standards, you are a model for which the Aurora Station represents. For a moment, it was an IC issue then dissolving into an OOC issue. To be frank, you just didn't meet the administrator's expectations. If it was an IC Issue, then your character would have been fired without a word.

Going to let everyone know that the CCIAs had drawn a conclusion that the with hire this particular Head of Personnel, henceforth the CCIAs were with the administration's side. We had decided that the NanoTrasen wouldn't hire this particular head of personnel. Sure, they were laughing, having fun, I do personally encourage that path to strive for fun. In this case, that isn't the issue. What we did notice is that you faxing the Central Command, "aibiibibibibi" something along the line, you infuriated the Administrators AND us. You started a manhunt. You just pissed the Security, Command Personnel, and Administrators off. I don't what to say, I mean. Seriously?


CCIA had had no prior interaction with this particular Captain, so I'm curious why they followed the word of one fax and wanted him permanently detained. At no time did they attempt to contact the Captain nor arrive onstation to view the behaviour in question. His hands are too pudgy to hold a pen right, so all he could write was gibberish. I interacted frequently with Security, bar the Warden who sat in the brig and the HoS, and they seemed to enjoy the interactions, so I'm unsure where you're pulling that from. The HoS pulled a gun on the Captain who was trying to resolve the hostage situation by giving the hostagetakers what they wanted - fifty thousand credits, for which the account details were in my pocket - before handing over his ID, I'd blame the HoS for not being able to prioritise in this situation. Unsure why admins were 'pissed'. If so, wouldn't personal feelings have came into dealing with this issue?


You were the Captain, you follow every single order the NanoTrasen gives you due to loyalty implants. You broke it, we all know where that went. Oh, you were a Head of Staff. You're expected to a higher standards, you are a model for which the Aurora Station represents. For a moment, it was an IC issue then dissolving into an OOC issue. To be frank, you just didn't meet the administrator's expectations. If it was an IC Issue, then your character would have been fired without a word.


"Ah, yes. Security are going to charge in there with guns, resulting in our hostages being dead. Time to hand over my ID before I can do something about it.". Again, prioritising. If you'd been monitoring radio communications, you would've heard repeatedly that I was willing to haul my bulk to wherever they were holding the hostages and give them the payment in exchange for them. The plan was to hand over my ID and sit at the kitchen desk eating after I'd resolved the hostage situation, but was unable to because the HoS wasn't into allowing the situation to be dealt with without violence, due to which I had to flee into maintenance, continue contacting the hostage takers, then die due to a punctured lung from when I went to Mining in the first place to give them the fifty thousand, but it had been vented.

A model for what Aurora Station represents? What's that, in this case? That fun characters who create roleplay get stripped of whitelists after being issued ultimatums on the way characters should be played? That everyone has to conform to the same bland stick-in-the-mud Captainship? That originality is against the rules?

"aibiibibibibi" something along the line, you infuriated the Administrators AND us.

I am going to throw my opinion inside the mix again...

I really do not think the admins where infuriated BUT I do not know how it dissolved into a OOC issue or what happened at the end of that round because my power went out for two hours, a hour and a half into the round. I was inside the dead chat and asked the mods that where on and I think they got a good kick out of it because they where not doing anything and their responses, I do think after a while TishinaStalkercame on later in the round and more might of came on but not to sure because my power died. I am on the side this is a IC issue and not really a instant Head of staff removal. Aurorastation is for heavy RP, and this fat captain was a perfect example of RP making everyone's round fun.

But sadly while I was gone with my power being out, that round that made me laugh more then I have in a very long time turned into a OOC issue with a whitelist being removed..

Also unkown you have to agree that these rounds are funny, because the admins turn to you rare moments while you are captain giving you a floor fetish, a pudgy smell while you are throwing up inside robotics, etc

It is also nice seeing a captain every ounce and a while breaking out of that "Do you have the required paper work" format but sad if it ends up getting their whitelist removed

I know rules are set to help the RP of the server and I respect the admins who enforce it

"aibiibibibibi" something along the line, you infuriated the Administrators AND us.


Also unkown you have to agree that these rounds are funny, because the admins turn to you rare moments while you are captain giving you a floor fetish, a pudgy smell while you are throwing up inside robotics, etc


Admins gave it to me. This is something player did on its own.


We asked Tish why he stripped your whitelist and this was his answer:


Because he absolutely refused to play with the expectations I have set up for heads of staff. Everybody that plays joke characters as command do so at their own peril because I always crack down on them if possible. As you can tell from my conversation with Chaz, I was originally going to simply warn him and call it good. Then he avoided answering my question and was, betwixt the lines, saying no when I asked him if he was or was not going to play by my expectations for head of staff characters. If he is not going to play heads of staff properly, then he can just not play heads of staff at all.


I'll admit, it was kinda funny from an OOC standpoint, however, this is not how an implanted Captain would act, example: Giving the AI that food law.

Garn and me fully support Tish with the removal of your whitelist.

We asked Tish why he stripped your whitelist and this was his answer:


Because he absolutely refused to play with the expectations I have set up for heads of staff. Everybody that plays joke characters as command do so at their own peril because I always crack down on them if possible. As you can tell from my conversation with Chaz, I was originally going to simply warn him and call it good. Then he avoided answering my question and was, betwixt the lines, saying no when I asked him if he was or was not going to play by my expectations for head of staff characters. If he is not going to play heads of staff properly, then he can just not play heads of staff at all.


I'll admit, it was kinda funny from an OOC standpoint, however, this is not how an implanted Captain would act, example: Giving the AI that food law.

Garn and me fully support Tish with the removal of your whitelist.


I did not absolutely refuse. I refused to cater to a staff member attempting to force how they think characters should be played on me. I was forced into answering a yes/no question, which was downright ridiculous and terrible staffing, where one answer would have been a lie and the other would have resulted in the stripping of my whitelist. From this, it's clear that my head of staff whitelisting was removed for disagreeing with a staff member, when I had clear reasoning for doing so, rather than for the character itself. I did play a head of staff properly: I broke no rule, created roleplay and fun for others, roleplayed with antags, and kept the round enjoyable for all involved. Is that not the purpose of a head of staff, rather than to be the same-old same-old, abuse their authority, side with their metafriends and play the same thing in-and-out?

The AI food law did not interfere with any other law, nor did it take precedence over them, nor did it cause any disruption to any player. If a situation arose, which it did, the AI was fully free - and did - drop that law to the back of it's mind to deal with it. It continued to do it's job. The law encouraged players to interact with each other whilst completing a task, which was my aim: promoting roleplay. This links back to the original character aim.

I'm curious as to why the staff member in question decided to have you quote their words rather than posting directly. Are they unwilling to actually get involved and let me explain my reasonings to them?

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I can't believe its been 3 months since captain chubs. Bumping the thread itself wont do much good. I suggest pming the mins, ill be bringing this up in the mod chat.

  • 4 months later...
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