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Remove Traitor Mice (and maintenance drones)

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For mice, reasons are obvious.

Maintenance drones are also kinda shitty to get traitor. A player should not join a drone to get an easy-traitor. Drones have all-access, and are never suspected of being a round antagonist. Drones aren't even meant to be roleplayed, they even have a law that makes them avoid any interaction with any non-drone being. They're an addition to the core game (that is: humanoids +AI and borgs), ex. for the player who wants to spend the last thirty minutes of the round replacing light bulbs or doing some other trivial things.

Are mice and drone traitors even possible? Yes, they are. At least on auto-traitor.


but traitor mice are fun :( I've had some good times with playing a syndicate mouse, and made good times for those around me, too


Traitor maintenance drones actually sound very interesting. I suggest looking into ways to make them a viable choice during auto-traitor. For example, they could fill a "glass cannon" role, where they both die quickly but can cause massive chaos quickly.

Suggestions for what traitor maintenance drones should get :

- A laser weapon

- A weaker version of the Ninja's APC drain ability so that they can recharge their power

- Vent crawl


- Internal Destructive Analyzer (Could instead be used to get rid of weaponry)

- Increased battery power

- Internal recharger (Recharges materials at the expense of battery power. Toggled on or off)

- Mobility Module (Works like Combat Robot's mobility module) (Rolling maintenance drone sprite required)

- Inability to be destroyed via carding

- Moderate EMP shielding (Reduces EMP stun duration and power drain by 50%)

One or more of the things suggested above could turn maintenance drone into a viable rare glass cannon.


Not really. A special_role given to a mouse/maintenance drone is a role NOT given to another player character who probably deserves it more. Which is wholly unfair to the actual players who join in.

Maintenance drones are not simple animals, and thus are not affected by that pull.
No. Maintance drone traitors won't be a thing.

Same with mice or any other simple_animals.

They better start being affected by that pull :^)

Maintenance drones are not simple animals, and thus are not affected by that pull.
No. Maintance drone traitors won't be a thing.

Same with mice or any other simple_animals.

They better start being affected by that pull :^)

Head admins are in charge of administrative duties, they are not the de facto decision makers on the server's development. That would be the responsibility of the head developer and his development retinue. While the input of Shadow and Garnascus is certainly respected, I'm more of an emotive worker, and sometimes prefer to spite cheekiness rather than obey input. :^)


What about micerev? Last time we got one he started copypasting the communist manifesto in mice talk, fucking hilarious.

Is these littles stupid things that make ss13, please don't rip all of the fun from this aspect.

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