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[Denied] Ornias' Head of Staff Application

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BYOND key: Ornias

Character names: Joie Desai, Breccan Weaver, Star Rends the Sky, Astor Noton, Whispers of Spoken Steel.

How long have you been playing on Aurora?: 3 months.

Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: Breccan Weaver is ready to ascend to Head of Security. His time is now.

Why did you come to Aurora?: My friend and I were looking for a server which appealed more to what I first imagined when I heard about SS13. This was it.

Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Yes. Repeatedly.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Role play is playing a part for the enjoyment of everyone. It means that you need to have the responsibility to let others play their part and you play yours, all building into one universe that you all join in. It allows for a story so much more in depth than a single person could write, as each character has such detail put into them.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: A head of staff makes sure the station doesn't fall apart - by having a degree of control, they also take on a degree of responsibility to make sure that their department isn't overstepping its bounds and making sure the station is under control.

For example, it's down to the Head of Security to make sure that security officers aren't overly aggressive during arrests, or Research Directors to make sure that dangerous experiments are carried out on-station.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: OOCly, Heads of Staff have to get their jobs done. They have to make sure that their department is on task, and that nobody is doing anything dangerous or stupid. ALL whitelisted players need to show maturity, because they've been granted a position of power which can easily be abused.

Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions.

Character name: Breccan Weaver

Character age: 30

Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs):

Breccan Weaver is an incredibly loyal man from Sol who achieved averagely in his earlier years of life. Prone to violence and conflict, he often had trouble getting proper education and work experiences, so when he eventually moved out of school at 17 he struggled to find work. His father, an avid supporter of Hephaestus Industries and a loyal worker, got him a temporary manual-labor job in a the companies robotics division, pressing and assisting in the construction of the components required for robotic limbs.

When he turned 18, his arm got stuck in one of the machines, and he was dragged through, causing the machine to jam and almost killing him. Through intense medical care, he was nursed back to health, but not without major augmentation - assisted eyes, several prosthetic limbs, and a robotic heart to keep him alive. His skin had to be re-grafted to negate the damage done, but in the end he was ready to get back to work on his 19th birthday, although the effects of such a vast augmentation were still noticeable, and remain so to this day.

He never felt any urge to return to Hephaestus Industries, but remains a loyal, if not particularly vocal, supporter to this day. He instead searched for work around Tau-Ceti, but an unqualified young man searching for work didn't have much luck. That was until he found a job in a small private security company, where he discovered a veritable aptitude of physical combat and high-stress situations. He worked at this company for eight years, before it was closed, but continued to find work around the planet until he was offered the opportunity to work at NanoTrasen - which he graciously accepted.

What do you like about this character?: Breccan Weaver is probably the character that relates closest to my morals. He's intensely loyal, and is capable of defending himself and others. His huge weakness - being 90% machine - helps to provide a sneakier (if scummier) tactic for dealing with him.

What do you dislike about this character?: I find that he doesn't often speak with the rest of security as he could perhaps afford. This will, inevitably, change with promotion.

What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: He knows what he's doing, he's comfortable and relatively well-known, and can handle high-stress situations. He's also memorized all the regulation codes.


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions.

How would you rate your own roleplaying?: As I've said before, it depends on the situation. I'd argue a solid 7/10 most of the time, but I'm obviously biased.

Extra notes: N/A


Start off by saying I'm pretty overdue on posting on this, really. Ornias conducts himself professionally ICly and OOCly. He messes around a little, but all in good fun. As Breccan especially, he's a model officer. Always good to see them on the team, regardless of the fact they're basically an IPC.

As for their RP ability, it's top notch. Referencing Astor Noton (their mechatronic engineer), they even create steps in repairs and construction to make it more enjoyable and interesting for all involved. Recently a very funny situation involving voice chips stemmed from this...

Considering this, a solid +1. I don't see anything amiss with the answers, as well.


Not only Ornias is another of the CCIA (I hate those guys), as Turtles said, he's calm both in OOC and IC. In terms of RP, he's been doing really great (including doing actual articles as journalist) with Joie Desai, or have been RP-fixing shit as a Roboticist.

+1 made of Phoron and Paperwork.


Ornias is always nice to see on either Joie or Astor. I have no IC interaction with Breccan yet, but somehow I doubt the player suddenly becomes a terror just because they've got to baton a fool. They're a consistently engaging writer who I enjoy to play the round with, even if I'm just observing them from the side of the screen.

Joie is, as a bonus, delightfully combustible.

Now for other feedback.

Regarding the answers to the questions about OOC purpose and responsibilities:


A head of staff makes sure the station doesn't fall apart - by having a degree of control, they also take on a degree of responsibility to make sure that their department isn't overstepping its bounds and making sure the station is under control.

I think this could use expanding upon. What you've written here is what I would consider to be the IC purpose of the Head, not the OOC one. Keep in mind that in OOC terms the game is (indeed) about the station falling apart, and how the players deal and interact with that event. A command position is not just an opportunity to roleplay a position of authority or responsibility - you're also the bottleneck for a few things from a perspective of gameplay and folks having fun.


OOCly, Heads of Staff have to get their jobs done. They have to make sure that their department is on task, and that nobody is doing anything dangerous or stupid. ALL whitelisted players need to show maturity, because they've been granted a position of power which can easily be abused.

I think that this could also use some expansion, mostly in terms of what you feel the 'job' is that the player (not the character) is getting done. It's a reasonable thing to say that Command players need to display some maturity, but are there ways you see that manifesting in the game?

Regarding the backstory as posted, it sounds like there's no formal education or team-management experience in the character's history, when both are fairly realistic expectations for someone trying to land a Command position. The secondary education is technically a requirement, though Head of Security may be the most relaxed command position in that sense. In your view, would the company consider making an exception for someone like him based on his job experience alone?

I have no personal interaction with Breccan, so it's possible he behaves differently after his work with HI, but from what's written I get the impression that he's prone to violence, personally capable but not necessarily a leader, and supportive of a competitor megacorp, which is the kind of thing NT's HR and IA departments probably aren't oblivious to. While he's got the requisite experience, he also seems to have only two years with the company. With older and more learned/experienced candidates in the pool, what would make NanoTrasen select Breccan first?


  • 2 weeks later...

Breccan Weaver, now that's a name I haven't heard in a while. A person I trust to be on the security force with me, and one I've worked with prior to my command whitelist approval. From what I recall, he was generally quiet and did his work well, wasn't one of those overly zealous gun totting officers we sometimes get, and acted professionally while working. Furthermore, I find no issues from his application, I find some of his answers to be written better than what I have done for my own application and his story seems simple and nice, enough to understand the character but not too much to spoil the character.

My verdict for this is +1.

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