Bygonehero Posted January 20, 2017 Posted January 20, 2017 BYOND Key:BygoneHero Character Names:MUM,Ratchet,Annelise Reenberg,Alice Species you are applying to play:Vaurca What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt):Dark brownish red Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race:I really like their lore and they come across as aliens, which other species don't feel like to me. How they approach death and their augments are especially interesting and opens up RP potential. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: There is less value placed upon the individuals in Vaurca society and more value placed upon the whole or 'Hive'. With every Vaurca having extensive augmentations that are reclaimed by the Hive upon death (except for in the case of breeding caste) Their reliance upon one food source and lobotomization/growth hormones to create social structures has no commonality with humanity.Furthermore, with the loss of their technology, it gives rise to the species trying to recapture the greatness in its history, something that is very different than humanity. Vaurca require phoron to function in areas containing oxygen, a problematic issue overcome by Vaurca augmentations. Character Name:Za'Akaix'Nyx Zo'ra Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Nyx was unplugged from his VR, the pure joy of it being removed with a dull wet click, leaving behind the stark metal interior of the hive ship. His VR pod shuttered, then manipulated him forward, and he moved fluidly from the container, his mind already searching for his brethren in the Hive. Immediately his fellows came to mind, each of their carapaced forms overseeing what little sensor data could be gleaned from an approaching unknown vessel. In passing he noted that of the three hundred unbound warriors within his hive-cell only two hundred remained. Removing this from his mind he conferred with the others assigned to the same duty and joined them at their stations, plotting a risk assessment of the alien ship. A lesser queen inquired upon the status of the vessel constantly, but it's alien make, their position in this systems icy body cloud and the relative decrepitude of the hive ships sensors left much to be desired. They returned with a inconclusive No as the answer to the simple question, "is it a threat?" Belaying to the ship's design and seeming lack of weapons. His duty fulfilled his hive-cell moved onto examining the other sensor data available to them for risk-assessment. Working for the first time in a long time brought great joy to Nyx yet he could not help but feel a dreaded yearning for the dreamland he exited only moments ago. As he worked through the list of objects with this yearning in his mind, he took note of transmissions received throughout the system, a wet slobbering sound, and could only imagine the alien forms that awaited them in this system, two thousand years from home. What do you like about this character? The nature of Vaurca VR allows amazing RP situations with this character, with the reality of the real world clashing with that of the VR dreamland. Recognizing these differences allows great storytelling, and his sense of duty as a Warrior of the Zo'ra Hive gives credence to the real world with all its horror and pleasures. How would you rate your role-playing ability? 7/10- I've my ups and downs. I make mistakes, but I try my darndest to make meaningful characters, and character interaction. Notes: In the example character, I used the first contact situation listed in the wiki and attempted to write a Vaurca viewpoint of it, since we don't have it on the wiki.
LordFowl Posted January 23, 2017 Posted January 23, 2017 BYOND Key:BygoneHeroCharacter Names:MUM,Ratchet,Annelise Reenberg,Alice Species you are applying to play:Vaurca What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt):Dark brownish red Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race:I really like their lore and they come across as aliens, which other species don't feel like to me. How they approach death and their augments are especially interesting and opens up RP potential. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: There is less value placed upon the individuals in Vaurca society and more value placed upon the whole or 'Hive'. With every Vaurca having extensive augmentations that are reclaimed by the Hive upon death (except for in the case of breeding caste) Their reliance upon one food source and lobotomization/growth hormones to create social structures has no commonality with humanity.Furthermore, with the loss of their technology, it gives rise to the species trying to recapture the greatness in its history, something that is very different than humanity. Vaurca require phoron to function in areas containing oxygen, a problematic issue overcome by Vaurca augmentations. Character Name:Za'Akaix'Nyx Zo'ra Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Nyx was unplugged from his VR, the pure joy of it being removed with a dull wet click, leaving behind the stark metal interior of the hive ship. His VR pod shuttered, then manipulated him forward, and he moved fluidly from the container, his mind already searching for his brethren in the Hive. Immediately his fellows came to mind, each of their carapaced forms overseeing what little sensor data could be gleaned from an approaching unknown vessel. In passing he noted that of the three hundred unbound warriors within his hive-cell only two hundred remained. Removing this from his mind he conferred with the others assigned to the same duty and joined them at their stations, plotting a risk assessment of the alien ship. A lesser queen inquired upon the status of the vessel constantly, but it's alien make, their position in this systems icy body cloud and the relative decrepitude of the hive ships sensors left much to be desired. They returned with a inconclusive No as the answer to the simple question, "is it a threat?" Belaying to the ship's design and seeming lack of weapons. His duty fulfilled his hive-cell moved onto examining the other sensor data available to them for risk-assessment. Working for the first time in a long time brought great joy to Nyx yet he could not help but feel a dreaded yearning for the dreamland he exited only moments ago. As he worked through the list of objects with this yearning in his mind, he took note of transmissions received throughout the system, a wet slobbering sound, and could only imagine the alien forms that awaited them in this system, two thousand years from home. What do you like about this character? The nature of Vaurca VR allows amazing RP situations with this character, with the reality of the real world clashing with that of the VR dreamland. Recognizing these differences allows great storytelling, and his sense of duty as a Warrior of the Zo'ra Hive gives credence to the real world with all its horror and pleasures. How would you rate your role-playing ability? 7/10- I've my ups and downs. I make mistakes, but I try my darndest to make meaningful characters, and character interaction. Notes: In the example character, I used the first contact situation listed in the wiki and attempted to write a Vaurca viewpoint of it, since we don't have it on the wiki. This is a very good application, and I very much love the unique perspective it provides on the first contact scenario, however it is lacking certain elements that guarantee its acceptance. While you display an adequate understanding of Vaurca lore pre-contact, your story ends rather abruptly. Some information pertaining to post-contact society as your character would do you well, especially since that is a very prevalent aspect of Vaurca RP.
Bygonehero Posted January 23, 2017 Author Posted January 23, 2017 Thats excellent! I wanted to write more anyway but I didnt want to make too many assumptions about details, but sure! I'll have another post-paragraph out tonight!
Bygonehero Posted January 26, 2017 Author Posted January 26, 2017 (edited) Nyx crested the final outcropping, overlooking a titanic wound in the earth. Looking down miles into its lightless depths Nyx could see bubbling blood flowing from the fissures lowest point. It bellowed forth in red-orange torrents, blasting the entire cavern with heat. Shielding his eyes Nyx scanned the top of the cavern for peculiar features but was interrupted by a harsh buzzing sound from beyond the precipices edge. His V'krexi, Jekk swooped in front of him in a flash of iridescence. Jekk landed above him on the caverns low ceiling, skittering at his side and looking down at him with its multi-faceted eyes. Nyx was reluctant to bring Jekk out spelunking with him, but all the same he could not have hazarded such a journey this far out from the hive alone. Nyx's antennae twitched as he stared across the chasm to the other side, he tried to judge the distance from his viewpoint, but found that he could not, why would he be able to? He was not an explorer, not at all. He had however, always loved the stories of Sedantis Spelunkers, Explorers of the Underneath for home and hive! But why was he here? In trying to remember the journey he must have tensed, causing Jakk to drop down from the ceiling, landing at Nyx's side. Jakk cooed in a dull timbre echoing off the heat blasted stone, and, unexpectedly, spoke. "You alright Nyx?" Taken aback by this, Nyx slipped and fell into the yawning fissure sinking into its inky blackness before awaking with a horrible series of clicks to the pitter patter of rain on corrugated metal. Checking his surroundings he was kicked in his carapaced side by another Vaurca struggling through sleep, with no help thanks to Nyx. Rising slowly as to not disturb his slumbering hive-mates he stepped out of their ramshackle dwelling into the slums of Biesel, grabbing a cloak as he exited and throwing its hood over his head. He hated rain, not because of the errant droplet causing physical pain when it hit the eyes, but rather its unnaturalness. He wondered how humans could stand sleeping while billions of tiny missiles poured throughout their living space. The sound of it, disturbed Nyx in such a way that he couldn't actually place, but it felt wrong, and the wrongness of it never abated, no matter how many times he looked up expecting to see hard stone above him and seeing only the lightless chasms of night instead. "You alright Nyx?" Redoubling his speed and shielding his eyes through the brightly illuminated streets Nyx took a shortcut between two large buildings into comfortable dimness. Day travel was difficult for Vaurcae and Nyx avoided it whenever he could. Night was comforting in this way, but in others it confounded him. Banishing these musings and moving through the streets he passed a human speaking to two unbound Vaurcae. He did not need to speak with them to know what the human wanted. Giving him a passing look Nyx took note of the human's clothes, stance and facial expression. He had studied the latter in detail not so many months ago working threat assessment, his purpose, for the hive-ship. He concluded that the human was peddling something, but moved away from their exchange as he turned the corner, towards the Eos industrial mining office.Taking the shortest route to his destination Nyx arrived fifteen minutes later, guided by heavy smoke burbling from large stacks just beyond the work order office, its black smoke clearly visible in the blue-darkness of the cloudy Biesel night sky. Despite the lateness of the hour a line of bound Vaurcae stood silently, only making noise as the line slowly crept forward into the mining factory. Two Vaurca handlers were at the front of the line providing each bound worker a pick and eye protection before sending them forward. A neon yellow sign glowed in the dark just above the aperture bound drones silently filed through, proclaiming Eos Mining Solutions, Building a Better Biesel! Nyx knew where they were going, about the lift that ferried them down into the(chasm) mine.He found himself wishing for a moment he could join them, to go back down into a world that had solid earth, that wasn't a dream, but real, as real as (VR?) real could be. He must have been staring, because one of the handlers asked over Hive-net if he was alright. He was alright, was he? Nyx had been daydreaming more often, ever since his hive-cell was disbanded for no longer being needed. His hive cell was regulated by a lesser queen, becoming one of the first groups of Vaurcae boarded in Eos as a ship moored in orbit did not necessitate the need of constant threat screening. Offering quick assurances to his hive-mate he moved away to the industrial office building. Its front plastered with Nanotrasen signs,completely obscuring window view. Moving inside he saw that the industrial office was nearly empty and clicked a sigh of relief. The human attendant was polite enough and spoke at length about current employment contracts approved by the Biesel government. Mining contracts, Research contracts, civilian and logistical, pilot and commercial were available, and all held two things in common. They all paid a pittance, and they were all outside of Nyx's abilities. This had been a regular ritual for him over many months, and every time he had left disappointed. The human, Shelly flapped her gums together, the wet slobbering sound humans called speech, detailing how sorry she was, and if there was anything else she could do for him. Nyx politely declined and turned to leave, when the shrill sound of Shelly's voice stopped him. "We do have one opening for someone with your skillset. It's on a Nanotrasen owned station, the--" Shelly hesitated and produced a few keystrokes, her purple fingernails a practiced blur of motion. "Exodus? It looks like they've several openings on their security personnel list. I can help you with the application vetting process, it shouldn't take more than a few days for them to get back with us!" Without thinking Nyx (fell) thanked her and accepted her find. He knew a bit about Nanotrasen,it was mentioned many times during their lessons on human interaction. Nyx used visual signature for his papers as he had not yet learned the written basic alphabet, a problem that wouldn't exist if he still had reliable access to his VR and hoped that they were made available permanently in his living space. Thanking Shelly Nyx left the building and pondered his luck. A space station? He thought of the bubbling magma from his dream, and looked to the sky. In the smoke filled chasm of night above him filled with the dying gleams of light polluted starlight Nyx pictured himself an explorer and imagined the unplumbed heights that his kind have yet to tread. This made him ache for his dream, not the one that his unconscious mind, with all its horror and hopes fed into his brain while he slept, but a controlled, sane, and perfect virtual reality. Edited January 26, 2017 by Guest
Bygonehero Posted January 26, 2017 Author Posted January 26, 2017 There's some assumptions in the writing but I tried my best to make a few as possible! EDIT: A few edits after the fact for readability, grammar, etc.
mirkoloio Posted January 26, 2017 Posted January 26, 2017 Mirk Approves. You sir, are a good RPer. I enjoy ERP--- err, RPing with you and I want your Vaurca to fight alongside Ghul. For the better of our hive.
DatBerry Posted January 26, 2017 Posted January 26, 2017 i was holding off from commenting because the story had some work made into it, but now i feel differently. my first interaction with bygonehero was when i was a mod, I'm not going to bring the whole matter out of the grave, nor does the incident itself really matter, but their OOC attitude at the time does, long story short they blew up at me, and according to other staff members at the time, that was just the usual. this incident was a while back, i thought they may have changed, until a round today where they as an IPC officer decided to search the warehouse on code green without a warrant, nor telling any other security members. they were arrested for i119 but given a i101 since we didnt have the previous charge, so technically all that happened was that he got searched and processed, what does he do? Rock says, "Yea fuck you too buddy Aurora is a shithole and im gonna work elsewhere" i would expect this from a baldie's first day, not a whitelisted player. he then heads to cryosleep with full gear. what kind of character would say they'll quit their job over them breaking directives, let alone a robot? as soon as he said that i remembered my earlier experience with them, and after checking the who command and seeing them online and then later offline, i ahelped to make sure it was you, and color me surprised, it was! I like how you did not include this character in your list, is it because it's rarely played or do you play differently with it? a -1 from me, definitely.
Bygonehero Posted January 26, 2017 Author Posted January 26, 2017 I never play security, a fact I made very clear in that round. As for the character I had him for awhile, but I don't play security, ever and he's a security only character that only got played once. As for your explanation you cut out that I had gotten permission, took nothing of interest, and had reason to actually be inside the warehouse. Did I expect a head of staff to breathe down my neck and summon the entire security force? No. The same security force that not moments ago were perfectly ok with the warden injecting themselves with drugs? There's a level of seriousness that isn't very constant or clear. If you think that my IC actions with one character effects all of my playing I am afraid you are mistaken. I had explained in round that it was my character's first day on this station, So ICly it made sense to leave after being treated purposefully like a criminal. I didn't quit my job with that character I just chose to not work on a station filled with people I don't like. If you think that's odd, maybe you should re-examine your assumptions here, assumptions colored no doubt by the past experiences you mentioned. I am going to however, play security cadet to get better at playing security.
SleepyWolf Posted January 27, 2017 Posted January 27, 2017 Bygone's very nice to play with, and this beautiful story thing is so great! I hope you get to play as a fellow Vaurca B^)
Jennalele Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 Your IC capabilities are wonderful, but your OOC conduct and tendency to blow up, rage and act /very/ ugly over minor things is going to push my opinion to a -1 here.
Bygonehero Posted January 28, 2017 Author Posted January 28, 2017 Your IC capabilities are wonderful, but your OOC conduct and tendency to blow up, rage and act /very/ ugly over minor things is going to push my opinion to a -1 here. I know I've a penchant for anger, but recently I think I'm doing better. I'm generally a pretty hot headed/competitive person, so it's not really something I can change. Some people might have a filter or worse, tell other people about other people, but I'm not one of them, and never will be. You needn't fear though, nothing triggers my autistic rage more than getting lost when I'm driving. Thank god this isn't a driving simulation game.
Jennalele Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 Your ragefit/ragequit as the Security IPC Rock a few days ago makes me think otherwise. You were arrested for trying to search cargo without a warrant on green. While it is allowed IF you have the permission of the department, you didn't; You went through the AI, which still counts as trespassing. When it cumulated into your arrest, you flipped out, ghosted, and salted deadchat for the next ~15 minutes.
Bygonehero Posted January 29, 2017 Author Posted January 29, 2017 Your ragefit/ragequit as the Security IPC Rock a few days ago makes me think otherwise. You were arrested for trying to search cargo without a warrant on green. While it is allowed IF you have the permission of the department, you didn't; You went through the AI, which still counts as trespassing. When it cumulated into your arrest, you flipped out, ghosted, and salted deadchat for the next ~15 minutes. Alright. I don't think any of those actions were really beyond IC, Not to mention most of what your saying is unfortunately wrong. I cryoed before ghosting, made sure to be processed and released before going to cryo. I took the time to RP out the situation to comply with security officers processing me, so it's not really flipping out as it is playing my character. My fellow officer Decanus referred to the place as a shithole so it's not like I was acting out. My character didn't like being treated like a criminal. I believe I demonstrated this accurately ICly. Your mind is already made up, but you aren't seeing me as I normally play. Anyone could pick an instance where maybe they weren't there best. Some more than others. I'm not perfect, but I don't think I should be crucified for a mistake that I made the literal first time I ever played a security officer. I'm normally pretty relaxed when I play. I hope to show you this, if given the chance.
LordFowl Posted January 30, 2017 Posted January 30, 2017 Nyx crested the final outcropping, overlooking a titanic wound in the earth. Looking down miles into its lightless depths Nyx could see bubbling blood flowing from the fissures lowest point. It bellowed forth in red-orange torrents, blasting the entire cavern with heat. Shielding his eyes Nyx scanned the top of the cavern for peculiar features but was interrupted by a harsh buzzing sound from beyond the precipices edge. His V'krexi, Jekk swooped in front of him in a flash of iridescence. Jekk landed above him on the caverns low ceiling, skittering at his side and looking down at him with its multi-faceted eyes. Nyx was reluctant to bring Jekk out spelunking with him, but all the same he could not have hazarded such a journey this far out from the hive alone. Nyx's antennae twitched as he stared across the chasm to the other side, he tried to judge the distance from his viewpoint, but found that he could not, why would he be able to? He was not an explorer, not at all. He had however, always loved the stories of Sedantis Spelunkers, Explorers of the Underneath for home and hive! But why was he here? In trying to remember the journey he must have tensed, causing Jakk to drop down from the ceiling, landing at Nyx's side. Jakk cooed in a dull timbre echoing off the heat blasted stone, and, unexpectedly, spoke. "You alright Nyx?" Taken aback by this, Nyx slipped and fell into the yawning fissure sinking into its inky blackness before awaking with a horrible series of clicks to the pitter patter of rain on corrugated metal. Checking his surroundings he was kicked in his carapaced side by another Vaurca struggling through sleep, with no help thanks to Nyx. Rising slowly as to not disturb his slumbering hive-mates he stepped out of their ramshackle dwelling into the slums of Biesel, grabbing a cloak as he exited and throwing its hood over his head. He hated rain, not because of the errant droplet causing physical pain when it hit the eyes, but rather its unnaturalness. He wondered how humans could stand sleeping while billions of tiny missiles poured throughout their living space. The sound of it, disturbed Nyx in such a way that he couldn't actually place, but it felt wrong, and the wrongness of it never abated, no matter how many times he looked up expecting to see hard stone above him and seeing only the lightless chasms of night instead. "You alright Nyx?" Redoubling his speed and shielding his eyes through the brightly illuminated streets Nyx took a shortcut between two large buildings into comfortable dimness. Day travel was difficult for Vaurcae and Nyx avoided it whenever he could. Night was comforting in this way, but in others it confounded him. Banishing these musings and moving through the streets he passed a human speaking to two unbound Vaurcae. He did not need to speak with them to know what the human wanted. Giving him a passing look Nyx took note of the human's clothes, stance and facial expression. He had studied the latter in detail not so many months ago working threat assessment, his purpose, for the hive-ship. He concluded that the human was peddling something, but moved away from their exchange as he turned the corner, towards the Eos industrial mining office.Taking the shortest route to his destination Nyx arrived fifteen minutes later, guided by heavy smoke burbling from large stacks just beyond the work order office, its black smoke clearly visible in the blue-darkness of the cloudy Biesel night sky. Despite the lateness of the hour a line of bound Vaurcae stood silently, only making noise as the line slowly crept forward into the mining factory. Two Vaurca handlers were at the front of the line providing each bound worker a pick and eye protection before sending them forward. A neon yellow sign glowed in the dark just above the aperture bound drones silently filed through, proclaiming Eos Mining Solutions, Building a Better Biesel! Nyx knew where they were going, about the lift that ferried them down into the(chasm) mine.He found himself wishing for a moment he could join them, to go back down into a world that had solid earth, that wasn't a dream, but real, as real as (VR?) real could be. He must have been staring, because one of the handlers asked over Hive-net if he was alright. He was alright, was he? Nyx had been daydreaming more often, ever since his hive-cell was disbanded for no longer being needed. His hive cell was regulated by a lesser queen, becoming one of the first groups of Vaurcae boarded in Eos as a ship moored in orbit did not necessitate the need of constant threat screening. Offering quick assurances to his hive-mate he moved away to the industrial office building. Its front plastered with Nanotrasen signs,completely obscuring window view. Moving inside he saw that the industrial office was nearly empty and clicked a sigh of relief. The human attendant was polite enough and spoke at length about current employment contracts approved by the Biesel government. Mining contracts, Research contracts, civilian and logistical, pilot and commercial were available, and all held two things in common. They all paid a pittance, and they were all outside of Nyx's abilities. This had been a regular ritual for him over many months, and every time he had left disappointed. The human, Shelly flapped her gums together, the wet slobbering sound humans called speech, detailing how sorry she was, and if there was anything else she could do for him. Nyx politely declined and turned to leave, when the shrill sound of Shelly's voice stopped him. "We do have one opening for someone with your skillset. It's on a Nanotrasen owned station, the--" Shelly hesitated and produced a few keystrokes, her purple fingernails a practiced blur of motion. "Exodus? It looks like they've several openings on their security personnel list. I can help you with the application vetting process, it shouldn't take more than a few days for them to get back with us!" Without thinking Nyx (fell) thanked her and accepted her find. He knew a bit about Nanotrasen,it was mentioned many times during their lessons on human interaction. Nyx used visual signature for his papers as he had not yet learned the written basic alphabet, a problem that wouldn't exist if he still had reliable access to his VR and hoped that they were made available permanently in his living space. Thanking Shelly Nyx left the building and pondered his luck. A space station? He thought of the bubbling magma from his dream, and looked to the sky. In the smoke filled chasm of night above him filled with the dying gleams of light polluted starlight Nyx pictured himself an explorer and imagined the unplumbed heights that his kind have yet to tread. This made him ache for his dream, not the one that his unconscious mind, with all its horror and hopes fed into his brain while he slept, but a controlled, sane, and perfect virtual reality. Despite the alarming concerns raised in this application concerning your OOC behaviour, I am willing to accept this application. Your IC work has been very good, and you have displayed a very robust understanding of the race. The issue of OoC behaviour can be determined as time proceeds. Application accepted.
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