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Unspoken Rules of Aurorastation

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  • Do not use the cyborg chargers as an IPC, you are not a lowly cyborg, you have hands. You can finger the APC's instead.
  • Emergency doors arn't dangerous,you go through them even if there are inflatable doors and walls in front of it. If you really want to be safe, just pop on a soft suit or a mask and bust through it, no one will care!
  • If a Airlock door isn't working when the shuttle docks, be sure to push through the Engineers opening it, you are a brave and important assistant, you can open it.



If you are a Security Officer, your word is law and anyone who disagrees with you is required to pay the gut-check-with-a-baton tax.

As the Warden, you have equal authority as the HoS. Feel free to order people around at all times.

As a Detective/Forensics, you need as many weapons as possible, load up boys.


Someone working on the engines? Great! Time for you to go build a rest area in departures.

Someone barricaded themselves into an office? Better flush them out by venting it.

Every round should begin with you learning how to hack doors and load up on ALL the metal.


The crew is filled with wimps who can't handle an unannounced bomb test. Let them panic a bit.

If you are an RD, you have the power to read PDA messages that have been sent, and you have a newscaster in your office, time to start your own feed!

Xeno aliens get bored when in their cells. It is best to let them out and feed them gratuitously so they can breed into a personal army that will always love and trust it's maker.


You're required by company policy to be rude and uncaring when crew members are in pain and scared.

Kill the Psychiatrist ASAP, they do nothing anyway and if they're an antag you've saved half the crew.

Start the round by deleting all medical data in the computer. No one reads it anyway (god I wish that wasn't true).


All will bow to the great nation of Cargonia.

You have the authority and means to order tons of stuff, so don't waste that privilege on the heathen crew, order all the things and deny everyone for unexplained reasons.

Security ordered ballistics? Better give them all the guns. Medical ordered Virus crate? Those traitorous BASTARDS!


It's unclear why everyone in the universe is an Engineer but only a few are stationed as one, but you should demonstrate your abilities by hacking all the things.

Welder bombs are an Assistant's preferred method of demonstrating unfavorable reactions to anything from legal instructions to being not permitted to enter an area.

You're not assigned to a job as an Assistant, which means you're absolutely not expected to assist anyone for any reason.


Security will never arrest you for anything, so it is wise to often break the law and order others to do so as well.

Just because you have people assigned to a job is no excuse for letting them do it. Step over their weak and pointless heads to do their job for your own benefit, they can wait.

Rank dictates specialization, HOS knows absolutely everything about Security, RD about Science, CE about Engineering, CMO about medical, and of course Captain about everything and anything.


Know everything, I mean come on it's not hard to know everything right?

Find a corpse with unexplained blood loss? Must be lesbian vampire doctors. Order garlic and spread holy water.

Found a weapon? Congratulations you've completed your specialist degree in using it.

Click a wire, click "Make noose", drag Pun Pun onto the noose. Hang in there buddy, we still love you.

Mice are friends, not food.


Time to screw with the chef, climb into the pipes below him and spam Loud Squeak. You're invincible down there , so torturing him for two hours is definitely the most appropriate thing.

It is imperative to escape the station. Find a friendly soul and ride the escape vehicle of their choosing to safety at the Odin. ERT Janitors don't kill mice.

Find a vent with a mousetrap? Better convince another mouse to go "see if it's clear" before using that one again.


Not sure what kind of round it is? Let people know you've seen someone in all black with a weird skull face and ask what that "typically means".

Spam all the things, makes it so others will notice what you've said.

Ahelp often to let them know things you've already done, that way they know too. They can't check stuff like that.


Someone joined as an assistant? Banhammer that bastard back to TG.

Someone did a thing to a thing? Banhammer that bastard back to TG.

Someone didn't like your joke? Banhammer that bastard back to TG.



Time to screw with the chef, climb into the pipes below him and spam Loud Squeak. You're invincible down there , so torturing him for two hours is definitely the most appropriate thing.

It is imperative to escape the station. Find a friendly soul and ride the escape vehicle of their choosing to safety at the Odin. ERT Janitors don't kill mice.

Find a vent with a mousetrap? Better convince another mouse to go "see if it's clear" before using that one again.

Last but most certainly not least, as a mouse it is your assigned task to chew every cardboard box on the station, even if it obviously doesn't have food in it.

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