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Guest Marlon Phoenix

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Thoughts on Imran so far?

I love Junior. You basically took Imraj, removed the "I'm old and grumpy" factor and replaced it with a "3edgy6u" factor, with some "xXx360N0Sc0p3xXx" sprinkled in.


Opinions on Elena Raschnikova, I'm getting sick of all the praises that I get for her. Is there anyone who hates the character here?

Opinions on Elena Raschnikova, I'm getting sick of all the praises that I get for her. Is there anyone who hates the character here?


I hate the fact that she has no friends. She clearly needs at least one friend.

Opinions on Elena Raschnikova, I'm getting sick of all the praises that I get for her. Is there anyone who hates the character here?


I hate the fact that she has no friends. She clearly needs at least one friend.


That friend will not be a Diona because I get the feeling she does not like them or at least mine. :lol:

Elena doesn't speak much to the trees I plant around the station, but Flames has gotten the impression she's just rather terse and separate from "reality". A voice on the other end of the headset, so to speak, ordering people around. I've never seen her act... well... Human.

Then there was that time she tried to get Silent Bee fired from cadetship as an IAA. She thought they were illiterate. That was funny. Yes. And sad. Yes. Yes. Didn't like that. No. Not at all. No. We should kill her. What. We can't do that. Right. Okay. Yes. Don't kill her then. Yes. Yes.

Opinions on Elena Raschnikova, I'm getting sick of all the praises that I get for her. Is there anyone who hates the character here?


I hate the fact that she has no friends. She clearly needs at least one friend.


I think Inis, or it might have been Whisper, is friends with her. Probably Whisper, there are few people who aren't friends with Whisper.

As a whole, I like Elena, she acts realistically, when my characters interact with her, she has just the right balance of Authority and warmth towards people; sort of like a teacher, over a boss, which is nice.


I like Elena, in general. Brilliant Catpain. But - not in a snowflakey way - she seems sort of 'perfect' and 'untouchable', like she never lets her guard down. She needs to get drunk and have a heart to heart to somebody about how she hates her stretchmarks or something.

Vittorio is always still here, and as awful as ever since I'm shit at change.

I've never had any problem while working with Vittorio as HoP, He seem'd reasonable about most thing's. But there was this one time he got in to this racist argument with someone. IC I was ready to knock him out by the end of it. OOC It was funny.

Vittorio is always still here, and as awful as ever since I'm shit at change.

I've never had any problem while working with Vittorio as HoP, He seem'd reasonable about most thing's. But there was this one time he got in to this racist argument with someone. IC I was ready to knock him out by the end of it. OOC It was funny.

Well yeah, Racists are not just wholly evil and inefficient because of their beliefs....

Any opinions on Michael Tool(Thorne)?

Also as a side note, I think Elena is a decent enough captain, I just despise the character for her personality.


I think he's too lax with his staff, especially since he's a HoP. Cargo needs to be held under firm supervision as generally a troublemaking department. Generally, he's reasonable and has a flavor to him.

Why do you despise her personality? Too bossy?


Aye I agree he is way too lax, I'd change it but it'd be too out of character for him. He's a reluctant HoP due to certain events which have made him despise his job. He's too old to be the way he used to be. And he can't help but have a soft spot for some of his team due to his increasing age and being faced with his own mortality since his diagnosis.

Also with Elena I think it's Michael's feelings reflecting onto me - he started out fairly young when I first made him and he was naive-ish but has slowly grown as a character to be more cynical and to be a lot more negative. Michaels(and mine since we share opinions on this) problem is he worked his way to Captain and gained great renown(representing my own place in Apollo, sounds a bit egotistical I know) then he finally broke free and became an Admiral(representing my own rise to admin and in turn the creation of Aurora) Michael retired because Nanotrasen was worried about his health and age and old fashioned way of thinking( representing my own retirement from Admin and SS13 because me generally just worrying about the way I was and what kind of person I was becoming) then Michael returns under investigation from Nanotrasen(Unofficially they're stunting him at HoP because he's dying, but officially they're stunting him because he apparently committed treason). Myself I returned and didn't bother reapplying for Admin and I'm now a dinosaur, the admins have changed everything, the way they do things and the procedures and I'm just a fossil of a bygone time. Michael feels the same way.

Michael respects Elena but he's honestly jealous that he's no longer the star captain he once was, and honestly over the years me and Michael have become so similar that it might be affecting my own personal feelings on her.

Many people used to think the character I related most to was Aaron Tool, but these days I think it's Michael.



That's pretty cool, to have a character with such a long history. He's a command dinosaur and you should find a way to flash that out or play him more.

As for Elena, sooner or later, I'll lose my spark (I can already feel it happening) and some other greenhorn(I've only been playing command for like 4 months) will replace Elena. It's how things go.

Honestly, the main reason Elena is so cold is because she's a self-insert as far as personality goes, but I can't insert into a female character sucessfully and still make her have faminine qualities, so I try to keep distance to compensate for this.

  • 3 weeks later...

Hazeri Saakhat is my favourite Unathi that I've ever interacted with. He brings with him a slew of contributions to the lore, and deviates from the barbaric monkey-eating dicklizard stereotype. His backstory is highly complex and developed, and while it's fairly easy to wrench out some details (ideal for initial interactions), knowing his entire story is a welcoming challenge for the interested party. He opens up many situations for arpee, for example your OOC efforts with the Lab Assistant ad, and does not exhibit cliquey behaviour. And he is visually interesting on top of everything, having awesome-looking custom items he uses to great arpee and visual effect, and being the only Unathi I've ever seen who has frills. Overall, he's an absolutely brilliant character and would be The Counselor/Chaplain on my ideal crew manifest.

Feel free to tear apart Kane DeWitt.

Too edgy.

Like a cube left unattended in a machine shop for blade-sharpening along with ten pounds of coarse-grit sandpaper.


Does anyone have anything to say about Andy?


Hmm. Can you put a bit about your characters, I think I've seen a lot of Andys/Androids. Yours is a roboticist?


Still haven't gotten much commentary on Nasir Khayyam. Would love to know both the good and the bad.

Please, if you do hate him speak up!



Hazeri Saakhat - I've only seen him a little, but every time I see him he never fails to entertain. That much speaks for itself.

I think I've seen a lot of Andys/Androids. Yours is a roboticist?


Normally Andy is a Roboticist, so you probably saw mine, yes.

I haven't seen any other characters named Android with the nickname Andy, so you probably saw mine in other cases, too. Lately Andy has gone from Roboticist to Psychologist.

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