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Character Feedback Thread

Guest Marlon Phoenix

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He's pretty decent. The only bad thing I can say is he's a massive liability when dealing with dangerous xenos and criminals.


I like squishy captains (Not in the Skrell way. But, you know, Skrell are nice, too). We've come to expect our captains to be security-oriented with the ability to robust. Fact is, captains can be a liability in dangerous situations. Robustness does not equal good captainness.

I like him. Go against the grain. Do not gain robustness.


I try to keep him unrobust as possible, the only way he can actually really hope to take anybody head on is if he has his telebaton on him, and even then, he usually has someone else fight his battles for him.

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How are people liking Azeazekel Karnaikai?


Beat the crap out of him in holodeck fights as Vira. Called for a truce since I didn't wanna abuse you too hard.

Still, I enjoyed the combat and the banter exchanged. Would like to see more of 'im in the future.


I'd like to ask for some opinions on my newest character, Cynthia Kellog,

Guest Menown
Avery Dawkins.

Give me infinite regret and grief.


10/10. Would have a character obsess over and get ignored by every chance she gets.

Ill do it again, since he got a few complaints and such. Guess Ill be ready for the hard hits, since Im assuming there is a few.

Winston Carton. Go.


I think Winston Carton is a well rounded character. He's human, has flaws and strengths. However, I'm never sure what his position on things is. On one side, he beats prisoners because he's a sadist. On another, he complains because prisoners are being mistreated. Maybe this is explained by some deeper issue like split personality or he's just a hypocrit.


Vittorio "The Italian Stallion" Giurifiglio


A character everyone loves to dislike. Paper hitler. Will do what he thinks is right, in his own misguided way.


Avery Dawkins.

Give me infinite regret and grief.


Level-headed security personel and probably one of the best detectives on the server. Will get hot-headed at times and starts conflicts when in command roles, but that's just my impression made from limited interaction.


One thing that I noticed with most of your heads is their tendency to start arguments. I'm guilty of it myself, though.

Lux is a definete improvment in that area.

Avery Dawkins.

Give me infinite regret and grief.


Dawkins is quite capable regardless of what he does, and inspires respect.

That's what I've gathered from how people talk about him, I mean, because when he talks to Dan, he's always a damn manbaby in I don't want to be a captain black jumpsuit.

But jokes aside.

I've spent a lot -a lot- of time with Avery, although most of that time, he was whining about Kimberly not being present on the shift...and then there was that incident with him stealing Dan's things. From her smoking remains. Note: emotionally detached from reality

Ave performs great in positions of authority, but seems uncomfortable in civil roles - there he mostly comes off as ill-at-ease, and appears to have trouble holding conversation beyond mere "hey, how are you". Note: superiority complex, possible hints at sadism?

Add to that his obsession with Kim and you get a terribly deranged man with little to no touch with reality.

In all likelihood, he has had a terribly traumatizing childhood and had shut himself in, cut himself off from other people (possible tragedy, loss of close relatives?) - all the pieces come together; his unability to interact with other people unless provided with a false sense of security through the authority and respect associated with a high rank; his sitting in the Medbay lobby, demanding attention; his clinging to a motherly figure.

I forgot where I was going with this.

Ave's fun!


I like him, I haven't seen him in a while, but I faintly remember him being a nice, approchable head of staff, hes feel kind of organic, I think a good word is. Not enough heads of stuff feel as human as he does, also literally the only head Ive ever seen go out of their way to talk and communicate with their underlings as if they were people. Nice, refreshing change. 10/10, would have him as my HoP again.

Miko Du'Razhu?


He reminds me somewhat of another Tajara that I was always fond of, Mathus It'hurna. His mercenary nature is really refreshing.

He's hard to talk too, however.

Guest Menown
What about Tavaku Mo'Taki? What do people think of him?


I do enjoy Kar-- I mean Tavaku, and his constant rule breaking.


Oi, you planned to have my IPC thrown under a bus. Wow, that's just cruel. Unless you are talking about OOC Rusty then go for it.

Rusty didnt do anything to you, hes just an overenthusiastic loney cowardly IPC who thinks everyone on the crew list is a minion.


With the large amount of complaints against the character, there has to be something I'm doing wrong.

What is everyones general outlook on Robert as a character, or their problems with him?


I'll go ahead and say that I think one of the things people dislike about your character is same as mine, unconventional thinking.

I'll go ahead and say that I think one of the things people dislike about your character is same as mine, unconventional thinking.


What do you mean?

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