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Asimo's Chassis

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BYOND Key: Sleepy Wolf

Character name: Asimo

Item name: Big Guy - AKA - Asimo's Durable Chassis

Why is your character carrying said item to work? Asimo is a creation of upgrades, random parts, and advances in research.

Item function(s): Android sprite

Item description: A collection of old, new, and used parts put together in a durable chassis that's lasted years. It looks like a modified Asimov model.

Item appearance: PCgemGm.png

How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP? As a very ugly unit, Asimo is obviously old, with weathered parts, a huge cumbersome armour piece, and mis-matched pieces. Asimo has been active since 2411, 48 years, two years before contact with Skrell. Before this time, posibrains were not even successfully made, and Asimo was a basic robot, running on the Asimov lawset. Running like this for almost 24 years after that, Asimo began receiving upgrades as technology progressed - a posibrain being installed as soon as they became available in Nanotrasen. Being an engineering model - the sturdier and more long lasting units - allowed this unit to live on so long, parts being replaced.

Additional comments:


Having seen this model in work ingame, and knowing Sleepy's way of roleplaying, I have to say this would be an ugly, yet very welcome sprite to have around. The basic android is a nice touch accompanying the chassis.

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