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[Denied] Awesomeguy002's Head of Staff Application

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BYOND key: Awesomeguy002

Character names:

Derek Stafford



Hugo Mildred


How long have you been playing on Aurora?:

Ever since I began playing SS13, but there was an intermission for when I was banned. So ~3-4 weeks.

Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?:

Mainly for Character development. But I also usually see a distinct lack of Staff Heads, so that too.

Why did you come to Aurora?:

The Serious roleplay was the main appeal, as well as the good Coding and graphics work which made it stand out from the others.

Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?:


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about:

Roleplay, in my opinion, is the impersonation of a Fictional character to promote and develop a Story or Narrative.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:

Staff heads are there to keep order to their assigned department and to run it with maximum efficiency. Department heads are also there to reprimand mis-performing staff members and SoP violations. They also take a leading role - Guiding and educating inexperienced staff members.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:

The most important one would be quality. A good Head of Staff would follow SoP, the Server's and Station's rules and do it without error. They would also be expected to (Atleast in my opinion) have atleast a decent level of roleplay quality. Striving to uphold them would be simple - Just don't not do it. I've played these sorts of Command/"High-ranking" roles long enough, as well as SS13 in general that this has become second nature to me.


Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions.

Character name: Derek Stafford

Character age: 46

Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs):

Derek stafford was born in 2421 in the Sol system, his family descended from a noble line of Soldiers, Law Enforcers, Lawyers and Detectives. It was to no surprise that Stafford, too, followed the same route his family had for over generations. His childhood was uneventful, his industrious attitude fueled by his ambition. Frequently, David spoke with his Father - who often enjoyed speaking of the operation and use of the Weapons in his line of work. To everybody's surprise, Stafford's ability to walk was permanently hindered after fracturing his Femur - As a result of a laser weapon misfire during a training drill at the New Seoul Combat Training Centre. At the age of 22, Derek was forced to walk with a permanent limp due to Medical complications. His education was completed without further complication and now serves aboard the NSS Aurora for Nanotrasen, his work focused primarily around paper and field work.

What do you like about this character?:

If anything, how bland Stafford is is what appeals to me most. There's no "I'm an Orphan" or "Syndicate killed my Dog" or "I blew my legs off because I misused a Microwave". I don't have to spend time roleplaying extreme disabilities, but can roleplay to the extent that my Character isn't a special snowflake without any sort of flaw or downside. After all - Nobody's perfect.

What do you dislike about this character?:

Not really anything. Like I said above, I worked him to not be completely perfect and special, but enough to that he's not completely incompetent. He's completely, 100% average.

What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?:

His loyalty, most likely. Not just to Nanotrasen but his family line. If he went ahead and flipped the bird to his family's past, he'd be shunned and grilled by his family until he finally passes. But his experience would be good for the exact same reason - There's an incentive to. If he does poorly, not only will he lose his only source of income, but just like before - His family's gonna be real pissed.


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions.

How would you rate your own roleplaying?:

Above average, I guess. I've been roleplaying in many other games and communities so I'm definitely not Inexperienced.

Extra notes:

No additional notes.

  • 3 weeks later...

You may not know this but Derek Stafford has gained a notoriety for incompetence, he is the rare breed of semi regular characters that still can't escalate things properly nor use the right equipment at the right time and border line regulation breaking.

I've yet to play or observe a round with Stafford where his performance was optimal, let alone exceptional for a promotion to HoS.

I suggest you play more often as a security officer, maybe even make a cadet character and ask to be trained. as it is, I rank Stafford really low in the list f regular security characters that would get promoted.

Another point is your IPC Hu. TAP, I've seen them in cargo, in medical, in science, back in chemistry, in civilian jobs and god knows what other jobs they've taken, there's no indication that these are different robots, or if they even reset their memory banks and download more info before taking on a newjob, can they do all these jobs at the same time in one shift? seeing the same character hop around different jobs irk me greatly and not something I'd encourage. after you get your whitelist, will Hu. TAP also be jumping between heads of staff positions?

I think you've still got somethings to work on, -1 from me.


My first and only experience with awesomeguy002 was some pretty serious murderboning as a cultist IPC. He wordlessly stabbed me to death even after I was disarmed and helpless, and immediately upon shoving me into a Juggernaut, his only order was to "Kill them all" I think it displayed a pretty clear lack of RP tact, as even when all the cards lay in his hands and he held the power in the situation, he didn't stop to engage in any kind of RP and just lunged for valids and objectives.

-1 from me.


Two things stand out about you to me as well: Failure to play a realistic character, and RPless powergaming.

I've seen or heard plenty about your roleplay, most notably an incident with a cult round yesterday where you knocked down a Security staffmember in the medbay and proceeded to sword him to death/near death, and then turn him into a Construct, all without even saying a single word or RP in the slightest. Given your definition of the concept of roleplay, what story or narrative were you promoting and developing with this crewmember who was silently murdered and Constructed by you without any further interaction?

The problem with your HuTAP character especially sticks out to me because I see him the most out of your characters, I think. During a round as forensics Technician as HuTAP, you requested access to Chemistry to work on chems, because "A lot of Forensics Technicians work is working with chemicals so they should know this stuff" (your excuse). A few rounds later, you had HuTAP working as a Quartermaster, and I've seen HuTAP working directly as a Chemist yesterday. I don't know if the requirements are loosened for IPCs due to some "they can just download it" excuse but I'm still not comfortable seeing a single character work as an FT, QM, and Chemist, when those jobs require, respectively: a Criminal Forensics Degree/7 years of experience in law enforcement (plus completed Cadetship now), two years experience in supply/management with completion of NT Introduction to Management course, and a DOCTORATE with a completed 2 years residency course (you seem to believe working as a Forensic Tech is enough to bypass this)

-1. I can't say I agree with your self-assessment, nor do I think it would be beneficial to roleplay (or gameplay) to have you as a Head of Security.


Hey, lucky thing I happened to be scrolling through the Reddit, huh?




Two quotes from this also: "He had O- blood, Blonde hair and was 20 years old. Nursing Intern", and "I put a small amount Ethanol in a couple of his tablets and blamed it on the Machine being faulty."

Normally I love joking around ICly. But here, you're just shit-talking a player trying to play their character because you don't like what they decided to do. If they have O- blood and are 20 years old, chances are they're new. They confirmed ICly that they signed up recently. They were trying to get involved by making a flawed character, and yet you take this interaction as an opportunity to use IC to ridicule their character OOCly, instead of trying to have ANY KIND OF MEANINGFUL INTERACTION with them. You looked at them, realized they didn't fit in with what you wanted, and so bullied them. You screenshotted doing this and posted it on Reddit of all places, to further ridicule him. I don't want someone who would trashtalk and discourage a new player, or ANY player in a head of staff position, let alone for something so small, and DOUBLY SO FOR DOING IT PUBLICLY.

You don't like someones character? Talk to them about it, adminhelp it if it's severe enough, or toughen the fuck up.

Strong -1. Heads of Staff are meant to help new players, not bully them because they dared to try something new.


Hey, lucky thing I happened to be scrolling through the Reddit, huh?




Two quotes from this also: "He had O- blood, Blonde hair and was 20 years old. Nursing Intern", and "I put a small amount Ethanol in a couple of his tablets and blamed it on the Machine being faulty."

Normally I love joking around ICly. But here, you're just shit-talking a player trying to play their character because you don't like what they decided to do. If they have O- blood and are 20 years old, chances are they're new. They confirmed ICly that they signed up recently. They were trying to get involved by making a flawed character, and yet you take this interaction as an opportunity to use IC to ridicule their character OOCly, instead of trying to have ANY KIND OF MEANINGFUL INTERACTION with them. You looked at them, realized they didn't fit in with what you wanted, and so bullied them. You screenshotted doing this and posted it on Reddit of all places, to further ridicule him. I don't want someone who would trashtalk and discourage a new player, or ANY player in a head of staff position, let alone for something so small, and DOUBLY SO FOR DOING IT PUBLICLY.

You don't like someones character? Talk to them about it, adminhelp it if it's severe enough, or toughen the fuck up.

Strong -1. Heads of Staff are meant to help new players, not bully them because they dared to try something new.


Yeah, I talked about that with Cake. Let me tell you, and trust me with this.

The image is doctored. It's not hard to seclude yourself and say something and slap it on the end, or to lie for that matter.

Most of it, atleast. r/SS13 likes to circlejerk around Snowflakey behaviour so I decided to screw around a bit for the Karma. Of course, I didn't actually put Ethanol in his drugs, or I told him to take Cyanide, that was fake. Added in post. If that offended you, or Stockman, I do apologise. The intent wasn't to offend or be a jackass, but to have a laugh with some of the other guys on the Sub. Had I intended to finger him out and try to brigade him, I wouldn't have gone the length to censor his name or to not doctor and say it to his face. But with that being said, I am sorry. For being an asshole and poking fun at Stockman and bullying him with a bunch others on the massive Social Media platform Reddit.

Now, with the Department problem I hear quite the bit about. That's been sorted. There was some turbulence with Hu-T.A.P's experience and backstory, but now It's been completely secluded to Medical - More specifically Paramedical/Medical Doctor. There's no need to go on about it, since the problem has been resolved and it was resolved quite quickly. I was merely trying a few things out with his backstory before deciding to settle in my roots as medical.


My first and only experience with awesomeguy002 was some pretty serious murderboning as a cultist IPC. He wordlessly stabbed me to death even after I was disarmed and helpless, and immediately upon shoving me into a Juggernaut, his only order was to "Kill them all" I think it displayed a pretty clear lack of RP tact, as even when all the cards lay in his hands and he held the power in the situation, he didn't stop to engage in any kind of RP and just lunged for valids and objectives.

-1 from me.


Charging a Cultist with a Stunbaton and Beanbag shotgun is a pretty good way to get stabbed to death, especially after you try to get back up and punch the people who disabled you in the face. It's hard to engage in roleplay when you get shot in the head with a Beanbag mid-emote. I got tired of trying to sit there and deal with you so I decided to just off you so the people with more sense and ultimately patience would potentially decide to roleplay.


My first and only experience with awesomeguy002 was some pretty serious murderboning as a cultist IPC. He wordlessly stabbed me to death even after I was disarmed and helpless, and immediately upon shoving me into a Juggernaut, his only order was to "Kill them all" I think it displayed a pretty clear lack of RP tact, as even when all the cards lay in his hands and he held the power in the situation, he didn't stop to engage in any kind of RP and just lunged for valids and objectives.

-1 from me.


Charging a Cultist with a Stunbaton and Beanbag shotgun is a pretty good way to get stabbed to death, especially after you try to get back up and punch the people who disabled you in the face. It's hard to engage in roleplay when you get shot in the head with a Beanbag mid-emote. I got tired of trying to sit there and deal with you so I decided to just off you so the people with more sense and ultimately patience would potentially decide to roleplay.

The bold face lie that is this post just makes me dislike you even more. I never carried a stun baton that entire round -You already had a stun baton. Furthermore, you chased ME down in the medbay, repeatedly following me while I backed up. F U R T H E R M O R E, when I did get back up after being critted, I ran two tiles away from you, then typed /rest and tried to emote, and you ran over and started stabbing me. Don't try to spread lies to defend yourself at my expense.


My first and only experience with awesomeguy002 was some pretty serious murderboning as a cultist IPC. He wordlessly stabbed me to death even after I was disarmed and helpless, and immediately upon shoving me into a Juggernaut, his only order was to "Kill them all" I think it displayed a pretty clear lack of RP tact, as even when all the cards lay in his hands and he held the power in the situation, he didn't stop to engage in any kind of RP and just lunged for valids and objectives.

-1 from me.


Charging a Cultist with a Stunbaton and Beanbag shotgun is a pretty good way to get stabbed to death, especially after you try to get back up and punch the people who disabled you in the face. It's hard to engage in roleplay when you get shot in the head with a Beanbag mid-emote. I got tired of trying to sit there and deal with you so I decided to just off you so the people with more sense and ultimately patience would potentially decide to roleplay.

The bold face lie that is this post just makes me dislike you even more. I never carried a stun baton that entire round -You already had a stun baton. Furthermore, you chased ME down in the medbay, repeatedly following me while I backed up. F U R T H E R M O R E, when I did get back up after being critted, I ran two tiles away from you, then typed /rest and tried to emote, and you ran over and started stabbing me. Don't try to spread lies to defend yourself at my expense.


The rest verb is right beside the Say verb, that's all I remember. Otherwise, I didn't have a Baton. Just the blade. Never chased anybody. Neither of us have evidence to support this, however so I won't try to deny anything else. I think you may have mistaken me for somebody else, anyways.

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