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[+1 dismissal]Forensic Technician Changes..


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These are some basic changes that I think will flesh out the overall style of a Forensic Technician as there are quite a few inconsistencies with how one operates... The first change I suggest is adding another alt_title... said title being "Medical Examiner" for all those people who don't know what a Medical Examiner is.. Let me post a basic rundown of the position "A medical examiner is person trained in medicine whose duty it is to investigate deaths and injuries that occur under unusual or suspicious circumstances, to perform post-mortem examinations, and in some jurisdictions to initiate inquests"".. Currently a Forensic Technician is expected to preform said duties and they still can.. This in my opinion just adds a little bit of realism to the position..

The second change I would like to see implemented, is giving the Forensic Technician basic medical access.. As it stands right now you have to sneak through the tunnels to get into the morgue to retrieve the deceased individuals. With basic medical access they could walk right through the front door and into the morgue like a normal person instead of sneaking in and out..

Here is the code just to make it easier... I can post it on the github too if this suggestion is accepted..


title = "Forensic Technician"
department_flag = ENGSEC
faction = "Station"
total_positions = 1
spawn_positions = 1
supervisors = "the head of security"
selection_color = "#ffeeee"
economic_modifier = 5
access = list(access_security, access_medical, access_sec_doors, access_forensics_lockers, access_morgue, access_maint_tunnels)
minimal_access = list(access_security, access_medical, access_sec_doors, access_forensics_lockers, access_morgue, access_maint_tunnels)
alt_titles = list("Crime Scene Investigator", "Medical Examiner")
minimal_player_age = 3

equip(var/mob/living/carbon/human/H, var/alt_title)
		return FALSE
	H.equip_to_slot_or_del(new /obj/item/device/radio/headset/headset_sec(H), slot_l_ear)
	H.equip_to_slot_or_del(new /obj/item/clothing/under/det/slob(H), slot_w_uniform)
	H.equip_to_slot_or_del(new /obj/item/clothing/shoes/laceup(H), slot_shoes)
	H.equip_to_slot_or_del(new /obj/item/device/pda/detective(H), slot_belt)
		H.equip_to_slot_or_del(new /obj/item/clothing/gloves/black/tajara(H), slot_gloves)
		H.equip_to_slot_or_del(new /obj/item/clothing/gloves/black/unathi(H), slot_gloves)
		H.equip_to_slot_or_del(new /obj/item/clothing/gloves/black(H), slot_gloves)
	if(has_alt_title(H, alt_title,"Crime Scene Investigator"))
		H.equip_to_slot_or_del(new /obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/vest/csi(H), slot_wear_suit)
	if(has_alt_title(H, alt_title,"Medical Examiner"))
		H.equip_to_slot_or_del(new /obj/item/clothing/suit/apron/surgery(H), slot_wear_suit)
		H.equip_to_slot_or_del(new /obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/toggle/labcoat(H), slot_wear_suit)

	if(H.backbag == 1)
		H.equip_to_slot_or_del(new /obj/item/weapon/storage/box/evidence(H), slot_l_hand)
		H.equip_to_slot_or_del(new /obj/item/weapon/storage/box/evidence(H), slot_in_backpack)

	return TRUE

Guest Marlon Phoenix

We periodically have peopel asking for a medical examiner. If it was a special job slot I'd want it in medical, not the Forensic Technician. We only have one FT slot and the Detective isn't supposed to be doing forensics - my detective for example doesn't have the training or know-how to do CSI work. As a detective main if I asked for forensics to be done and a medical examiner turned up their nose and went "sorry... i only work autopsies...." I would take out my gun and kill them and then myself


To be quite honest, if medical examiner was a thing they should be in medical department. And on medical access there is nothing stopping a CSI from just asking the medical personal. being able to slip in and slip out with a corpse or other things from medical will cause a lot of miscommunication. also if I am being fully honest on my opinion I would say autopsy should be fully medical's jurisdiction.


We only have one FT slot and the Detective isn't supposed to be doing forensics


100% in agreement. Whilst irrelevant contribution to the suggestion, this is a continuous behavior that needs to be stopped. Detectives do not work in the lab, Forensics Technicians do. Although, Forensics Technicians do need some tweaks as well as the ones listed. Although, "Medical Examiner" should already fall under Forensics Technician. Access to the morgue needs to be granted to FT as well.


We periodically have peopel asking for a medical examiner. If it was a special job slot I'd want it in medical, not the Forensic Technician. We only have one FT slot and the Detective isn't supposed to be doing forensics - my detective for example doesn't have the training or know-how to do CSI work. As a detective main if I asked for forensics to be done and a medical examiner turned up their nose and went "sorry... i only work autopsies...." I would take out my gun and kill them and then myself


We only have one FT slot and the Detective isn't supposed to be doing forensics


100% in agreement. Whilst irrelevant contribution to the suggestion, this is a continuous behavior that needs to be stopped. Detectives do not work in the lab, Forensics Technicians do. Although, Forensics Technicians do need some tweaks as well as the ones listed. Although, "Medical Examiner" should already fall under Forensics Technician. Access to the morgue needs to be granted to FT as well.


If the development team wants to authorize a one slot Medical Examiner job in Medical.. I'll glad it code it in and map in a specific place for it on the medical sub-level.. My coding skills may be sub-par but I think I'm quite a good mapper... But I believe they have a specific system in place involving the number of jobs for each department so the job preference screen doesn't become wanky.. Or maybe they don't.. I'm just guessing.. But I am willing to code and map in it... Though I still believe this will be the best resolution of both worlds as Medical and Security don't often get along and it doesn't quite make any sense why a Forensic Technician or Crime Scene Investigator is doing a full blown autopsy when their main job is to screenshot photos for a crime scene.. It seems like the Forensic Technician is a jumble between a Forensic Biologist and a Forensic Pathologist which should be changed..

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Medical Examiner is a harmless flavour tweak. However i also see this job as a part of medbay. As for medbay access - that's been areal issue for quite some time which needs a solution. Definitely +1


We do not need a medical examiner title. The CSI handles autopsy reports, any surgeon can do a coroner report, as could the CSI.

Snowflakes begone.


We do not need a medical examiner title. The CSI handles autopsy reports, any surgeon can do a coroner report, as could the CSI.

Snowflakes begone.


CSi deals with gathering and analyzing evidence and therefore doesn't always have time to do an autopsy (especially with having to break your way into the morgue)

Surgeons deal with operating live patients and therefore don't always have time to do autopsy (especially when their patients are stacked up and in critical condition)

MDs deal with treating live patients and therefore don't always have time to do autopsy (especially when the patients are stacked up)

So even though surgeon/CSI could do an autopsy, it would be much better if we had a designated role to process bodies and do autopsies, since surgeons and CSIs have a lot of shit to do besides that


So even though surgeon/CSI could do an autopsy, it would be much better if we had a designated role to process bodies and do autopsies, since surgeons and CSIs have a lot of shit to do besides that


I mean, would enough people be expected to die every day to justify having a designated coroner each shift? They have a staff of MDs full-time, and most of them could do an autopsy. Also, there are nurses and residents to handle processing bodies.

From an IC and OOC perspective, I don't think it is a very necessary addition.


I would argue that this change brings about too much realism. Having a designated coroner who does autopsies, and pretty much only autopsies, seems to be as about as needed as designated cloning personnel who only know how to handle the cloning machine and nothing else. Their main function in itself is a very rare occurrence and you would need to really roll the dice to get an antag to actually leave a body out for you to do an autopsy, not to mention that most medical doctors and all surgeons and CSIs are able to perform this task, making it a mostly redundant role.

  • 1 month later...

This title does not add anything, when such can already be done by medical staff, and having access to medical to handle bodies related to crime can just be solved by cooperating with medical, which they should do when the body is part of the investigation.

Voting for dismissal.

  • 1 month later...
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