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Geneticist (15/37)

  1. lame idea; nobody is going to stop playing their favorite characters because someone RNG'd harder than them and simply because they made the mistake of advancing their character up the corporate ladder, and now they cant join the round using the mindset and enthusiasm they were aiming to play with. people don't trust other heads of staff players because they are heads of staff, they trust them because they're good at the job or are known for possessing x skill that can be utilized. there are countless heads of staff who are braindead r*tards and, while vying for power in tenuous situations, will not be granted it because they do not display qualities becoming of someone who can be trusted as a wingman or trustworthy person in general. the ability to showcase experience and prowess outranks the fact that a character sometimes plays as a head role and fails to produce memorable positive results to anyone except themselves in every scenario except where characters are literally not eligible in the lore for that trust. paygap issue is a nonissue. either work as a head of staff or dont work your shift at all? much more significant pay decrease. rotating out heads of departments in this notable facility isn't a bad idea either for the sake of making sure there's a higher chance for a sane and non-overstressed leader in charge for the day. by reaching the status of a head of staff, you are ideally prodigal in your field and therefore an asset at all times to NT and will be established when and where you are deemed most effective. improper assignment to role slots, powergaming and metagaming is a player sourced issue, not an issue with the system that is available to the players. loyalty implants are archaic LRP tools and actively being pushed for reworks and modifications to fit into the setting much more effectively.
  2. acknowledged a warning to say these look great. drab and dull is a fine angle for mercenary appearance, efficient military grade equipment and sexy looking bags combined with basic uniforms for the more organized approach. looks GREAT. if there's concern about color then having alternatives is always an option, but these fit the bill for a professional, no-nonsense mercenary outfit.
  3. Yamina refuses to be my friend and Adeleh is a cool cop. The duality of man. Deadlantern rounds out as a decent person for as long as I've known them, so as far as more pigs for the slaughter goes I think this one has a fighting chance.
  4. i mean, yeah, it's completely reasonable to say that removing a player from the round isn't fun for the player. i've discussed it often. others discuss it often. i had seen the roboticist before and seen him pump out mechs and hardsuits, so it was assumed on that basis that the dude would both show up to his job and know how to do it after ensuring juicebot was secured without further consequence or benny hilling that is customary to spotlighting anatgonists. unfortunately that was not the case. 'robust this guy' isn't something that runs through my head to begin with, rather trying to keep track of round details to make sure judgement is made easier if or when its necessary on whether to address / continue to avoid. the re-death of a crewmember lead to addressal. no worries about that one. if that's all you wanted, we could've done this over discord 1. contextually, forcefully removing the problematic synthetic juicebot was seen to as the chosen option. in no way are words being discouraged. the action was done through emotional drive, and cosponsored by the assent of the command roster. a cold naked stiff dripping OJ behind the complaining medical staff is enough to incite anger rather than no emotion at all, thus why the news was met with a custom emote scowl and a prompt informing of the command staff. 2. if i overshot the supermatter and it blew up an hour later and killed an apprentice, i am still the one that killed them for being responsible for the event in the first place. whatever you did, however to be clear you did it, and it didn't gather the attention of medical and just because it didn't does not mean you are not responsible for them failing to notice the beakers in the cryo pods changed as it is only visually represented in units, not any other indicative detail. whether or not it was arguably your fault or not, the complaint was that you caused the death of the clone by, despite all odds, tainted the cryomix without their knowledge. 3. i cant monitor your every action whether through malfunction or not, only assert what has been gathered from my point of view and what i hear similar to how you went through this complaint. it is very easy to make a 'lie' by promoting what you assume from incomplete information as truth. 4. the roster was 'untalkative' in that there was no communication besides exchanging pleasantries, discussing juicebot's lack of obedience, the recommendation of a trap that never came to fruition, and then my addressal of both my fellow command staff directly to tell them we're going ahead to break the bot for murder. in other rounds, it is more commonplace for idle chat. 5. i did not state or imply that they walked past us. in fact, to better clarify, when they decided to march closer was when you were both attended to. i recall the mining synthetic on my right, and the security bot on my left, though perhaps it could bear the chance to be muddled by age. going by this memory, however, the mining synthetic moved forward and was seen as the impatient of the two and was the first to go and after a brief struggle because movement both were gone. whether you were the advancing synthetic or not, the result remains the same. 6. the statement of killing, arresting, distressing, etcetera was a blanket statement towards dealing with any antagonist, not that current round. yet you definitely ended in the result of killing one person, and served as a point of distress for other crewmembers however. however, as stated, there remains no pattern. incidents with you have literally been the only incidents of opting for this solution and they were both out of convenience of the method by sheer coincidence. it is unfortunate that this paints it as a 'pattern' to you.
  5. 1. if you prefer the ion route, which is a ranged means of automatically disabling you, or if the AI had acted on locking you down when command attempted to organize your binding to the AI itself wherein no other personnel were willing to act to assist in the matter, then you would find yourself disappointed that round. you also once more run into the fallacy where because your incidents resulted in you being fought against in the most convenient manner to an unarmed person: the trashcan, that this is a 'usual' method. you also run into the problem where you place into question whether or not command was briefed on what happened and what was going to happen as a result. fortunately, they were made aware, and so the 'offering of orange juice' which was actually me asking you to come to the nearest trash can to medical so we could finally perform this long awaited 'trap'. i suppose we must also address the problem of having to see your laws, something that everyone in the round failed to address and out of simplicity of the matter and having an upper hand, baiting out your reasoning for harassing crewmembers, disobeying orders, and eventually killing someone by bathing them in frosty oxidated orange juice over the course of the round does not merit a final "So what were your laws anyway lmao" so that you can justify going out of your way to kill the guy. i think a quote from OMEGA outside of research while I recovered you put it best: something along the lines of "A sad truth, but Juicebot's normal is malfunctioning". you definitely weren't getting any sympathy from this end for taking an extreme step forward from the usual repertoire of chasing people around forcefeeding them juice and coordinating vandalism with other delinquent characters. disabling you swiftly was the assured means of ensuring no more of your shenanigans ensued, and it was the route that met no complaint (yes, this realistically passed seamlessly through what was an otherwise untalkative roster) and was such acted on. if you found yourself locked down, it's liable because you were not synced to the AI and therefore not in their control, but a mishap by the roboticist on duty who was tinkering with the wrong wires incidentally. there is no reality where i intend on dragging you, flashing you (a temporary solution that you seem to forget operates in that fashion), until the bulb breaks and you probably turn and burn on me while i painstakingly wait for the grace of a roboticist or the diligence or input of someone deciding to deal with you, a rogue murderer, 'properly'. 2. your round as VPN the mining bot, incidentally, is the exact reason you were flashed and disposaled in the first place due to the fact that you lead the charge as opposed to your adjacent security bot after screaming "MOVE ASIDE!" during us trying to talk you both down by using the interpretations of your lawset. after planning how to deal with you both if dealings went south, and subsequently they go south through your yelling and rushing our standing, you will be dealt with as planned and such is what happened. due to the long arm of the law of that day, the AI, retrieving you was a continuation of the direct threat that the temperamental synthetic posed to us if it regained the ability to direct you back towards the incident. it is implausible to expect that much restoring the hands to the AI that already threatened to blow us up both locally and nuclear-ly was going to happen, especially after they had no interest in falling within the reasonable parameters presented to them through our attempted negotiations. ESPECIALLY if the mining drone was spontaneous enough to leap towards disdain towards those parameters. each incident finds its justification in the pudding. i dont intend to propose myself as "right" since there's an invariable amount of methods from backing down and letting you continue killing, distressing, arresting or etcetera up to taking immediate action, but there is ultimately not reasonable evidence to claim the actions were "wrong" or "unprompted" besides "i shouldnt have died for doing what i did". better yet, there's no reason to assert that this is somehow some kind of "norm" in dealing with synthetics when it has, by happenstance, occured only when you were involved exclusively.
  6. 1. the round with two synths had two borgs cornering us in the HoP office under orders to remove heretics by the AI. after discussion with the HoP through whispers due to nonstop harassment by you and a crony, we opted to remove the synthetics to protect the autakh that were being crusaded against since they were the only physical arm of its will that could threaten us fixing the lawset. they were offered many, many suggestions and counterproposals to avoid charging past us to take the autakh we had with us, using their modified laws to reflect authority since were were actively trying to fit within the malf's law regime. eventually we even came to an agreement which mitigated total loss of life and players through a contentious moral decision. if by "typing a sentence" you mean "the synthetics said STEP ASIDE" and charged forward" then that would be more accurate. now, i'm not sure who you were, but that is definitely the actual account of what ended in us not playing around anymore. 2. the round where juicebot took a sled ride down the trash chute was from a series of direct disobedience which our HoP was too timid to take action against. after repetitive disregardance of authority, something I chose to ignore for the majority of the round, Corvo suggested to trap it into getting bound to the AI to exercise greater control. never happened, probably the least amount of enthusiasm possible by anyone involved, including myself who generally distanced myself from this oft-forcefeeding machine and gave it the benefit of the doubt in the past. in fact, most of everyone was quiet after the fact. eventually, juicebot in their infinite pranking wisdom, filled cryogenics with orange juice and medical complained to us. so, after stating my intentions to command who made both no discussion or complaint on the matter, the plan went into execution. after a quick question confirming their obsessive compulsive juicing, told them to hold on a moment, walked up, tasted some of their trademark juice that is so good a clone can't beat it, flashed them, and threw them into the trash where it turns out I, MYSELF, went to recover him for robotics immediately (admittedly I made a brief pitstop to the grieving medical who hated juicebots guts for their actions in case they wanted a retribution punch) and tried to get some staff to fix up our vitamin d dispensing friend. that being said, at the time, the roboticist ignored repetitive hails to get juicebro back into the round. during this wait, i spoke with some science staff about helping them out with recovering some much-needed materials from the deadzone lab, i left juicebot to chill in the middle of the lab after that retrieval sequence finished up (probably the "20+" minutes you state transpired) and asked a few minutes later for anyone with an inkling of robotics maintenance training to help us out in the absence of proper staff. TL;DR: so no, you weren't removed from the round without hesitation. throughout the round you were complained about by command and while being niche earned you favor to some members of the crew it didn't stifle the fact that you were expressly disobeying orders and eventually lead to the intentional murder, as it would seem by your account, of a clone. so, medical complained to us that you did such quite succinctly without any additional detail of "yeah he was bein' suspicious!", just that you swapped the cryomix. opting out of your shenanigans for too long, i threw up your crimes verbatim to command, told them we're going to just go ahead and break you, and met no complaint or argument versus the fact. afterwards, I took it upon myself to be the one to reintroduce you to the round to no avail since it would also seem you must've left when the roboticist finally got around to showing up to his job and claimed to have gotten you a new chassis, only to find you were nonresponsive. judging by your account it would seem twice now you were disposed of for endangering and implicating lives as a synthetic, but twice is not 'frequent' and neither are the incidents unjustified judging by the chain of events of each incident. it would also seem you're taking a leap at the conclusion that because your synthetic has been implicated in dangerous and irksome routines, that the method of punishment is consistent across the board for most synthetics: something that is hilariously untrue since one of the core playstyles to this particular character and generally my mindset is to give a foot when possible and hope to God they don't take a mile, as being a relatively enabling and friendly head of staff while still fixing immediate issues when possible is the goalpost. you reached out over discord and i indeed won't be insulted over a game but the nature of these incidents definitely needed some light shed on them.
  7. Great player! Great character! Markedly improved in command handling after a brief period of uncertainty in the role, which is great progression rp!
  8. hello ? this would be terrible as a rotation map. a sparsely sprinkled playtime, maybe a few rounds a day in a few days out of a month, it would be an excellent design. as cool as the idea is, however, it presents some flaws. 1. the artificial restriction of players in order to establish a lore-abiding presence. whereas the aurora setting is stable and whitelists are easily able to be defined in their restrictions, a fluctuating map with fluctuating settings will invalidate the effort invested by the playerbase to fill out their preferential roles and characters unless they subscribe to the tajaran whitelist. 2. a lot of our players will not and do not grasp concepts of integrating into a society outside of a fictional anything-goes office & cafe in space. the tenuous nature of a military occupied village will be lost on many. 3. it is not the NSS Aurora, the main reason people come to this server. frequent deviation to the setting will make this a different server altogether. 4. i do not seek to withstand the oncoming ex post facto passive aggressive Burger-esque fallout and direct arguments between players from half of the actively engaged playerbase demanding their two-cents be heard about having "wasted their time", "this is dumb", "i hate x for not rrrrrping (probably an altercation between a purposefully shitbag soldier and a commoner)", and "thats not how you shouldve played that role :/". limiting it to an event will make the situation a much more enjoyable novelty than something people increasingly become more frustrated over when a lot of us are obviously interested in this concept minus the bowls of cold moist sauerkraut among our ranks. like crossfire, it's almost always exciting if you aren't already burnt out. mulled it over. seems like a great idea. restrict it to sparse events and it should play out nicely. this is a must-have for it to not get stale.
  9. Nope, wasn't involved. I just rented a book from them. The mass printing of Communist and Unabomber manifestos was totally a thing, though.
  10. I like it! Mainly because I want spacers to get more fluff without excessive bloating of their loadout gear. These kinds of personalized items bulk up the individuality of the subspecies without weighing down the potential of the individuality! Good stuff. Plus, this character is pretty neat so far.
  11. not concerned about the assistant role. as mentioned before it's a learning position and people who 'need' assistants usually do ask for them to do some menial deed for them as station jobs are usually highly unengaging. you would be better off asking players to quiz interns on what they want to be when they grow up, and figure out if it's worth providing insight into your discipline while you use and abuse their cold, soulless bodies.
  12. Doesn't have to directly produce RP, it's a novelty choice for being antagonistic and an avenue of creating annoyance and discord, like how emagging a jukebox doesn't generate RP it just pisses everyone in a radius off. This expands the range of interaction that e-mag cards have.
  13. Emagging department ringers turns them into joy buzzers. Either a light shock or a full-on power grid shock. Whichever seems funnier to deal with those loathsome button-pressers.
  14. Topic edited to include my newest character, Benji Marsh. Happy with how he turned out, so I'm going to stick him on the roster.
  15. It'll have an introductory period where I can feel out the range of the character before starting a transition towards switching antagonist on, no worries. Somedays I'm also just not feeling it, so there's that too. That sounds exciting to see the robo-squad, though. Usually I only see the human roster since I log on in evenings CT.
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