Okay, so about twelve hours ago now, I was playing malf AI. I have several issues with the system.
1) Why do we have to research the basic APC hack? Without it everything is so slow. The only reason I can think of is to slow the malf down early game, so...
2) Rework the research tree. Right now, its not exactly clear what the research lines are, what order they go in and what they do. I would suggest locking all the rest of the research behind the basic APC hack, if it being research is still wanted. The help document on the AI tab needs more info.
3) I unlocked an ability which said it would hack things. Turns out it meant borgs, AI's and some weird system nobody seems to use. From the context, I thought it was going to do the automatic APC hacking. Please clear up the descriptions for the abilities.
4) Having to restart to use the new abilities is a pain. I was having to close the window then relaunch, meaning I had to wait 30 seconds for Byonds stupid *be member or wait* system. I know this is a more difficult issue, but perhaps some way of rebooting in game which redid the abilities list would work? Not sure, because thats more code than design issue.
TL;DR: played malf, got annoyed with stupid things.