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Detective (7/37)

  1. This isnt something thats happening to me, its something I see while in game. It feels incredibly dumb that as I board the shuttle, people are joining the station crew. realisticly, at code red or a shuttle being called, I doubt any company would send a chef to the station. But I also understand that player fun matters, which is why I am suggesting that once the shuttle docks, no joining happens.
  2. Curently, even when the shuttle has left the station, people are able to join the round. Can we disable people using the shuttle and cryo once the shuttle has docked with the station. Because it makes no sense that people can board the shuttle and head to a station which has been evacuated.
  3. Clearing up the mesages and including a pop up about the jump to core would be useful.
  4. Another option would be to add reloading, then reduce the number of shots per cell if the guns are too strong.
  5. Okay, so about twelve hours ago now, I was playing malf AI. I have several issues with the system. 1) Why do we have to research the basic APC hack? Without it everything is so slow. The only reason I can think of is to slow the malf down early game, so... 2) Rework the research tree. Right now, its not exactly clear what the research lines are, what order they go in and what they do. I would suggest locking all the rest of the research behind the basic APC hack, if it being research is still wanted. The help document on the AI tab needs more info. 3) I unlocked an ability which said it would hack things. Turns out it meant borgs, AI's and some weird system nobody seems to use. From the context, I thought it was going to do the automatic APC hacking. Please clear up the descriptions for the abilities. 4) Having to restart to use the new abilities is a pain. I was having to close the window then relaunch, meaning I had to wait 30 seconds for Byonds stupid *be member or wait* system. I know this is a more difficult issue, but perhaps some way of rebooting in game which redid the abilities list would work? Not sure, because thats more code than design issue. TL;DR: played malf, got annoyed with stupid things.
  6. It sounds good, though I am unsure on some level. Because we will still notice new names, which we will be more sucpicious of.
  7. Just gonna throw in my thoughts. Some of you may remember Bob Springston, the greyshirt extrodinare. He was my first character, and I kept him as an assistant, even as I made new characters who specialised. Because I liked the random rounds, changing jobs, getting to play with different characters each shift. I have started this process again recently, with a new assistant. The difficulty in actually getting anything is a pain. When I join, I normally spend a large ammount of time walking randomly. Only one RD has actually repeatedly even spoken to me. Past that, my offers to help are ignored. I feel like the distrust would pass onto whatever new jobs you made. That said, a command assistant would awesome.
  8. You could also have this flag up the attention, possibly allowing them to stop it, of the admins. Then, if Robust McGee gets the nuke code by stealing other tators points, the staff can keep an eye easily so we dont end up an iradiated husk.
  9. What about it being built into the tactical gear from the secure armory? It only gets used when shit has hit the fan, so while things are calm it cant be abused. It would allow the HoS to stay back while organising situations like hostage rescue.
  10. Please allow us to use a wrench to move and fasten them in place. More customising of office space is good!
  11. I think giving the Engineers more options to custom build stuff is a great idea. Cargo wants to redesign where the belt goes? Awesome. Want a conveyor from a farm to the kitchen, sure! Allow new stuff to be built, and new RP options open up, which is what is most important.
  12. A lot of the non nar nar options dont work out. Simply becauser security tends to destroy the cult as soon as they can. Unless you get very lucky with starting cultists, like HoP, Warden and an officer lucky, you have no way of convincing them to allow you do do stuff. I havnt played in a couple of months, but whenever I tried to do a non standard cult round, we died and it became extended where some people acted weird early on. It doesnt help that you have to spend 15 minutes working out the words, while the rest of the cult just goes mad. The first half an hour of cult sucks as a cultist, because you have very few people on side and very little in the way of convincing people to join. I dont know how to improve cult, but it going would be sad.
  13. Honestly, I think the option of adding stuff RnD could research to modify security gear sounds cool. Would be a nice mechanic for the newly planned RnD system.
  14. I think having it on the armor would be better, as at code green helmets are not worn. But it would be nice to have built in lighting for security.
  15. What about giving points for every book uploaded into a non fiction catagory? So, if science writes a paper, it goes onto the book database and a small ammount of points are given. Depending on how that system works, you could then try to do a peer review system too.
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