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- Birthday 23/05/1992
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Research Director (27/37)
CCIA Staff Application Basic Information Byond key: Serveris6 Character names: Sylos Lir'Dev, Za'Akaix'Naix Zo'ra, Ka'Viax'Kau'Zo'ra, Ka'Viax'Tyx'Zo'ra, Eris Reed, Avery Bell, Jesse Farseer, Talin Ta'kim, Aiken Vylokyv, Raphail Protosko Age: 28 Timezone: Eastern Standard Time What times are you most available?: 1830-2200. Work and sleep schedule varies depending on time zone and scheduling at the time. Experience How long have you played SS13?: About ten years give or take two. I've started to lose count. First got into the game around 2010 with a few breaks in between. How long have you played on Aurora?: Around three and a half years total. Recently coming off a hiatus of about three. How active on the forums, discord and/or server are you? I check the forums daily, the Relay channel constantly, the lore channel regularly, and monitor the main discord in passing barring specific mentions. I don't see much information there that I feel is particularly relevant. I've been averaging two or three rounds a day for the past month. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Probably? Notes that I'm able to access suggest no but do display a single minor warning from absolute years ago. As far as I'm aware it's the only one and I can recall from memory exactly what it was over. I vaguely recall general staff negging when I was around last constituting a couple joke bans I'm sure I found myself at the butt of once or twice. If I was it was for five minutes tops and I'm sure the reason provided in my notes will reflect it wasn't serious. Have you ever volunteered as moderation staff for any other servers, SS13 or otherwise?: Yes. Baystation12, Aurorastation, and D2K5. Do you have any other experience that you believe would be relevant to a position in the CCIA?: I was the primary administrator assigned to liaising with it during its initial creation circa 2016 alongside retired primary administrator TishinaSenpai. I have direct experience as a CCIAA and unless logs were purged since then, I believe some of my interviews from back then should still be available in the database under the ckey Serveris6. Personality Why do you want to join the CCIA?: As I'm told and all too aware, activity ebbs and flows in gaming community teams. I'm getting the impression there's some backlog building up and I'm looking to get my feet wet towards involving myself in the community again. I believe I have a skillset and temperament that would be well-served investigating and documenting sufficient records detailing occurrences IC occurrences and pushing the envelope regarding the involvement CCIA renders towards active rounds as well as community quality control. What do you think are the most important qualities for a CCIA Agent to possess?: First and foremost, complete out of character objectivity. Failing the ability to remain objective, the entire idea behind you filling in as an investigator who's findings may be acted on with significant repercussions regarding someone's character or roleplay throughout the server. The ability to remain detached regardless of what characters you find yourself interacting or investigating in the capacity or the players responsible for driving them is paramount. Furthermore, the rudimentary understanding of in-game regulations and procedures is to be expected. You are, after all expected to be where the buck stops if someone in a round is called out for breaking them if such problems arise within the realm of being an 'IC issue' not worthy of moderation team intervention. What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is in an ongoing round?: If directly played in the conventional sense - get what you came in there to do and get out of the picture. Don't intercede on behalf of station crew through a round in progress. Don't issue rulings that step on toes or diminish the authority or decision making of whitelisted players in-round as command staff. Acknowledge you may be targeted by antagonists and within the bounds of good taste and roleplay expectations, allow fair play where fair play is due and present opportunities. While not manifesting presence in-round as your agent, be vigilant when faxes or transmissions are sent from the Aurora. Address them as appropriate. Contact server administrators with recommendations, requests, and indeed their own input if you believe further action is necessary outside of a simple reply or acknowledgement. Wherever possible, do not disrupt the flow of the round or the agendas that station antagonists set out for themselves - rather keep it moving forward, offering gentle nudges as needed. What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is outside of the server?: To remain apprised of developments regarding lore and station 'bureaucracy' in all that it entails; whether it's lore events having an impact on the state of play, changes made to corporate regulations or standard procedures, or acknowledging the general mood of the community. Outside the server a CCIAA should keep active tabs on incident report submissions, remain in contact with fellow agents through discord or out of round communications regarding their progress, recommendations, and perspective on investigations they are actively pursuing. Furthermore as a CCIAA is considered a staff position, the player is expected to be of sufficiently wholesome moral character and respect server rules and community guidelines both in game, through Aurora affiliated mediums such as the discord servers, this forum, and third party communication services ie Skype and Discord. How do you handle stress?: With a little alcohol in moderation typically. I've found a couple camping trips throughout the month does wonders to help one unplug and clear their head as well. Lightheartedness aside if there's a problem or I have pressure building from real life, I don't have a problem speaking up on the subject and/or recusing myself, taking a leave of absence, or acknowledging burnout and resigning. How well do you work autonomously?: Better than I do in a subordinate fashion or being micromanaged, but there's strong advantages towards being a team player. As long as I have a clear understanding of what the job is, I can take it from there. I'm largely familiar with the process in my humble opinion - but will leave that to the discerning opinion of those reviewing the application. I figure a couple days of handholding to get back up to flight speed is all I'll need, from there I should be good to dive straight in on my own. Feedback good or bad does wonders along the way, of course. Additional Notes: Honest to God - I didn't do this to spite the people that wanted me to re-apply for moderator. We joked about it, yes. The inherent community responsibilities simply doesn't interest me anymore and I feel this is a much better tempo for what I consider staff involvement. Cheers.
Reporting Personnel: Sylos Lir'Dev Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Warden Game ID: b9w-cMk2 Personnel Involved: - Esprit, Security Officer, Arresting Officer - Micheal Kerensky, Detective, Offender - Sam Orleens, Quartermaster, Victim Secondary Witnesses: - Akita Diya, Security Officer, Assisting Officer - Dr. April Esker, Research Director, Scene Witness -Andres Belbase, Captain, Command personnel involved in sentencing -Bigby Farkas, Security Officer, Assisting Officer Time of Incident: Approximately 01:20 Real Time: 1600EST 10/8/20 Location of Incident: NSS Aurora Bar and Services Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [ ] - Neglect of Duty [X] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [ ] - Misconduct [ ] - Other Submitted Evidence: https://imgur.com/a/hVz6RQo Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: Andres Belbase, Captain; Command Intermediary (No HoS on-duty) Dr. April Esker, Research Director; Direct Witness and Reporting Person Actions taken: An arrest was effected under charges of general hooliganism by the Internal Security Department. Charges were dropped following delivery of command briefing by this Officer to the Captain upon the Captain's recommendation the incident be forwarded to CCIAA. Additional Notes: The Officer found the shift hours insufficient for a full breakdown of the incident and assumes partial responsibility for not pursuing criminal or regulatory infractions, however firmly believes the incident necessitates CCIAA involvement over Internal Security's. The Offender was tentatively granted recognition of a case to be investigated. I, the presiding Warden, acknowledged the potential security concerns of Sam Orleens and agreed with the investigator that a wish to surveil and investigate them concerning their documented security records was permissible and did so on the presumption the investigator would not utilize intimidation or coercion tactics within a public space for a crewmember that had not committed a crime or regulatory breach. No warrant or search warrant was issued to substantiate the claims of the offender. The aforementioned officers and myself wish to absolve ourselves of any involvement and make it clear we did not take part in nor did we condone a recognized ISD investigator in what we believe to have been an aggressive and unwarranted harassment of crew without due cause or necessity.
Serveris changed their profile photo
Soultheif96's Reapplication of Command
Serveris replied to Soultheif96's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Through the best week of playing with Soul, I can say with with confidence over numerous rounds they have a firm understanding of advanced game mechanics and are able to prioritize and assess the flow of rounds accurately and quickly regardless of how chaotic the game mode or circumstances are. Furthermore, I believe they possess good character writing and roleplay skills. I believe that Soul is a good fit for command roles and without them, deadhour would be missing out on some solid decision making and character building. I endorse this application. +1 -
Very well. Approving appeal. Unbanning immediately. Should take effect the current round if not, next reboot. Locking and archiving.
Alright. I am glad to hear we could come to an agreement concerning this issue. The reason I have left this complaint over for several days is to give administration and moderators time to provide input on the incident, or rather, the circumstances that lead up to it. We, as a whole, feel that the attitude that lead to this ban being involved in what was a simple proposition is a reoccurring factor - one that happens way too often, in your case. Numerous moderators are in agreement that in nearly every issue they've had to address with you in the past eight months or so has been needlessly tedious, with them meeting varying levels of hostility, passive uncooperative behavior, or outright refusal to comply with requests, such as this particular incident. It's seen as being extremely prevalent, and, to be blunt, many of us have grown tired of playing this game with you. We've come to a group decision to allow this unban request to be successfully appealed, but be warned. Any further misconduct on the server or with the community as a whole will result in a permaban being immediately reapplied. Any degree of hostility, spitefulness, or any lack of cooperation with server staff will invoke this condition. A note will be added onto your database profile illustrating such upon removal of this particular ban. You may consider yourself on thin ice. Upon acknowledgement of this condition, the ban will be lifted.
BYOND Key: Serveris6 Character name: Avery Bell Item name: detective's credentials Why is your character carrying said item to work? Avery Bell is an employee (also the sole proprietor) of a private investigation firm based within Biesel, working on-station due to Nanotrasen having sub-contracted the firm's services. As per most real-life private investigators, a license of sorts is carried. While performing his duties as a private investigator, and by extension, as one on-station, he would be carrying this credentials with him at all times, proving his licensing and certifications should he need to. Item function(s): Displays as a standard badge when activated, with a unique badge_string message displayed. Operates effectively as a badge, ie, be able to be stored in a wallet or attached to a uniform Additionally, stores fluff-credentials that can be viewed by anyone holding the badge itself, and right clicking it to use a verb. Item description: A laminated card, verifying the denoted as a private investigator licensed in Biesel. A photo of a tan-skinned human male dressed in a brown coat and hat is imprinted Item appearance: How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP? The badge/credentials can be used to show Avery Bell's status as a licensed private investigator and medical examiner, and also provide fluff information supporting the fact. Being a badge, obviously, one might display it when making professional introductions, and generally serve as a secondary form of identification. Additional comments: I have the code and icons prepared already, and am able to provide them for Alberyk, or whichever dev ends up taking this item, should it be approved. Additionally, if possible, I would like for a modification to be made for the 'pinned brown coat' item that Avery currently has, to allow for this item to be worn on the suit storage slot.
My question stands. Mind you, it was a very simple yes or no question. Are you willing to adjust your character records or character sheet to reflect the character in question's knowledge accurately?