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Everything posted by Demonofthefall

  1. Mel is a good player and I look forward to forming some weird hanger tech robot gang with them. I for one welcome our new robot overlord. +1
  2. I still play quite regularly. I know, I will be playing the Consular mostly if I get my whitelist but during the trial I will play as my XO. I'm sure I had my forum account liked but I guess it doesn't matter now.
  3. BYOND key: Demonofthefall Discord Username: ÒwÓDemonofthefall#6622 Character names: Shar'croz Azetroth, Helzo Valrazo, Axzef Zobekk, Za'Akaix'Ket K'lax, Ta'Akaix'Xarrax Zo'ra and many many others. How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Since 2014 Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they?: Nothing serious just the odd warning about some language used but that was many years ago. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: To help people under their command get to know their job and to help the flow of things in said department. Also to keep people in line and to make sure they are not doing things in that department that they shouldn't be. Mostly I see it as a mentor role for the most part and to provide more RP opportunities that are not available when command is absent. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: To not abuse your position of power for one thing, I also try to help out newer players with any questions they have that they don't want to bother admins with. To keep within the lore and to help set an example for the newer players on how things should be done. Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career? The Sol Alliance collapsing and the on-going phoron shortage causing much strife in Tau Ceti set in motion the Stellar Conglomerate creating the SCCV Horizon in order to explore the depth of space to find new phoron deposts. Ta'Akiax'Xarrax Zo'ra Consular for the Zo'ra New Gibson hive was sent to NSS Aurora 2 in order to strengthen ties between the New Gibson hive and NanoTrasen along with making sure the Zo'ra working on the Aurora were living up to their potential. While on the NSS Aurora Xarrax would help create trade agreements between the hive and a third party as well and educating the crew on the Vaucra. With the creation of the SCCV Horizon Xarrax's Queen happy with her progress on the Aurora re-assigned her to work on the Horzion in order to help further educate people on the Vaurca and help establish new alliances. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? XO but mostly Zo'ra Consular as it is one of my favorite roles. Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? Yes I have read every command wiki page. Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.: Ta'Akaix'Xarrax Zo'ra - Consular. Dubaku Nomak - XO. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Yes I am very aware having lost my command whitelist in the past (Was lost in the great purge). Have you linked your byond account to the forums?: Yes Extra Notes: I have had the command whitelist for several years until it was taken in the purge. I found it odd it was taken as I played consular quite a lot but what is done is done.
  4. Yeah, I see your point. I will work on something else and do another app.
  5. BYOND Key: Demonofthefall Discord Username: ÒwÓDemonofthefall#6622 Character Name: Axzef Zobekk Item Name: Ghost Mushroom Spores. Item Function(s): Used to grow ghost mushrooms that will be added to tea and used to speak with spirits and take others on spiritual journeys. Item Description: Th'akh Shamans consume mind-altering plants that they use to interact with spirits. Axzef would of brought the spores from Moghes where he had gathered them and brought them with him to Aurora so that he could speak with the trapped spirits on the station in an attempt to lift the curse which he believes effects the station causing all the terrible things that go on in the station. It will be also used to help other crew members get in touch with their ancestors and take them on spiritual journeys. Sprites: The sprite is already in game. Additional Comments: I think it will add a fun aspect to the Shaman and will create more roleplaying opportunities .
  6. Instead of being from Titan Prime could they have broken off from a space whale instead before landing on Moghes? As for the religion the Unathi clan follows Th'akh. At first not devout only using Th'akh as a guide to live by doing good things and respecting nature leading to good things happening to you. After time they would become quite a devout follower of Th'akh. They respect the Hegemony as they feel it will help bring order to the Unathi though they do not like how the Guwan are treated. They will work as a gardener on the Aurora something they find much joy doing creating life that in turn sustains life. They were heavily involved in removing radiation and tending to crops while on Moghes. As for mind type they are seasoned song with the younger nymphs of the Cyclops following the elder respecting his wisdom and outer world experience as they younger have never left the wasteland. While only recently coming into contact with advanced synthetics since being on Biesel they believe that they are extremely useful tools but have no soul. They have no strong opinion on the other species having only spending limited time with them. They are struggling to acclimatize to Biesel missing the wasteland as they feel being there they were more in touch to nature.
  7. BYOND Key: Demonofthefall Character Names: Rafee Isra, Shar'croz Azetroth, Helzo Velrazo, Ta'Akaix'Xarrax Zora and many others over the six years I've been on this server. Species you are applying to play: Diona. What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Dark bark. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yup. Why do you wish to play this specific race: I've been on this server for so long Diona is the only race I have not played as. I was not interested in them at first until seeing the growth of the race over the years from a "tree creature" to something much more fleshed out with in depth lore as brought me much interest in playing as a Diona. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: In my opinion they are easily the most unique race as they are made up from nymphs that work in unison to form a single being. They come from a wide range of different locations from the Emperors Royal Garden to the wasteland of Moghes providing them a great range of personality and backstory . They live off radiation and light but in an emergency they can absorb nutrients from the atmosphere meaning they must seek out light during power outages to survive. Character Name: Void Wanderer Saved By The Dorviza Please provide a short backstory for this character: The oldest Nymph of the Cyclops began its life in the cluster attached to the Vaurca hiveship Titan Prime forming with two other Nymph to create a Cerberus spending most of its time hiding from the Vaurca until it was discovered being forced to split from the other two and flee into space for its own survival. It drifted through space for many years developing thick bark over the many years to protect it from the harsh radiation of space at the cost of being unable to move which was not that much of a hindrance while floating through space. Eventually they drifted into the Uueoa-Esa star system and was pulled in by the gravity of Moghes crashing into the wasteland like a meteorite. The impact caused the nymph great harm but was protected from fatal injuries by the extremely thick bark it had developed. A young Sinta who was a member of The Dorviza clan investigating the impact site discovered the immobile nymph. Familar with Diona the Sinta took the Nymph back to her village to help nurse it back to health. The Nymph would form a Cyclops with other nymph that lived among the clan helping with tending to the crops and sharing its many stories of witnessing the cosmos. They learned much from Sinta and local Diona becoming skilled at tending to plants as well as adopting much of the Sinta culture. The old Nymph would act as a leader to the younger Nymphs it formed a Cyclops with as they would admire its age and wisdom along with its many stories of the world outside the wastelands. The Sinta who saved them also inspired by the stories wished to leave the wasteland along with its new friend they would save up enough money to pay a smuggler to get them off Moghes and past the Izweski navy to take them to Besiel where they would begin a new adventure. What do you like about this character? I like how it involves my favorite races (Unathi and Vaurca) into its backstory and the fact I enjoy playing as a Gardener but currently have no Gardener character. They are very untrusting of Vaurca to the point of being frightened of them but are extremely trusting and loyal to Unathi. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Maybe a 7-7.5/10 depending on how tired I am. Notes: I put off getting this whitelist for years as I didn't want to get it for the sake of having every whitelist but after giving the lore a read over after not looking at it in years I decided to finally go for it.
  8. Vaurca should be able to crawl faster than other races and be able to act as a phoron sponge by sucking phoron out the air when we have a phoron gas leak.
  9. Appealing Personnel: Rafee Isra Specific Incident: Being naked Action taken as a result: Name entered on the Bieselian Sex Offenders register indefinitely. No-contact order between this party and party A (Ziariuz Izweski). Action contested: Name entered on the Bieselian Sex Offenders register indefinitely. Reasoning for contest: Rafee Isra received rehabilitation in the Dev'trrrotka Mines facility. The sentence is extremely harsh and has limited where Rafee can live and work. Rafee has shown he is not dangerous as he has not been arrested since the offence. Rafee was extremely sick while being interviewed causing him to vomit uncontrollably which no doubt effected his sentence.
  10. BYOND Key: Demonofthefall Character name: Malakai Item name: Replica Great Helm Why is your character carrying said item to work? Malakai believes he is a knight sent to protect Aurora. What is a knight without his helmet? Item function(s): Purely cosmetic helmet, does not provide any protection as it is made from plastic. Item description: A plastic replica of a Crusaders great helm. Item appearance: How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP? Malakai is a Christian fanatic as well as one who thinks he is a knight. A Crusader helm fits him perfectly and helps with his Sir Knight Malakai of Elysium character. As industrial frames have very little customisation options it will help make his appearance more unique.
  11. The medical PDA has a health scanner function. I like the penlight for RP purposes but apart from that its pretty useless.
  12. BYOND Key: Demonofthefall Character name: Rafee Isra Item name: Ka'tarjo Why is your character carrying said item to work? Rafee enjoys sharing music with others and after playing piano for customers at the bar several times he thought it would a good idea to bring his own instrument. Item function(s): works exactly like the space violin but sounds like the piano. Item description: Manufactured on Ahdomai, this instrument looks like a banjo fused with a keyboard. The body of the Ka'tarjo is made from a light metal and has the Peoples Republic of Ahdomai insignia printed on the side. Item Appearance: Basically a banjo fused with a keyboard. Here is what it might look like but Im sure you guys can make better icons than me. A shoulder strap to help hold it while being played would be cool. How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP? People seemed to enjoy the piano play plus it adds an element to Tajarans music culture. Additional comments: Mostly to be used during extended rounds and rounds with low pop to avoid lag. Rafee will only play it on request or when the bar is empty and he's bored. Would be cool if it could be worn on the back slot. Was thinking of having him wind it up with some kind of hand crank between songs. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  13. its the new engine that is scaring away all the old engineers who are use to the singularity engine.
  14. This is a pretty lame event that adds little to rp, I feel it should be removed completely. I did see on some servers that there is a small chance the vending machines come to live and attack people which would make it more interesting but also kinda pointless.
  15. I do remember seeing on one code that you could use wirecutters on a headset and take off the microphone part so they could still hear the radio but not talk into it. That might be a cool feature to add.
  16. hit face: slight chance for jaw dislocation?
  17. 100% pure trash is what this is
  18. 100% agree with this. It sounds stupid when people say "He has brute damage",
  19. ~@RafeetheGreat~ Rafee got a collectable police officer's hat and a Thunderdome helmet, anyone wana trade? #SpaceStationCollectables Rafee Isra
  20. This would be great, I would like to see military recruiters come to the station and get those lazy young Tajara into the fight.
  21. Did Joseph Dorn clone the guys who worked on the Bush campaign and get them to work for him?
  22. Im fine with the resprited wheelchair. And yes I have already suffered a lot of fatty hate while playing Nomak which is hilarious and I encourage it. He has had his cargo tug stolen and people often give him weird looks for being a fattie. I always wondered what Unathi views were on fat people, is it like in the old days were it was a sign of wealth?
  23. ~@RafeetheGreat~ His new mixtape drops on sunday, hit him up if you want a copy. #TajaraHardcoreGangstaRap Rafee Isra
  24. Silence is golden, duct tape is silver. this would be a cool feature, maybe include being able to "cuff" someone with it too.
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