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Everything posted by Exia

  1. You were a great head admin and I had always looked up to you during my briefish tenure in staff. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Thanks for everything Abo.
  2. Hi, I'll be handling your unban appeal. As stated in our rules, under the 'Avoid Pain' rule, suicides are generally a no without a good reason and must be done in a believable fashion. Do adminhelp whether it is alright to do so in future, but if you simply want to leave the round, do use cryo instead. I'll lift the ban but do have a proper read of the rules before you start playing again.
  3. Hello, and welcome. I used to be a moderator on Hypatia. Hypatia and Aurora are different in that Hypatia was purely extended, outside of events, while Aurora has other roundtypes such as Traitor, Cult, Malf AI, ect. However, antagonists and actions from/caused by antagonists in a round are non-canon so you don't have to worry about your character canonically getting killed 5 times a week. I'd say our community is pretty nice too. If you do need any help, just ask someone via LOOC or ahelp if there is no one near your character and we'll send aid.
  4. Alright, after reviewing the logs on Eleanor Shen's (Xanderdox) half of the complaint, we have found that it was solved within the round. The way they initially dealt with the announcement was valid, detaining all psychics was not an order, it was a recommendation and how to best deal with them was also left at the captain's discretion. As for the part on HRU-06 (IamCrystalClear), they've already been spoken to during that round by Alberyk. If you feel that the actions taken were insufficient, please submit a staff complaint. Locking and archiving in 24 hours.
  5. Interview with the applicant: https://pastebin.com/jp0UdAeT
  6. Hello! [mention]Doc[/mention] and I will be handling this!
  7. Name: Jericho Hendricks Species: Human Age: 28 Date of Hire: 3/12/2458 Job Title: Detective Preferred Contact Info: PDA 09-5100-63998
  8. There are a decent number of incidents where a character can reasonably say no to chef's food. I've seen rounds where the chefs decide to deep fry rats or publicly claim the meat in the fridge to be monkey meat. Without hydroponics, employees of a corporate station resort to growing their own food like in the days of yore or risk a clogged artery. Realistically, yes, canned meat is loaded with sodium and other seasonings to make it taste halfway decent and is by no means a healthy edition for every meal but if we're arguing realism, there's no way the effects of consuming too much sodium can manifest within the span of 2 hours. Also the fact that I do think Unathi have no choice but to eat vendor meat in the absence of a chef if all the donuts in their department are gone. The only real way for them to prevent heart damage is to ask for synthimeat from the chemist or the hydroponicist. Not sure if this is the way to go, but it's also just an assumption as to what could happen. The nutrition system itself should stop overeating. Most players cease eating food when their nutrition notification-thing disappears. As far as I know, the only jobs that have access to a grinder are scientists, chemists, and chefs. All of which, minus the chef, have better alternatives to injecting someone with palm oil to kill them. The reason I mention the grinder is that no one really wants to be that guy who has to lug around a bag of junk food just to capture somoene, syringe out the reagents, and inject it into their victim. It just seems slow and is a frankly rather ridiculous method of killing someone. This could be done without the heart damage. This is kinda the lore team's domain because while I'm sure NT does want to keep their expenses low and their profits and productivity high, I'm also sure that they wouldn't bring in food that is so hazardous to health the only way to treat overconsumption is by surgery or by giving medication to the patient. With overconsumption being a very low amount of >3 servings. Actually this is false. I just tested it on the server and these are the exact number of food, correct to the number of bites required till you start taking damage. Bread Tube: 2 and 2 bites Chips: 5 Salty Ham: 3 and 4 bites Raisins: 3 and 1 bite Cheesie Honkers: 5 Jerky: 4 Twinkie: 3 Corned Beef: 5 Meat Pie: 4
  9. What the title says basically. Personally, I don't feel that eating 4 pieces of bread, or 4 rather small boxes of raisins within the span of 2 hours would lead to anything requiring medical attention of any sort. I'd like to hear what you guys think of this PR. A link to the PR on our github: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/4127
  10. As a personal rule, I never stock inaprovaline or dylovene in the fridge. The medical bay in its entirety has a total of 3 nanomed pluses. That makes up a grand total of 12 bottles of each at round start. An additional 2 bottles of dylovene and inaprovaline really isn't adding much to the already excessive amount of both meds.
  11. Though events caused by the antagonist, either directly or indirectly, within a round will generally not be considered canon, there can be certain aspects of the round where the antagonist has minimal/no involvement whatsoever. These parts are easily made canon and can be remembered by the characters in the round. For example, ten minutes into the round Ian Foster (Medical Doctor), starts the day by yelling irritably at Jaime Smith (Bartender) because Jaime keeps adding too much milk in his coffee. Later on, Ian becomes a traitor due to the Auto-Traitor gamemode. The yelling earlier is canon as it has zero antag involvement. It would make no sense if next round, Ian comes on as an engineer, losing all the medical knowledge he possessed last round due to it breaking our powergaming rules, and then come on as a warden the round after. Allowing people to change between games does not just affect one player, it affects every character who has ever interacted with them. A medical doctor last round who is an engineer this round cannot remember how he helped a patient recover if he has zero/little knowledge on how to doctor in the first place. All I'm saying is if there is no consistency, there cannot be an overarching story for any character. Friendships and even rivalries of characters will be difficult to form while in game simply due to the constant retconning of knowledge and experiences and a character will typically be stagnant. The reasons we don't allow the canonization of a lot of antag-related stuff is because of: A) Metagaming knowledge. Should a character face a certain antag one too many times, and canonize those encounters it gives a severe disadvantage to antagonists in the future. AI acting funny? Must be malf, let's destroy it. Guy with a arm blade just died? Must be playing dead. This guy had a buttload of contraband weapons? His PDA and radio are belong to us! Now tell me the code! and B) Ridiculous amounts of traumatization and unbelievable scenarios. A vampire sucks the blood from your character's lover till he's dry right before her eyes one round, a cultist slices her best friend's head off with a sword the next. Considering the average number of rounds people play in a day ranges from one to three and that secret is the most frequently voted roundtype, these scenarios will be a daily experience for your poor character. Realistically, they'd be suffering from so much PTSD among other things that they wouldn't last a day. They'd probably resign the next day or get locked up in a mental asylum in less than a week. And to those who can 'tolerate' all this abuse, it'll end up being a daily thing pretty much. "Oh, a vampire. I killed one last thursday." "Oh no, you're a traitor to the company? Bill was one too just yesterday!". It takes the surprise out of antag rounds, lessens fear RP and links back to my first point about metaknowledge.
  12. If we're talking about a straight-up security whitelist that you need to apply for on the forums here, it's a -2 from me. However, if it is a playtime thing, I'm okay with that, although this comes with inherent issues. Funnelling all the newer players into security cadet may sound fine and dandy, but that makes getting the playtime necessary painfully slow. There are limited security cadet slots, and if the server is at high pop, it would be nay impossible to get the cadet role just because so many others are vying for it. You'll also have players who can already play security, but would rather play cadet because it is part of their character. This adds additional bloat and also greatly deters anyone from having a cadet character and also makes it such that the security cadet is the 'noob' role of security. I'm not disputing that it is a role that allows one to easily learn how security functions, but making it a necessity to play cadet just gives the idea that all cadets are newbies and don't know how to do anything whatsoever, which I believe shouldn't be a thing. Another thing is that, while I acknowledge security is very easy to abuse, there isn't much reason, in my mind to timelock this if we aren't going to timelock other, more 'dangerous' departments. Inexperienced engineers can literally end a round because they fail to set up the SM correctly, medical doctors and surgeons not using our wiki can very easily kill several characters, taking them out of the round at worst, and inconveniencing them at best. The problem we're trying to fight here is incompetence, and it feels almost insignificant when compared to the departments just stated.
  13. [mention]ForgottenTraveller[/mention] I did use inaprovaline instead of water once upon a time, though it reduces effectiveness if, say, they were dying due to a spider bite. The inaprovaline reacts with the dylovene to make tricord which isn't fabulous. However, it does work better for certain scenarios, so if you would like to keep a batch of that in the fridge, it's not a horrible idea.
  14. https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=9523 Gonna need to ask you to follow our unban format.
  15. The last part raises several questions in my mind. If you were to latejoin and the station was a mess due to antagonist actions throughout the round, would S.A.M. enter areas he would normally not be allowed in if, extraordinary circumstances aside, it would constitute as trespassing? And as for the first part it links to.... Now, I don't think security is about giving many chances to those who have broken regulations time and again, but the reason this scares me is because if you put the "large positive utilon value over neutralizing the violator, non-lethally or otherwise" together with "little mercy to those who violated the law" and this you get someone who doesn't negotiate (shows little mercy) , charges at antags straight up because they've been doing bad with no sense of self-preservation and would have zero qualms putting the crew and/or station in danger should a chance at neutralizing the mastermind be present (face justice, no matter the costs). That's my long answer. The short answer is that I agree with Tbear in saying that this application does seem like you're applying for a better species to secure valids with, just by quoting several sections without taking anything out of context.
  16. Now, there are two points that I have strongly disagree should be a thing with your IPC. If this is to be the case, then your IPC should be placed under the same restrictions as bound Vaurca. Restricted to only civilian-level jobs, including lab assistants, security cadets, medical interns, and engineering apprentices. If it is to be taken literally that is, as in, S.A.M. would never ever disregard an order, regardless of who's giving it. It's such a glaring security risk if such an IPC is to be placed in positions of great responsibility, such as warden, medical doctor, ect. No, just no. Though IPCs are allowed to be a lot more knowledgeable than humans in a shorter span of time, they aren't allowed to be the all-knowing machines that cyborgs can be. Jobhopping rules apply to IPCs as much as they do any other race, so you should seriously consider a fixed skillset for S.A.M. and leave it at that instead of frequently switching. As it stands, the character in this application seems a lot like that of an loosely/not lawed, independent cyborg and not an IPC.
  17. I have an idea specifically for surgery. Basically have a value that is proportionate to how much damage that particular body part took until the bone broke, capping at a specific point. This value will only start to decrease after bone repair surgery has been successfully conducted. Using the until-recently broken body part, for example, in the case of the arms and legs, will have several risks depending on the current 'bone-damage' value. Using the legs as an example with 30 as the max cap. Value at 25-30: Walking has a medium chance of re-breaking the limb, sprinting has a 100% chance of breaking the limb. Reduced movement. at 15-25: Sprinting has a high chance of re-breaking the limb. Reduced movement. at 10-15: Sprinting has a medium chance of re-breaking the limb. Reduced movement. Below 10: Reduced movement until healed. If the patient simply runs out as usual, they will most likely break their bone again, and so rest is required. Standing up, the healing rate would likely be 1 bone damage: 1 minute, which isn't fun. However, resting accelerates the healing speed to about 2:1. A splint would also accelerate the healing speed regardless of if they are lying down or no. Yes, I just thought of these values on the spot. By no means are they set in stone. Thoughts?
  18. Appeal accepted. Locking and archiving.
  19. Right, I feel that in that reply you've shown that you have read through the rules. Before anything though, as Abo has said, you've been told quite a few times to read the rules but you've still racked up quite a number of notes and warnings. This unban will be accepted on the basis that should any severe rulebreaks be committed in future, the ban will be reapplied. Are we clear on that?
  20. Diversity aside, I need to ask why this would be a good idea? New races are new races and they will need to have lots of lore behind them, from culture to notable past/present events. Furthermore, xenomorphs are A) stereotypically predators and aren't even capable of speech aside from their own screechings B) Hybrids are simply too snowflakey and too radical to be normalized into society at a rapid rate. Imagine if your government had announced they had created a new breed of cockroach-human hybrids and were giving them human rights effective immediately. There would be an outrage. Another thing is that a human-xenomorph hybrid not only is too radical, they're also out of place in a corporation and society in general. -1
  21. Reporting Personnel: Adrian Moore Rank of Reporting Personnel: Cook Game ID: bRY-cc7b Personnel Involved: (Name, Rank: Offender/Witness/Other (Ckey)) - Henderson Minnie, Detective (Offender) Time of Incident: Real time: 2320GMT+8 17/12/17 Location of Incident: Medical Lobby Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property []Neglect of Duty [x]Harassment []Assault [x]Misconduct [x]Other: Failure to alert medical staff of a potentially life-threatening condition in a patient Overview of the Incident: So, before all of this, I was testing out a new dish I had in mind. Almost immediately after consuming the entire thing, I started feeling very sick and my entire body was stinging and aching. Knowing something wasn't right, I ran over to medical, yelling for help. Medical was apparently short-handed and was doing something else important. I told them about my whole body aching over comms and I wanted to get them to come take a look at me right then and there, but the pain was too much to bear, causing me to collapse and clutch at my stomach. It was so painful, I couldn't get up, I couldn't speak whole sentences, and I couldn't reach my headset. Minnie came in not too long afterwards and started telling me things like, "It sure isn't your day, huh?" and then started feeding me pills or something, saying that they would help. They helped a little, but I was still hurting all over and puking profusely on the floor. I can't remember right, but he didn't react much past this besides trying to help me up, which didn't work because I was shaking all over and that just threw me back on the floor, telling me I should get a seat instead of lying in my puke. It was then that my hair fell off, and I just hear him walking off when he sees this. All the while when I was lying there, I was asking him to call for help because I couldn't even raise a hand up to my headset and he never did, deciding to play doctor instead of getting a real doctor to come help me, which one does a bit after he leaves. Earlier, on the NTCC Odin, I was told that it was actually radium poisoning, and I would have died if I never got any medical attention past Minnie's 'care'. Apparently, there was a scrubber malfunction somewhere during the shift and the kitchen was hit with radium. None of the customers I had reported this poisoning, so I'm assuming it happened somewhere between the last customer I served and me trying out the dish. There were periods of time where I would step out for bathroom breaks, so maybe the backflow happened then. Regardless, I very nearly died and if Minnie had told medical of what's going on with me earlier, I would have suffered a lot less than I did. Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: There were no heads of department at the time. Actions taken: None.
  22. OwO!!!
  23. This is actually already part of our server rules.
  24. The player in question has been talked to and they'll try to improve on their end. I'll leave this open for 24 hours if anyone has anything to add.
  25. Right, it seems that they won't be responding to the complaint. I've read through the logs and saw that the character A) Hit a medibot a few times with a fire extinguisher B) Wrote stuff at the front of the kitchen, saying it's a sign C) Climbed over the kitchen counter, poured a beaker of flour, coffee and banana on himself, threw said beaker at the chef and decided he was going to assist the chef in the kitchen They seem to just be minor things, but from what I see in this thread, they seem to be happening semi-frequently to cause such a complaint. We'll talk to the player about having a more believable/serious character and to avoid jobhopping. Do ahelp such behavior next time instead of letting it fester into a complaint, it'll be dealt with much quicker.
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