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Everything posted by Thundy
Karima is twitching her ears at the captain...again
There's cards against Aurora?!?! GIMMI!!!
This is a thread for all the funny or serious things a character or situation is bound to repeat shift after shift. My three examples: Uaekis is eating pun pun...again Travis is trying to get some Tajarian tail...again The shuttle has been called for no apparent reason at all...again. If you'd like to include stories please feel free.
I find "whenever" to be a weighty criticism, however I believe that when I have had an outburst of this kind, I have withdrawn and either taken my point to the forums or commented on someone else's complaint (or just left it completely as I didn't see it as being worth the pursuit.) If I have offended you personally, please PM me and we can talk it through, however I feel that all other matters have been sorted out with the people that were in the situations themselves. Taking complaints to the forums is my answer, then, to your questions.
Basic Information Byond Account: Thundy Character Name(s): Charlie Dove, Karis (Dobbs) Straughan, Mel Hanford, Steph Hodge AI Name(s): EVE, KARLOR - pAI Preferred means of contact: Skype, KIK, occasionally TS. Age: 22 Timezone: UTC + 10? Sydney, Australia time. When are you on Aurora?: Afternoons and evenings and most hours on weekends Experience How long have you played SS13?: Since the end of September How long have you played on Aurora: Since the end of September How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: Not sure what base it off, however I am learning new things all the time. I plan on making a new character for every department in order that I may learn all of the little bits and pieces that I am currently missing. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: Not for ss13, however I was an admin on a hightraffic modded minecraft server named Voids Wrath and that was high stress, long hours, squeeky abusive players, so I feel like I am ready for anything. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: On bay. Running in the halls. Just kidding. I'd JUST started, first time playing. Wasn't antag. Tried to hack a door. 24 hour ban. Not sure if that counts... Personality Why do you play SS13?: I love to roleplay. I have played DnD and call of Cthulhu games for years and used to build roleplay adventure maps for people in minecraft. When I found SS13, I felt like everything I liked about those games was incorporated into this one. I also really love the community you have here and it is unlike any of the other online communities that I have come across thus far. Why do you play on Aurora?: Like I said, the community. After I got banned from Bay, I looked for another heavy roleplay server and Aurora sounded like a pretty cool name so I stayed. I still don't remember who did this but back before there was locks on the airlocks, I accidentally walked out the shuttle one and was sent flying off into spess. One of the admins PM'd me and I told them I was embarrassed and it was an accident. Thinking I would be banned again, I was teleported to a room with Moon bears which slowly devoured my insides. I couldn't help but stay after that, you guys are awesome. What do moderators do?: Moderators are overseers. They are the workers behind the scenes, helping things run smoothly and efficiently. They fix issues and tend to problems pertaining to the server, including helping new people and banning people when necessary. All hail the BlueSpess Kitty. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: It means hard but rewarding work. It means being communicative and open. It means trying to make the best judgement of the situation at hand that you can and to the very best of your ability. Why do you want to be a moderator?: I feel that this server has been especially good to me and that I would like to give back in some way. I do not code or sprite or anything so moderation is really the only way I believe that I can help out. I have also had ideas about custom events and feel that I may have good ideas to input into this team. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I try to listen and wait before making my comments, to articulate as well as I am able. I try to judge fairly and honestly and to be sensitive to peoples feelings. I try not to hold a grudge and to resolve issues through peaceful means. I learn quickly. Generally. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: Anger and stress are okay. If I am either, I usually take a second to calm myself down and figure out the problem as carefully as I can. Insults I can be oversensitive about, to be completely honest, though I always try to make peace with the person and see that the relationship is restored. Anything Else You Want to Add: Like Baka and Nano, if I were to be moderator, I would need to be trained. I am a fast learner and try to be careful and considerate when dealing with others and their issues. If I could deal with a million 13 year olds crying that someone removed a block from their dirt house, I'd like to think that I can deal with mature 20-something-year-olds. At least you guys have hit puberty...
Character/player complaint sarah something
Thundy replied to K0NFL1QT's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
That all very quickly deteriorated into a place it wasn't meant to. Susan, chill. You don't have to be so abrupt, people are still learning and your comments are perhaps more forceful then you intend. Please consider other peoples feelings when replying. I don't want players leaving because you spoke too abruptly, however truthful it may be. Behind every character is a person and those people can be hurt as much as the people sitting next to you. Travis, this thread has been depleted of its real reason for existing. Susan has spoken and therefore there really is nothing left to be replied. It is time to drop the subject less your feelings be hurt more. Thank you everyone for contributing, it has been a real eye opener for me. -
Character/player complaint sarah something
Thundy replied to K0NFL1QT's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
Hello everyone, Sorry I'm late, was busy playing on other servers while ours has been down. That back up yet? Other servers suck. SO, everyone knows and loves Osric, Nightmares cuddley sciencey Tarjara. He's nice and friendly...Good Guy Osric. Now, Charlie, being contacted by the sindicate, gets contacted (these are my own objectives) that they have Osric and if she doesn't come up with a lot of money very quickly, they will kill him. Incentive. Charlie, feeling threatened and scared, goes to Travis, her good friend who is also a dear friend of Osrics and asked him to teleport her to the vault to steal all the credits. As they are discussing, dear old Sarah walks in and states that we had better not be trying to get into the vault. How...HOW did she know? Meh, I ahelped, they said she has external knowledge ICly so I'm not going to go over that. Travis unwillingly agrees, trusting Charlie knows what she is doing. She gets in, they get the stuff, she gets out. Over comms, security announces they saw everything and are coming to get her. Travis teleports her to the research outpost where she messages Nasir, who faithfully comes to her rescue. Bunch of stuff happens, messages here, (skipping forward a lot of the shift) and finally Karima, Travis (after his release), Nasir and Jamison are all standing in a room in Engeneering. Charlie, while under disguise as a light bulb, tells them of Osrics capture, knowing that all of them have a soft spot for him. They also unwillingly agree to play along with Charlie and help her achieve her objectives. While planning on getting the locker with the credits open which so happened to be locked, in walks security. Poke here, poke there in all the right places and suddenly Charlies disguise falls. Again, Ahelped, random coincidence...again...Right? Don't really have many more issues with that round as the AI was rogue and vented the entire station. Really dumb. Good job. Point is, IC, everyone else had good reason for "Antaging." New round today. Yay! The server is back up after being down for a while. Lets declare ready so I secure CMO! Oh man, Antag, again? Gah. Admins, any ideas? No? Hmph. Telescience gets closed. No warning, no nothing, just "bolt the doors." Charlie manages to talk the AI into opening it again. Few minutes later, "Bolt the doors." Charlie disputes it. It takes Sarah making Charlie to sign a form saying she'd take all responsibility for Telescience before it would be reopened. I was planning to hopefully use it to get the captains spare but even if i wasnt an antag, I still would have been horrified by that. Anyway, Charlie starts making some calls, getting people onside. Puts faith in the wrong person and immediately hears over command comms that they are looking for that person. Purchases a chamberlin thingy and hides as a pack-o-smokes in the tunnels. Again, pokey pokey. Suddenly Charlie is found again. Coincidence. Again. Funny that. I am not security. I tried and the lag almost made me throw my computer off a building. Tell you what, lag sucks when you're chasing baddies. I appreciate how difficult it can be sometimes but honestly, I shouldn't want to quit the server because someone is acting so poorly. Antags are there to make the round fun and exciting. Stamping them out as soon as you can is not fun. Meta gaming to find them quickly is not fun. Making players angry is not fun. If the singularity gets out and eats the station (depending) then the panic ensued is usually fun and a lot of the time hilarious. If someone threatens Runtime with a butterknife and the station is made to submit for a stupid hostage cat, people talk about it later. Getting into a round and hearing that "all the bad guys are in jail" is not exciting. If people vote for secret or nuke, its because they want a little action. If they vote extended, its because they want a calm round where they can solely RP, which is good too, but people vote for a reason. I have said my fill. -
Not added either. Sorry to give you more work to do, scull.
You are misinterpreting my reasoning. First of all, this is a story, it is fiction, although this event did occur in game, it was meant purely as the first chapter of some fluff for my custom object application. It was not meant as a Canon story except for a the events which this beginning lead to. Secondly, it is not a personal slight, it is not an in game slight and I'd even forgotten it had happened until, while trying to remember why Charlie was sad enough for osric to give her the diamond in the first place, nightmare reminded me of the event. Thirdly, let me tell you what happened in context. Phoebe had spoken to to Charlie over PDA about how Charlie was conducting herself in Medbay. Charlie didn't agree with Phoebe. There was something about a mouse and dirt. I don't really remember what happened but I remember that the two ladies weren't on the best of terms. Ooc, contextual becomes a mouse and enters medbay. I RP'd Charlie washing and sterilizing the mouse under a sink of water, making it clean enough to be in medbay without being a health problem. Not wanting the mouse to be killed by Phoebe, Charlie names it after Phoebe. I admin helped it and the mouse was renamed. I don't remember who the admin was, but they obviously didn't think it so improper as to speak up. Charlie thinks mice are cute and adorable. It was meant as a compliment, not to mock in any way.
Are you serious Nursie? May I please have a reason as to why?
Chapter One Doctor Essel Charlie scrubbed the last of dirt from little mouses fur under the running water. When she was done, she carefully dried it on her labcoat. The little thing shook and little water droplets fell all over the ground. "What am I going to do with you?" The mouse seemed to smirk at her. Mice on this station, she thought, they are so much more intelligent then anywhere else. She thought back to her time on the research station a decade before, surrounded by Tajara, her family. She chucked to herself. Though the Tajara denied being feline in nature and only similar to cats in their looks, there never was a mouse to be found onboard. Her thoughts turned back to the mouse she had cleaned. It had lept from her hand to the floor and was now sniffing something that was bryond her view. She thought about what to name it, then grinned as a small, blonde haired Doctor walked into the medical lobby ahead. If only I had a... Out of no where, the bluespace cat was there. Early on, Charlie had learned that these bluespace people came and went as they chose, fixing machines, turning on lights, directing people around the station. She had heard that they travelled through dimentions, through worm holes, through time itself. One crazy preacher had told her that they were actually angels sent from God to fix the universe one problem at a time...She had chosen to stop asking questions. The Tajaran that looked at her with eternity in its eyes placed something lightly into Charlies hand, putting one finger to its lips and vanishing as suddenly as it had appeared. Charlie let out a breath she didn't realise she had been holding and looking down. In her hand was the smallest collar she had ever seen. It was a light grey colour, small enough to be a ring, with a tiny metal nametag dangling from it that read "Doctor Phoebe Essel." She held it to her chest a second, smiling to herself, then got down on one knee, slipping the tiny collar around the tiny neck of the mouse. It struggled at first and she had trouble with the clasp but eventually she fastened it, the metal tag clinking softly. There, she thought, beaming down at the small rodent, you are mine now.
The point of a whitelist is to weed out the players that are genuinely serious RPers from the ones that are just chucklefucks. If someone is going to toggle it when RP does not require it, then they shouldn't be on the whitelist.
@flyawaydove] why does every Tajara think I am insulting them? #nokittylove #itsmyaccent Charlie Dove
I shall write a new application when I get home. Should I delete this one when I do?
Should I make this post prettier? What is it missing that it isn't getting attention?
I agree with this but 5 minutes is too long. I like that it seems like a mad rush to get into the tunnels but you are right, as someone that mains doctors, you just cannot drag people into the tunnels fast enough. A warning like: Warning: Approaching radiation. Crew are advised to... Asteroids seem quite buggy anyway. You get hit by an asteroid then the warning, you buckle in. one second later it says its past. You unbuckle and the entire side of the ship is then exploded. Longer waiting time may have to wait. Fix the buggy random event first.
BYOND Key: Thundy Character name: Charlie Dove Item name: Diamond Necklace Why is your character carrying said item to work? It was a gift from Osric (Nightmare), from a diamond he found her in game crafted into a necklace in game. she wears it everywhere she goes. Item function(s): Wearable Item description: Diamond Necklace. Diamonds are a girls best friend. Item appearance: Small, gold chain with a diamond pendant hanging down on her neck. Additional comments: Still waiting on Siik Maas, guys.
Charlie Dove. Older, motherly CMO. Tries to avoid getting into relationships but can't help but "help" other peoples. Was raised by Tajara so must put on a "human" accent when speaking to human crew, then swaps to her natural Tajarrrian accent when with those crrrew memberrrs. Often Tajara mistake this for her trying to mock them. Mel Hanford. Purple hair. Flirtatious and almost allergic to bordom and will therefore do anything for a good laugh. Has a bad habit of getting in trouble with the police, on and off station. Steph Hodge. Shy, uncomfortable doctor. Coughs awkwardly constantly. Hardly any sence of humour. Engaged to Sukri. Karis (Dobbs) Straughan. Red headed Roboticist. Married to RD Nick Straughan. Great singing voice. Beautiful. (You have to have at least one fabulous character) Alien Characters to come.
So, as brought up on this thread: http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=73&t=838 I am hoping to get humans and other races depending the ability to atleast understand siik maas. It is really frustrating to have a character that should know it but doesnt. I know others, including mods, agree with this and would like it implimented.
Contextual's Head Whitelist Application
Thundy replied to Contextual's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I have RP'd with Con numerous times. Wesley does not only know about chem, but is constantly giving advice to other members of medbay on how to do their jobs more effectively. I would love to see Wes in a leadership position as I am sure Con will do his best to make sure that he not only runs medbay in an uptight and paperworkedly fashion but also try and be as much of a smartass as possible for awesome arpee. +1 -
Okay Shake, cool. You think that. I'm done on this thread.
Yeah gonna call bullshit here. Many times when there's an antag situation and you get the short end of it, you don't just get mad, but you complain in OOC. In this round in question you complained in OOC about being stuck in a strait jacket, and I've seen you do it before, including one particularly egregious example involving me personally where I was a vampire in a vampire round, and you said "Oh, it's a vampire round" as soon as you died, then later announced in OOC that you were dead, too. So you're hardly the poster girl for 'losing is fun'. I do not know when this was. I am sorry if I offended you, I never meant to. I have tried very hard in the past couple of weeks to up my game in terms of my roleplay abilities and knowledge of server rules. I don't know when I said those things but I must say that I don't remember it and if it did happen, it probably happened a long time ago, back when I didn't know the rules. I didn't mean anything as a personal slight against you at all. Please try to see that I am trying.
I think what they are getting at is this: as a character, you shouldn't have ANY knowledge of changlings other then what your character picks up during the round. You, as your character, was using your knowledge of changlings to curb the outcome of the game. This game is not about "Winning." It is about having as much fun as possible while playing within the rules. That can be really hard to create, especially as an antag. You have to RP on station while trying not to be caught by every single person that gets a sniff of your trail. It can be very difficult. When I am playing, I try to intentionally let antags get away and blow up the station or suck my blood because A) its fun as all hell, B) It really is what my character would do, and that is essentially what roleplay is about, not doing the things you the person would do but what your character would do. Food for thought.
Hello everyone, Charlie Dove here. Seems to me that there are a whole bunch of different issues that aren't related to the original complaint being brought up. If it was me, I'd probably be making a complaint for all of those things. Best to hash these things out. About the whole detective thing, it's totally fine, dear. I was kind of over the round by that point (see the complaint about Jboy) and so may have said some things I didn't mean. I do apologize. It was a pretty cocked up round by that point and I was frustrated and ready to take it out on the next person that came along. I hope we can still be friends. Cheers, Thundy.
Hey guys, Charlie Dove here. Like to say that I DID gank King's character during surgery. This was explained to me by the fact that I put him under for surgery and then proceeded to eat him with no RP involved. I didn't know that was what ganking was and I am sorry. That said, with JBoy meta-ing, I'm hoping that he won't get job banned, just that he can learn his lesson from all of this. It's not easy being sec, nor is it easy being antag and nether of us has our rolls or job down pat yet. We are all still learning. I love Jboy and I love his characters, in every department. I talk a lot of smack in game and I am sorry, I'll try to curb this behaviour. Cheers.