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Everything posted by Thundy

  1. If you have a collapsed lung, there's very obviously a reason for it. If we forget about it being in the future for a second and speak hypothetically, if your lung is collapsed, the other may allow you to breath, though infection can set into the bad lung and kill you quickly if it is a highly aggressive bacteria such as tetanus. I didn't like the old system but I don't like this one either. There should less outright "oh nose, ded cause lung esploded" and perhaps "my lung is collapsed and I could spread a disease around the ship." Not sure I'm being very clear. Sorry Sue. Hopefully you catch my drift.
  2. If you bust a lung IRL, it's more of an issue then just "irksome", however I see your point. It should be serious but fatal? Somewhere between these two would be what we're going for, I think.
  3. Okay, so I've been getting people asking for portraits for ages and I get around to doing one thing and then someone else grabs my attention. I have undiagnosed ADHD, stay with me. What i am proposing is that I make a thread to keep track of what I need to draw. People have offered me money. I spend some money for a canvas, couple more bucks for paint, me and my house mates time...So it's really not that far out of my pocket to do them. If you want to put in, I'd be more then happy to put it towards materials, but whomever posts on this thread first will get their stuff done first. Put a name down, then PM me a description, as detailed as you can. If you are an artist and want to help out, post below or PM, either way. I'm also hoping to get some art up on the wiki, that thing is bare as bones. Cheers guys. Edit: you don't have to put money in, that was just if people felt like it.
  4. More robits for the revolution! +1
  5. Even before you posted this app, I was thinking "Wow, what a beautiful character. I'd really love to meet this person in real life..." If they were real. I know they arent. It makes me sad. +1
  6. I had heard a rumor that people from bay had been migrating over to Aurora. Welcome! Here at air Aurora we offer only the highest quality service to players of all ages, including, but not limited to, hidden weekends, slime escape artists, Lord Singuloth, meowfia, LOOC fights, organised workers unions, Satanist chaplains, cindi-cakes, slow flakes, heartbreak, lesbay, humorous exchange and much much more. Air Aurora wishes you a pleasant stay and wishes to remind all players that you can log out any time you like, but you can never leave... Seriously though, great app. Scale rot, love it. +1
  7. Good times good times. PlzmekSierrraHEADkthx. Always in need of more heads and at the least, Sierra is on at dead hour too, which is a huge plus. +1
  8. Please Please Please oh God yes Please do this I will be so happy. +1
  9. http://gyazo.com/e626587783638a1a5ea81da444e14702
  10. This looks really really good. I'd really like to see your character in game though. I'll pay extra attention to you when I see your name and see if I cant endorse you once I know you better. Will hold this magical +1 in the air until then. See you round
  11. That is so so helpful, thank you Nursie. I have always wondered about that.
  12. I love role playing with this character. She has a fair amount of drama without being too snow flakee. It would be nice to watch her be CMO and all the hilarious things that will ensue. +1
  13. I am really excited for this. Like, really really excited. +1
  14. Never used death sting. As in, ever. I'd much rather use the hallucinogen sting and watch security run around like idiots personally. I usually try to play a non violent ling and proto human's seemed like the only way I could do so in a viable and believable way. You're right zero, the fun must be had.
  15. So, when I play ling, I usually try to infiltrate genetics and create proto human's to feast on in the beginning. After gathering enough power to get some cool abilities, I begin trying to take down human crew. Not sure if I completely understand what is happening in this case but wouldn't it be pretty much the same thing if they are changing monkeys into humans and having a good nibble?
  16. But what happened to the sister?! +1
  17. Something something, I'm good with people and nothing else, something something, let me be part of the squad.....kthx
  18. Cake, well written, well played. You have my +1 my dear.
  19. BYOND Key: Thundy Character Names: Charlie Dove, Karis (Dobbs) Straughan, Mel Hanford, Steph Hodge and a bunch more I don't play much. How long have you been playing on Aurora: Since the end of September. Species you are applying to play: Tajaran What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): I'd like to experiment a bit. Something a bit less bland. No fluro, but I'd like to see what I can do before I make a decision. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, however there is a lot to read...I have a bad memory so forgive my incorrectness in my backstory. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I have, since first joining this server, been facinated with the mannerisms, culture and concept of Tajarans. Cat people, with tails and awesome ears, with a vast history and pride along with theirrr speech patterrrns. They are just badass. When I pass a group in the halls of Aurora, I long to be able to understand them. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: The concept of speaking in third person, the rolling R's, their "ear movements" and "flicking tails", their culture, their history, their claws, their languages...Many things, movement being the first. Why does this species in particular hold your interest? I wanted to play a Tajara from the moment I first read about them after joining Aurora. Creating a human that associated with Tajara closely was my first step at actually getting a feel for them and they haven't ceased to hold my attention. Character Name: Fel'siti Rumuka'nen (Flick) Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs There was the slightest knock at the door. "What?" Fel'siti called, his tail flicking from side to side in annoyance. A small head and whiskers peaked around the door. "Uh, she wishes to brring his brreakfast, sirr." The voice was soft, scared. Fel'siti sighed, closing the book and motioning her in. The tray was layed on the table. The smell of the hot food wafted up to Fel'siti's nose and he took a deep breath. “Tell him something, Sa'herr...” The girl stopped as she was about to leave, her hand resting on the handle of the door. She turned slowly around to face him, her whiskers quivering. “Why would anyone wish to see him dead?” The girl blinked her big brown eyes. “She does not know? Does someone want to see him dead, sirr?” Fel'siti nodded slowly, his piercing eyes not leaving her face as he carefully stood, smoothing out the front of his traditional military uniform. He side stepped the desk and walked to her in three long strides, loomed over her, his shadow covering her every inch. He bent down in close to her face, his whiskers touching her cheek. As quick as a whip, Fel'siti grabbed Sa'herr's hand and held it up so she couldn't move. She whimpered and shied away from him. “He knows the smell of Chlorrral Hydrrrate. He knows you have a daggerrr in yourr pocket with which to slit his thrroat when he sleeps. He knows who you worrrk forrr." She struggled but he held her firm. "Tell his brrotherrr this: He will have what is owed to him and when he does, Brrotherr will rrrot in the deepest dungeon to pay forr his sins.” He threw her across the room. She fell, her dagger rolling across the floor ahead of her, landing next to her hand as she fell face forward, catching herself. She hissed, grabbing the dagger in an instant and turning, she threw it right at his face. It stuck in the wall behind him, quivering in place. He was upon her in an instant, his blade out. She was too slow, the blade flashed and her neck was slit. “He guesses she cannot tell his brrotherrr then...” Blood overflowed from her neck down her chest and onto the floor. She held her throat with both hands, gasping and gurgling, falling to the ground in silent spasms, blood seeping out between her fingers and onto the floor. “What is this?” Darr'sir stood behind him on silent paws. “This is a warrning. He must go into hiding. Brrotherr knows of this location...” Fel'siti wiped his blade on the table cloth and returned it to its sheath inside his jacket. The Tajarian next to him was older, wiser, kinder. Fel'siti knew that he stood by him no matter what, that he would follow him to the edges of the universe. Because I am his king, he thought, because he knows what it is to have honour, to show respect, to follow a worrthy king. “He can make it happen. He will forge documents forr him. He will have to go farr, perrhaps to a rresearrch station, somewherre farr frrom yourr brrotherrs grrasp.” Fel'siti noded as the final gasping breaths of Sa'herr left her body, her quivering stopping. Pity, he though, he will miss his breakfast. He nudged her with his toe. “Burrn herr. He will leave tonight. Make sure no one follows him.” What do you like about this character? First time actually fully roleplaying a male character. Also first time I will be playing a serious character. I want to push myself and see how far I can go. This may not be the most fun Character but at least I'll be learning something new and extending my roleplaying ability. How would you rate your role-playing ability? For how much I learn, I see how much further I have to come. If I could be as good as Eric in that he goes from sweet kindhearted Lockie to the douche-bag Zheng Lu, or Taine goes from girly Tina to lodgical TrueLemming, I will be a happy girl. Notes: Sorry about all the gory imagery. I can rewrite if it is not PG.
  20. Sierra is a great roleplayer and has really made a good impression on me. It would be nice to see more skrell on the station.
  21. Minecraft admins, high five! And go NWN!
  22. You did it right. Maybe I should figure out how to compile these into some sort of easily readable table, like "the list" that I continually update? Someone tell me how.
  23. I'm happy to discuss these things. I only said that if they had a personal quarrel with me to PM me. Ask away everyone!
  24. Jen is deleting people...again... http://gyazo.com/bbecff056c276c14f1f3ded3d9d99617
  25. Again, if you have an issue with this, please PM me and we can talk about it.
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