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Everything posted by Vanagandr
So, normally traitors are high stakes; you've got maybe four or five of them, and they do big, dramatic things. Bomb threats, draining away all the station's power, kidnapping and murder, that sort of thing. What I'm thinking of is something with, say, twice or thrice the spawnrate of regular autotraitor, and people who're chosen get the Clown's traditional licence to commit minor griff. No items or powers, no huge damage or deliberate murder, just... well, chucklefuckery. Might be interesting. Dunno.
I know, but I was under the impression at the time that one of the other guys had cuffed you. Does it count as ramboing if you're using stunmode?
Certainly, I wouldn't complain, It's a nuclear round. Most of those times, people die. I don't mind if I get gunned down by a squad after they're pulling a no russian on the station. I never SAW the other nuke ops UNTIL I opened fire. A firefight broke out the very instant you decided to head back, and we went off after some security guard, leaving Meowy behind because eh he's handcuffed right he's not going anywhere.
I don't know if anyone told him - I'mma read and think things over a bit. Short version - we came on Meowy while he was in maint, held him hostage with lasers while another guy circled in and held him up so the rest could come in. Dredd was off doing his own thing with the nuke and Dat Disk, and it looks like no-one actually said ":h We've got a sec cat prisoner" or took the time to handcuff him. I was going to, but then I accidentally tazed him and was too flustered to remember what I was doing. My log:
Just for reference - not all .50 rounds are huge and massive. This in particular is most likely intended to use something more along the lines of .50 AE, a round that is far too large to be practical when fired from a pistol but isn't actually very big at all by rifle standards.
Revolver: ow. Unpleasant at any volume. SMG: more of the same, + even ignoring the sharp? effect it sounds more like a bunch of keys being dropped. Laser: even more of the same, + the doppler thing which sounds like it'd be rather tiresome. Laser Cannon: in retrospect, I didn't notice quite how high-pitched that tone was. No idea what it sounds like, apart from something strange going on at the end of a long pipe. Apart from the cannon, they're all too 'explosive' or whatever sound types call it; uncomfortable to listen to even at low volumes.
Breach of the Peace?
Frankly, they're painful to listen to. The laser cannon is the only one that isn't actively unpleasant, and while it's a decent effect, I'm not sure it fits.
Partly because the instant someone hears 'ogod a gun' every sec officer on the station is going to converge on you, so you're busy trying to hold the goon squad back, and partly because the moment you devote attention to cablecuffing one single hostage in particular, Usain Bolt off in the corner will decide he wants to go for a relaxing mid-shift sprint.
His complaint, as I understood it, is that by the time a vampire has enough blood to do something like that the round's already mostly over.
Wot I think: ew. Wot I do:
One of the troubles with talk of 'bad' arr-pee- he says, as someone who had never even touched arr-pee before trying SS13 -is that everyone has their own definitions for terms like 'snowflake' and 'bad RP'. For example, there's several characters who were supposedly raised by members of alien species' for... whatever reasons. To me, that's snowflake. In fact, it's nearly as speshul as 'her eyes are different colours and glow when she's angry and she's incredibly smart and super beautiful'. To the people who created them, it's an entirely reasonable background for a character. Just look at the conflicts around characters like, oh, Phoebe Essel or Winston Carton. The creators have no problem with their arr-pee for obvious reasons, they've got supporters who also have no problems with it and they've got enemies who think their characters are bad and they should feel bad for creating them. Just... yeah. Define "bad RP" and find a definition that everyone on the server agrees with, and meanwhile I'll take my sieve and I'll bail out the Atlantic.
So, something like Autotraitor, creating more vamps to match an increasing crew?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-------------------------------------The Tator's Dilemma------------------------------------| |------OGOD A GUN------|--------Tator shoots first----------|-----Tator arr-pees------| |Shitcurity shoots first |-----may the robustest man win--|--GG no re enjoy nofun -| |Shitcurity arr-pees----|------*ahelp halp gank ban he-----|------------FUN!------------| Obviously FUN! is the best option, but Glory to the Robust is infinitely preferable to being locked up and iGGNoRed in some dank cell, and if you aren't sure if the security in question are going to behave like Susan or not, it's safest to stunheadsetcablecuff first and arr-pee once you've dragged them somewhere quieter.
It's a drone carrier with some pretty shitty network security. An event where a tator has to Solid Snake his way into the server room to cause one of those hacked drone swarms might be interesting - not sure if there's any servers with military arr-pee apart from Colonial Marines which... doesn't count. Probably wouldn't be interesting enough to justify new maps and uniforms and things, though.
Amputations are somewhat bugged and always break the bones in the parent location.
Slower healing is an idea, though capping it so a wound with more than 20 or so points of damage doesn't autoheal might be a more elegant solution. So if you accidentally robust yourself or get your hand with the welder you'll heal up, but if Urist McAntag beats you in the legs with a baseball bat he can't just walk away for a few minutes and come back like nothing happened.
Seemed relevant.
Of course the real question is, how robust would it be to beat someone on the feet with a length of the stuff?
It wouldn't be Aliens unless the aliums escaped from a lab and the spess muhreens had someone insisting that the specimens Must Be Retrieved Alive.
That wouldn't work that way. Pressure measurements are a function of volume and mass (moles). How much gas you would leak should depend on both the pressure of the container as well as the volume of the container. For example: distribution would bleed significantly less pressure with one of the speedfit pipes than an internal atmospherics pipe or an airlock line, due to having overall more mass in the pipes. Unless you are implying that these would equalize pressure between the interior and exterior of the pipe (in which case, they are worthless) I think what he means is that when whatever's in the pipe is pressurised more than 100kPa above exterior pressure, the pipe breaks.
On the subject of playing X-Com with alium corpses: cats and lizards are completely identical to humans in terms of internal organs. Don't know about Skrell, but probably them too. Alium-aliums and Diona are the only ones that have actual differences, and it's kind of tricky to get either in a dissectable state. The former because ogod and the latter because *bwoink* Why Are You Vivisecting That Dude. I mean, I'm all for vivisecting an Alien Hunter or three, but first you have to capture one and if memory serves they're immune to stuns or something like that, or the ones you can get without admin help are mobs and can't be surgery'd, or something.
They aren't. If you tunnel out a room in the asteroid, put in a door and crack open a canister, it'll pressurise. You might need to steal some air pumps or the pipe dispenser from atmos though. But yeah, it actually allows a really interesting feature or two that I'm not going to go into because reasons.
Inducing OOC hearing loss because muh immershunz is a terrible idea. More to the point, guns don't tend to be especially distinct, as sounds go. A lot of times people hear a shot and dismiss it as a door slamming, or a car backfiring, or simply ignore it because this is a good neighborhood and nobody gets robbed or murdered - it Just Doesn't Happen Here. As for FearRP, I think you'll find after someone's spent half an hour in medbay because they mouthed off to the tator and got introduced to the wonders that are Internal Bleeding and Embedded Objects and Broken Bones and possibly a Size Ten Tactical Operator's Gorlex Marauder® Operational Boot to the groin, they'll be plenty fearful about the idea of being shot.