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Fire and Glory

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Everything posted by Fire and Glory

  1. The fun quality of Aurora has been lessening to a great degree, you are completely right sir. Follow up posts when?
  2. Uh, wow, here's some of that 'we have coders' whiplash cracking me in the neck. Thanks, this should probably get moved to the projects-whatsit now.
  3. So, anyone who spends some degree of time setting a pose on their char will know that anything they put in will go after 'S/He is', this cannot be edited or the like. I am sure I am not the only one who has found this awkward and restricting to work with on at least one occasion, so I propose this get changed and only say S/He, or just have nothing untouchable, but my main issue is with 'is'. One such occasion, way back when Kaed injected me with an explosive implant, I wanted to set a pose 'He seems nervous about something', however, I could not, the only immediately obvious options to me would be 'He is nervous about something' or 'He is apparently nervous about something', the former sounds much more definitive and obvious then I wanted it to be, as well as the latter but to a lesser degree, but also just flat out sounding awkward to me, I went with the latter anyways. Sure, there was probably an ideal set of words that conveyed what I wanted within the restrictions but I shouldn't have to work around it instead of going with whatever actually sounds natural.
  4. You do have to remember (at least on our snowflake station) that most synth's there aren't actually made by NT, being rented out from some company or other, CRASA could probably be judged as a successful model so an IPC unit with the same base could be made, or something idk but it's easy to make something up because it's typically not actually owned by NanoTrasen. You also have to remember that a good deal of IPC's aren't actually free and are still owned so it could be used as an experimental endeavor into how well it performs without restricting lawsets, (and with hands.) or the like.
  5. Justified because CAC and the Nanaki rarely ever interact. One of CAC's things is that he doesn't care about people, this is less in the 'his death is meaningless' way and more in the way that he would barely even try managing people, he would dis-spell any notions of him helping people with teamwork and would probably tread on everyone's toes to get whatever he needs. He can cooperate well enough with everyone else but don't ask him to take the initiative and make everyone cooperate with everyone else.
  6. Rest assured, I am fully aware that CAC is the sort who'd never become an RD unless it was some sort of accident, and will hopefully never appear in the heads of staff section of the manifest, for all our sake's.
  7. Although in ye olde days the answers to your questions would be yes and yes.
  8. What precisely is policy regarding lying to CCIA? I am aware that lying to staff in general is rather frowned upon but ICly characters can lie, and I can think of at least one hypothetical scenario where one could lie about something to their own benefit and get away with it. (such as actually keeping their job for a while longer.)
  9. (how does Zundy post so fast like what i am confused) You'd think that but nah, because again, he's not really open about it, there's only one Unathi that actually found out the extent of it methinks, and that was because traitor round. Sure some Unathi or other could end up finding out and then spills the beans to every other Unathi thus ruining his reputation among all of them but what are the chances of that happening haha amiright guys?
  10. BYOND key:Fire and Glory Character names: Tpr Carlson. Usiki Zir'u/Guwan. CAC. MELCHIOR. SAHU. Casimir Laurenzi. Covert. Vause Kua'si. Ites Kua'si. Kaise. Charles Vick. (Note, I haven't played half of these for months, so no one'll recognize them.) How long have you been playing on Aurora?:A year and a half, maybe, idk. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?:New experiences, Heads 'O Staff deal with a lot of things regular crew don't, like being prime hostages, organizing things for their departments, etc, as well as allowing for natural progression of at least one of my chars, there also isn't any actual obligation to play a head (cough unlike being a moderator cough cough) so I can do it in my free time. I'm also "one of the better ones" when it comes to general in-game behavior according to others, so why not go for it. Why did you come to Aurora?:It was suggested by muh brother when I started poking around SS13, I then terrorized Aurora with my baldiness and didn't see any reason to move. Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?:no Ayah. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about:sexy ERP To use fancy language, Roleplay is about weaving a rope that's made out of story, every player is just one thread of this rope, and on his own, he is much weaker, but when weaved together with many other threads, it makes a strong rope/story, with every thread on it having it's own individual path mixing with the others, how well these threads cooperate with each other can make or break the rope, with too many weak threads the rope'll snap and everyone will leave sour. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:Similar to how they ICly operate, Heads 'o Staff help keep people orientated with goals and directions, they can often keep a department working in cohesion so that rather then having to demand something from someone inside the department when you need it, there's never a demand in the first place, they're often the ones who enable inter-departmental cooperation to be fully possible. They encourage efficiency within and without, and keep the departmental machine working without all its parts. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:Whitelisted players are to serve as examples to the playerbase, you don't expect a player with a Head whitelist to join a baldie who screams about NT being corrupt, as a head of staff or not, they're obligated to put their best effort into acting as an ideal player, while making sure that they don't leave sour experiences wherever they go. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name:Usiki Guwan. Character age:33. Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Usiki was born on Moghes in 2424 in the city of Ma'Ha'rem which didn't get nuked in the Contact War, there he grew up in the Zir'u clan while getting trained how to be a warrior, after a while it was evident he was doing poorly and changed tack to be shown how to be a healer, when he was 17 the clan leader dictated that the clan would move to Ouerea, so they did, he received education in a Human-run Medical School designed to prepare Unathi for general medical operations in space, Usiki took a liking to the surgery aspect of healing and medicine, and primarily trained in it over the long years. When he was 33, the school shut down due to the Hegemony take over and Usiki looked for employment, he was dissatisfied with potential work on Ouerea and signed on as a Surgeon on the NSS Aurora and then the Exodus, Usiki had found himself dissatisfied with a lot of Unathi ideals such as highly rigid loyalty to their honor and to the concept of loyalty in general, however this all only bubbled to the surface when he started working in space and started receiving a lot more exposure to the other races and their cultural ideals, this came to a head with the Unathi Loyalty Act which Usiki eventually signed, this was the last straw for his clan who'd been dealing with his undesirable ways and so they exiled him and made him a Guwan, he very quickly re-located to Biesel because he wasn't adapting well to his new status, where he now resides absorbing more Human culture and much less of his own race. What do you like about this character?:He's not painfully obvious about his preferences, the only indication about his own undesirable values on a glance is the fact that he's a Guwan, otherwise you need to put effort into finding out rather then instantly knowing the minute he opens his mouth, he also has a serious temper that he usually keeps under a cool exterior but goes all-out when he's completely pissed (it's his coping mechanism for things he cannot handle), which I feel gives him character. What do you dislike about this character?:He's something of a pushover normally, unless he's given a fair bit of prompting he's not that inclined to physically handle people when they're not cooperative, when it'd be easier to just blitz them into a grab, he's also something of an ass when he's occupied with something, brushing off everyone unless he needs something until he's done. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?:Usiki is rather practical, at the end of the day he'd rather do things efficiently then indulge pointless prejudices, he also knows to give off tasks to others rather then make futile attempts to do everything himself. I also believe he's done rather well on the occasions that he has been put into positions of elevated authority. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?:Unlike my rather critical looks on my ability on past applications, I do believe I am doing rather okay now, and have got into my groove, stuff feels easier and I feel I have a firmer grasp on my character concepts in general, and am ready to advance to being a Whitelisted player. Numerical Ratings are still utter trash so consider me 5/10 across the board. Extra notes:i am tired and may regret posting this at this time
  11. I really like the look of this, seems like the sort of thing that'd give good atmosphere and make coffee a half-decent RP prop instead of the machines being there to shoot cups at you during That One Event and the occasional moron who overdoses. No suggestions, but I completely endorse this, especially since the Suggestee is willing to code it herself.
  12. It wouldn't get replaced, it'd be removed and modified (why are there two anyways), to clarify.
  13. The point of this I believe is having cranked up hardsuits for events, not regular antags or just security, they aren't going to show up in EVA. IIRC, it's actually possible to get a authentic Breacher suit through mining, although impossible otherwise outside of adminry.
  14. Muh IPC hardsuits pls no oppressing the synths
  15. To put in my 2 cents, I was watching as a ghost with antag HUD and I believe there WERE no civvies on the shuttle to get caught in the crossfire, it was a flat cult-vs-security with no one caught in between at the end, I'm pretty sure the ACTUAL civilians decided that crew transfer was overrated and stayed on the station.
  16. Probably, the complaint was made for the incident in the OP but additional things coming up make it obvious that a ban request'd be better. Based on that, I do personally think this may be best kept as a player complaint. Your choice. Eh, it was a whole lot of toeing the line of blatant grief the whole time, nothing that'd fit the actual criteria because he never actually pulled anything off, so leave it as is.
  17. Hold off on CAC for now then, I really need to update his text.
  18. You should do a CAC, nod. I am interested in what other people see when they think of him.
  19. Probably, the complaint was made for the incident in the OP but additional things coming up make it obvious that a ban request'd be better.
  20. Also, the following round he broke into the bar as a Quartermaster, stole the barman's shotgun, and tried to get into the armory before getting killed by malf, he declared in ded chat that he was planning on getting armor and kill everyone in the bar, take for that what you will.
  21. BYOND Key:Fire and Glory. Player Byond Key:JFK_Gore. Staff involved:None, I did ahelp but no staff were on and the round had ended, hence the complaint. Reason for complaint: Unrealistic behavior, pretty much. Soo, 'tis Malf, emergency shuttle, threats of flooding the station with plasma, borgs hostile, the works, so I get into EVA, get my spess suit, get out, go to medical, get a fireaxe, and then sit outside the space pods waiting for the shuttle to arrive, however when it DOES arrive I find out that they are unpowered (to prevent the heads of staff from escaping while letting the rest go on the departures shuttle), so I'm making a sprint to the shuttle from the other side of the station. I go past the bar, when bartender Karl Kustaviche/JFK_Gore charges out and shoots at me with his shotgun, he misses, I tell him to fuck off, and keep moving, he shoots again, this one hits me (beanbags), but I decide that since the timer is ticking I have better things to do then chase him with my fireaxe, so I limp to the shuttle and get home safe and sound. When I ask him over OOC why on earth he shot me, he (basically) said he 'had to shoot someone before the round ended', and then said he had a sec radio and so he knew everything was falling apart, even though shooting at passerby's would give you literally no benefit to yourself, and we all have to be sane and the like so shooting me without trying to get something he wants is out of the question too. Approximate Date/Time: 28th/29th of April, 2:10 / 7:35 p.m. (first numbers is station time, second is my time.)
  22. Sooooooo, I've been thinking on this for a bit, and I've decided I may have been a tad too hasty, being a mod would infringe on my enjoyment of the game a bit too much, and I believe that I only really applied because of pressure. So yeah, application withdrawn, maybe another time.
  23. Just here to point out that ain't gonna work boss. Otherwise, I do like what I see, but have no useful suggestions.
  24. Although it's a bit weird it WOULD make a fair few things make sense, like why infections and disease and the like are so fast and such. Although it could be a bit awkward like how we're working for 3 days straight or the like, but I'm sure something could be worked out. Looking forward to complaining to someone for making me wait on something for hours on end.
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