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Everything posted by BurgerBB

  1. Right, so what I'm seeing in this thread is mostly people over exaggerating what will happen based on their perception or people not bothering to actually read the OP. Given the actual feedback presented in the thread, I will be removing the announcement and people can just take a scheduled break whenever because fuck consistency I guess. Hours where people will be hungry will be the following: 12am (Midnight Snack) 8am (Breakfast) 12pm (Lunch) 6pm (Dinner) If a chef is present, there will be a bias towards setting the round start time to 11pm, 7am, 11am, and 5pm. If there isn't, the round start time will be random, to the hour. I feel that this is incredibly reasonable.
  2. I'm not sure I understand the question. How could reducing the chances of getting merc/heist when voting secret lead to bad gimmicks? Mercs/Raiders already have bad gimmicks without my help.
  3. Complications can easily be solved on a per-job basis. Medical won't ever be allowed to go "I can't save you, I'm on my lunch break."
  4. You're manually setting hunger meters to coincide with this lunch time. Sure, this can be ignored by nutrition-less junk food and lunch boxes (which 'coincidentally' happen to be slated for being filled with only junk food) for the time being, but you're intentionally setting it so everyone gets hungry around the time that 'lunch' happens. Sure, it's not exactly forcing people mechanically, but it's not exactly a subtle mechanical encouragement. Currently, hunger levels are assigned randomly between 3 and 5. What I'm proposing is simply just setting the hunger levels to one that makes sense, between 3 and 5. A giant non-issue.
  5. I'm changing the round start time, which is entirely cosmetic, and adding in an optional 15 minute break that you don't have to participate in. The are two entirely minor changes yet you're overreacting, yet again. Bonus points for mentioning organ damage and how this somehow "forces" interaction. Optional was literally mentioned in the paragraph.
  6. Proposal: If there is a chef on the station at round start, the station time will be set to either 7:00am, 11:00am, or 5:00pm. At 8am, 12:00pm, and 6pm, an announcement is made notifying the crew that they can take an optional 15 minute break. The hunger bar will start out at a specific amount so that all crewmembers will be hungry at this time. I feel that this would add depth to roleplay as there is a unified time where people may take a break, and the one hour mark is usually where things either get interesting or really boring to warrant finding some alternatives to sitting around all day.
  7. Generally I think the character is unbelievable. Incredibly unbelievable to the point where I considered multiple times writing a character complaint over their behavior. They have many infractions to the point where if you combined all the other infractions each other crew member has on high pop, Shane Castralo will still have more infractions. They shouldn't even be working for NanoTrasen, let alone be given janitorial all-access on a top of the line research station. Merely mentioning the name "Shane Castralo" would be a valid argument for supporting the removal of the common channel. They always insult people excessively, they literally scream and complain over comms when someone does any sort of wrong towards them. Most crewmembers do this sort of thing because everyone feels they must have a say in something, but Shane Castralo does this EXCESSIVELY. When not bothering people over comms, I always see them acting like a child, roaming the hall with foam weapons and shooting/hitting people, sometimes straight up assaulting people, and stealing things. Consistently they're the center of attention and the cause of every petty conflict. When they're traitor, it's always "Shane Castrallo breaks down because people bullied him." and he makes this super clear when he's traitor. Every time I see them screaming on comms about how everyone is terrible and how he's the victim, I know it's a traitor round. Much like how there being 0 security members on highpop is a good indicator that it's merc/heist, Shane Castralo acting more insane than usual is a good indicator it's autotraitor. I'm sure it's incredibly fun to play Shane Castralo, but I feel for others it isn't. I'm starting to develop terms to describe this behavior, I call this "Main Character Syndrome" where instead of knowing that they're interacting with other people, they act like everyone else is an NPC and they do not consider that there are other players playing. I had quite an unpleasant interaction with them one day, where while I was actively treating a patient suffering from burns, they decided to just drag them away from me. I have no fucking clue why, but they just dragged them away from me while they were in critical condition. They didn't even do the smart thing and drag them towards medical, they dragged them towards the bar thinking that there would be medical treatment there. I just really feel that when their character does things, they do not consider the consequences, ICly and OOCly, of their actions. For this reason, I strongly believe that they're a really bad character and are in desperate need of improvement.
  8. I think it would be nice if announcements actually used the voice of the person speaking, including voice modifiers and autohiss.
  9. All you need to do is bolt open one elevator door and they're stuck on a z-level. Imagine bolting open 6. You'll have to hack all 6. You can also bolt it open on the floor above, which means that the panels itself are inaccessible and unable to be hacked. Bolting someone inside a room is different as there is usually an alternative way out, such as breaking glass.
  10. I'll probably remove the APC checking, however I believe that elevators should be a closed circuit unless hacked by the AI. The philosophy here is that they would have to break a potential powergaming barrier to touch elevators, which makes them less likely to do it in the first place and give antags a second chance. Also the amount of time and effort they would go through to hack all the elevator doors would be tedious and many probably won't do it. [mention]Arrow768[/mention]
  11. IC Explanation: Because elevator doors are connected to the elevator system, as opposed to the general station. AIs wouldn't need to control elevators as there is already a machine system that handles elevator doors remotely. OOC Explanation: Ladders don't exist on every level. The AI is seriously powerful when it comes to locking down people on the sublevel or sometimes on the main level. You are literally and absolutely fucked if the AI bolts all doors on the sublevel unless you have a multitool, insulated gloves, and wirecutters. AI is balanced for mrp servers where everyone knows how to hack a door and steals insulated gloves. These items will not be typically used on Aurorastation because of realism issues. Not everyone knows how to hack, so you're absolutely fucked if it's MALF and the AI decides to be a shitter.
  12. Also known as: A PR that makes it harder for bad AIs to be bad AIs. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/5486
  13. Bumping this. This should also be moved to projects subform. A bunch of reagents were introduced. Check the github for more information, as all progress reports will go there for ease of access.
  14. In the established universe as well as gameplay mechanics, a wizard going onto the station and recruiting a pupil is more believable than what occured in that round. Only icly wizards are unbelievable. OOCly they're tolerable and believable.
  15. Byond has a realtime var that tracks how long the servers been up in real seconds. As you might recall, there was a bug that let people vote early, and thats because voting threshold was measured in realtime while the round duration was measured in game time. Game time is a measure of how many ticks have occured since server start, however because of slowdown, the tick delay will be higher so some seconds are longer than others.
  16. Due to the recent lag issues on the server, time dilation has caused 2 hour rounds to turn into 3 hour rounds. I suggest that until the server fixes the lag, the round duration is based on real time and not calculated with time dilation in mind.
  17. I'm not comfortable giving the AI the ability to upgrade combat borgs stealthily given the fact that if Sec is unprepared, there is no way to counter that. Instead of buffing MALF AI why don't you just ahelp trigger happy sec instead?
  18. I think people are severely misunderstanding the complaint. Gimmicks can be bad and there is nothing we can do about that. That's understandable. However given the fact that these are all regular heist players, that this happened during highpop, and that the same shitty gimmick happened to the letter, it's not unreasonable to ask for something to be done about this clearly bad gimmick. I'm not asking admins to babysit antags and for antags to understand the meta. Im' asking them to enforce the rules presented on the server and not turn this into a selective MRP server where snowflake psychopathy is rewarded. Even if you pretend for a moment that none of the gimmicks happened before and existed, the very premise is a LRP gimmick that has no place on a server like this that's riddled with believable player problems. 4 raiders are asking a professional top-of-the-line research station for recruits by setting up a ragecage and asking them "Who wants to fight the head of security, who is also a unathi, bare handed, to the death?" How is this believable? Why would anyone do this? How does this make any sense? How is this roleplay? How does this involve the station except for a handful of psychopaths, security, and command? What does this contribute? Should this contribute to an already existing problem where people jump at the opportunity to self antag or get involved in every antag action possible? Or better yet, just answer these questions: How is raiders going to a top-of-the-line corporate station and doing gladiators trials to recruit members realistic? How is consensually volunteering to fight a hulking Head of Security Unathi to the death barehanded in a rage cage realistic character behavior and not the signs of a psychopath? The real world equivalent would be like a gang going to Starbucks and asking the cashiers if they want to fight their hulking 250 lb 6'4 manager to death in an electrified cage.
  19. The problem is that this gimmick has been tried so many times, and so many times, it has absolutely failed. I think out of the several times where it was attempted, it only worked 2 times because of how unbelievable it is. Bad gimmicks happen all the time but what makes this report worthy is the fact that it has been tried so many times and failed. I wouldn't be complaining if the gimmick was actually fun, however. In this case, it isn't an barely anyone participates willingly.
  20. A bit of an unorthodox thread since it's just asking people for suggestions, but there is a depressingly low variety of toxins compared to other servers. I think that there should be more robust toxins, and perhaps tweaks to existing toxins to make them more interesting other than "deals 1 toxin damage every unit". Literally anything is possible in Byond. Suggest anything that seems realistic and believable for a toxin to have. Include: Name of the Toxin: Recipe/Source: Effects: Lore Information (Optional): If it's a good enough idea it will be implemented. Some tweaks will need to be made because of balance reasons. Also note that there will be a PR coming in December that implements temperature in reagents. When considering its effects, consider: - If it's able to be detected by scanners. - How long it lingers. - What exactly it does damage to (Brain, Heart, ect). - What difference it makes when injected/inhaled/ingested. - An antidote, possibly. Example: Name of the Toxin: Nurhachi Toxin Recipe/Source: Sodium, Space Drugs, Acetone Effects: Clumsiness, Pain, Blurry Vision. Can be cured via a special antidote, which is made from Sodium, Acetone, Sugar. Lore Information (Optional): Discovered and created by ancient chinese gangsters by sol. Tasteless, odorless, and commonly used to poison Archaeologists.
  21. BYOND Key: BurgerBB Game ID: bWZ-dhwN Player Byond Key: https://i.imgur.com/41ADnYI.png Staff involved: QueenOfYugoslavia, said there was nothing wrong with the gimmick itself, however did not comment on the actions inside the gimmick nor seem to care. Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? Yes, no action was taken on the faults of repeating the same, bad gimmick over and over again. Approximate Date/Time: October 24th, 3:30PM PST Reason for complaint: Right. This was genuinely one of the worst rounds I've participated in and I don't think I'm alone in that. It was so bad that quite a few people actually cryoed, or expressed a sincere desire to cryo in looc. Lets break down what exactly this was. A merc team of 4 raided the station. They magically (See: Adminbus) constructed a rage cage next to their ship. They somehow managed to kidnap the Head of Security without any injuries. I actually really want clarification on this because word was spreading among medical that they INTENTIONALLY let themselves get caught and CONVENIENTLY basically became the center of the gimmick. Mercs then demanded on radio that the Captain presents 5 crewmembers to fight the head of security to the death. They claim that the winner will receive 10,000 credits and have an opportunity to join their crew despite the station itself being a top of the line research station, with a very strict background check. I should mention again, that this is a research station, so all you're going to find is scientists and doctors. The Captain luckily had an IQ above negative 3 and realised how absolutely retarded this was, and refused to send anyone because of the logistics of it. Regardless of who wins, someone dies. However, despite being a Head of Security, they were saying on radio that this is all okay and this is entirely consensual. In a realistic scenario, regardless of whether or not they had a loyalty implant, would've told the mercs to go fuck themselves. The mercs advertised the recruitment for about 10 minutes. Everyone else in the crew had an IQ above negative 3 and refused to participate in this. One crewmember however, found a moral excuse to help them, and did so. The battle itself took place in a secluded area with someone simply narrating comms. The only spectators to that match were: The mercs, a security officer, the head of security, and the volunteer to fight. No conflict was created to the rest of the crew except for the head of security, the officer, and the volunteer. Many people in LOOC at this point were expressing their boredom and annoyance to this shitty gimmick. No tangible RP was being created. Before the rage cage match was created, the head of security was explosive implanted by the mercs. After the match where the head of security won, they were accidentally detonated by a merc. That merc (Chett) was then shot at by other mercs and then thrown to the security team for some reason. it seemed more like an OOC move than an IC move, honestly, because there was no realistic reason to do that. The other mercs then managed to escape, and then fuck off to their base. The admins then called a crew transfer vote at the 1 hour mark because the round was unsalvageable. The vote passed, however the shittery was not done. For some reason, one of the mercs had a change of heart and decided to return to the station and try and save the other merc. They proceeded to shoot down security after a quick interaction. There wasn't any RP generated for them or the crew around them. They went alone, against 2-3 armed security members, to rescue someone they gave up willingly before. I can say with absolute certainty that it was done because of boredom because this makes absolutely no sense logically, as explained earlier. This gimmick is infamous on Aurorastation. It never works. 99% of the time it never works but I'm being informed that it worked before, but despite it rarely working it's still being done and it's still being a massive failure. No one is learning from this, and I think it's time to put the foot down on these sorts of gimmicks. More generally, we need to shut down unrealistic antags and antag actions. They're a blight on the server and probably one of the top 3 issues with Aurorastation. Everyone is so quick to complain about individual people unrealistically acting like shitters, but when antags have terrible, unrealistic, and unfeasible gimmicks that people don't seem to care too much about despite being a greater issues than the people they complain about in the first place. When an antag unironically asks the crew "Who wants to fight to the death?" and interact with no one else, you're rewarding psychotic behaviour because only psychos will be a part of their gimmick. Note that I am not attacking the players involved, but their actions. I legitimately do not give a shit about the people who do this, but the fact that they're actually doing this. It needs to stop.
  22. Right here are my thoughts on everything presented. 1. Devs or trial devs shouldn't be forced to code things they have no interesting in coding. While trial devs and devs are part of the team, they shouldn't be treated like tools and thrown away when they don't code things you suggest. However if a dev does literally nothing then ofc action should be taken. I don't think there is anything wrong with refusing a loredev's request to code. Devs do it all the time, I was literally told this by the Dionaea loredev where they told me that most devs turned them down as well. I don't understand why I am special, especially when other devs tend to say "Code it yourself." when people ask them to code things they have no interest in coding. 2. Devs should not be obligated to teach you code. It doesn't matter if I'm a staff member or not, I'm not going to teach you how to code. I can provide you resources but if you ping me daily about coding questions I'm going to refer you to the code dungeon. This is literally standard practice for most non-tutors, I will not show you how to code something, but instead provide you the resources on how to do it if you ask nicely. This is especially true when people act selfishly and try very hard to get my attention. 3. Part of developing is finding issues and then coding fixes to solve them. It's incredibly easy to throw insults around attacking my character or my code when I follow the proper procedure in fixing what I think is an issue. I was under the impression that this is my coding style because it's become a fad where if I start playing a new department, that new department ends up getting sweeping changes. I don't know whether or not things are issues until I experience them or they are brought to my attention. 4. Project priorities are rated based on my interest in coding them. I could act like a goldfish at time and abandon other projects, or be dedicated to one. If you suggest something to me that I think is a really good idea, it can actually sometimes be moved to #1 on my list of priorities. If you ask me to code for a race that is a non-issue in its current state while I have 3 other PRs that fundamentally change the gameplay of the server, then chances are I'm not going to add it to my list. and I will redirect you to another dev.
  23. Right. This is quite a lot to respond to, another time, however.
  24. PIs are detectives except they don't work for the local security department. They're usually hired by corporations or people to investigate. That's how it works in real life, and that's how it's going to work. OOCly It's a role for people who aren't obligated to have any responsibilities as a member of security but still want to investigate. It's practically a FT except they have some authority to investigate. Edit: I mean you can totally play FT as a Private Investigator. There are private investigators who don't actually do any stereotypical detective investigation but can do a whole bunch of other specialized work, including exclusively evidence analysis, digitally and physically.
  25. What the title says. I feel Aurorastation really needs to cut down on some of the roles that could be filled by other roles. FT is rarely played and rarely used, and I think that all of it's work and whatnot should be given to the detective instead. An FT literally has the same amount of training as the detective, except for the 4 week sec cadetship requirement. To compensate for the removal of another head to solve in a major case, I suggest adding a Private Investigator role. They're licensed practitioners with the same qualifications as detective, except they don't work for internal security, work independently of NanoTrasen, don't have access to weapons, and don't have access to security records. They don't even have access to security comms. Private investigators will have their own fibre kits, fingerprint scanners, and everything else, but if they want access to security records or a weapon, they'll have to process a request to the Head of Security or the Captain. Private Investigators aren't immune to the law. They're a guest of the station and corporate regulations apply to them. Some can act out of line, but of course, are expected to follow server rules. It wouldn't be unrealistic of a private investigator to obtain security records illegally, however if they get caught, they can easily lose their licence to work on the station. Wikipedia article on private investigators and their role: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_investigator
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