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Everything posted by BurgerBB
See, It was originally going to be coolant before but that meant having to explain the interaction between IPCs and EVA and having to rewrite lore on how IPCs are cooled. It also means that if IPCs don't have enough coolant, then they'll take burn damage. Lube is much better because it just means they move slower.
It's clear that you didn't read the thread and have no interest on reading the thread, let alone contributing. For those who may be thrown off by this message, you do not need the chef in order to quench your thirst. The hunger penalties only kicks in when you absolutely refuse to eat and they will not kill you or damage you. Salt just makes you slightly thirsty, for reference, the saltiest junkfood item contains 6 units of salt, and in order to counter the effects of thirst from that salt, you will need to drink 10u of water.
Yes. I'm adding salt to junkfood as we speak. Are you doing that to indirectly implement your Denied Chef Suggestions from like a week ago? The suggestions weren't denied. Some of them were, not that one. I don't see anything wrong and I don't think anyone else sees anything wrong with adding salt to junkfood.
The lube chamber is public access. Any IPC can access it. What I meant by "no public access lube" is that the lube tank is not public access aka there is no way for people to steal lube. Maybe I'm just dumb, but I don't really get it. Do you have a picture? Because it sounds like it's not public access but it is and IPCs are going to have to drop whatever they're doing to lube up over in robotics.
Alright. So, what is an IPC supposed to do if there is no roboticist or anyone capable of making lube? Is there no alternative? The lube chamber is public access. Any IPC can access it. What I meant by "no public access lube" is that the lube tank is not public access aka there is no way for people to steal lube.
Okay. To add more depth to gameplay, immersion, and roleplay potential, as well as to balance how physical activity affects hunger. Basically your hunger meter won't be affected by running, while your thirst meter will. This means that security won't have to visit the chef more often and won't be affected by junkfood penalties as much if they decide to use the vendor.
To add more depth to gameplay, immersion, and roleplay potential. It also doesn't make sense that we have hunger mechanics but not thirst mechanics.
While adding water sources for outside antags, I realised that ninjas don't exactly have any storage options for water, so I added a new chemical that hydrates people when injected into the bloodstream. If you hydrate yourself too much with this chemical, you start to vomit. Exceptions apply to vaurca since it's made with phoron. Also Coalf, read the thread again, ffs. I've stated that thirst mechanics have the exact same gains as hunger mechanics and chances are that when you eat, you'll be drinking as well.
Yes. I'm adding salt to junkfood as we speak.
Just as an additional note, your rate of becoming thirst is the same as the rate of becoming hungry, except that water and drinks fill you up better than normal food. There are also plans to make it so that hunger is drained less when running around, and more of a passive thing.
IPCs don't actually drink lube. They apply it. They can apply lube to themselves by spraying themselves with it or using the lubing machine near robotics. There is no public access lube unless the roboticist decides to bring out his lube tank. I haven't tested hunger yet but it should be the same as previously, if not longer. Loredevs can make their own prs to adjust thirst rates for species, the tools are there to do so. Some soups can restore hydration in small amounts.
Done. I also spirited a new container.
I completely forgot about antags. I'll add some lube and water to their shuttles.
This is how it works for hunger and thirst. Hunger level will be represented by 0% to 100%, with 0% being no nutrition and 100% being maximum nutrition. Anything about 100% nutrition will be considered overweight. You move 33% slower, and hunger is removed quicker passively. Nothing is affected between levels 100% and 25%. You will get a visual cue at 75% and 50% via the icon system. If you're between 25% and 10%, you move 33% slower. If you're between 10% and 0%, you move 100% slower. If you're at 0%, you move 400% slower. You'll get plenty of warnings beforehand and effects occur if you outright refuse to eat. I added more icons so hunger is easier to determine than "oh shit i'm yellow, oh shit now im red"
Adds thirst mechanics. See the github post for information: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/5255
So security got a huge nerf. Stunning people isn't as easy as it used to be. Removing stuns wasn't as handled well as it needed to be and I think that it needs work, and hopefully this suggestion can help when it comes to a fair implementation. Antags have a ton of access to instant killing/disabling mechanics. The .357 revolver can destroy someone's foot and knock them out. The wizard has like 5 spells that instant disable/kill. The ninja's sword can cut off legs. Cult has a few memes. Raiders have access to maxcap toxins bombs. Cyanide is a meme. Anti Radiation drugs for Dionaea is a meme. Head gibbing with slugs is a meme. EMPs fuck up IPCs a little too well. So here are the suggestions to fix that: - You can only gib/maim/whatever limbs when they've taken enough damage to be considered broken. Meaning that regardless of the damage, it will never be able to gib/maim on the first shot. - Adjust or remove wizard spells so none of them insta-kill. - Rework how missing limb penalties work. On CM you can still move around if you have at least 1 leg. Perhaps look into how gravity code works and make it so that you can move around if you have at least 1 leg and you're attached to something.
[Dismissed] On Community Responsibility for Bugs and Coding Oversights.
BurgerBB replied to Kaed's topic in Rejected Policy
Potential reasons why developers don't fix balance issues/exploits: 1. They don't think it's an issue. 2. They don't think it's their responsibility. 3. They're unaware of the issue. 4. They don't have time to fix the issue. 5. They don't know how to fix the issue. 6. They don't have the motivation to fix the issue. 2 is the most common. 6 is the second most common. 1 is the third most common. When someone complains about a balance issue to me, I don't do anything about it because of 1, 2 and 6. Aurorastation has a ton of balance issues and exploits. An absolute ton. They don't get fixed because it means having to deal with unconstructive player feedback for a handful of people they're tired of hearing from. People are quite keen to result to "you're just salty" when someone exploits a mechanic to your detriment so it's not something I desire touching that much. There is no person in charge of balance, it's basically a community decision which is probably why Aurorastation balance is such a fucking mess. -
Made some changes.
There's actually a feature that exists like this already. If you're inactive for more than 10 minutes it marks you as "inactive" on the crew manifest. I would support dropping that time down to 5 minutes tbh.
Nerfing the baton is an incredibly bad idea considering how nerfed security is already with the stun reworks. The scales in terms of balance are already so tipped towards antags, I couldn't support a baton nerf. Consider the security borg as well. They get a flash, a baton, and a taser. Flashes are weak and poorly implemented, tasers are weak as shit, batons are their only hope at actually arresting/defending themselves.
Yeah library needs to be moved. Fully support this. The reason why I haven't done this myself is because it's easier said than done. The library is pretty large, and hydroponics is much smaller. Simply moving the design of the library to where hydroponics is requires science and the chapel to lose some of its own space.
Aurorastation isn't balanced at all for combat since it's an HRP, especially when it comes to one of the least played races. There is a way to reliably kill Dionaea and it's that new anti-rad medication that doesn't make any sense. To reliably kill a Dionaea is an entirely different story because that's their gimmick. They're slow as fuck as a result of them having a second life. To actually kill a Dionaea requires you to have intent to kill a dionaea. If you're not actually trying to kill a Dionaea, you won't kill them. To kill a Dionaea, you need to take 2 things away from them: - Heat - Light Get a freezeray. Turn off all the lights. Shoot them with a freeze ray and they're fucked. Due to an oversight or a feature, Dionaea lose a fuckton of nutrition due to being cold. Hell, if you want to be the ultimate homosexual, you should've shot their feet off with a laser rifle since those are guaranteed to have no armor.
More Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/9IJq4BP The Cargo Lobby will have more tables added to it. it looks pretty barren.
PR is up: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/5213
[Dismissed] Adjust Server Settings to Reflect Summer Drop
BurgerBB posted a topic in Rejected Policy
What the title says. The server is now suffering from lowpop summer drop as everyone is admitting and currently I think the server's settings need to change to reflect this. Things that should change: - Giving jobs getting additional access (JOBS_HAVE_MINIMAL_ACCESS in config). In most servers, the chef would get access to the bar and kitchen during lowpop but this is disabled by config. - Server secret weights. It's just going to be mostly be ling, cult, malf, ninja, rev, vampire, wizard. I'm pretty sure that these are actually the voted worst gamemodes. In the last few days, there have been an insane amount of ling rounds. - Quite possible blacklisting security from being antags (PROTECT_ROLES_FROM_ANTAGONIST in config) so that security can protect the station. This is probably a terrible idea but it's something I found and could possibly warrant discussion. - Lower the amount of major events that occur during rounds such as meteor storms and spiders (EVENT_CUSTOM_START_MAJOR in config).