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Everything posted by BurgerBB

  1. I mean it's entirely possible but it's a lot of work. Sprites and code included. Basically you're implementing Mech Code 2: Electric Boogaloo and Rig Code 3: Boogaloo Returns into one giant spin off. I don't know if anyone would pick this project up.
  2. Fixing this meme of blaming stress on your actions as antag can be solved by removing the association that you "win" as an antag if you complete your made up objectives. The only time someone should win as an antag is that if they made the round interesting.
  3. There are several mods and admins on the administration team who have polarizing views of conflict and, for that matter, what HRP is. There are several situations where I've been in where an antag did something shit and was told it was fine by one group of admins, and another group of admins says it isn't fine. Not that I did any admin shopping but I tend to discuss things that happened in rounds, and sometimes those turn into arguments about whether or not that conflict was acceptable. This doesn't help with how vague the rules are pretty vague and up to interpretation. There are two huge things up to interpretation of the admin: "What is considered believable conflict?" "What are the roleplay standards of this server?" These change daily depending on the current players playing and the current staff moderating. Something a player does might be considered fine on a tuesday but banworthy on a thursday. It's inconsistent and may have players feeling like there is bias at play or that there is no sense of order when it comes to moderation.
  4. I don't understand how shade was thrown and how that example accurately describes the situation. Saying "I will cryo if the antags are bad." on a secret round at minute 0 is a dumb comment but not throwing shade. A better example would be me saying out loud "If there are bad drivers on the way to work I'm going to lose it." and a neighbor using that as an excuse to insult me.
  5. A plan I had was to introduce other medications that act as a painkiller, but are cosmetic. They can't put you out of paincrit, but it suppresses pain messages.
  6. Currently there are 0 standards for what constitutes for a prescription because literally anyone can put their own prescription in. Despite providing a robust array of antidepressants, here are some of the things that I've seen requested: Tramadol, 5u-10u Paracetamol, 5u-10u Dylovene, 5u-10u Iron Pills, 5u-10u Tricordrazine, 5u-20u (Talked to them in looc about it) Potent, difficult to make, antipsychotics given in Mental Institutions I've ahelped some of these but it was deemed okay because it didn't break any realism or powergaming rules, and I've talked to some of these people looc depending on whether or not I was in the mood to argue with people to explain how some of these medications hog vital ingredients (carbon, acetone, iron) or how the medication itself was very difficult to make intentionally because it's an incredibly potent antipsychotic. And people do powergame with these medications. Someone with a Paracetamol prescription said "I don't need any painkillers, I'll just use my prescription" after being injured. I've seen iron pills be taken by people who were bitten by vampires and go "Oh, my iron deficiency issues must be acting up!" I could imagine someone downing a bottle of tricord or dylovene when in near crit to save themselves. So on top of a planned prescription rework, I highly recommend that a policy change on what constitutes appropriate medication is implemented as well. This needs to be deliberated upon so I know which medications to included that are covered through NanoTrasen's health plan. My proposed criteria is a simple criteria: It must be a low to moderate strength mental medication and/or entirely cosmetic. No more iron pills. No more dylovene. No more ACTUAL painkillers. Cosmetic medication only.
  7. There will be no handheld versions implemented in this PR. I'm also hesitant about adding a merchant one because I don't know where to put it.
  8. I genuinely think you're here just to be malicious considering the only arguments you have put forward is "look at these posts" without explaining the significance of these posts, even after I asked you to clarify your points. You really need to stop doing this. You've done this multiple times and even admitted you like riling people up before via arguments and I think that I'm going to bring this back on topic by pointing out that another reason for a shifted community is that people don't know how to present and respond to criticisms and arguments. This isn't youtube. This is us trying to create a functioning server. There are people on here who like to overreact to criticisms, myself sometimes included, and I believe that's a problem within itself. When you present a problem to someone, and what they do to address the problem is spew insults or play around with the person, then the person who is giving the criticism feels like they're being ignored and therefor powerless to stop it. I'm not asking people to write an essay-length university level response when it comes to why they disagree with something, but I'm asking people to actually not be a dick when responding. The power of this effect is quadrupled when the person involved is staff and has some say over what happens in the server behavior wise as well as code wise in some cases. Yes, this is the internet, but yes this is a community that I would like not to be filled with assholes. Now I have to be an asshole and assume what you mean because I have received little clarification of your points. When I said I don't feel like interacting with anyone because common channel is filled with hostility and general depression, what I meant was that my motivation to interact with anyone is at a very decreased level. I don't feel motivated to go out and go around the station when most of the people who are currently involved in the round are involving themselves in overly unstable depression/anxiety/anger RP. I'm putting myself in the shoes of a new player, and if I saw that sort of shit, I would straight up steer the fuck clear of those people like I would in real life or probably leave the server. I wouldn't care too much if this scenario was an anomaly, but as I said I could mention like 6 players off the top of my head who behaves in this sort of way and just makes interacting with them unpleasant. A sane person would clearly say "But those people aren't solely the focus of the round." and you would be right, but given this current "culture" of command and security acting like hardcore military kids who shield the station from any fart an antag makes so you don't know who's part of the round. Always on announcements, it's "We're moving to code blue because of an unconfirmed threat to the station. The ISD will dealing with this. Please remain in your departments." Something needs to change. I'm willing to change as well, I've been changing and been taking breaks as a chemist and going around the station to the bar. I've been begrudgingly doing prescriptions after finding an optimization technique in making them. I've been trying to speak more over common, and I believe it is working because a lot of people seem to care about Diamond with Flaw surviving considering I always have people bring me flares and lanterns when issues come up. There are some things I can't change, such as other people, so I encourage them to look at their own flaws and see how they can improve them and whether or not a new player would stay away from them or engage with them.
  9. Yes, Diamond with Flaw, a literal emotionless tree, and Marwani, a walking lesbian meme, is an emotional rollercoaster who frequently acts hostile towards other crew members on common. If you could explain how that isn't the case I would be happy to improve upon either characters.
  10. If you're trying to perform a gotcha with those two quotes it's not going to work. I will not go out of my way to interact with characters who are overly emotional, depressive, and unrealistic. There is absolutely nothing wrong with me doing this, and me doin this does not contribute to any problem whatsoever because I will STILL interact with them if I have to. There is a problem with these characters who are in circles who then use this emotional rollercoaster to make 90% of the round about them and generally act hostile icly and oocly to new and existing characters. If I joined Aurorastation for the first time on one of these rounds where most of these types of characters are prevalent, I would probably never join again and move onto another station, which I actually did. I absolutely love new players, especially shitposters who mix things up. I've posted this on reddit a lot where MRP people join as new characters and do MRP things and it's just so fucking great. They're usually super friendly icly and oocly, super creative as well, but they usually end up breaking rules or just not coming back because they have other servers to play on. I end up catching depression immediately after the next round when the first thing I hear over common is something I can hear two damaged children on the playground discussing. I think we need to implement Aurora High as a containment zone because of this.
  11. You forgot to put something here.
  12. In terms of cross-departmental interaction, there has been no changes that would discourage that, a significant amount of PRs have actually relied more on cross-departmental interaction. I think the map is not an issue but it certainly doesn't help. There are some occupations and roles on the server that just outright prevent socialization. Medical and security never really get any socialization. Engineering and supply gets inter-departmental socialization. Service gets "people who bother to go to the bar" socialization. I genuinely mostly blame the players for this issue. People are generally hostile and unwelcoming of new players, and existing players to the point where they feel it's necessary to form metacliques. People also tend to create characters who are incredibly hostile or depressive with either mental disorders or just assholish; I'm not singling out anyone because I could think of like 8 characters who have this trait and are always on the station. tl;dr I don't feel like interacting with anyone when most of common chatter is just absolutely fucking garbage and filled with snowflakes who scream at other players.
  13. It's very easy to dismiss a bad attitude and a bad situation with "I was just being sarcastic" and not take responsibility for something you said. It's much hard when you were frequently being rude and disrespectful throughout the encounter. It's quite literally on par with the "I was pretending to be retarded" defense when your behavior causes issues. And just because you weren't directly spoken to doesn't mean there was a problem. I theorize that the admin at the time didn't really want to deal with anything given how they simply told everyone in ooc to chill and then close the ticket without saying another word, but I digress. As for the "I pulled the staff" and "I have things going on", you are seriously taking that out of context. OOC: BurgerBB: I don't listen to aggressive people. OOC: FreshRefreshments: Burger, im going to fucking murder you for nothing. Are you prepared for this death, little man? OOC: VTCobaltblood: but i was aggressive burger and now you're responding to me OOC: VTCobaltblood: :^) OOC: Stationcrab: whoa OOC: DasFox: Better ditch the server man, half of us are 'aggressive'. OOC: BurgerBB: Why would I ditch the server? OOC: ParadoxSpace: can you guys be a little less bitchy OOC: Menown: i'm on it. OOC: ParadoxSpace: being bitchy and sarcastic is not a personality OOC: BurgerBB: I'm literally dev. OOC: Butterrobber202: paradox OOC: Butterrobber202: send queen nudezzz OOC: Menown: hi paradox OOC: BurgerBB: I literally have like 5 ongoing projects. OOC: ParadoxSpace: hi butter i need to ask a favor of you OOC: DasFox: We don't really care, Burger. OOC: Butterrobber202: hi OOC: Bauser: Rank in the server doesn't necessarily have a causal link with a willingness to ditch it OOC: DasFox: Again, if you can't see sarcasm. For some reason you mentioned "Better ditch the server man, half of us are 'aggressive'."' and that could either of meant that you thought that I was planning to leave the server, you wanted me to leave the server, or you're referencing some other garbage that problem-people commonly use to get me to leave (spoiler alert, they're all banned/gone). To dispel whatever the hell you said, I mentioned that it would be stupid to leave given that I have several projects in progress as well as that I had a dev position on the server. This isn't me saying "Unga bunga, I'm a dev, listen to me treat me with respect." or "I HAVE THINGS GOING ON BE NICE TO ME.", those were just points in another argument. And to reiterate on another point, again I can see you saying something stupid and then going "I'm just being sarcastic!" when called out for you behavior or whatever you said and then went "I don't see how you can see sarcasm!" I don't know how you see this as an issue.
  14. So you're saying we could still technically get overhydrated even now? If we match the nutrition with how hydration is (i.e. being able to drink as much as we'd like) that's fine. If someone is going to clear a counter, it's going to get cleared. The chubbiness and getting fat and slow is fine, that's great, I like that. But not being able to force any more food down is bad, I don't like that, I've only eaten four slices of pizza. You can't get overhydrated. I removed that as well as increased the hydration cap.
  15. Overnutrition was implemented before thirst/hunger changes, and was likely implemented because people would completely ignore hunger penalties by just consuming everything in sight. A better idea would to be increase the amount of nutrition someone could consume much like I did with hydration.
  16. BYOND Key: BurgerBB Game ID: bXr-dfy5 Player Byond Key: Butterrobber202, DasFox, Bauser Staff involved: TheDocOct Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? Yes, TheDocOct told everyone to chill in OOC and closed the ticket. Approximate Date/Time: November 21st, 2018 Reason for complaint: This is very awkward to make since I'm staff but I feel that this complaint is needed. I genuinely feel that when I engage with these three users, they're not here to contribute to a conversation, but instead, to benefit their own desires. While it may be easy to say that all of this is just friendly banter, I believe that there is a fine line that exists that marks the threshold between friendly banter and being a dick. While developers are held to a higher standard and should ignore attempts at instigation, I strongly feel that context should be taken into account before judging such a thing, such as the frequency of a single person attempting to cause issues. Unfortunately, I personally have very little recorded evidence of these three users actively causing issues except for the logs. The beauty of being a sane human being is that you don't take a screenshots of someone every time you insult you; only when it is the last straw. I believe that now is the last straw. The round just started and I didn't feel that motivated to play as it was the morning and I had projects to work on, so I made a remark that I shouldn't have. OOC: BurgerBB: I legitimately don't know why I joined. OOC: Bauser: Muscle memory? OOC: BurgerBB: if the antags this round are garbage im cryoing OOC: BurgerBB: *dab OOC: Tbear13: as god intended OOC: Butterrobber202: burger thats you every round OOC: Butterrobber202: "I have serious complaints about this round" OOC: BurgerBB: I've never cryo'd before. OOC: DasFox: That's. Literally a lie. OOC: BurgerBB: I mean due to bad antags OOC: Butterrobber202: >10 PR's show up nerfing X OOC: DasFox: ^^^ OOC: BurgerBB: Are you here to contribute something or are you just going to throw shade needlessly. OOC: Butterrobber202: yes OOC: Butterrobber202: my contribution is shade OOC: DasFox: You were throwing shade too my guy. 'Im just going to cryo if that antags are garbage'. OOC: DasFox: Dont talk shit then bitch about getting shit talked to. OOC: BurgerBB: I throwed shade on a possibility. OOC: BurgerBB: Not on a person. I basically said the equivalent of "I will be mad if the antags are bad." and that was received by these two users as me preemptively talking shit about the antags, (who've done nothing yet, 8 minutes in) and justification for starting a triade about how I'm an awful person. OOC: DasFox: This is also the internet and noone gives a fuck. OOC: DasFox: So w/e. OOC: BurgerBB: Wew. OOC: BurgerBB: Then perhaps you should stop giving a fuck about what I say if you don't think that politeness matters when bringing up concerns to someone. I got a little annoyed here when they said the equivalent of "I don't care" when I told them that I was not meaning to insult a person. OOC: Tbear13: be nice my dudes OOC: BurgerBB: I am. OOC: Tbear13: just a reminder OOC: DasFox: 'nice' is relative based on the person, so. OOC: BurgerBB: I'm just telling people that I'm not going to listen to people's concerns regarding code or my very own concerns if they act hostile. OOC: DasFox: 'hostile'. OOC: Tbear13: but my opinion is the only onee that matters fox OOC: BurgerBB: I said I would cryo if the antags were garbage. OOC: Bauser: So, if you cryo, you're throwing shade on people OOC: DasFox: ^ OOC: Bauser: multiple people probably OOC: BurgerBB: Yes. OOC: BurgerBB: Notice how I have not cryo'd. OOC: DasFox: IT's been eight minutes. I'm taking time out of my day to respond to them saying that I didn't mean to insult anyone and attempted to explain the rationale of me saying what I said. I thought it would be necessary to explain the logic of what I said, and argue against the logic of what they're saying, considering I didn't want to offend anyone. OOC: Mwhit030: infiltration confirmed OOC: DasFox: RIP. OOC: BurgerBB: "I will complain if the antags are bad." OOC: ParadoxSpace: all 3 of you are gay tbh OOC: Tbear13: ,g thralling burger and telling him to not cryo so we can malf OOC: DasFox: You're not wrong. OOC: BurgerBB: Is not throwing shade. OOC: Bauser: I have a hunch that you'll complain even if the antags aren't bad The solution begins to bubble. OOC: DasFox: ^ OOC: BurgerBB: Well that is your opinion. At this point I'm starting to realise that just perhaps that these people aren't here to be friendly and rather soapbox about me and issues regarding me. I should've stopped here, but I didn't because I'm not very smart. OOC: DasFox: You complain to complain, same as everyone else. OOC: DasFox: Just a fact of life. OOC: Butterrobber202: actually its a hunch burger OOC: BurgerBB: I do not. OOC: Butterrobber202: owo OOC: BurgerBB: If I complained just to complain then I wouldn't actively be trying to improve the server. OOC: DasFox: That's not exactly what complaining means, no. OOC: DasFox: You can improve something and complain about it. OOC: Hocka: I can see where this one might be going, oh boy OOC: Bauser: I think the best way to improve the server is to let Schev be Captain Lyakushka Dor-Duran every round OOC: Butterrobber202: hey burger, remember that thing we're never going to let you live down? OOC: Butterrobber202: coughs in beef jerky heart attack OOC: BurgerBB: I'm just trying to help you guys. OOC: Butterrobber202: that does not change the fact that whole update was hilarious OOC: Butterrobber202: the bodies OOC: DasFox: ^ OOC: BurgerBB: By saying I literally won't be listening to you if you show hostility. OOC: Butterrobber202: horrifying at the time OOC: Butterrobber202: but OOC: Butterrobber202: funny now OOC: BurgerBB: If you want your complaints to be heard, don't be a dick. OOC: Bauser: What if they're hostile because your attempts to help are flagrantly unhelpful I believe I think this is the strongest paragraph in argument that these three people aren't here to be nice. I'm not asking the admins or players to enforce a nanny state and say nothing in order to not trigger anyone, but when you consider their previous actions on the forums, in ooc, and on discord, I think that this is becoming a serious issue. I'm also noticing that in this community "You complain just to complain!" is an non-argument that's disguised as an argument to dissuade anyone from voicing their opinions. I feel is a huge concern in this community, and really in general, reality. Instead of people arguing points, it's just attacking the person making the complaint while attempting to explain that "No, you're actually in the wrong!" when you bring up concerns about people misbehaving during arguments and justifying hostility because of it. At this point the argument dies down and the hostility is attempted to be revitalize using more hostility. OOC: BurgerBB: I don't listen to aggressive people. OOC: FreshRefreshments: Burger, im going to fucking murder you for nothing. Are you prepared for this death, little man? OOC: VTCobaltblood: but i was aggressive burger and now you're responding to me OOC: VTCobaltblood: :^) OOC: Stationcrab: whoa OOC: DasFox: Better ditch the server man, half of us are 'aggressive'. OOC: BurgerBB: Why would I ditch the server? OOC: ParadoxSpace: can you guys be a little less bitchy OOC: Menown: i'm on it. OOC: ParadoxSpace: being bitchy and sarcastic is not a personality OOC: BurgerBB: I'm literally dev. OOC: Butterrobber202: paradox OOC: Butterrobber202: send queen nudezzz OOC: Menown: hi paradox OOC: BurgerBB: I literally have like 5 ongoing projects. OOC: ParadoxSpace: hi butter i need to ask a favor of you OOC: DasFox: We don't really care, Burger. OOC: Butterrobber202: hi OOC: Bauser: Rank in the server doesn't necessarily have a causal link with a willingness to ditch it OOC: DasFox: Again, if you can't see sarcasm. Most of the bad stuff stops here. DasFox when on to say that no one insulted me and that the argument was my fault because I started it. At this point I ahelped and just stopped talking in OOC. I'm just finding it a little concerns that these 3 people are known to cause issues. Even Bauser mentions that he's banned from the discord and forums, and the only place he's not banned is on the server itself. I've been told that DasFox and Butterrobber also have a history of hostility.
  17. Don't mention me for stuff like this. The unfortunate thing with suggestion forums is that devs choose to work on projects they choose to work on, and don't take it up unless they want to take it up.
  18. I saw a problem in gameplay so now I'm fixing it. Regardless of whether or not people will do this again, it should be implemented.
  19. Simple suggestion. Since there are practically zero doctors, it would make sense to pay doctors more since there is a lack of trained medical professionals.
  20. They'll be able to be destroyed as well as depowered via APC.
  21. Right I got home from university and discovered there was uproar about exploiting telescience to end rounds early or steal items easily. I didn't see most of the discussion however, the issue was brought to dev chat. The solution we came up with is a powered machine that nullifies bluespace incoming signals and pushes them somewhere else. It's like a radio jammer for bluespace. The generator will cover an area the size of the screen, so anything that teleports into that area is "pushed" out by rerouting their direction, and anything that is meant to be teleported from the area will instead take items from another tile instead. The machine itself is unique and cannot be produced by science, yet. 3 of these machines will exist on the map. One in the vault. One in the AI core. One in the armory. This will affect all non-admin sources of teleportation including ninja teleport, wizard teleport, telescience teleport, and bluespace dust teleport. PR: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/5652
  22. "Not enough players" can mean 1 of 2 things. 1. Not enough players readied up for a round. 2. Even with the voting draft, they couldn't find enough people for a gamemode since not enough people voted for it. 1 happens more than 2, but 2 happens very rarely and what you are referring to. It happens a lot with cult because of IPC players, antag bans, and lowpop.
  23. How many additional spawnpoints are getting put down? Also, honestly, I think placing it smack dead in the middle of a department or nearby one would be decent. Give it a chance to eat up all the equipment, leaving actual repairs to equipment and station interior instead of just.. Building hundreds of feet of steel wall. Noone likes that shit. Also in the spirit of not dicking the station and crew completely when there's noone to combat it, maybe have it restricted to a certain crew number or department number on Engineering/security? There will be no spawn markers. It will be similar to the vermin infestation event where it picks a random, unoccupied area. Also a previous PR addressed the issue of blobs spawning with 0 sec or engineering.
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