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Everything posted by BurgerBB

  1. Emagging turrets causes them to fire at EVERYONE at lethal intent regardless of turret settings. An admin gave them incorrect advice.
  2. I'm very disappointed that this went nowhere despite the attitudes present in ooc and in this thread regarding the purpose of the ERT, especially given the context clues that occured in the round. I'm speaking of course of the common Aurorastation traitor meta where they rob the hazard suit and purchase revolvers from the uplink, instagib the limbs, and then fart away. The holding of a rifle is kind of a null argument considering that, with a properly equipped ERT, they cannot holster it. If you expect an ERT to drop their weapon in this situation, then that's dumb as heck and it would've likely occurred anyways, but I am talking theoreticals. Well it seems like I'm just going to shoot on sight antags for now on if they've murdered someone before, unless they openly surrender. Absolute shame that this behavior is deemed okay.
  3. That was sort of the plan. I don't know if anyone gives an actual fuck about cardemon, but this was meant to be an improvement over that stuff. They both have the same concept, which is randomized monsters, but mine with be stupidly in-depth.
  4. I'll be making a very basic starter pack as a loadout item. Given my general dislike for pay to win, and my tendency for put commentary in my work, if you wish to have better cards you're going to have to fork over credits. I do not have any ideas for hackable vendor cards. Perhaps if a vendor is hacked, it can dispense a single guaranteed legendary card or perhaps a more meme-centered card pack. For example, I already have sprites for a clown deck where they use pies and bananas to defeat someone.
  5. Since I'm bored as heck I'm deciding to code this in. It's a Yu-Gi-Oh clone that's redesigned to be less headache inducing than most card games out there. It's meant to be straight forward, and so simple that a child could pick it up and play it. All the magic/trap cards are going to be very simple, and won't involve crazy shit such as card-swapping, duplicating, or easily exploitable stuff that may cause headaches when playing. The cards themselves will be completely randomly generated. The way it will work is pick a prefix, pick a name, and then pick a title, then generate a monster based on that title. For example, Dark Unathi Defender the Great will generate a card with dark powers, high defense, and will be a high level rarity card. That name will consistently generate the same stats, keywords, and effects across sessions, as each part of the name gives it a certain stat. The card's worth/rarity is also generated. Some cards will not be randomly generated and will be already premade so that players can get used to commonly used magic/trap cards. Resurrection cards or draw cards will be premade. The generation will be scaled, meaning that you won't be getting too many insane cards in your card pack. Cards can be purchased from a library vending machine that I will be adding. Crew can spent all their hard-earned money on purchasing card packs, hoping to get legendary cards. It will cost roughly 500 credits for a basic 52 card starter pack, and 200 credits for a 10 card booster pack that guarantees a rare card. All the cards will be easy to read and understand. The cards have large print, and can be read from a distance, and the way the cards snap to tables will be modified so it uses a grid system. Traitors will be able to purchase a blank modifiable card for 1C that allows them to make their own card. Perhaps in the future I can make it so that the wizards can make the cards come to life as hostile, soul-hungry demons. Perhaps I can make it so that ult has to obtain a super rare legendary Nar'sie card and 9 people in order to summon Nar'sie. I'm currently done the following: Code: 20% Sprites: 90% Game Rules: 70% super duper important lore: 0% Rules can be seen here. They're a work in progress and will be edited frequently: https://docs.google.com/document/d/130EgP98c66vPuWIvfAaWRQSI7GFyYY9wCZ9CI9Wbr3s/edit?usp=sharing
  6. In my defense, I wasn't in the round I just heard people complaining about bad AI players and I remembered I had this suggestion in the back of my thread. And it's not about bad AI players. It's about AI players generally ruining rounds because they're doing their job. Good AI players can ruin rounds because they have an eye over the entire station, suit sensors, and every alarm system on the station. And the suggestion itself is a test similar to Bay's "Remove AI for a week and see what happens" idea. It's purely meant to make players realise that rounds go differently when there is no AI and spread awareness of the AI being a joke roll.
  7. Good luck finding someone to port it. It's been suggested a lot and contributors can't be bothered to port it. No one likes doing ports like that especially with such a system.
  8. Tbh these are actually pretty annoying to read in spoilers.
  9. The reason why I'm proposing this instead of an AI balance change is because I want others to notice rounds without AI. Hell, I'm in full support of a round where AI is removed for a week.
  10. Hunters must track down VIPs and extract information from them via chemical injection, the only problem? The Hunters don't know who the victims are. At least 2 hunters are chosen at round start. These two hunters are crewmembers who are tasked with tracking down a VIP and extracting information from them. Hunters know that there are other hunters that may be out there, and like autotraitor, they may be willing to work with you... or against you. Every single crewmember, except for hunters, have the potential of being a VIP. For every hunter, there are 5 potential VIPs. Each VIP is assigned a trigger phrase, that's randomly generated. If the VIP hears the trigger phrase, they will scream and suddenly gain the knowledge that they're the VIP. Hunters will SPECIFICALLY know that twitching and scream means they are the one. VIPs will however, only scream on the first mention, and twitch on subsequent mentions. VIPs will remember that they are tasked in keeping a special number absolutely secret, and that there are Hunters out to get that number. Failure to keep it in secrecy will result in... consequences... Each hunter is given a list of 5 trigger phrases. Each individual trigger phrase will trigger a predetermined random individual crewmember into becoming a VIP if the phrase matches. Due to super secret arbitrary magic, if there are more VIPs than half the hunters, then trigger words will no longer work on non-VIPs for the rest of the round. All VIPs know the account number of THE bank account that contains 500 million credits. All hunters know the pin number. The information from a VIP can be extracted using a special torture chemical that works if the victim is handcuffed, conscious, and buckled/resting/sideways on something for at least 30 seconds. The correct number will automatically be spewed out. The special torture chemical can be purchased from traitor uplinks. Yes, all the hunters will have access to traitor gear. Special rules will need to be implemented for this gamemode to prevent exploits and/or stupidity. VIPs are completely allowed to valid/gank Hunters who they know they're hunters. Hunters cannot kill VIPs because VIPs contain vital information that the hunters need to know. VIPs are tasked with protecting the cash at all costs. These rules will prevent scenarios such as: - Hunters misunderstanding their objective completely and murderboning a VIP, or allowing them to come in harm's way. - Hunters blurting out a trigger phrase over common radio. This will only cause the VIP to know they are the VIP, and allow the VIP to assassinate the Hunter. - VIPs willingly giving out the secret pin to hunters in exchange for favors. This would be like playing heist and telling sec where your team is at all time. Winners are determined by how much money each person has on their person and in their bank account. Everyone who did not escape on the shuttle or escape pods are disregarded. If the 500 million bank account was untouched, it will say the VIPs won. Otherwise, it will list the top 3 people with over 100 million credits in their bank account and their person. If in the rare, but possible case, that the 500 million bank account was drained, but no one has more than 100 million, it will say that everyone loses. If in the case that a VIP has 500 million or higher, it will result in a humiliating hunter defeat. If the station accounts have more money than any of the hunters, it will say that NanoTrasen won. There will be safeties in place for in scenarios where the round turns into extended. If a VIP has not been discovered at the hour mark, central will send a command report of 5 new potential trigger words and a list of 10 new potential trigger victims, with 5 of those being fake/mismatches.
  11. It's a big problem that's worth tackling however I have a different take on it. I wouldn't necessarily blame command for it, or even security, I think they share part of the blame but most of the problem exists entirely within antags. During this summer, as quartermaster, I've had 0 meaningful antag interaction. The most interaction I've gotten in a round is a heist round where command staff were using the mining airlock to setup a hostage negotiation that I wasn't even aware of until the very last minute. Things are so bad that I've labeled myself as the doorman of Cargo because my roll during crisis situation is letting security into cargo so they can deal with raiders or whatever. It's depressing as hell, and I honestly was writing a guide for new players that mentions that players should pick Cargo Techs as their first job instead of assistant because no one likes new players who are assistants, and cargo techs do not have any interaction with antags. Antags avoid service like the plague for some reason despite it being a really good place for antags. Cargo has a 20 minute window where you can steal some pretty good shit from the cargo warehouse. A lot of good stuff spawns, including combat shields, voice changing masks, swords, materials, and random chemicals. The quartermaster has access/information the service department account so you can steal 5000 to 50,000 credits if you get them to cooperate. Unfortunately money is quite meaningless so I guess that's meaningless too. I have an idea for antag objectives that involves interaction with other departments. I think I'll be posting about it right now.
  12. Then perhaps this should be changed to a community complaint because what I'm reading is that everyone wants things to be different but they continue to contribute to the problem because it takes more than 1 person to change the attitude regarding the purpose of the ERT. See now what's happening to me is that despite doing what was intended as ERT, I am punished for it. If I was like most players I would then say "Well next time I'll shoot and ask questions later." and then contribute to the problem.
  13. BYOND Key: BurgerBB Game ID: bVz-dzmT Player Byond Key: Kyres Staff involved: Ahelped Yonnimer but it was unclear if anything at all was done. More things occured after the ahelp, however. Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? Yes, but it was uncertain if any action was taken. Approximate Date/Time:July 28th, 2018 5:30PM PST Reason for complaint: I don't even know really what specifically to focus on in this complaint since this incident has just been depressing as it's part of a larger problem in Aurorastation. ERT was called for an unknown reason. An AI was telecoms griefing so it was impossible to know exactly what was happening. A general announcement was made asking any hostiles to stand down, if there were any. We met with the Captain and some security force stragglers. We gathered information on the situation and it was reported that the Head of Personnel was armed, shooting at people, and stole some high value items from the vault. We went to medical to take care of people who were injured. At the time, I spotted the Head of Personnel in a hazard suit and flagged them. They ran away in maintenance. I opened the door and then they proceeded to open fire without a word. Specifically targeting my feet and hands with the .357 revolver, incapacitating me for the rest of the round. I did not fire a lethal shot at all during that, and only fired my ion rifle at his hardsuit in self defense to prevent them from causing any further damage. If I wanted to take them down, I would've used the door charges that I brought with me to do it. I would've opened the door and threw a grenade, hell at the very basic minimum, I could've opened the door and just shot at their feet; but I didn't because ERT do not exist to validhunt. I ahelped it and I wasn't really sure if anything was dealt with. Yomminer told me that they shot me because they believed that I would shoot them back. They were quite sympathetic to them fucking up however I don't think anything was done. I then confronted the HoP in ooc about it. BurgerBB: >be ERT, tell the antag to stop, they whip out a .357 and shoot both of my hands and feet BurgerBB: >HRP Kyres1: you're ERT BurgerBB: Now I will make a note to just shoot antags on sight I guess??? BurgerBB: And the cycle of shit continues. Kyres1: thats... what most ERTs do??? BurgerBB: You literally just. Kyres1: that round was filled with lrp shitters it was ridiculous BurgerBB: Open fired on ERt. BurgerBB: While the ERT were doing things peaceful. Kyres1: welcome to playing ERT!!!! BurgerBB: ERT don't exist to valid. Kyres1: you're super power rangers!!! BurgerBB: Read the rules. Kyres1: yes they do!! Kyres1: burger Kyres1: the very concept of ERT is ghosts spawning with the most powerful gear in the game explicitly to valid Kyres1: you have no incentive to remain alive BurgerBB: It literally isn't. BurgerBB: ERT is supposed to provide RP to the round. Kyres1: have you ever seen an ERT provide rp? BurgerBB: A bad ERT goes on a validhunt. BurgerBB: Yes, yes I have. BurgerBB: Its your fear of shitty ERT that caused you to be a dick and valid me. BurgerBB: HoP was robust but that does not excuse the "Unga Bunga shoot on sight." Kyres1: i did not shoot on sight anybody tbh Kyres1: besides the ERT Overall this is a very depressing view of the ERT and their antag actions are very questionable especially given their "strats" during the round. While obtaining the best stuff at your disposal isn't against the rules, nor should it be, but I think it paints a serious picture of someone when they run into an issue like this when they obtain the best armor available to them, and use the .357 limb targeting strat to take down someone, while also saying this in OOC. This sort of attitude isn't good for HRP and I pray that it's nipped in the bud if it hasn't bloomed into an ugly sunflower, yet.
  14. Well I believe that this issue of AIs pretty much running rounds for doing their job needs to be addressed and fixed. The reason why I'm suggesting this specific fix in the first place so that people are more aware of the issue; if they notice that a lack of AI makes for better gameplay/RP then people might support additional AI limitations. it's like what they did with that other server; they removed AI for a week to see how the gameplay differs. Not sure the results of that were. A fix I had in mind for months is that there is a considerable delay when it comes to AI interfacing with doors. Something like a 1 second delay for opening/shocking/bolting/whatever doors is an idea I have.
  15. AIs can ruin rounds just by how good they are. All it takes is them bolting you in a room and you're fucked. In MRP, this was fine because everyone had toolboxes and knew how to hack, but in HRP you'd be pushing your character's skillsets if you weren't an engineer. Another issue is cameras, where the AI can track your movement easily while in certain areas other than maint, if you were to go elsewhere you would have to destroy cameras, which cause alarms if you break it or disable it without cutting that one specific wire first. I propose that AIs have a percent chance to spawn based on the round's type. The percentages were randomly pulled out of my ass based on factors such as chaos created by antags and are not a reflection of the final implementation. On extended, they have a 100% chance to spawn. On crossfire, 75% On autotraitor, 50%. On ninja, 50% On changeling, 50% On cult, 50% On merc/raider, 50% On traitor, 25%. On revolution, 25% On vampire, 25% On MALF, 0% because fuck this gamemode tbh fam
  16. Yes, I will need to prepare the server for the unlikely scenario of 10 antags on a station because there are 100 players. So, the system will account for a: Flat minimum value; you need this amount of antags to start the game Flat maximum value; do not create any more than this amount of antags Dynamic minimum value: x% of players must be antags to start the game. Dynamic maximum value: do not create any more antags if x% of the crew are already antags. I was actually thinking of spawning random traitors (perhaps a ninja, perhaps just giving someone vamp or traitor) if more players join the server, however that will need approval.
  17. The numbers haven't even been debated yet and you're already calling this shit. This addition literally adjusts the amount of antags based on players playing. There will be no such thing as "too many antags" or "not enough antags"
  18. As it turns out there is actually already a limiter of antags per crewmembers, however it is not applied to all gamemodes, and it only worries about MAXIMUMS not MINIMUMS, which means that it will only limit the amount of antags. For clarification, the current system works like this: Compare the readied up player count to the required number of players. If there are less players than the required amount, then do not start the game. Compare the amount of antag-enabled players for that specific gamemode to the require amount of antags. If there are less players than the required amount, then do not start the game. Randomly distribute antag status to random players who have antag status enabled, limit it based on the amount of players playing. The amount of antags is flat and isn't adjusted based on how many players are playing or how many crewmembers are readied up. My implementation would be like this: Compare the readied up player count to the required number of players. If there are less players than the required amount, then do not start the game. Compare the amount of antag-enabled players for that specific gamemode to the require amount of antags. If there are less players than the required amount, then do not start the game. Compare the amount of antag-enabled players for that specific gamemode to the percentage requirement for amount of antags. If there are less players than the required amount, then do not start the game. Randomly distribute antag status to random players who have antag status enabled, limit it based on the amount of players playing. The amount of antags is percentage based, inside the code everything will be adjusted appropriately. A lot of debate will be needed on how many antags there should be per other player.
  19. Current antag limitation/requirement code is a fucking mess and it needs to be fixed. Worst case scenario there can be 30 crewmembers and 1 changeling. This happens almost all the time since changeling is so unpopular to play. Worst case scenario there are 9 crewmembers and 4 raiders. Absolute worse case scenario there are 17 crewmembers, 4 mercs, 4 raiders. I propose percentage based limits and requirements. Basically what this means is that the amount of antags who spawn is based on the amount of players who are currently playing. For example, if I set the antag minimum percentage to 10%, and there are 30 players playing, then the round will only start if the game can find 3 antags. If I set the antag maximum percentage to 20%, and there are 10 players playing, no more than 2 antags will spawn. If I set the antag maximum percentage to 10%, and there are 10 players playing, and the gamemode requires 2 antags, then the gamemode will not start. I don't know how this will affect secret selecting, but if you're brave enough you can basically drop down all the player requirements for high player requirement games since this new system will limit the amount of antags that spawn in a round. You can have a crossfire round with 2 raiders and 2 mercs if you wanted to.
  20. Not sure I really approved of how this is being handled but I don't think there really isn't anything more than can be done, I guess.
  21. What it currently looks like now; notice how it uses the same setup as the isolation cells in the north. I haven't tested it yet, but the air alarms inside there don't behave like normal air alarms. They only exist to provide the laptop with information.
  22. Why? I can only presume you're using the APC to toggle atmospherics power of the room. But that's not a good solution either. Go look in the science gas mixing/cold chamber. It uses air injectors and controllable extractors. Without the need for extra APC or anything of the like. Or, again, use a large, stationary scrubber that's sitting in the corner of a cell. Controlled via a single computer which I'm sure you can find a way to accommodate. Anomaly Isolation uses the exact same system as the one I'm implementing, which also uses a singular laptop computer to control it. The one in toxins requires way too much space. The APCS in xenobiology will hold only basic cells instead of heavy duty (10000 to 1000), and can be accessed by scientists. I tried recreating the one in science before and I ran into so many problems. It's not worth the time to implement.
  23. I found a way to add ventilation controls in a non-cluttered manner but it involves giving each cell its own APC.
  24. It's a space concern. A crematorium will not fit in it's current design and I do not feel like making space to put one in.
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