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Everything posted by BurgerBB

  1. No one will resent the chef. If anything, people will resent me as already proven with the unnecessary shitposting in this thread.
  2. I'm fine with giving ants a k'ois bar but generally anything else is dumb. In the like 100 rounds I play chef people don't go to the kitchen to RP. Interaction is usually "Hey is this free to take?" "Yes." "Thanks." Chef interaction doesn't exist. If people want service interaction they go to the bar.
  3. Bad game design is creating a role and then introducing mechanics to make that role redundant. Bad feedback is saying no to feedback without suggesting alternatives or improving upon the design while also being passive aggressive and bringing up my alleged attitude in other threads especially when they have nothing to do with the subject at hand. 1. The lunchbox only exists to metagame. It's not an RP tool like most other flavor items. I think the lunchbox is the only item that does this. 2. This isn't feedback. Regardless, as an addum, events can have a percent chance to trigger based on the current amount of people in a job. The junkfood recall event can only happen if a chef isn't present so there are no concerns of punishing players for not going to the chef. 3. The amount of vending machines fully stocked can be adjusted to be a reasonable level. It can be 10% unstocked, all the way to 90% unstocked. You are dismissing the very concept of this without even knowing the full numbers or what is even possible. Hell, the restock level can be based on whether or not there is a chef present. 4. This isn't feedback. 5. Your basing the merit of a suggestion solely because of worst case scenarios that won't happen. Doctors will not say "Yeah, go die I'm on my lunchbreak." unless they wish to get punished ICly and quite possibly OOCly.
  4. Chef is currently the second most underused role on the station, with the first one being Librarian. Despite being quite useful and involved in most rounds on other servers, the food the chef produces is never used because of several key things. 1. There are too many chef alternatives. Vendor food is super convenient. Lunchboxes are as well. 2. No one actually gives a shit about hunger. Even with the vendor bug present for a month, on average I would get at most 3 patrons per 2 hour shift. Currently hunger only has an effect on movement speed, and nothing else. It does not deal clone damage as people think, it does not cause organ failure or death. It's just a simple movement speed penalty of 0.1 seconds for low nutrition and 0.2 for malnutrition. 3. There is no incentive to go down to server. Most jobs that require constant work are quite far away from the kitchen. Security is usually on the run too much to sit down and eat. People in the sublevel can't be bothered to walk that distance. Miners in the bar only go to drink. Proposed Solutions: 1. Remove lunchboxes. People spawn with lunchboxes not because they're trying to watch what they eat, but because they metagame and wish to skip the vendor and kitchen entirely. 2. Make junk food undesirable. Perhaps use it as a last resort. Currently, the negative effects of eating junkfood are a joke and don't actually stop people from eating junkfood. Unathi are actually immune to the effects of junkfood penalties because of this. Perhaps more negative effects are needed. An idea I had was a news article that announces recalls for certain junkfood in vendors because they contain unwanted chems. Perhaps meat pies are being recalled because they have have trace amounts of acid in them. 3. Limit the amount of junkfood on the station. Not every vendor needs to be stocked with junkfood. Considering how most organizations tend to restock junkfood once a week, perhaps once a month, the vendors shouldn't be restocked to the brim. This addition would also give janitors more to do, as they would need to restock machines more often. 4. Make chef food more desirable. Perhaps give buffs to eating chef food. Maybe put in some healing chems when making hard to make food like other servers. 5. Make hunger more threatening. It won't kill you, but it will cause more effects. Maybe more of a move speed penalty, and a very low pain tolerance. One hit with the baton should knock you down instantly when malnourished. Perhaps this will be good for revrounds for control. 6. Add an optional, 15 minute lunchbreak where people are invited to the bar. If there is a chef at roundstart, the round will always start at 11:00am. At 12:00am, an announcement from central command will inform everyone that they may take their 15 minute lunch break. You can also make the lunchbreak more desirable by making it so that at 12:00am, people will be hungry. This can be done by making it so that people have a certain amount of nutrition level when they spawn so that by 12:00pm, they will be hungry.
  5. It's not 3 seconds. It's based on how much matter is in the final product. If you make light food constantly then you're going to burn things if you leave it in there too long.
  6. I need you to explain to me why you chose this values, and if you're aware of what weapons will be affected by this change. Are you aware of how armor calculation works? Are you aware of how armor coverage works? Have you tested any of these changes with the anti-material rifle or the revolver? I can tell you right now that extensively testing and reviewing armorcode with my PR, revolvers will still gib feet with this value, especially ERT feet. You're also effectively claiming that: An arm has 75% of the mass of a torso. A leg has the same mass as an arm. A foot has 2/3rds the mass of a leg. One of the reasons why I closed my own PR that touched on limb values is that the thing that's broken isn't a few quick variable changes, but how armor+gibbing calculation works. That code needs to change, not the health of limbs.
  7. Food can never be too hard to make or take too much to make something, since the more food you put into a recipe, the more meat you get out of it. I mean the burrito was specifically balanced in a way where you actually get a huge protein surplus (6 protein) if you make it, that's an extra 2 protein per meatball. Spaghetti and meatballs requires 2 meatballs and you get a bonus of 4 protein, so if you change this burritos will be pretty fucking generous when it comes to giving extra protein. There is also the issue of pure capsaicin in my burrito hell recipe. For some reason you decided to half the chilis required to make this recipe, which is actually a REAL balance concern and no longer a meme since the chef can now obtain pepper spray without phoron twice as easily now.
  8. I don't understand why you think I'm mad over this. I'm having fun with this concept. Hell, I'm kind of glad that someone is actually doing work instead of making a suggestion despite how silly it is.
  9. Ckey/BYOND Username: BurgerBB Position Being Applied For Burrito Lore Developer Past Experiences/Knowledge: - Official Clan Leader of the Burrito Fan Club: https://www.roblox.com/groups/group.aspx?gid=3390143 - Experience with comparing and contrasting the differences between bean burritos and meat burritos. - Why is your mom like a burrito? - Because she's full of fat and only worth a buck. - Expertise in the field of identifying corn tortillas and wheat tortillas. - Well versed in all the burrito-based puns, which also includes backhanded racism, which surprisingly only offends east-asian players. Examples of Past Work: - I made and ported burritos by stealing the goonstation sprites and then just making the meat more defined. - I edited the burrito recipe 3 times because of issues with reagent code. -
  10. The outline is very very clear in the OP in the thread, but I will repeat the points since it's easier for people to access. 1. Stationbounds now can choose a model with hands instead of having to deal with the incredibly buggy and poorly implemented grippers. There are a lot of things that cyborgs can't do because of mechanical limitations and other bullshit, such as: - Unbuckling mobs. - Carrying certain items. - Unwrapping crates. - Getting the CMO coffee from the coffee vendor. 2. All of the modules are VERY limited. For example, there is no lethal form of defense for security borgs, except for the crowbar. The science borg is actually the most lethal cyborg for emergency situations, save for the combat module which is usually overkill. 3. Flexibility. Most of the time there isn't a roboticist to change your module. With a universal module, you can just change your uniform and change your tools. Good for lowpop rounds.
  11. I'm not mad, I'm having fun with a pseudo meme PR but I guess we can tell emotions on the internet. The burrito recipe is fine and changing it just seems arbitrary. I'm not going to put in the effort to adjust something I do not agree with changing. At most I will make a PR that entertains myself and scolds anyone lazy enough to make a weak burrito. It's a win win situation because it contains an implementation that you like and an implementation that I like.
  12. yeah no it's not going to be changed by me. if you want to make a pathetic burrito, make a new sprite for it and code it yourself. (wait I actually coded it: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/5173 )
  13. 3 meatballs is more than 2 meatballs. In real life 2 meatballs is about as much meat a burrito can handle if you only have meat in the burrito and nothing else, and that's if you're REALLY stuffing this burrito to maximum capacity. In-game it is resource and time intensive to make a single burrito because you can only cook 2 meatballs at a once in the microwaves, meaning you need to go through 2 microwave cook cycles for the meatballs by themselves. We do not need to code in an entirely new bean plant in order to make economical burritos. Burritos should already be economical. The ingredients for a meatball spaghetti plate can be made en-masse and is not as time or resource intensive. Spaghetti noodles can be made very quickly. Spaghetti is a very easy food to make. A regular burrito is also a tier 1 food, which can be made into higher level burritos such as spicy burritos, but these tiers are a waste of effort due to the resources and time necessary. It should only take 1 microwave cycle to get the meatballs necessary. Good that the glitch was fixed, hope to see it live. However, the burritos are still a problem. You can cook more than 2 meatballs at a time. You can cook up to 10 in each microwave because of how the buik recipe feature works. 3 is also a nice number because that's how much meatballs a single piece of raw meat provides. Regardless I don't see how a burrito containing 3 meatballs is an issue.
  14. They're entirely able to wear human uniforms. They can wear and use anything normal IPCs can do so it would be easy to just get them to move to a department and take the uniforms from there. Module resets won't be necessary either because it just means returning the uniform and tools and just getting a new one.
  15. Burritos cannot be placed nicely because of a bug that's fixed already. Check the github for the fix. Burritos require 3 meatballs because of how much meat is in a burrito and the standard set by spaghetti and meatballs (2 meatballs). If you want to make an economical burrito, code a bean plant and make a proper bean burrito.
  16. Not baseline, but these things: The only way to obtain this model is if you build a cyborg with unbranded parts and put the head in IPC mode. I figured since these look more like cyborgs than actual IPCs, why not make this an option for cyborgs? A lot of jobs like chemistry, construction, and cooking would benefit from the ability to use two humantype hands.
  17. Also the WIP rulebook here, needs feedback: https://docs.google.com/document/d/130EgP98c66vPuWIvfAaWRQSI7GFyYY9wCZ9CI9Wbr3s/edit?usp=sharing
  18. It is done. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/5141 People need to review it.
  19. Chloral Hydrate is a gank tool. Generally anything that can insta-kill/inta-incapacitate you is a gank tool. There is only 1 situation where it won't get you in trouble and it's kidnapping, however antags don't use chloral because a chem dispenser is required and most antags are sec mains.
  20. It's basically an antag chem where it works before someone can scream. It's meant to be chloroform but chloroform is something entirely different. Given how it works at a dosage of 2, it was meant to be used with the bar rag when applied to the face, because that transfers 5u to someone's stomach. If this server was actually balanced I would support removing it, but it's one of those additions where it's super OP and you'd have to be a very specific situation to use it. If you want to talk about OP, talk about cyanide.
  21. There wasn't a lot of foresight involved in this PR as it makes it just a pain in the ass for everyone on the station. I can understand the AI addition for carp and spiders, but cavern dwellers is a bit of a meme considering that they're generally passive creatures and have no interest in breaking glass. It's a pain in the ass for engineers and security, and generally makes maintenance super unsafe considering near every cavern spawn, there is a glass window for them to break.
  22. I'm well aware of the conversation with Juani that spawned because of a single complaint. The conversation wasn't ignored, as I'm 90% sure that warning I've talked in all caps as a borg or any other character for that matter since FLAWED usually never pursues medical roles. Are you referring to me typing in all caps "in the past" before or after the warn because I absolutely do not recall any instances where I broke that breach except for one instance where it occurred on the same round I was warned on. Also I recall that there was an extra deal that was mentioned in the original Juani bwoinking me for typing in all caps. If that's on record, I would very much like to see it for future reference.
  23. BYOND Key: BurgerBB Staff BYOND Key: queenofyugoslavia Game ID: bVU-c4Vp Reason for complaint: Warned for talking in all caps as a rescue medical borg during an emergency situation. The warning I feel is incredibly unnecessary given that as a medical borg I need to speak in all caps given the fact that I'm relaying incredibly important information. During that round, as borg, I rescued several people in life-threatening situations/conditions while relaying important information and instructions while the wizard's minions were murderboning crew. While typing in lowercase, I was generally ignored because the chat moves so fast with clutter. I had to result to turning on caps lock to relay information. If you're willing to check the logs, there were several instances where I had to tell crewmembers to move out of the way repeatedly.
  24. How would you have run it, out of curiosity? We value all feedback and it's needless to say that we're always open to ideas for events. More "Dungeon Mastering" needed to be done. You say that railroading leads to stale events, but it actually just leads to manageable events. There should've been a more deeper end goal for the borers explained to them other than just to reproduce and follow antag guidelines. You should've noticed that there were quite a few people in containment for 1-2 hours and should've created a situation that would get them out or at least encourage the captain to get them out. As I think coalf mentioned, as soon as you got central command involved, it was next to impossible for the Captain controlled borer to actually do anything of interest. The Captain tried getting people out I believe but the scientists/borgs/whatever were like "No, central's orders. They stay in here." The borers during the round did not have any direction. No one really had a goal in mind other than to just reproduce. The borer who controlled the cat beast roboticist had an idea but that was it. It didn't really go anywhere.
  25. I'm swoocing in from the sidelines to say that fires aren't a problem and in my time playing engineer I've never had to deal with a single one, and thus they've never been a problem. The big problem is this absolutely ridiculous new slime meta where you can unleash a hoard of slimes onto the station / a department and since fire extinguishers have been gutted they basically just have to locker/disposals them and hope for the best. I've seen the tactic used at least four times and likely more since the fire extinguishers were given this useless update. Players need to adapt to the meta now. If you have a slime outbreak go straight to chemistry or cargo and get yourself some spray bottles filled with space cleaner.
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